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    Monday, March 29, 2021

    Yoga: [COMP] a simple forward fold helps in keeping flexible and active at any age (72)

    Yoga: [COMP] a simple forward fold helps in keeping flexible and active at any age (72)

    [COMP] a simple forward fold helps in keeping flexible and active at any age (72)

    Posted: 29 Mar 2021 08:05 AM PDT

    Happy Monday everyone!

    Posted: 29 Mar 2021 01:00 AM PDT

    Is anyone else bothered by the “Spiritual Gangster” merchandise?

    Posted: 29 Mar 2021 09:49 AM PDT

    You may or may not have seen it, but I have seen it sold at pretty much every studio in my city excluding maybe one or two. What the hell does "spiritual gangster" mean? 😂 Tbh, has racist tones to me.

    After googling, I found out it's created by a white woman from Phoenix who used to play hip hop music during classes and a customer came up to her after class one day and told her she was like a "spiritual gangster..."

    I feel like yoga, especially in the US, has been whitewashed to alarming degrees that often harms or ostracizes POC. I've been to several yoga classes where they play hip hop and I do enjoy it from time to time. But do we really need to be selling and wearing tshirts with phrases like "spiritual gangster," "tribe" or "namaSLAY"? As decolonizingyoga.com put it, these are the kind of phrases that are "co-opted by white people from POC to sell life style products." Remember, yoga originates as a Hindu spiritual practice....

    My POC friends have often rejected my offers to come with me to local yoga studios here bc they feel it's a very white practice (all the studios here are owned by white people too), and it doesn't help in trying to convince them when they have shirts like that being displayed for sale in the lobby....

    Would love to hear thoughts from others about this line and similar.

    submitted by /u/WittyLog
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    [COMP] A simple crescent lunge is one asana that gets me into the flow.

    Posted: 29 Mar 2021 01:34 PM PDT

    [COMP] this is how i enter kapotasana :)

    Posted: 29 Mar 2021 08:08 PM PDT

    How I Ended 8 Years Of Back Pain In 15 Minutes

    Posted: 29 Mar 2021 09:20 AM PDT

    Ever since high school I'd struggled with back pain that stopped me from playing sports and from doing simple things like bowling, sit-ups, or anything else that requires fast movements.

    My doctor couldn't figure out what the problem was, she sent me to a chiropractor, sent me to get an MRI, sent me to get massages, and even gave me pain killers. There was no injury that caused the pain so it was a complete mystery as to why my back was hurting in such an excruciating way.

    About a month ago, I tried yoga for the first time! Most of it was enjoyable, until I got to the back stretches... I had quickly realized that my upper back had absolutely no flexibility: It was locked up! I sat in the "seated cross legged pose", but instead of a full bend forward, I kept my back erect and I just leaned forward gently.

    That soft stretch alone, put me in enough pain to cause sweat to start flowing all over my body... but after stretching for 15 minutes, I felt the strongest physical and emotional release I've ever experienced.

    Today I can work on my feet all day and my back doesn't hurt at any time!

    I hope this post finds someone with back pain that can be relieved by trying yoga for the first time. It changed my life, career, and emotional state in just 15 minutes.

    Disclaimer: This is not medical advice and everyone should consult their doctor before attempting any treatment that has not been first recommended by a licensed healthcare professional.

    submitted by /u/IFreddyI
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    Any Animal Crossing yogis here? I did yoga under the full moon earlier and decided to create a little area for mini me to do the same. Look at all her poses!

    Posted: 29 Mar 2021 08:40 PM PDT

    Mini yoga sessions?

    Posted: 29 Mar 2021 01:37 PM PDT

    Does anyone just do quick bouts of yoga during the work day or when you need energy? I always hear people say they do yoga for an hour or longer straight and I often don't have the time to set aside a whole hour. I find 5 or 10 minutes in my day to quickly do some poses.

    My question is this effective? Can I still reap health benefits from doing this? Am I missing out on a lot by avoiding longer sessions?

    submitted by /u/Berliner1220
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    Lower back hurts after forward folding.

    Posted: 29 Mar 2021 08:21 PM PDT

    For example, if I do a stretch such as reaching for the toes, then lay down on my back, my lower back will hurt very badly. Interestingly, if I flex my abs the pain goes away. Attempting to do a back bend after a forward bend also hurts a lot, but doing a forward bend after a back bend is just fine. If you know how to deal with this problem please let me know.

    submitted by /u/Luke_Warm_Lettuce001
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    Yoga for trauma/somatic body awareness

    Posted: 29 Mar 2021 08:23 AM PDT

    Hey all. I was listening to a doctor named Bassel Van Der Kolk who is a very prominent specialist in the treatment of PTSD and other symptoms of trauma. I was listening to him specifically to help me treat the issue of emotional numbness caused by trauma. Trauma can cause emotions to be trapped in the body. In my case, I have a significant amount of emotions which are very stuck, and by focusing closely on my body I have slowly become aware of some "knots" (for lack of a better term) which are causing them to be trapped throughout the body- they are in the back of my throat, around my adam's apple, near the heart, above and below the navel- and I think the biggest and most significant one is between my stomach and heart, near the esophaugus or diaphragm. Dr. Van Der Kolk says that yoga can help you gain awareness of the tissues in your body where emotions are trapped but I haven't heard or found any more information about it. Id guess that this must require a certain focus and the regular simple style of yoga would not be enough. So I would like to know if anyone has any experience or knowledge with this and can recommend a style of yoga that would be most suitable for what I'm looking for, and if you could direct me to a good guide or reading about it it would be much appreciated.

    submitted by /u/El_Kingpin
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    yoga for flexibility

    Posted: 29 Mar 2021 05:44 PM PDT

    Hi! Is there some tips I can use to learn how to do my splits?

    Would like to do this everyday to increase flexibility!

    submitted by /u/unicornglowup2021
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    What are your opinions on Tai Chi and Qigong?

    Posted: 29 Mar 2021 05:43 PM PDT

    What are your opinions on Tai Chi and Qigong?

    submitted by /u/newmanstartover
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    Finally holding crow for longer than 2 seconds!

    Posted: 29 Mar 2021 07:25 AM PDT

    Should i be feeling my core in downward dog

    Posted: 29 Mar 2021 10:12 AM PDT

    Hey, so I've been doing yoga with YWA for like a week or so at home. I wanna make sure that my downward dog is correct.

    When i do it i feel a good stretch in my entire body especially my shoulders and i feel more.. open? (Is that a thing?) after i do it.. like i breathe easier i guess. I also feel it in my elbows, is that normal? And my legs shake a little (i had a surgery 5 or so years back which made my thigh muscles a bit weak and i didnt exercise them as i was supposed to so they're still kinda weak)

    But anyway, i don't really feel it in my core. Does that mean im not engaging my core correctly?

    Sorry if these are stupid questions, as i said i just started a few days back so im VERY new!

    submitted by /u/donutduckling
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    Yoga and religion

    Posted: 29 Mar 2021 02:54 AM PDT

    Hi everyone!

    I have started practising yoga a few months ago only as a workout/stress relief method, but recently I have decided to learn more about yoga philosophy and traditions beyond asanas through podcasts, articles, and books.

    The more I research the more I realise that yoga is deeply rooted in religion, and since I was brought up catholic I find it a bit hard to conciliate my roots with this aspect of yoga... I was curious to hear your thoughts on this (especially since I couldn't find much on google) and I was wondering if anyone else has felt the same way at some point during their yoga journey

    submitted by /u/Common_Butterscotch7
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    Between Alo or Lululemon. Which brand resonates more?

    Posted: 29 Mar 2021 06:37 PM PDT

    So I basically treated myself to shorts from both brand. I'm personally leaning towards the fit of Alo. Also the store I went to, they were really warm and inviting. As for Lululemon, I like the colors they offer, but my experience in the store I went to was a bit condescending. Anyways I'm trying to figure out throughout the next few days which brand I will continue shopping at. Since in the end of the day, the performance for my gear is what matters. It would just be nice to grow an affinity for a brand. Not a necessity.

    submitted by /u/TheInstrospectives
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    Is it common for people to layer a thick mat with a more grippy mat on top?

    Posted: 29 Mar 2021 10:35 AM PDT

    I have a thick mat I got when I moved to a place with a hardwood floor to go under my thinner grippy mat I've been using but I had carpet before so it wasn't hard. I don't even have super sensitive knees. I'm just wondering how many other people do this for comfort or is it just me? Because I got made fun of for it by a couple people and was really confused because it seems like a pretty logical thing?

    submitted by /u/Plantsandirony
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    Sweaty hands in downward dog make me lose grip, How can I fix?

    Posted: 29 Mar 2021 01:27 PM PDT

    I notice my hands get a bit sweaty and when I go into downward dog my hands start slowly moving forward because of it, I try to "claw into my mat" and it doesn't quite work.

    I'm not sure what I could do to help fix my sweaty palm problem to help avoid losing my grip so hopefully others here have some helpful advice that I can use! thank you in advance

    submitted by /u/Lavender_Foxx
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    Haven't done yoga seriously for years, feeling discouraged at starting back up

    Posted: 29 Mar 2021 07:10 AM PDT

    About 10-15 years ago, I belonged to a fitness center and yoga was part of a regular routine for me. I was in my early 40s and very thin and fit. Life got in the way, I quit that membership, did other fitness related things and only sporadically did yoga videos on YouTube, eventually stopping yoga altogether. I still do active things, but age and the pandemic have taken their toll. I am now in my late 50s wanting to ease back into yoga, because gardening and other activities are leaving me stiff at night. I know yoga can help.

    I found a 20 minute morning yoga session on YouTube that I am doing every morning to get started. It feels so beautiful to get back into those poses again, even though my balance is shaky and my flexibility has declined from those early years. I am most discouraged at my inability to do prayer twist correctly. In order to keep my knees aligned, my body will not allow my hands to reach the center of my sternum.

    Will this improve with time, or has age and 20 extra pounds limited me to being able to only doing the pose halfway from now on? I have been struggling to lose those 20 pounds for years, so I can't count on losing weight to be part of the equation here.

    I guess what I am looking for are success stories from people who have been away from yoga for a long time and were able to get back to it again successfully. Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/letsgetignant13
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    Upper body strength

    Posted: 29 Mar 2021 06:34 AM PDT

    I'm trying to get really strong in my upper body because I want to be able to do chaturanga and handstands. Does anyone know any routines or YouTube videos to do? I am a schedule type of person so making a schedule would help me a lot.

    submitted by /u/TraditionalSafety400
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    Hip mobility issue

    Posted: 29 Mar 2021 06:03 AM PDT

    Hello :) I started yoga two months ago and it feels sooo good. BUT... I noticed that for example when I do (or try) a forward fold that my knees spread out. I cant have them knee-to-knee together. Same with chair pose. My knees always go out and if I try to squeeze them together it is so uncomfortable:/ I think I have a problem with hip mobility since happy baby is also very challenging for me...what are great exercises to loosen up the hips? I tried pigeon pose etc and I have a feeling that I am still super tight. Even though when I did crossfit for 5 years and stretched etc I did not have the feeling that my hip mobility or even ankle mobility (can't squat with my feet flat on the ground...) improved. Any suggestions? Thank you so much :)

    submitted by /u/skylah04
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    Tall man looking for optimal resource to buy harem/yoga pants

    Posted: 29 Mar 2021 08:50 AM PDT

    Hi, i tried to buy regular one size fit but they are too small for me :/

    I bought them from harempants . com, now im looking into etsy and see if they can custom made it

    But if anyone has some suggestions i'd appreciate it very much


    submitted by /u/enivion
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