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    Saturday, June 26, 2021

    Ashtanga yoga: Fixing posture and dealing with aches from the practice

    Ashtanga yoga: Fixing posture and dealing with aches from the practice

    Fixing posture and dealing with aches from the practice

    Posted: 17 May 2021 11:13 AM PDT

    Hey everyone! I've been practicing Ashtanga on and off (not consistent by any means) for about 2 years. I have terrible posture from being depressed and pretty much slouched in bed for almost a year.. rounded shoulders, and slight forward head. About a month ago, I tried practicing Ashtanga for about 2 weeks straight and, because my posture is so bad, all of the lengthening in the primary series really strained my neck and shoulders. I felt as if I was bruised on the inside of my body? I really want to continue the practice daily. Not just for posture but the breath, mind, and body connection in this practice really do a lot for my mental health.

    Have any of you guys experienced any of this while practicing and how can I help my body with the discomfort?

    I'm also a yoga teacher so I feel confident trying most things in my body!

    Thank you for helping <3

    submitted by /u/avocachloo
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