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    Sunday, May 2, 2021

    Meditation: You can't put fire out with fire. You can't think yourself out of overthinking.

    Meditation: You can't put fire out with fire. You can't think yourself out of overthinking.

    You can't put fire out with fire. You can't think yourself out of overthinking.

    Posted: 01 May 2021 06:21 PM PDT

    100+ days 8k+ minutes of meditation. The benefits I received

    Posted: 01 May 2021 06:20 PM PDT


    So, to begin I got into meditation when I got a guided meditation video recommended me on YouTube. After I completed it, I felt so in touch and connected to every living thing around me. I remember opening my door and just embracing everything around me. From then, I kept going and didn't look back.

    The benefits I received:

    1.) I have become more aware of my thoughts, my breath, my actions and the present moment. My awareness has increased insignificantly.

    2.) Because I am more aware of my thoughts, I am able to let go of any unwanted thoughts that I happen to have.

    3.) my mind is still, and I don't have to keep myself busy to stay out of my head.

    4.) my anxiety is dropped significantly. I no longer have social anxiety and it's been great because I am able to talk to people easier now. I also no longer have thoughts like "did they think I was weird? Did I say something weird? You're weird." I am not my thoughts.

    5.) I hardly overthink and I have become more decisive.

    6.) I feel a connection with nature and the animals I see outside. I like listening to the birds, watching the birds and hearing the sounds of nature.

    7.) I feel more connected with my spirit rather than only being connected with my physical form. I feel like I'm closing in on a spiritual awakening, but I am too Inexperienced to know for sure.

    8.) I have become more emotional and I start to sympathize more with people. Overall, I just feel like a better person.

    submitted by /u/SpeckTrees
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    I finally understand the term "You are the universe observing itself"

    Posted: 01 May 2021 11:55 AM PDT

    Title says it all, meditation is a very beautiful thing.

    I'm really happy I sticked with the habit and didn't give it up half way, there's no reason to! =D

    submitted by /u/beamoflight42
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    If your workplace has a toxic culture, your voice has more weight than you think - even asking if a colleague is OK can start change

    Posted: 01 May 2021 07:47 AM PDT

    Work's a tough place to be mindful as it sometimes feels you're rushing from one thing to another. Sometimes that rushing can mean that we're either worrying about the future or regretting the past, picking over things that haven't gone as well as we hoped. How do we make work a happy place to be?

    An obvious place to start is relationships and communication. When things are busy and we're feeling anxious, that's when our stress behaviours can surface. We're less aware of how other people are feeling and of the impact that we have on other people which can sometimes mean we that can say things we later regret. If we train ourselves to be aware when we're starting to get stressed out, we can breathe, notice the feeling and tend to our anxiety and anger with kindness. We can prioritise what we're doing - is everything that you're doing a must do? Can other people help us? The Plum Village app has a timer with a bell that chimes every so often so you can check in with your breath, your body, your thoughts and your feelings. Awareness is the cornerstone of tending to your stress with compassion.

    Listening is also incredibly important and powerful in the workplace. We sometimes get caught up in the 'doing' completely and forget that building relationships is how big change happens. We're social animals and we have a bigger impact together, so to do this we need to build deep connections. When we listen to someone with our full awareness, without judging and without jumping to conclusions it's a genuine act of kindness, particularly if that person is having a difficult time. Deep listening is even more important when we disagree - understanding why someone feels the way they do isn't the same as agreeing with them and its critical to resolve conflict. Frequently when we feel stressed in work it's because we don't feel listened to so it's important to find people that you can express how you're feeling to. It's reasonable to expect your line manager to listen with understanding and respect - it's part of their role.

    Another cause of stress at work is placing pressure on ourselves to get everything right first time and this obviously isn't realistic, especially if you're starting a new job. Failure is part of life and key to learning - when something doesn't go as well as we hoped, its not helpful to point fingers, especially at ourselves. The important thing is to learn, apply, grow and move on. I think as human beings for some reason we keep a book in our head of all the mistakes we ever made. If you've learned from the mistake then it's time to let it go - if you feel your mind bringing out the book of doom and leafing through then rather than being swept away to regrets from the past you can smile to the book and let your mind put it back on the shelf.

    And finally what might be the most important, which is looking after each other. When we lift our head up from everyday tasks we can sometimes see that other people are suffering and it's important not to be a bystander. Checking in on people by asking if they're OK makes a huge difference - if you think that the wellbeing culture in your workplace isn't where it needs to be, just be aware that you have much more influence than you think. Just by asking the question of what we want our workplace to be can open a conversation that makes a huge difference to making work a happy, safe and fulfilling place - which is what it should be.

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    submitted by /u/peaceiseverystepp
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    Extremely thankful for the journey that started through meditation

    Posted: 01 May 2021 05:52 PM PDT

    I just wanted to make a post to state how grateful I am that I started to apply meditation and mindfulness in my life every day. I started about a year and a half ago with meditating about 15 minutes every night before bed, and it has had a snowball effect in making my life better.

    In my teens I used to struggle a lot with depressive stints throughout the middle of puberty and I also always struggled with low self-esteem and general anxiety on occasions. I realize that this is extremely common in today's world, but despite this it always feels alienating. Throughout my late teens and early 20's I started to work on myself more in an effort to combat these negative thoughts. It helped my self-esteem tremendously, but the negative voices were always looming and crept up a lot more than I liked. About a year and a half ago I started to meditate daily and overall being more mindful. 6 months ago I also started keeping a journal and made it a point to be much more honest with myself and others. The past few weeks I have really noticed how much happiness all of this has brought me.

    I am now so much more in control of my emotions and of my life in general than I have ever been before. I understand myself a lot better, take better care of my psychical well-being by staying active and eating right, and I have started to be a lot more grateful for the good things in my life and not take them for granted. I've become more disciplined, realized that seeking discomfort and new opportunities is truly rewarding and that being open with myself and others creates better connections. I still go through my struggles (albeit a lot less at the moment thankfully), but I have become better at handling them and I am grateful for the struggles that I had in my earlier life, those that shaped me to become the person I am today. Letting go of the things that I cannot control and tackling the things I can control head-on has also reduced my stress levels immensely.

    We're all in this life together, on our own journey. I hope that by sharing my experience I can somehow positively impact someone else and I hope that each and every one of you can enjoy your time on this earth to the fullest. Bless you all.

    submitted by /u/Ijustdontknowok
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    How I Overcame Distracting Thoughts While Meditating

    Posted: 01 May 2021 06:20 AM PDT

    I've been meditating for the past 3 years and have found tremendous benefit from it.

    The main challenge I would run into was every once in a while, an important thought or idea would cross my mind that I wasn't able to release because I didn't want to forget it. To finally release the thought, I would quickly write it down, which helped release the thought but would remove me from my meditative state.

    To solve the problem, I built a voice-dictation app that writes down anything I say during my meditation. I've found such benefit from it that I've posted it for free at mymeditationnotes.com.

    Whenever I have a thought or idea I can't release, I briefly speak a word or two and it leaves my mind. Because I know it's automatically written down, my mind relaxes and i'm able to move on. Additionally, speaking calmly keeps me in my meditative state.

    I hope some of you find it valuable! It's been a tremendous help for me.

    Edit - additional point: Meditation can also be a tremendous tool for creativity - triggering a chain of creative thoughts that are powerful to capture. I've used this tool on many occasions to capture those rapid fire creative thoughts. It just depends on your goal for meditating in the moment.

    submitted by /u/guishink
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    "Merge your mind with cosmic space, integrate your actions with myriad forms."

    Posted: 01 May 2021 05:47 PM PDT

    "Merge your mind with cosmic space, integrate your actions with myriad forms."

    Ch'an master Hung-chih Cheng-chüeh (宏智正覺 Wanshi Shõkaku, 1091-1157)

    (Transmission of Light xi)

    I have been contemplating this during my quiet breathing times and during everyday life as well. Here are my current thoughts:

    We are thrust into this universe to be a part of something grand; an existence that includes absolutely everything from stumbling kittens to supermassive black holes, from the love of a grandparent to acts of rape and murder. Fresh snow on beautiful flowers, people drowning and burning alive.

    It is clear that we are only temporary guests of this environment and that it's not all rosey being here, but do you ever manage to just temporarily drop your ingrained thoughts, beliefs and labels and manage to look at existence head-on with the wonder of a young child?

    Theories, belief systems and convictions abound but the truth is nobody has any idea what they are doing here and for what purpose. Maybe there is no purpose, no why. Yet the materialistically-minded that believes something popped out of nothing (energy waves, multiverses, all that) and made all this happen is no less looney than the religious types that claim they have the answer.

    I'm not claiming anything supernatural. The thing is, this existence is supernatural as it is. Don't you see? Look around you! What is this? Why is this? Who is asking these questions?

    I have no answer, I'm just as confused as you are. Perhaps human minds are not developed enough to even grasp the answer. Why even propose there is an answer? A solution to a riddle? Answers, solutions, riddles are such a human thing.

    Existence holds in it everything that we label as good or bad. The worst pains and the highest pleasures. It's all in there.

    The mind is our only window to this existence. The mind reflects existence, without awareness there is nothing. But what is this awareness? Why is it there? The deeper you go down the rabbit hole, the more questions you end up with.

    Honestly, who needs a greater mystery than existence itself? How can we not be awed by it every second of every day? How come it takes a form of "waking up" to be able to take in and observe with some objective clarity, the complete insanity of it all?

    submitted by /u/SamathaTRUTH
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    I'm happy to say meditation is working great

    Posted: 01 May 2021 05:04 PM PDT

    Meditating, where do I begin. I can tell all of you that meditation works wonders. I feel more focused and relaxed. Probably my favorite benefit is reduced anger, I have anger problems, but meditating has reduce my anger down and I don't get as mad as I usually do. I felt this flow of energy last night after meditating. It was pure energy to make me cry, cry tears of joys and hope. If anyone is struggling with meditation, please be patient and wait, do not rush it. Trust me guys, it does work.

    submitted by /u/Black_autopsy_3213
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    Meditation in the shower

    Posted: 01 May 2021 09:20 PM PDT

    The shower is my go to place for the most serene experience. The sound of the water calms my thoughts and brings me closer to nature, to the universe. I'm still new to it, and would like to incorporate crystal healing for anxiety.

    submitted by /u/Sheshe31
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    Enjoy this Native American Meditation Music for Perfect Sleep

    Posted: 02 May 2021 12:05 AM PDT

    OM meditation helps with patience and acts as a cleansing agent for our body, removing negativity, negative blocks and toxicity from our body and mind.

    Posted: 01 May 2021 11:56 AM PDT

    This OM meditation is great starting point :)


    submitted by /u/ManifestingQueen_
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    Concentration meditation seems to be very effective at curing headaches.

    Posted: 02 May 2021 01:49 AM PDT


    submitted by /u/SnooOranges5435
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    Why identify with nothing and not with everything?

    Posted: 02 May 2021 01:06 AM PDT

    tips on mindfulness meditation

    Posted: 01 May 2021 09:12 PM PDT

    i've been trying mindfulness meditation some days, i sit in a comfortable position and try to focus on my breathing and seem to have too many thoughts. when i return to the breathing, i can't think of nothing so i just end up thinking about random things. any advice?

    submitted by /u/zaflovesyou-
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    Odd sensation while meditating lately.. anyone else?

    Posted: 01 May 2021 09:05 AM PDT

    So I finally got back into meditating after a year of neglecting the practice. I usually like to meditate to binaural beats. Lately when I've meditated, I have the oddest sensation that I used to get when I was sick with a fever as a child.

    The only way I can describe it is my body is simultaneously HUGE and microscopic at the same time. I also become so hyper aware of my tongue that it feels like I AM my tongue. I know that doesn't completely make sense but that's the only way I can put it into words.

    The sensation is so overwhelming and nauseating that I can't possibly ignore it. I'm not sure how to stop it. If anyone has experienced this and has any tips on how to overcome or get rid of this please let me know!

    submitted by /u/galaxyfae
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    Is it possible to combine meditation with drawing?

    Posted: 01 May 2021 11:09 AM PDT

    I started to learn to draw recently and the emphasis on not thinking but simply reproducing what is seen really struck me. Is it possible to combine "thoughtless" drawing practice with meditation without impeding the progress of either?

    submitted by /u/noxnoctum
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    My new meditation music video on YouTube, feel free to stop by! (Link in post����)

    Posted: 02 May 2021 12:35 AM PDT

    Thank you for all your comments and interactions to my post from yesterday. That was so lovely! I would appreciate if you have a look on my newest YouTube video (Meditation Music/Stress relief music):


    Also if you like it please feel free to share in your network. Together we will grow up 🙌🏼 🙏🏼

    submitted by /u/reddimir
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    Posted: 02 May 2021 12:27 AM PDT


    This video forms part of the Universal Laws series where we look at each universal law, and talk about how to practically apply this law into our everyday lives.

    The Universal laws keep the universe in perfect balance, they are regulatory vibrations that maintain order within each universe, hence the name " Universal Laws"

    The key to success in life in the 3rd dimensional reality on earth, is to first of all have a deep understanding of the laws that govern the very fabric of this reality.

    For example, if you wish to win a particular game.. lets say football as an example.. the first thing you need to fully and deeply understand are the rules. If you do not understand the rules, there is very little chance of you playing the game properly, and 0 chance of you winning it.

    So look at Earth as the game of life.. our mission is to ultimately master the game of life, and through mastery eventually win the game.

    The Video below 👇🏾👇🏾 explains The Universal Law Of Harmony in detail...

    A Must Watch!!


    submitted by /u/The_Light_Bender
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    Meditation and Vesak 2021

    Posted: 01 May 2021 08:02 PM PDT

    I've been struggling to stick to my everyday meditation practice for the last couple of months. This month it's Vesak (the day the Buddha attained enlightenment and his birth) and so I want to use it as motivation to meditate everyday. Any tips or advice? What will you guys do this Vesak? (in case you celebrate this holiday, of course)

    submitted by /u/jime_and_now
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    Having a challenging time with focus.

    Posted: 01 May 2021 03:00 PM PDT

    I have been practicing almost two to one and a half hours a day for almost six months. I become extremely tranquil and awareness becomes very wide and clear. My problem is with focus on a singular object. No matter how calm or clear I become I'm unable to keep tight focus on an object. I'm not pulled away by thoughts, often thoughts quiet down within a few minutes. My issue is literally keeping awareness in one place. Whenever I place it on an object within moments it flicks away and is very difficult to bring back, it literally feels like two matching poles of a magnet. No matter how gently I place awareness and not force anything I can't keep it still even when my mind and body are completely calm and still. I just imagined after seriously practicing daily I would have more ability by now. Even when I look directly at an object my eyes will be glued to it but I can literally feel my awareness darting away from it. It's insane. Any advice or tips would be greatly appreciated

    submitted by /u/jalange6
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    Does meditating on weed defeat the purpose

    Posted: 01 May 2021 03:44 PM PDT

    I'm a beginner and meditation is very hard for me (I have adhd). I notice that weed makes me more present and quites my anxious inner voice down a bit. It basically makes meditation cakewalk. But I was wondering if it defeats the point of building that mindfulness muscle. If I'm taking something that makes it that easy, am I really making any progress? Isn't the whole purpose to be able to do this stuff without supplements? Am I hindering my progress or am I just assisting myself?

    submitted by /u/bigbrycieboy
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    Recommend a Meditation Bench?

    Posted: 01 May 2021 10:39 AM PDT

    If this is not the right forum for posting this question, please let me know and I'll take it down.

    I'm looking at purchasing my first meditation bench and am considering the following benches:

    The Monastery Store

    Zen Posture

    Samadhi Cushions


    Can anyone speak to any of these benches with regard to quality, durability, and comfort? Do you have a bench from another manufacturer that you like?


    submitted by /u/robertlf
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    Posted: 01 May 2021 10:05 PM PDT

    Hey I joined not to long ago and I'm doing research on meditation for my anthropology class and was wondering If I could have a couple people answer some questions?(totally optional)

    submitted by /u/AdmirableMarketing44
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    People with aphantasia can be a little more present and they're less prone to regret, longing and craving.

    Posted: 01 May 2021 10:03 PM PDT

    Source : Aphantasia: The People Without a Mind's Eye | 'Out of Mind' | Wired UK

    Maybe, a conclusion I could draw from this is that present-mindedness which is what meditation professes could have some of it's root in genetics. It would be natural for some to be more present than others.

    submitted by /u/singham
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