Yoga: Combining yoga and skatboarding, moments before disaster. |
- Combining yoga and skatboarding, moments before disaster.
- My son practicing his first pose.
- 30 year old, thinking about why I wish I'd got into the habit of daily yoga practice years ago!
- You find the path when you need it.
- Is yoga a spiritual experience for anyone else?
- So I started to do crow pose a week ago. Any tips if im doing it right with posture? I've tried yoga once or twice a few years back but just by watching videos. Got interested again when i saw my cousins doing yoga, they looked brighter than ever inside n out. Hope I can fall in love with it too!
- Working through episodes of crying
- Yoga teacher seeking to rebuild confidence.
- Knee pain from cycling , how can I modify my practice?
- Reverse Triangle - Hand Position - What is the benefit of hand on the outside vs inside?
- My spine protrudes when I do curled back poses and it’s painful and/or makes me rock side to side. Any tips?
- Fingers too flexible for crow pose?
- [COMP] Another week of practice in the books.
- What is the best pranayama for relaxing the system after a long run?
- [COMP] Little Flow into my version of flying crow. Still learning the pose so any advice would be appreciated
- Hip Discomfort
- Headset recommendations for a Yoga teacher?
- Liforme and skin coming off?
- Deep voice yoga singer
- Any yoga teachers on Clubhouse?
- Any suggestion of how to get my Leg High for Standing Split?
Combining yoga and skatboarding, moments before disaster. Posted: 26 Feb 2021 08:23 AM PST |
My son practicing his first pose. Posted: 26 Feb 2021 09:33 PM PST |
30 year old, thinking about why I wish I'd got into the habit of daily yoga practice years ago! Posted: 26 Feb 2021 07:18 AM PST I turn 30 in a couple of weeks, so have been reflecting on the things which have really improved my life in the last couple of years. Yoga being a significant one. I'm sure everyone here has previous experience of running around life in the fast lane (I did this for many years), before realising the value of slowing down. Hopefully that realisation has hit more people over the last year. I'm still relatively new to yoga, but here's what yoga brings me: - Release. Of breath, of stress, of tension, of 1000mph thoughts. 🧠- Confidence. I believe can all do so much more than we realise. Giving myself the time to practice, learn and develop without judgement has been amazing for gradually developing abilities. 💪 - Calm. I've learnt to adopt yoga practices at any time when it's most needed. By standing still for a moment or laying concentration onto one point on the wall for deep focus or jumping into a few mins of poses. 😌 - Satisfaction out of discomfort. I'm sure there must be a word for this in yoga, but being able to really lean into poses and feel something positive from slight discomfort. 🤸 - Observation. I'm more in tune with both myself and the environment around me. It's strange how much you miss when you're not in that state. It's helped me to think differently about nutrition, movement, sleep....all the things my body values. 🧘 It was initially tricky to get into the habit of incorporating mindfulness practices and yoga exercises day to day, but I'm getting there. In order to build in the behaviours regularly, I tried a few different habit apps initially, but the most useful thing so far has been Holly Health which runs on WhatsApp instead of a mobile app. I use it just for friendly daily nudges instead of harsh reminders or alarms like most habit apps. Eventually hopefully I won't need any prompts as it will all be automatic. And yoga with Adriene was a great any time introduction before I attended live classes. I'd love to hear what yoga has brought to your life. And what I still have to look forward to from more experienced yoga practicers :D [link] [comments] |
You find the path when you need it. Posted: 26 Feb 2021 01:37 PM PST In my 20s I had a friend who was a certified trainer, and I was just not into it. I think I tried one of her intermediate classes (she told me to come for free), and it really sucked. I didn't have the flexibility, the strength, and the pace was just too much. I had no clue. Fast forward ~15 years.... It was a few months ago I was looking for a stretching sequence because my muscles were sore from weight training. I had an online personal trainer. I tried YWA's Deep Stretch video, and I felt like crying at the end (hip openers much?). Going into Nov- Dec, I just lost ALL motivation - bye-bye trainer. I have been working from home since March 2020, and my job became high stress from July onward. January I was a ball of nerves, and something just broke in me. At the end of the month, I tried another YWA video, and the next day I started a 30 day challenge (2015 version). I'm now 31 days into my yoga path at age 42. Day 3-5 I didn't want to get to the mat, but I did. About day 6 something clicked. Day 12 I started adding more videos on top of the day's challenge - to see if I liked other youtube yogi teachers. I came for the exercise, and stay for the calm. I love the feeling of strength I get from my practice, but I also cherish the moments when everything is gone from my mind except my breath. One day I hope to attend a class in person, but until then I'm going to have to learn on my own. I'm so grateful for all the free videos out there, as well as this community. I've learned quite a bit from the posts and comments here, so thank you! [link] [comments] |
Is yoga a spiritual experience for anyone else? Posted: 26 Feb 2021 09:48 AM PST I've been practicing yoga on and off for about 3 years and recently got back into it after a pretty long "off" period. I also recently left the church I grew up in and was a member of my entire 28 years of life. As such, I've been redefining what religion is to me and trying to explore my spirituality outside the confines of that church (which was quite restrictive). In this journey I've realized yoga is much more than exercise for me. It's a way to connect to myself, to a higher power, to the earth, to my spirit. The way I feel practicing yoga is how I always thought I should feel in a religion but never did. Maybe this isn't a huge revelation but it is for me. My previous church taught that spiritual experiences can only happen in the church. As I'm redefining spirituality for myself, I'm curious, are there are any others who feel the same? And if so, what has your experience with it been? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 26 Feb 2021 09:57 AM PST |
Working through episodes of crying Posted: 26 Feb 2021 02:01 PM PST I've been doing yoga every day for about a year. It's been almost the only bright spot in a horrible year and done a lot for my emotional stability through some trauma. Lately, I'm crying every time I get on the mat. Sometimes within minutes. And I've looked it up and I know it's not abnormal. My issue is that I have the overwhelming desire to stop my practice. Roll up my mat and walk away because it's so overpowering. Once it starts, I can't keep that "yoga mind" anymore. I lose focus and balance. Just wondering if anyone has some techniques that have worked for them to get back into the practice during these emotional releases. Thanks in advance. [link] [comments] |
Yoga teacher seeking to rebuild confidence. Posted: 26 Feb 2021 01:43 PM PST Hi all! How would you rebuild confidence after a break in teaching? Back story: I got certified in 200 RYT in 2018. My first few teaching gigs were pretty traumatic. I taught in a major metropolitan area and the expectations were super high. The classes were always huge with high turnover and it was hard to get to know people on a personal level. If they weren't huge, they were very small. Long story short, I got let go from 3 yoga teaching jobs without any specific feedback from any of them. I taught at 6 different studios and the other 3 seemed to really like me. I think the major gap is finding MY teaching style and not getting distracted when my ego tells me that my teaching style is inferior. I might actually be a shitty teacher, but the feedback has been mostly neutral, a lot of good, and enough bad (without being specific) to shake my confidence. How can I rebuild? [link] [comments] |
Knee pain from cycling , how can I modify my practice? Posted: 26 Feb 2021 01:40 PM PST Hi all, I hurt my knee on a spin bike a few years ago, and it's caused me to avoid doing yoga... but I realize now I can't baby if forever. It's not a stabbing pain in my knee, but I find myself avoiding using it due to any dull pain it brings. Any asanas, sequences, or muscle engagement tips that could help? [link] [comments] |
Reverse Triangle - Hand Position - What is the benefit of hand on the outside vs inside? Posted: 26 Feb 2021 09:02 AM PST Reverse Triangle is my favorite pose... I have always been taught the correct hand position is on the outside of the forward foot. However after years of the pose, holding my hand there is difficult and I don't feel much benefit so i place it on the inside which gives me better balance and allows a deeper twist with my other hand. What is the increased benefit of placing the hand on the outside? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 26 Feb 2021 04:22 AM PST I've recently taken up yoga again after not doing it for a few years. I remember having this issues when I practiced yoga before as well. I'm fairly slender and small framed. I just don't have a lot of cushioning, and doing poses like happy baby or teardrop are almost impossible for me because my spine protrudes and I'm essentially trying to balance on my stuck out vertebrae. It's super painful! If I can do the pose at all, I have to rock to one side to balance on my back ribs instead, which is super unbalanced. I also have a ton of trouble rolling back smoothly from seated to my back because my tailbone protrudes quite prominently as well. I can't do a smooth transition at all because of the big bump. Am I doing these wrong, and is there something I can do to stop my bones from protruding so much during these poses? [link] [comments] |
Fingers too flexible for crow pose? Posted: 26 Feb 2021 01:28 PM PST Hi all, I've been doing youtube yoga since the beginning of the pandemic (started with Adrienne, and have since moved up to Yoga with Kassandra & Five Parks.) I've come quite a long way, but the one thing I never seem to understand is when instructors say to "push up through your fingers and knuckles" for poses like tabletop, crow, etc. For most basic poses, having most of the weight in my palms hasn't been a big deal. But I'm now working on crow pose and I can't seem to get the "finger strength" that the instructors seem to have. My hands are very flexible - my fingers can bend backwards beyond 90° quite easily - so I'm wondering if that has something to do with it? I'm finding that when I get into crow pose, I tend to roll forward since I don't have the support of my fingers that others seem to have. Any tips to combat this? [link] [comments] |
[COMP] Another week of practice in the books. Posted: 26 Feb 2021 08:31 AM PST |
What is the best pranayama for relaxing the system after a long run? Posted: 26 Feb 2021 11:44 AM PST |
Posted: 26 Feb 2021 10:14 AM PST |
Posted: 26 Feb 2021 10:12 AM PST Looking for some help pinpointing what my hip issue is. I didn't realize until I started doing yoga 2 years ago that I seem to have above-average flexibility in my hips. I've wondered at times if it might even be full-blown hypermobility in my hips. Most of the time when a hip opener pose is used in class, I can go a lot deeper into the pose than most people can, and need to do so to feel any stretch at all. This also lead me to notice that I gravitate toward hip-open postures while working, sitting, and sleeping- especially with a tendency to open my left hip while keeping the right one in alignment. I've been trying to correct that when I notice it throughout the day. Anyway, there are a few yoga poses that somewhat frequently cause me hip pain- burning or pinching sensations, mostly. And these same poses don't seem to bother other folks, even those with less hip mobility than me. So it makes me wonder if I've got some component that is over-stretched AND a component that is very tight. Poses that cause me discomfort include reclined and sleeping pigeon, a variation of cobbler's pose where you keep the feet further out in front instead of tucked in close and then do a forward fold, and even sukhasana. When in sukhasana for an extended period, it feels as if I can't get into the right position and there is a muscle or tendon being kept very tense in order to hold myself up, which starts to feel crampy pretty quickly. I've occasionally also had the pinching/burning sensation when doing wide-leg forward fold, which is usually resolved by coming out and re-entering the posture. Any insight into what it is that is maybe too tight? Or is this all indicative of hypermobility and I need to back way off on hip openers, even those that feel OK? Any suggestions would be appreciated! [link] [comments] |
Headset recommendations for a Yoga teacher? Posted: 26 Feb 2021 04:13 AM PST Hey guys :) My sister is giving online Yoga-lessons and her birthday is coming up. She doesn't have a microphone though which is why I thought of buying her a headset with a good mic that does not bother her too much while teaching the exercises. Any teachers out there that have experience with this? Any good and recommendable products? Thanks a lot! [link] [comments] |
Posted: 26 Feb 2021 08:16 AM PST So I have a liforme and I always did yoga in house, yesterday I went to an actual studio and did hot yoga for the first time and the skin on my feet was coming off in crazy amounts. At first I thought I somehow stepped in sand but the. Realized it was coming from my feet. Has anyone else had this problem And did it stop? I feel like with the price of this mat and the grippyness I shouldn't put a towel over it.... it was almost completely covered in skin towards the end. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 26 Feb 2021 06:33 AM PST So in almost every yoga class I've ever taken, if there's music, there's always a song sung by a guy with a really deep voice singing in what i'd assume is Sanskrit. I've looked everywhere to figure out who this is but I have had 0 luck. Are there are yoga teachers/students who either a) know who I'm talking about or b) actually know his name? I really like his music so I want to figure out where I can listen to it. [link] [comments] |
Any yoga teachers on Clubhouse? Posted: 26 Feb 2021 12:07 AM PST Hey! Are you a yoga teacher who's doing audio classes via Clubhouse? Or have you found any good Clubs focussed on yoga and wellness? Please let me know, I'm sure you're out there but I can't find you! [link] [comments] |
Any suggestion of how to get my Leg High for Standing Split? Posted: 25 Feb 2021 08:49 PM PST I would appreciate any feedback on how to get my raised leg in line with my standing leg. Currently when I try the standing split my raised leg only goes a little higher than parallel to the mat. Which exercises would help me flexibility and strength? [link] [comments] |
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