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    Friday, December 4, 2020

    Ashtanga yoga: Current Events, Videos & Talks on Ashtanga (Posts on the main forum will be deleted)

    Ashtanga yoga: Current Events, Videos & Talks on Ashtanga (Posts on the main forum will be deleted)

    Current Events, Videos & Talks on Ashtanga (Posts on the main forum will be deleted)

    Posted: 17 Nov 2020 11:05 AM PST

    A place to share upcoming current events, videos and talks. Posts on the main forum will be deleted.

    submitted by /u/All_Is_Coming
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    Easing up on pushing into the pose

    Posted: 18 Nov 2020 01:29 AM PST

    Hi everyone!

    I am very very very new to ashtanga and today I had my first 1/2 led primary series with my teacher on zoom.

    What I noticed is how incredibly slow the breaths are compared to when I do the practice myself; today I felt as if I couldn't keep up with the long inhales and exhales. It got me thinking maybe I am pushing too hard on the forward folds to the point where my breath is much quicker and I loose quality; if so, is it better to back off on folding as much but rather keeping a longer inhale and exhale?

    Also I felt today towards the end not being able to keep up with the breath and panting as I usually only do until marichyasana a.

    Thank you so much!


    submitted by /u/daninunu97
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