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    Meditation: Weekly Discussion June 07, 2021

    Meditation: Weekly Discussion June 07, 2021

    Weekly Discussion June 07, 2021

    Posted: 07 Jun 2021 04:00 AM PDT

    This is a reoccurring thread for questions relating to your practice and discussion around your experiences.


    Ask questions relating to your practice, the theory of meditation, various traditions and lineages of thought, or practical tips. If you're new, please read our [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/Meditation/wiki/faq) before posting, as it contains a wealth of information that all of us should come back to occasionally.


    Also use this thread for a more free-form discussion of your experiences and other tidbits that might not warrant their own full post. Use this space to connect with the /r/meditation community, it won't be heavily moderated.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Free your mind and your ass will follow

    Posted: 07 Jun 2021 11:30 PM PDT

    1 year ago I lost my job. It was the start of a downward spiral from getting dumped and nearly going homeless, too finding out my grandmother is slowly dying of dementia and losing herself more each day while I've take care of her to the point where she doesn't remember anyone or anything anymore. It honestly broke me down farther then I've ever been before. I was forced to confront all the ugly things I didn't like about myself and sit with it all day always on the back of my mind. For the past 4 months I've been regularly practicing meditation every day and thanks to the homies on this subreddit I think I'm finally starting to find myself again and accept/become who I am and who I'm meant to be. So thank you to everyone on this subreddit that's given me advice and helped me.

    submitted by /u/DarkRangerDrizzt
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    Not a single time have I regretted to be in meditation. The hardest part is to sit down. The mind can be a little agitated at first, but very quickly there's so much gratitude and bliss, and feeling of belonging here. Meditation is a true gift.

    Posted: 07 Jun 2021 05:39 AM PDT

    Hello Beautiful people! Is anybody having any problems in relation to meditation, I'm here to help. I just manifested something cool and I wanna know if I can help.

    Posted: 08 Jun 2021 08:41 AM PDT

    Mentally thinking rising and falling with the breath V.S. feeling the rising and feeling of breath. Are both a valid meditation method?

    Posted: 08 Jun 2021 07:04 AM PDT

    Hello, I've been going back onto more basic methods. I have read some sources that mentally doing the mantra of rising and feeling mentally is not a good way to practice. Like how mantras "ram ram ram" can be in a way of self-hypnosis rather than self-awareness. Can someone please clarify on which is the better method?

    submitted by /u/solomonandcookies
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    What do you think of transcendental meditation.

    Posted: 08 Jun 2021 08:34 AM PDT

    Do you think tm is easier to practice than breath meditation & is it good for beginners to begin with rather than breath meditation which is a bit difficult.

    submitted by /u/Azarael84
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    Need to know if someone experienced something alike (vacuity, presence, the matrix).

    Posted: 08 Jun 2021 05:51 AM PDT

    TLDR are on bold;

    I started meditating like six months ago (after years of so called depressive states, unmanageable anxiety and emotional bursts). And I began to notice in short that what I've called reality my whole life is just an fake image. That created a whole havoc but I want to keep the post short.

    Yesterday I read this quote from Krishnamurti talking about mental illness and negligent minds, and something clicked inside of me. I was in touch with the present once again. It's been many years without getting to listen to anything, or see anyone, but now I could. I was back on my life again (marijuana does this to me, but in a sudden shock so I don't smoke it anymore).

    I've been a very problematic person the last ten years but I was "here now", and that person didn't exist anymore. I COULD CHOOSE WHAT TO DO NOW. Past have been with me permanently and future didn't want to hold on (it hasn't stopped for years and years, and therapists didn't help it). But then for a brief time I could BE again. Patterns started arising obviously later on. This happened many times shortly after mental breakdowns.

    Have you people lived this? I observe that regular people don't ussualy carry my anxiety (are far more open to expression), they are on other frequency, and are ussualy a lot more like what I described above and a whole lot relaxed. I kind of feel like I dragged along everything that I lived and couldn't drop it for all that time, like hugged what I thought things were as a child. And I noticed that it was in vain but didn't know how to drop it.

    Since young I've been misunderstood and tried to stick to what normal perceptions are. I didn't get to connect with this that I genuinely felt consistently after adolescence started. Quoting Krishnamurti again, it was a state of "out of the known". I believe Buddha talked about this too, and tend to believe that's what some Jesus's teachings are about (but that's just a vague thought).

    Any response will be valued.

    submitted by /u/DaNoiz
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    Questions about understanding and practicing awareness.

    Posted: 08 Jun 2021 05:38 AM PDT

    1. Is awareness a mental function too? How does it differ from a body part to performing some work?
    2. How can I be aware when my body is so drained of physical as well as mental energy? (Most of the times when i am devoid of energy, i go into a non-aware state. I feel there must be a better option).
    3. What are ways to develop awareness? To develop focus, i sit down and perform various forms of meditation(mantra/breath/chakra). What exercises should i do to develop awareness similarly?
    submitted by /u/nk127
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    Meditation has suddenly gotten very hard, to the point I can't continue. Any advice?

    Posted: 08 Jun 2021 06:34 AM PDT


    I've been meditating for around 3 months now, primarily using the headspace app. At first I found it difficult but found it had many benefits in stress reduction etc. However, in the past few weeks, I've found it extremely hard to focus on my breath during meditations with my mind going all over the place. Sometimes, this is so bad that I end the meditation early, especially if it was a 30 minutes or longer one.

    Does anyone have any experience with this and how they overcame it?

    submitted by /u/HazzaK4
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    My recovery story - 2 years

    Posted: 08 Jun 2021 05:43 AM PDT

    I can see the positive light. I can see myself recovering from a bad mental state and from my gambling addiction.

    From a full blown gambling addict in April 2019, to leaving my toxic job in June 2020, to having a much better job (freedom, flexibility, authority) & running my own small game development studio & no longer having the urge to gamble - I am proud to say I can see the light again from the deep dark hole I fell down into.

    I haven't meditated for months or weeks. I have headspace plus & only recently with the help of it, I have learned that stressing out is not the solution. It has helped me sleep better, realise that we as animals are supposed to be present in the nature & not be present inside the mind. You know how they talk about the energy of the universe

    You know how they talk about the energies of the universe & talking to the universe, I used to think it's a bunch of bull. I still do, but the moment you get out of your mind and into the present (universe), you can actually see & feel the reality & move ahead, control it. You can't do that by sitting in your brain. You gotta get out!

    Sure there are tasks that are pending and require your urgent attention, but you cannot keep worrying about it. Set aside a specific time frame for it - during these hours, you'll focus on this task and how to tackle it.

    I may not be the best writer to explain how I feel, but I feel definitely go on a meditation streak now. With constant breaks I have reached so far, with no breaks, sky would be the limit

    submitted by /u/snorlaxerr
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    How do you meditate if you have autism and ADHD

    Posted: 08 Jun 2021 08:48 AM PDT

    Ok, this is not for me (15 F), but for a friend of mine (15 M). He has depression, autism, anxiety and I think ADHD, and I know meditation helps reduce stress and I read somewhere that it helps a bit with depression, so I really wanted him to try it. Since he has all the issues I've listed he is really negative so when I offered he instantly goes into negating it, therefore I requested it as my birthday present since my birthday was 3 days ago, then he goes on saying his mind can't not drift off, and the internet didn't really help me, therefore, I am asking here. I meditate myself and it helps me a lot so I want him to also get the benefits for it.

    submitted by /u/aRandomRamen
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    Are we not our thoughts?

    Posted: 08 Jun 2021 08:40 AM PDT

    Like when you think in your head "I am not my thoughts" who is the I in the scenario? Total consciousness or what?

    submitted by /u/GuyWithTheBeard97
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    Visual Meditation??? Types of meditation help?

    Posted: 07 Jun 2021 11:44 PM PDT

    Hi y'all, a few months ago I was watching a YouTube video about meditation. I can't remember which video it was. But at the end of it there was a small snippet of what I'm calling a visual meditation cause idk what else to call it.

    It was a guided meditation so they were telling me/the audience what to visualize. The vision/meditation was to close my eyes and imagine being in an all white room with four walls, kind of looks like a prison cell, has a bed and I think a sink iirc. In front you is a window that's a bit taller than you. The video goes on to describe what to feel as I walk up to the cold textured wall, press my chest against it, reach my arms up, grasp my fingers on the edge of the window, then pull myself up, look out the white bright window and see the light take over the whole room until my whole vision is white. And then he repeats that visualization a few times before it's over.

    I REALLY REALLY liked this. This meditation was very peaceful for me. First time I ever felt like I truly meditated. And I think it might be because it was the first time my brain was active with my senses rather than just imagining I'm on a beach or something. This allowed me to truly focus my thoughts for some reason.

    So I'm asking with the description I gave, can y'all help me figure out what type of meditation I was listening to? It seemed to involve more of the senses than other guided meditations.

    submitted by /u/KK_274
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    My forehead throbs slightly and tingles when I get into a deep state of meditation. Is this normal?

    Posted: 08 Jun 2021 07:47 AM PDT

    I'm aware of the third eye/minds eye and what it represents and how it plays a huge part in meditation, astral projection etc. However I'm also aware that it's not literally an eye or a physical part of us... However whenever I meditate or go into a deep trance state I get a very noticeable tingling and sometimes like a slight throbbing sensation located in the middle of my forehead maybe 1 or 2cm above my eyebrow. I never have the sensation when not meditating. With in minutes of getting into a deep meditative state it starts happening. It starts off ever so slightly the more I look inside myself. Once it starts I'm fully aware of it and know that I've got to a certain point in my meditation. Extreme visuals usually accompany the feeling sometimes just patterns and colour and last night I was flying through the sky with dragons... It's pretty awesome tbh but i wondered if others have had similar experiences?

    submitted by /u/degeman
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    Ultimate Hip Hop Study Relaxation - Stress Relief Beats! let the music take you away! !nstrumental!

    Posted: 08 Jun 2021 07:12 AM PDT

    Can I meditate with music on?

    Posted: 08 Jun 2021 07:04 AM PDT

    I know this sounds silly but can I put a particular soundtrack on repeat and do 7-4-8 breathing exercise? It's often seems impossible to turn-off my mind if not for some sorta background soundtrack that's familiar. Thanks.

    submitted by /u/truethoughtlight
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    Had a great meditation experience, yesterday.

    Posted: 08 Jun 2021 06:40 AM PDT

    I've always been attracted to meditation from a young age, and my mother used to meditate (almost) daily.

    Anyway, I'm now in my mid 30's and finally have been able to start meditating consistently starting this last week- it will be a total of 9 meditation sessions. From my very first session I was able to meditate for almost an hour. My second time was over an hour.

    However, my last (9th) session yesterday I experienced something extraordinary. The session was just over an hour long, and I'd guess that the last 15-20 minutes was euphoric— pure bliss. This was sensational in that it wasn't just my mind, it was my entire body; pulsating with energy and euphoria. To add, the onset was very sudden and without warning, and very intense at first but I embraced it and rode it through to the end. Another feeling was intense pressure or gravitational pull, is how I would describe it, but not uncomfortable in any way. I felt sturdy.

    I experimented with drugs in my youth (long time ago) and what I experienced yesterday far surpassed any high from any drug I've tried.

    Just wanted to share my experiences. Hope you're all doing well.

    submitted by /u/esotericmegillah
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    why does the top of my head, forehead and spine tingle during mediation?

    Posted: 08 Jun 2021 06:26 AM PDT

    when i meditate i get this uncomfortable tingling sensation at the top of my head, forehead and spine. the sensation in my spine can cause jerking movements because its just uncomfortable. its similar to being tickled and i need to move in order to stop the sensation. if i try not to move the sensation will just get stronger and more uncomfortable

    this also happens straight away, as in i dont need to be meditating for 5 minutes for this to happen. im aware that tingling sensations are something that you will feel during meditation but why does mine start so early and in such an uncomfortable way that makes it difficult to sit still. i either have to apply pressure to my forehead (eg with a pillow) to stop the sensation or move during the meditation to stop it. but after a while it will start again. why does this happen to me? is it normal for tingling sensations to be this way?

    submitted by /u/sircatalothefifth
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    Beautiful Meditation Music with Snowy Mountains and Ice Formations, Rela...

    Posted: 08 Jun 2021 06:23 AM PDT

    Listen to this beautiful meditation music with stunning snowy mountains, Antarctic ice formations, waterfalls, sea ice and rivers. Great for study music, relaxation music, sleeping music, yoga music and calming music. Relaxation Meditation75 has created this sound therapy music, using unique Musical Compositions, Binaural Beats and Isochoric Tones as our primary sound elements mixed with different instruments and soundscapes to create a relaxed audio environment. We hope that this music video can help all those who listen to it. #Astralwormholemusic #Astralprojectionmusic #Luciddreammusic #relaxationmusic #studymusic #meditationmusic #yogamuisc #sleepingmusic #powerfulmusic #shammandrumming #shamanicmeditaiton #healingmusic #trancemandaladance #shamanicdrumming #trancemeditation #meditationmusic #healingmeditation #drumsmeditation #relaxationmeditation75 Welcome and thank you for watching our music videos at Relaxation Meditation 75 Consider subscribing for relaxing meditation music with nature scenes. Social Media Links: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/relaxationm... Twitter: https://twitter.com/all_online4 Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/user/Relaxatio... Tumblr: https://www.tumblr.com/blog/view/rela... Discord: Relaxation Meditation 75#1364 My Website: https://music.siterubix.com/ Welcome and thank you for watching our music videos at Relaxation Meditation 75 Consider subscribing for relaxing meditation music with nature scenes. Subscribe ► https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCyNM... Videos See additional selected videos: Ambient Music Caves and Cave Diving https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qr-X7... Relaxing Classical Music https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mUkX_... Calm relaxing music for sleeping or meditation https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cpPdg... Relaxing calm sound of waves at the beach - set the volume low https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0lvA-... Relaxing sleep music https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cpPdg... Deep sleep meditation music relax mind body https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=baa3a... Affiliate Disclaimer. This video contains affiliate links. If you click on one of them, I'll receive a commission for any purchase you make. See my affiliate links below: To Purchase any of the following click the relevant link: Bose Soundlink Mini II Special Edition Speaker https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08P48MZFS/... Bose Quiet Comfort 35 II Wireless Bluetooth Headphones, Noise-Cancelling, with Alexa Voice Control - Black https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0756CYWWD/... Bose Lifestyle 600 Home Entertainment System, works with Alexa - Black https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01KZHOW2O/... Dell Alienware Area 51M Laptop, 17.3 inches FHD (1920 x 1080), 9th Gen Intel Core i9-9900K, 64GB (4x16GB) RAM, 2 X 512GB SSD (RAID0) + 1TB SSHD, NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2080, Windows 10 (Renewed) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07YYLMC73/... Practicing Mindfulness: 75 Essential Meditations to Reduce Stress, Improve Mental Health, and Find Peace in the Everyday https://www.amazon.com/dp/1641521716/... Balance From GoYoga 7-Piece Set - Include Yoga Mat with Carrying Strap, 2 Yoga Blocks, Yoga Mat Towel, Yoga Hand Towel, Yoga Strap and Yoga Knee Pad https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07LFMMKN5/...

    submitted by /u/RelaxationMeditate
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    What meditation did for me

    Posted: 08 Jun 2021 06:15 AM PDT

    This could fit into several subs that I'm a part of, but I've decided meditation has been the decisive factor in my current situation.

    I got admitted to a hospital yesterday, with what looks like a severe allergic reaction, although I didn't injest anything out of ordinary. Im swallen all over, my belly ached so much I almost lost consciousness, the doctors can't find any reason for my condition. Right now they are turning away from allergy and looking into viruses and auto-immune diseases. I have a hunch that my condition is spiritual in nature, but the symptoms got too hard for me to handle without support.

    That being said, I feel great. It's all ok, I have friends that care for me, I care for me as well. It's a great opportunity to chill and spend time alone, meet new people, all the hospital staff is so nice... I would never be able to look at it this way if it wasn't for meditation. It does work, and even in challenging situations I am able to maintain positive outlook and just be. I mean, honestly, even if I died today, would it be so bad? Just different I suppose.

    Happy journey to you all. 🙂

    submitted by /u/Jczas
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    What are some good meditation audios to get in touch with your physical body and appearance (for LOA purposes), rather than detaching from the body.

    Posted: 08 Jun 2021 05:15 AM PDT

    The power turned off while I was in deep meditation

    Posted: 08 Jun 2021 04:45 AM PDT

    I was meditating, and it got pretty intense. You know how it be. And animals have been coming up to me recently while I've been meditating so I'm pretty certain I'm subconsciously sending out something when I'm meditating. But yesterday, after I meditated on my porch outside and came inside my dad said, "did something happen? The power just shut off". Nothing happened to my knowledge other than my deep meditation, and the power was back on when I came back into the house. So whatever was interfering was no longer. I'm wondering could it actually have been me who did that or just a coincidence?

    submitted by /u/jocularwilliam
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    My first bad experience

    Posted: 08 Jun 2021 12:56 AM PDT

    Before bed i like to meditate until i fall asleep. Sometimes i experience some peaceful hallucinations or lucid dreams. Lately something weird has been happening. The first time my body got a vibrating sensation and i can feel myself slowly falling then dropping all of a sudden. Almost like im spawning. My eyes are closed this entire time. once im "spawned" i still get the sense that im in my bedroom and everything is the same. I started to get slowly lifted out of my bed. Almost like the movies where a spaceship is lifting something with that beam thing. The first time this happened i was able to control it and stop it immediately. The second time the same thing happened. So I thought something was trying to tell me something so I decided to let it happen. As i was being lifted into the air i could feel myself drifting sideways so i opened my eyes. I saw i was indeed in my bedroom and i looked down and my dog was sleeping in the same spot as he was before I started meditating. As im getting closer to the wall i was thinking i was gonna bump into it but i just went straight through it as if it was never there. Next thing i know im outside floating in the air and im not moving any more for about a second. Instantly im being shot up into the air 1000 mph. I could vividly feel the g force and my cheeks jiggling like i was on a rollercoaster but it was so fast it felt like my face was falling off. The wind was blowing in my face and i could hear it louder than anything. As i get higher the ringing in my ear starts to come and it gets louder and louder. Eventually it gets so bad my right ear popped it felt like my eardrum exploded. Thats when i forced this hallucination to stop. I was holding my ear tightly and screaming in pain and I couldn't hear my own scream. I was back in my room but i still had the sense i was hallucinating so i forced myself to wake up. When i woke up, my vision had changed. Everything was grids and inside the little squares was writing in a language I've never seen before. It was all over the walls, floor, my bed and even me. This was when i was awake btw. I watched it slowly fade away then everything was normal. I went straight to my phone and now im typing this.

    submitted by /u/Awareness-Recent
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    Help, Hair standing up during Meditation or Kundalini Yoga

    Posted: 08 Jun 2021 04:10 AM PDT

    Before I used to just feel the energy or the "spiritual chills" whenever I do deep breathing while meditating or yoga but now the hair on my arms and even the ones on my head stand up (hair is not full standing but it certainly moves upwards) when I do deep breathing. Is this something bad or something I should not be doing, what does it mean or why does this happen? Thank you and any help or advise is appreciated!

    submitted by /u/brandon110ong
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    possible astral projection while meditating?

    Posted: 08 Jun 2021 07:54 AM PDT

    last year, I meditated twice and only did it to look for answers within myself. however, I've gotten back into meditating within the past week to keep my energy stable. last night however, I lit incense and stared into the smoke/flame as it burned. I could see the energy in everything, I felt myself start to zoom out of my body and I freaked out. I'm still new to meditating as I started practicing paganism a few weeks ago because I was called to. however, I'm still able to see the energy in everything, even a day after.

    submitted by /u/187iqs
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    I want to live in the moment

    Posted: 07 Jun 2021 07:07 PM PDT

    It's crux of all my anxiety. I often cannot be in the moment. I'm often thinking about the next thing, because the next thing will make me feel better. But there is no next thing. It's always the current thing. A few examples:

    - I play music in a band. Very often at a gig or practice I am full of anxiety and I cannot just let myself enjoy playing music. I'm not full of anxiety because I'm worried I'm going to make a mistake or anything like that. I'm feeling like I want to escape and go back home. Going home won't solve the problem. I feel like I'm "out of place". Sometimes playing a certain song, or someone will say something to me, that "snaps" me back to the moment, and suddenly there I am having fun and enjoying myself.

    - I'll be at home hanging out watching TV with my wife or kids. I'm not able to get into the show, I start feeling like I need to do something else, anything else - to get my mind off the fact that I'm not in the moment, that I'm feeling "out of place" again.

    - going out to eat with my friends. I'll feel anxiety and feel the I want to go home feeling. Same as when I'm playing music. I can't just let myself go and be in the moment.

    Now there have been some times in the last few months where I was doing one of the above, or something along these lines, and was completely in the moment, felt wonderful, and just happy to be here, not thinking about wanting to go home.

    I've been this way for such a long time. I want to learn to be in the moment more of the time. I know what it feels like, but I end up not feeling in the moment most of the time. I tried meditating, 20 min a day - I haven't been keeping us as much with it lately it's become very hard.

    I've been exercising more lately, I figure that can only help. I eat like crap. That's been the hardest thing to fix. I'm eating a bit better, but I could be eating a whole lot better. I'm in pretty good shape. I don't over eat. I can run a mile. (and I do probably once a week)

    Could it be I'm on the wrong medicines? I have a phycologist I see every week and a psychiatrist I see once every 2 months.

    Is talking about this so much, thinking so much about trying to be in the moment, all the therapy the very thing that is keeping me from being not able to be?

    I went thru a very low point of the worst anxiety every 4 years ago. I'm so much better now. But I want to live in the moment, I don't want the mild anxiety making me want to go back home all the time. I want to be able to just socialize with people and not thinking about.

    Is there an answer?

    submitted by /u/mrmanpgh
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