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    Ashtanga yoga: Tips for strengthening the wrists?

    Ashtanga yoga: Tips for strengthening the wrists?

    Tips for strengthening the wrists?

    Posted: 24 May 2021 08:51 AM PDT

    I know strong wrists are really important in Ashtanga.

    I've noticed asanas where the shoulders are quite beyond the wrists as they're bearing weight. The need for strength in my wrists is especially noticeable as I've begun jumping back and through with the use of blocks under my hands. I know consistent practice is the key to all improvement. I don't think my wrists are weak (I can hold kakasana and bhujapidasana, e.g.), but I know they're not strong enough for bakasana or lolasana.

    I'm wondering if you all have tips on strengthening the wrists so, for example, the transition from tittibhasana to kakasana are a bit easier?

    Please and thank you!

    submitted by /u/Few-Sun7031
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    I Tried Ashtanga with great results, but it's starting to feel a bit monotonous.

    Posted: 24 May 2021 08:34 AM PDT

    So, I[25M] took up yoga in the late January/ early February. The main goal was to reduce some fat. I was 96kG. Now I started doing Ashtanga by following a flow routine for beginners from SRMD Youtube channel. It produced great results. After 3months in April I weighed about 84kG. Then I started following another power yoga routine from that same channel. But somehow, I started having back pain, frozen necks and even bowel problems. So I shifted back to the primary routine. But, the primary routine is starting to feel a bit monotonous, and it's not producing results anymore. As a matter of fact, I noticed some increase in my sides and back, and even my body shape has been ruined.

    Is there any advice anyone can give? How do I find a good routine when do I upgrade from primary to half-primary? Please advice.

    submitted by /u/GodsOwnTypo
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