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    Saturday, December 5, 2020

    Yoga: My first time practicing yoga ☺️ My first class was 03/12/2020 ... this was today ^^

    Yoga: My first time practicing yoga ☺️ My first class was 03/12/2020 ... this was today ^^

    My first time practicing yoga ☺️ My first class was 03/12/2020 ... this was today ^^

    Posted: 05 Dec 2020 09:46 AM PST

    [COMP] Sirsasana Pada Padmasana (lotus legs).

    Posted: 05 Dec 2020 08:31 AM PST

    Loving the perspective

    Posted: 05 Dec 2020 01:53 PM PST

    [COMP] I tried this for the first time today. I hope I will be able to do it properly soon.

    Posted: 05 Dec 2020 06:57 AM PST

    Yoga blocks DIY

    Posted: 05 Dec 2020 06:47 PM PST

    I am not the Yogi - my wife and daughters are. They wanted some Yoga blocks, so I made these. It's a crazy easy woodworking project though it did require a lot of clamps since I wanted to make them with no mechanical fasteners. they are roughly 4" X 6" X 9". I see them available in cork and foam, but I thought someone might also be interested in making their own. I just used a laminated pine board from the big box store and cut it up, glued it and clamped it together, the used a router or router table to round over the corners, then sanded them. The finish is linseed oil and wax. they feel really nice in the hand.

    all glued up and starting on the sanding


    submitted by /u/JimNH
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    Have you seen a change in your body doing only flow/slow yoga?

    Posted: 05 Dec 2020 12:33 PM PST

    Think yoga with Adrienne.

    I started doing yoga regularly about a month ago and I really like getting the whole experience. The breathing, relaxation, meditative aspects, flexibility, and I'm hoping to also see my body tone up. My plan is to stick with the slower forms of yoga for at least a few months maybe indefinitely because this is what I'm enjoying but I also want to tone up and get more flexibility.

    I walk 5 miles a few times a week (used to be everyday but winter and I honestly dont want to wear a mask on the treadmill/elliptical everytime I go to the gym so I just don't) I'm wondering if walking 3x times a week and doing slow/flow type of yoga at least 4x a week will be enough to meet my goals. I'm 5'4, 158 pounds and ultimately want to lose 25-30 pounds and tone up and gain strength. I don't care how long it takes and I'm not on a diet persay but I'm mostly mindful of what I eat as it is. I hate any type of strength training the gym/weights offer and would really rather stick to my walking and yoga for exercise as it's what I enjoy and it's easy because I like doing both of them. What do you guys think...is this possible long term?

    Also if I did want to take a step up in the yoga world (very new so I like sticking to the slower stuff until I can perfect it) what types of YouTube videos would you suggest after I burn through yoga with Adrienne and feel like doing something more challenging but not quite power yoga?

    submitted by /u/hsvakr
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    Crow pose tips

    Posted: 05 Dec 2020 07:36 PM PST

    Hi All, I encountered the crow pose for the first time in Yoga with Adrienne's 30 days of yoga videos. I wasn't sure how to attempt the pose(do I shift most of my weight on my hands? Or is it all an based). I was wondering if you all had any tips? Thanks!

    submitted by /u/openingMinute09
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    Yoga with blocks and strap for proper posture

    Posted: 05 Dec 2020 10:45 AM PST

    I have been doing yoga for about 6 months now and do feel a slight change in my flexibility. However, i am not sure if i have the right posture during my poses. I recently got a new yoga mat with blocks and a strap. Anyone here knows which yogis videos are dedicated towards correct posture? And if there are yogis who use blocks and strap for the same. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/eshaja
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    Babba, Gaia, Prana

    Posted: 05 Dec 2020 04:33 PM PST

    Any yoga videos that are easy on the knees??

    Posted: 05 Dec 2020 10:55 AM PST

    Hi all,

    I want to get back into yoga but I'.m having knee pain, particularly when I bend it (like squatting) and many yoga flows involve that. Anyone have any videos or sequences that would be safer for me?

    submitted by /u/lilprincessofmars
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    Increasing flexibility

    Posted: 05 Dec 2020 10:20 AM PST


    I've been doing yoga on and off for 12 years. I am pretty flexible but I would like to be able to do the more difficult (ugh I know I want it for ego reason) like scorpion.

    I realistically am not going to spend more than 3 hours a week doing yoga I am not progressing fast enough. And tbh I know that I do not practice enough but recently I have gotten fb ads about that exact issue that got me thinking - are there any resources from gymnastics that increase flexibility and strength that can supplement a yoga practice?

    All advice appreciated

    submitted by /u/GoodBoyoN
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    can I make my boobs perkier

    Posted: 05 Dec 2020 09:45 AM PST

    hi yall im 20 year old and I have sag boobs. i wanna work out but im scared it will make my boobs more saggy. i just dont wanna do something wrong

    submitted by /u/redvelvetwaffles09
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    Manduka Pro or Prolite

    Posted: 05 Dec 2020 05:23 AM PST

    I wish to buy a new yogamat for my girlfriend, and as far as I've read, Manduka is the Lottusse of Yogamats. It takes a lot of time to break in, but once you have broken it in, it will last a lifetime.

    I am able to buy the Pro and the Prolite for the same price, but I am not sure which one to get. She currently has this mat: 300895_0.jpg (900×600) (x-life.no) , which she dislikes because it's too thin (3mm) and it hurts her kneews. I don't know much about yoga, and what I've managed to find out about the Mandukas it this:

    Pro (6 mm)

    + Thicker

    - Heavier

    Lite (4.7mm)

    + Lighter

    - Thinner

    I would appreciate if someone could tell me which one I should get and why

    submitted by /u/Werchio
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    My manduka superlite melted

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 10:40 PM PST

    I exposed my mat to direct sunlight for a few days and it "melted", becoming very sticky. Tried wiping it with diluted vinegar but the stickiness is still there. Any tips or advice from anyone who's experienced this... thank you.

    submitted by /u/fishbally87
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    Ever tried doing yoga stretches in the hot shower?

    Posted: 05 Dec 2020 02:09 AM PST

    If not, you're welcome

    10/10 fully recommend

    submitted by /u/Jaybird2696
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    Advice for cold floors

    Posted: 05 Dec 2020 12:21 AM PST

    Does anyone have advice for what kind of rug to put under my yoga mat? The floors in my new house are Stone and are freezing. I tried a cotton rug, but it just made me slip. Any advice for the best under yoga mat rugs? I cannot find any information anywhere about this. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/Lisssylu
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    New new neww!!

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 09:24 PM PST

    I'm looking to get into yoga for the first time in my life. To help flexibility, back/hip pain, mental health and over all well being. I do not work out. My main source of activity is work. I do have back issues (degenerative disc disease, demineralization of my spine as well as scoliosis) as well as tendonitis/carpel tunnel in my wrist. I don't necessarily have time nor funds to start going to a studio, but would love some help getting my journey started. Any tips or advice would be greatly appreciated!!

    submitted by /u/savage575
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