Meditation: I feel like I'm on the passenger seat in my own life |
- I feel like I'm on the passenger seat in my own life
- The more I meditate, the more my body starts to move/balance in circles as I feel my heart beat. Does that happen to you also?
- The book that changed your life/practice the most
- After my first 32 hours of combined practice
- Manifesting Meditation in Four Simple Steps
- Have you ever experienced spontaneous visual imagery during meditation? If yes, what do you see?
- The 3rd Zen patriarch can teach you all that you ever need to know about mediation:
- Stressed and cannot meditate
- Is it ok to listen to music while meditating?
- Does anyone else enjoy a nice sunset while they're in the zone? Really helps with my meditation.
- How do I get a specific thought out of my head?
- Why is meditation without thought powerful ?
- Meditation and seizures
- Our awareness: an appreciation post and exercise
- Guidance wanted
- Is it more effective to meditate after exercising or before exercising in the morning ?
- Effect of meat consumption on meditation
- DAE have thoughts during meditation before being self aware of it?
- Meditation planning
- Wierd twitching in my body
- I'ma go meditate brb
- Energy blockage?
- Feeling vibrations?
I feel like I'm on the passenger seat in my own life Posted: 23 May 2021 06:02 PM PDT I get so caught up thinking about the future or the past, and procrastinating, that I can't actually concentrate or move on with things and be productive, because deep down I'm afraid to even try I've tried to meditate but again, I can't concentrate Any advice? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 23 May 2021 11:23 AM PDT *** Wow, I am very relieved this is not unusual and it's a shared experience. Thanks for your answers :) [link] [comments] |
The book that changed your life/practice the most Posted: 23 May 2021 10:54 AM PDT Pretty self-explanatory. What book hit you the deepest or added the most to your journey, and why? You have to keep it as close to one as possible. Mine would be The Book: on the taboo against knowing who you are by Alan Watts, but most of us have already read it. It helped bring me through my existentialist "dark night of the soul" by illuminating a bit more about what "I" am. Really great entry point to eastern philosophy if you know absolutely nothing and the traditional texts are lost on you. Honorable mention to The Four Agreements, another short classic. I'll always remember its explanation of the world as an illusion, it's an important and I would argue necessary way to view society, culture, and all beliefs. (I'm hoping folks have more meditation-specific examples. I'm just starting With Each and Every Breath but know there are some more really impactful ones out there.) [link] [comments] |
After my first 32 hours of combined practice Posted: 23 May 2021 08:34 AM PDT I'm starting to feel like I have conversational voice options similar to a game like Skyrim. There are times I can sit back and select the type of response I want to give. Kind, helpful, sarcastic, rude, funny, respectful, angry, upbeat, dismissive are all options and because I can choose, I tend to gravitate towards the nicer options. I've practiced over 32 hours in 10-20 minute sessions with my longest session being an hour once in the last year. [link] [comments] |
Manifesting Meditation in Four Simple Steps Posted: 23 May 2021 09:56 PM PDT Manifesting meditation is the process of materializing our desires into the physical world. This is done by increasing the vibration within the body and visualizing our desired outcomes and experiences. This can only be effective when we are fully able to stay connected to the feeling that we are already experiencing what we want and, at the same time, being open to the Universe. When we practice mindful meditation, we silence our minds and go into a place of peace and stillness. This is why meditation for manifesting works so well. When our minds are still, we are better able to conjure and hold onto the visions of our desires. Below are the steps to effective manifesting meditation. 1. Be Totally Relaxed. Manifestation meditation takes only a few minutes to perform. To reap its rewards, practice it every day for seven consecutive days. Begin with relaxation. Do this in a quiet, cozy, and dark or dimly lit room. Sit or lie down in a comfortable position. Concentrate on the silence and on calming your mind. Try to reach the "optimal state". This means relaxing the body, mind, and soul. For this to work, the spiritual mind must be free of blockages. Open your mind and let light and compassion flood your being. 2. Set The Intention. Once the "optimal state" has been reached, it is time to manifest. The next step in manifesting meditation is visualizing what you want to manifest. You may be surprised to find that even if you have a clear idea of what you want, you will see something completely different in your mind's eye. Don't fight it. Breathe. Relax. If you start to feel uncomfortable, concentrate on your breathing or put on some soothing instrumental music. Once you have decided on what you wish to manifest, say it out loud. If there are people around, you may say it silently. Be specific and clear. Use only positive words to describe your intention. Don't think of negative thoughts. 3. Make The Intention Convincingly Real. After you have successfully visualized and stated what you want, you have to practice visualization meditation and imagine that you already have it. At this stage in manifesting meditation, focus on the feeling of having achieved your goals. Imagine yourself happy and content. Imagine how you would feel if you already have what it is that you wanted. Linger on these feelings and let yourself feel grateful and happy for what has been given to you. 4. Release It. This is the last step. Imagine your manifestations as energy flowing up your body and out through your head. Imagine that this energy is a vessel for your manifestations. After you have envisioned your manifestations leaving your body as energy, imagine what your life would be like with the manifestations complete. Believe with all your heart that you have already been given what you wished for. Practice these manifesting meditation steps every day and soon you will be experiencing and living all your desires for real. Meditation can help unlock the door to your goals and dreams. It is a powerful tool for controlling your thoughts and manifesting your dreams. [link] [comments] |
Have you ever experienced spontaneous visual imagery during meditation? If yes, what do you see? Posted: 23 May 2021 02:16 PM PDT I have been meditating for few months now but I still struggle to keep my mind still for longer than few minutes. So as an experiment I have recently started to focus on what I can see with my closed eyes in order to keep the endless mind-talk quiet. It has helped my mind to stay quiet, I get very relaxed and in peace but it had the unexpected effect to create extremely real hallucinations. It starts with colors (mostly orange and then violet), then some basic shapes in motion but suddenly it feels like if my forehead opens (with my eyes still closed) and for few seconds I "see" either my bedroom or another place (for example a forest or a village). I let them pass and I go on meditating but I am still curious if you had also some similar experiences. *Please excuse my English, it isn't my mother thonge. Thank you! [link] [comments] |
The 3rd Zen patriarch can teach you all that you ever need to know about mediation: Posted: 23 May 2021 10:18 AM PDT The Path is not difficult for those who have no preferences. When love and hate are both absent, everything becomes clear and undisguised. Make the smallest distinction, however, and heaven and earth are set infinitely apart. If you wish to see the truth, then hold no opinions for, or against, anything. To set up what you like against what you dislike is the disease of the mind. When the deep meaning of things is not understood, the mind's essential peace is disturbed to no avail. The Way is perfect, like vast space where nothing is lacking and nothing is in excess. Indeed, it is due to our choosing to accept or reject that we do not see the true nature of things. Live neither in the entanglements of outer things, nor in inner feelings of emptiness. Be serene in the oneness of things, and such erroneous views will disappear by themselves. When you try to stop activity to achieve passivity, your very effort fills you with activity. As long as you remain in one extreme or the other, you will never know Oneness. Those who do not live in the single Way fail in both activity and passivity, assertion and denial. To deny the reality of things is to miss their reality; to assert the emptiness of things is to miss their reality. The more you talk and think about it, the further astray you wander from the truth. Stop talking and thinking, and there is nothing you will not be able to know. To return to the root is to find the meaning, but to pursue appearances is to miss the source. At the moment of inner enlightenment, there is going beyond appearance and emptiness. The changes that appear to occur in the empty world we call real only because of our ignorance. Do not search for the truth; only cease to cherish opinions. Do not remain in the dualistic state; avoid such pursuits carefully. If there is even a trace of this and that, of right and wrong, the Mind-essence will be lost in confusion. Although all dualities come from the One, do not be attached even to this One. When the mind exists undisturbed in the Way, nothing in the world can offend, and when a thing can no longer offend, it ceases to exist in the old way. When no discriminating thoughts arise, the old mind ceases to exist. When thought-objects vanish, the thinking-subject vanishes, as when the mind vanishes, objects vanish. Things are objects because of the subject (mind); the mind (subject) is such because of things (objects). Understand the relativity of these two and the basic reality: the unity of emptiness. In this Emptiness the two are indistinguishable and each contains, in itself, the whole world. If you do not discriminate between coarse and fine, you will not be tempted to prejudice and opinion. To live in the great Way is neither easy nor difficult, but those with limited views are fearful and irresolute; the faster they hurry, the slower they go. And clinging (attachment) cannot be limited. Even to be attached to the idea of enlightenment is to go astray. Just let things be in their own way, and there will be neither coming nor going. Obey the nature of things (your own nature) and you will walk freely and undisturbed. When thought is in bondage, the truth is hidden, for everything is murky and unclear, and the burdensome practice of judging brings annoyance and weariness. What benefit can be derived from distinctions and separation? If you wish to move in the one Way, do not dislike even the world of senses and ideas. Indeed, to accept them fully is identical with true enlightenment. The wise man strives to no goals, but the foolish man fetters himself. There is one Dharma, not many; distinctions arise from the clinging needs of the ignorant. To seek Mind with the (discriminating) mind is the greatest of all mistakes. Rest and unrest derive from illusion; with enlightenment there is no liking and disliking. All dualities come from ignorant inference. They are like dreams or flowers in air; foolish to try to grasp them. Gain and loss, right and wrong; such thoughts must finally be abolished at once. If the eye never sleeps, all dreams will naturally cease. If the mind makes no discriminations, the ten thousand things are as they are, of single essence. To understand the mystery of this One-essence is to be released from all entanglements. When all things are seen equally, the timeless Self-essence is reached. No comparisons or analogies are possible in this causeless, relationless state. Consider movement stationary, and the stationary in motion; both movement and rest disappear. When such dualities cease to exist, Oneness itself cannot exist. To this ultimate finality no law or description applies. For the unified mind in accord with the Way, all self-centered striving ceases. Doubts and irresolutions vanish, and life in true faith is possible. With a single stroke we are freed from bondage; nothing clings to us and we hold to nothing. All is empty, clear, self-illuminating, with no exertion of the mind's power. Here thought, feeling, knowledge and imagination are of no value. In this world of Suchness, there is neither self nor other-than-self. To come directly into harmony with this reality, just simply say when doubts arise, "Not two". In this "not two", nothing is separate, nothing is excluded. No matter when or where, enlightenment means entering this truth. And this truth is beyond extension or diminution in time or space; in it, a single thought is ten thousand years. Emptiness here, emptiness there, but the infinite universe stands always before your eyes. Infinitely large and infinitely small; no difference, for definitions have vanished and no boundaries are seen. So, too, with being and non-being. Don't waste time in doubts and arguments that have nothing to do with this. One thing, all things, move among and intermingle without distinction. To live in this realization is to be without anxiety about non-perfection. To live in this faith is the road to non-duality, because the non-dual is one with the trusting mind. Words! The Way is beyond language, for in it, there is no yesterday, no tomorrow, no today. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 24 May 2021 12:30 AM PDT So I am going through absolutely incredible levels of stress. I have a very tough exam on Wednesday (technical exam) and I am studying 24/7. I am also interviewing a lot. Waiting to hear back. And just feeling completely overwhelmed. My dog is literally afraid of me because he senses my anxiety and stress levels. I haven't been able to meditate in weeks. I can't shut off my mind for a second. I am in total exam mode. My brain just keeps going over the technical stuff and NOTHING has worked. I use the Waking Up app and it has been a game changer for me, but the last few weeks I am falling apart. I am not exaggerating at all. How do you continue to meditate and be present\mindful when it seems like your life is going straight to hell? [link] [comments] |
Is it ok to listen to music while meditating? Posted: 23 May 2021 03:35 PM PDT Not proper music. Just calming sounds like water/rain etc. I'm new to the whole process, I've looked it up and there seems to be a bit of back fourth about weather you should or shouldn't. [link] [comments] |
Does anyone else enjoy a nice sunset while they're in the zone? Really helps with my meditation. Posted: 24 May 2021 12:08 AM PDT |
How do I get a specific thought out of my head? Posted: 23 May 2021 09:11 PM PDT I keep thinking about a specific event throughout the day right now for the past 3 days. It's an ambush involving US soldiers, it just pops into my head thought out the day and I just randomly think of it. How do I get it out of my head? [link] [comments] |
Why is meditation without thought powerful ? Posted: 24 May 2021 02:13 AM PDT |
Posted: 23 May 2021 04:39 PM PDT I am wondering any one in this community has heard of anyone developing seizures from meditation? And if so, do you know what was done to reverse those effects? I developed seizures from meditation and am trying to find someone with similar experiences and a way to counteract it? I am not saying that I think meditation is bad so I don't want to make anyone in this forum defensive. I think meditation has a lot of benefits and I still do it today. I just can't do it for very long otherwise I will have a seizure. I am just hoping to find someway to reverse what has happened and am hoping someone here has heard of something like this. It may be helpful to add that the seizures started after I started to direct the energy while meditating to my head. It appears that I have created a pathway now and when I meditate the energy naturally flows toward my head EDIT: please do not respond to this post if you are going to be rude. I am asking a sincere question. If you don't have an experience or knowledge of this, just don't respond. If this reddit is a community that is open to all points of view, then this should not be offensive. If we are truly seeking the truth here, we should not be rude and belittle someone with a view that contradicts our own. I am NOT saying that meditation is bad. I have simply had a negative outcome that I am trying to see how to correct. I have had MANY positive outcomes from meditation as well. [link] [comments] |
Our awareness: an appreciation post and exercise Posted: 23 May 2021 09:35 PM PDT Hello everyone, over the past few days I've really started learning and appreciating the silence after fully 'finding' my consciousness. I'd like to share a simple exercise that can help you do the same, and maybe calm your neurotic tendencies. Personally I've benefitted a lot. I'm not so easily swayed by negative self-talk, and there's a lot less resistance when I try to do my work. The exercise is very basic, so you might have already done it, and if you're a beginner you don't need elaborate concepts. First, sit down comfortably and focus on your breathing. Count one on every in breath, and one on every out breath. Two on the next in breath, and two on the out breath. Continue until 10, and if you find yourself distracted by thought, don't judge the thought, just acknowledge the distraction and go back to breathing. A big mistake people make is that they start anticipating the breath, and not being aware of it. This is really important, because you're not trying to control your breathing, you are just taking a step back into awareness, into a place where you focus on the present, and stop trying to control everything. A great lesson from this exercise is awareness in thoughts. If you learn to just acknowledge the breath and not anticipate it, you are simply aware. So if you have any urges, negative self talk, internal resistance, and judgement you will eventually learn to not become or anticipate the thought. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 23 May 2021 09:09 PM PDT I have a dear friend who is serving. Mission right now and is overwhelmed with thoughts and it's causing her great self doubt and many sleepless nights. I want to do a guided meditation with her (ill probably walk her through the psychology behind meditation too) and was hoping I could get your favorite guided meditations so I could sort through them and pick a good one. Thanks so much! [link] [comments] |
Is it more effective to meditate after exercising or before exercising in the morning ? Posted: 23 May 2021 01:20 PM PDT |
Effect of meat consumption on meditation Posted: 23 May 2021 11:08 PM PDT I eat a meat heavy paleo diet for health reasons, went full carnivore a couple years back and it saved me from awful chronic illness, however I've recently been upping my carbs and I'll eat fruit/drink fruit juices throughout the day now. I find that since starting my practice I'm more drawn to what I need and there was a recent period where i was had stopped eating fruits and i was struggling with foggy meditation. Last night after a workout i had a smoothie and my meditation was beautiful, best I'd had in months, however this morning (after having a meat heavy dinner) I've found that my meditation was difficult and i couldn't get so deep into it like my mind was a bit foggy. Anyone experience this? [link] [comments] |
DAE have thoughts during meditation before being self aware of it? Posted: 23 May 2021 09:23 AM PDT So when I'm in the process of meditation trying to reach that "nothingness" state, sometimes thoughts pop in my head but I am unaware of it at that moment. But then there is a meta awareness that I just had that thought. Sort of like this: X thought happens in mind, but I'm not aware of it. 2 seconds later "Ahh I just had X thought" [link] [comments] |
Posted: 23 May 2021 10:18 PM PDT If I can take out 2 hrs a day for meditating, should I do 1 hr in the morning & evening or 2 hrs together? What will be more helpful? Context: Used to meditate quite regularly till about 2-3 years ago but haven't been able to since. Thanks :) [link] [comments] |
Posted: 23 May 2021 01:47 PM PDT My stress response is so high that my stats to twitch. Agar mediating for 2 week iam free from it. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 23 May 2021 09:16 PM PDT |
Posted: 23 May 2021 09:08 PM PDT It's been a while whole body is getting hot along with neuropathy.. it may sound strange but I am feeling an energy which I consider as painful is rising upwards from time to time from my penis to whole gives a electric sensation feeling..which making me uncomfortable and giving me burning sensation on different places of body...Previously checked the doc..test was normal..anyone have any suggestion? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 23 May 2021 12:41 PM PDT First time today after days of Meditation, i felt minor vibrations throughout the body. Was that because of blood flow? [link] [comments] |
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