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    Thursday, June 3, 2021

    Meditation: How far I’ve come

    Meditation: How far I’ve come

    How far I’ve come

    Posted: 02 Jun 2021 09:20 PM PDT

    Quite some time ago I started a 30 day challenge of doing 20 minutes of mindfulness meditation per day. I decided to continue the streak once I hit day 30 and I am now on day 906! I've never missed a day and it has been life changing!

    submitted by /u/OfficialMitch
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    The best way is to focus inwards

    Posted: 02 Jun 2021 09:19 AM PDT

    There are literally thousands of good/bad things happening everyday that you can never do anything about other than worrying. Does worrying or getting depressed about a situation make the situation any better? The only thing we can control is how we respond to things..you can have so much chaos happening around you and still choose to literally take zero things inside your head and ta-da the situation doesn't have control over you. The trick is to concentrate on your breath and the things under your control. Just peacefully detach from things that you don't have power over how much ever positive/negative it might be. And from there, begins peace, my friend.

    submitted by /u/Shadow-wlkr
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    Meditation and social awkwardness

    Posted: 02 Jun 2021 05:24 PM PDT

    Meditation helped me read social cues much better. I was much more socially awkward but now I have been able to retain the social life and friendships I want.

    Is there clear science indicating if meditation rewires the parts of your brain that have to do with socializing? I don't think its an anxiety thing. I think I simply could not read social cues at all due to poor social practice growing up. Meditation gave me a quick turn around within a matter of a few months

    submitted by /u/ProlapsePlunderer
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    Can meditation, or more so the teachings of Buddha be toxic?

    Posted: 02 Jun 2021 06:44 PM PDT

    Hello, I have been meditating for over a year now. Daily meditator, I am very religious with my practice. Every morning I do half hour meditation followed by a teaching from the monk who is guiding us. Typical meditation, breath focused, sometimes a kindness focused meditation.

    I am just not sure if this is actually healthy for me. I mean I feel that all humans are capable of enlightenment, but I feel the monks have it easy, so to speak. They have cut themselves off from society, they don't have to deal with the troubles of developing a career, meeting a spouse, buying a home, and dealing with the daily stresses of all those things mentioned. Sure, I could become enlightened too if I just gave up my life in society and moved into the monastery.

    I just don't know what I am trying to achieve with meditation. I was assuming that I would just be more present. The Buddha's teachings, I feel are not directed toward young people who are trying to get corporate jobs and live a "normal" life...

    The whole getting rid of the ego thing scares me. I mean I am young, I haven't even really fully developed an ego, so to speak, like a career, family etc. The teachings seem to want to have the self die off. Instead I want to create myself, build myself up. I feel a little bit of ego is healthy. I don't want complete nothingness like these teachings seem to be saying. I want to be mindful, yes. But I want to live a fulfilling life IN society. I want to be successful, start a business, build generational wealth for my future family.

    It seems the monks are taking the easy way out and just escaping society. That in my opinion is not a good philosophy. How do I come to terms with meditation and not feel like I am some Alan Watts type dude who just wants to sit in the woods all day and smoke a pipe (although that does sound pretty badass). Women my age aren't attracted to Nothingness, they want a REAL man who can be strong, courageous, compassionate and goal driven, these women don't want some hippie dude who just wants to kill his ego and be nothingness. If I keep going on this meditation journey, I fear I will never meet a beautiful woman, or get a successful career, or all the other things "normal" people do.

    If you read this, I really appreciate your feedback.

    submitted by /u/BaldesarCastiglione1
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    Day 1.

    Posted: 03 Jun 2021 01:23 AM PDT

    For my 23rd birthday I wanted to make a habit of meditating. I just did a 10 minute session awhile ago and I didn't know how to really stop my thoughts; and my breathing pattern was all over the place. But after it, I felt this very very mild sense of calm and inner peace/knowledge. Just a little, but I'm going to keep at it. If you have any advice for a 1 day meditator let me know :)

    submitted by /u/StrongerVersionOfMe
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    Ultimate Relaxation and Meditation - Chill Lo Fi Hip Hop Study / Relax Mix! Safe For Work!

    Posted: 02 Jun 2021 10:21 PM PDT

    How to deal with self-judgment during meditation?

    Posted: 02 Jun 2021 07:11 AM PDT

    I am having a challenging experience with self-judgment during my meditations. I feel that they should go a "certain way" and when they don't, thoughts + emotions start running through my head and body.

    Some thoughts include: -it sucks that you're not able to focus on your breath consistently -why are you bumping out of focus? -am I improving? Am I getting better at the technique? -why is my body not relaxed during this session? Why is my mind so chattery?

    In my understanding, this is because I have expectations for how my sessions should go. Meditation practice is the most important part of my life right now and I am giving myself a hard time with these judgements which makes the practice much more difficult and drops my inspiration/intent towards it.

    Experienced meditators: how do you/did you deal with self-judgment about the practice and how do I tube my mind to have no expectations for the practice?

    submitted by /u/stackthepoutine
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    I meditated for this first time today ever

    Posted: 02 Jun 2021 06:24 PM PDT

    I did 5 minutes but during those 5 minutes my eyes kept twitching and i kept thinking about random thinks, I couldn't keep a focused mind. I could for a few seconds then id start thinking about things. Is this normal for my first time?

    submitted by /u/simplethrowaway0000
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    Thoughts on the "vacuous sage", and meditation.

    Posted: 03 Jun 2021 12:47 AM PDT

    The biggest struggle for a lot of us is what happens if you let go of things? Let go of attachments to your brands, items, ideologies. Let go of your sense of self. The fear of nothingness and silence comes forth.

    I wouldn't say being an empty vessel is a bad thing. There's this aspect of the sage that would be described as "vacuous".

    Surely a sage isn't stupid or empty. So what does it mean to be vacuous?

    I would say that it's the ability to live as free from mental or spiritual clutter as possible. That clutter can be many things like were previously mentioned. But anything that impedes your ability to see things or people or situations as they are.

    Then you can be "filled up" with what's going on around you. And once you leave, you leave it where it is and don't carry it with you.

    We live in a world where people are encouraged to engage in certain things, be distracted, or consume things. It all creates "clutter". So it concerns me, and also prompts me, to think about how much people's clutter (my own included) gets in the way before they say or do things.

    I think that's what meditation means for me. It's a practice of being vacuous and detaching internally and externally. And then it has an effect on how I am overall over time. Eventually I get better and more frequent at being vacuous without the requirement of silence and isolation.

    submitted by /u/ambora
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    Yourself vs your Self

    Posted: 02 Jun 2021 04:50 PM PDT

    New to meditation here -- just figured something out that I thought might be an interesting thing to share.

    The words "yourself" and "your self" are used interchangeably outside of the world of meditation; however they are distinct from each other.

    Yourself is your bodily function: your learned behaviors and habits reside in yourself.

    Your Self, on the other hand, exists to manually override yourself. You have a sense of self, make sure that you are kind to your self. That is how you change yourself.

    Similarly, there is sensations (yourself) and there is awareness of those sensations (your self).

    submitted by /u/Lovelyhairedpianist
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    Am I doing meditation right? Is it suppose to feel like youre in free falling when youre deep in meditation???

    Posted: 02 Jun 2021 05:23 PM PDT

    Im asking because it really did feel like i was free falling. felt kinda cool though and was wondering this is how its done correctly....what happens if i go in deep for long periods of time?

    submitted by /u/UsualSafe
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    Trouble getting into deep relaxation

    Posted: 02 Jun 2021 09:19 PM PDT

    Hey guys I've been meditating for a while now, I find it hard not to without my thoughts spiralling out of control; I've hit a bump recently... two things: 1. Whenever I do a closed eye meditation I get way too fixated on what's behind my eyes, and actually feel my levels of consciousness rising (which in this case I do not want) for instance, I'll usually experience no hypnagogic imagery, especially when trying intentionally. 2. Sometimes I'll take my partner through a deep relaxation meditation at night, she always falls asleep (sometimes half way in haha) but myself, I find up through most of the night. Any tips? Or different meditation styles that could be recommended? Thanks :)

    submitted by /u/BustyLemon
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    Can I meditate on ideas such as personal power or creativty like with love?

    Posted: 02 Jun 2021 02:44 PM PDT

    Help with Box Breathing

    Posted: 02 Jun 2021 07:34 PM PDT

    I really like the concept and simplicity of box breathing. Essentially breathe in 4-5 seconds, hold 4-5 second, breathe out 4-5 seconds, hold 4-5 seconds, on a loop. I try it occasionally during regular practice and also when I am having trouble sleeping bc I read it can be helpful there.

    Problem is the breath holding on both sides seems to make my heart rate go up—or rather I don't know thats the exact problem but I have a feeling of discomfort in my throat and diaphragm like when holding breath for much longer than 5 seconds. That takes me out of it a little bit and has kept me from relaxing all the way.

    Any tips from those more experienced? Will the discomfort go away with practice? Am I doing it wrong?

    submitted by /u/RoarLikeBear
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    What is your guys opinion on like a day counter on Reddit for days meditated? Would this be something useful?

    Posted: 02 Jun 2021 11:18 PM PDT

    what do you do on those days where you are trying to meditate but you are not actually there

    Posted: 02 Jun 2021 07:19 AM PDT

    what do you do on those days where you are trying to meditate but you are not actually there and your mind is all over the place. when you just had a bad day and it's not the usual thought frequency at which you gently bring your mind back to the meditation

    submitted by /u/Phoenix1-1
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    [Need help] Meditation as A Christian

    Posted: 02 Jun 2021 10:37 PM PDT

    I want to preface this by saying I am Christian. I have meditated since I was 14 (I'm 18 now). I started to help with anxiety and it's an amazing tool. it's part of my morning routine, sets my day on a good path and helps me to be more focused and mindful. 2 days ago I decided to get into more advanced meditation. This type of meditation does have influence from Hinduism and Buddhism but whenever there are mantras or what not, I think "God I'm your servant" rather than whatever the other thing is. I meditate with God on my mind. Turns out, since I have so much experience with meditation that I immediately experienced things. I started seeing colours a few minutes into it on the first time. This seems to be part of spiritual journey but I was surprised since it was my first advanced meditation. Today I saw the colours again and was able to control it. I also felt my torso shift forwards and backwards and I had to check if maybe I was swaying but was completely still. My head falls back about 7 minutes into it and I just feel so deep into the meditation. Even though I do it with God as my intention, I'm scared I'll do something wrong or sinful. There is an idea of a "third eye" especially in Hinduism but something similar in Christianity as well. I already am feeling a pressure on my forehead and I was not expecting this so soon. I am scared. I don't want to invite anything evil or see anything scary. I do at the same time want these gifts of wisdom and knowledge from God.

    If anyone has any advice or anything that'd be great. I cannot sleep.

    submitted by /u/eqscp
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    What is the most effective type of meditation and how is it done?

    Posted: 02 Jun 2021 06:39 PM PDT

    I still don't quite understand all of the different types of meditation and what makes them different.

    I'm having such a hard time with guided meditation and mindfulness meditation ( I think thats what those are!), that I want to find the most effective so I can just master that way of doing it. Any insight?

    submitted by /u/Sunnyhoneystick
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    Anxiety in the mornings

    Posted: 02 Jun 2021 01:22 PM PDT

    I personally tend to experience a moderate level of anxiety first thing in the morning, sometimes in the middle of the night too if I wake up. Curious anyone else that dealt with this and how they achieved that success, has mindfulness helped?

    My mid-day anxiety has been mitigated through mindfulness as I'm awake, alert, and able to direct my mind easier but having trouble applying those techniques the absolute first moment I open my eyes in the morning.

    submitted by /u/gasallbrakesno
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    Does the Wim Hof breathing activate the pineal gland?

    Posted: 02 Jun 2021 09:33 PM PDT

    Does the Wim Hof breathing activate the pineal gland? Im new to breathwork. The question is, does the Wim Hof method activate the pineal gland permanently if done consistently? Please share your experience.

    submitted by /u/Realistic_Meat3675
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    "Altruism is the mark of a superior being"

    Posted: 02 Jun 2021 02:32 PM PDT

    The very first time I learned to still my mind, was a time where I had absolutely no obligations. No job, no school, no desire for money. No family, no kids, nothing. It was just me, I had to have an environment such as this to discover something fundamental to our existence.

    A switch went on, and thanks to meditation I had a once in a lifetime experience, a powerful insight. Humans and more importantly, ALL LIFE is vastly connected in ways we can't even comprehend. Think of it as a butterfly effect, where one action or thought can seemingly change and alter the existence of those connected to it. As it relates to humans, I applied imagery to this insight and I remember very vividly of it being a web, an infinite web where every human has strings connected to other humans. In this way, my actions echo endlessly to other humans. Perhaps in different magnitudes, yes, but connected nonetheless.

    Shortly after this insight I took a fascination in the ancient Egyptian proverbs of Luxor temple. The whole concept of Luxor is mind-blowing and I wish I had lived in a time like that, definitely recommend looking into it. One of the proverbs written in the temple was "Altruism is the mark of a superior being". And when I apply what I gained from my very first insight, I believe the ancient Egyptians are right. By being a benefit to your closest people in your web, it will in turn benefit more and more people. This would in turn make your immediate "web space" a more desirable place to live in. Maybe echos of our actions aren't instantly felt by all, maybe they aren't even felt in 100 years. But it does echo, and someone somewhere who has no idea of your existence will benefit because of it. I often ponder this, how many people existed before me are in part responsible for allowing me to have the life I live today.

    From then on, whenever I saw an opportunity to help someone, I took it. I am not even a very altruistic person by nature, in fact I am selfish and greedy. But these insights and realizations have taught me without a shadow of a doubt that it is still in my best interest to help others. I hope you might do the same.

    submitted by /u/Shivy_Shankinz
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    Meditation and stress survey

    Posted: 02 Jun 2021 05:34 PM PDT

    Hello all! I am collecting data on the correlation of stress and meditation and would highly appreciate it if you could fill out this very short survey as it would help me greatly in my research. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1UEIBoN2COZK5rtI3F8hxuYyjxJJpcOG2GUdTaQCe_L0/edit#responses

    submitted by /u/Rutabaga_Minute
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    Power of meditation.

    Posted: 03 Jun 2021 12:53 AM PDT

    I get rid of all negative blocks when I listen to this OM chanting. Sometimes I run this in the background when I do yoga in the mornings.


    submitted by /u/InformalBerry7876
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    Meditation buddies

    Posted: 02 Jun 2021 07:08 AM PDT


    We try and do a weekly meditation session (just a couple of us for now). Basic meditation for 15 mins so nothing advanced.. based in the UK timezone.

    Next one is this Thursday evening if you would like to join, please comment or message me. This is free!


    submitted by /u/Ok-Froyo-6933
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