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    Flexibility: Working on my V-Sit

    Flexibility: Working on my V-Sit

    Working on my V-Sit

    Posted: 24 Jul 2021 11:37 AM PDT

    Camel to wheel and back! Any tips or feedback on improving this would be great to hear.

    Posted: 24 Jul 2021 10:31 AM PDT

    Tight hips and lower back causing all sorts of specific pain, has anyone had anything similar?

    Posted: 24 Jul 2021 12:44 PM PDT

    Hey guys, I'm an avid powerlifter who admittedly did not do enough stretching and mobility in the past but was strong and suffered no pain. Roll forward to now after months of no training due to covid and I've been having this injury that keeps coming back for months…if anyone has any idea what I could do I would appreciate it.

    I get shooting pains like a trapped nerve around the lumbar spine, tailbone, glutes area but it just keeps coming back at random times. I am able to squat and deadlift heavy and feel 100% fine after and the next few days after that too.

    When I do the following it will flare up

    • Bench press (stopped doing it about a month ago)

    • sometimes minor flare ups on deadlifts (sumo or conventional)

    • when I try to do upward dog

    • sometimes when I bend over to pick up dumbbells resting on the bench

    • when I'm sleeping and readjust my position by doing a sort of glute bridge

    • any core exercises that require my legs to be in the air

    • if I'm walking down the stairs and miss a step

    Here are a few things that help make the pain go away(sometimes)

    • lacrosse balling my glutes

    • pigeon stretch

    • foam rolling my hips, legs, and lower back

    This injury doesn't really affect my day to day life, I can still bend over with no pain and walk/run completely fine.

    I understand with these type of injuries it's usually best to consult a doctor (which I am currently in the process of doing) but would just appreciate any advice!

    submitted by /u/BarryBeeBensonWorks
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    Scapular wingning, rounded shoulders, scoliosis, etc PLEASE READ THIS :)

    Posted: 24 Jul 2021 11:39 PM PDT

    Hello ... Good morning to everyone here. I am here to ask for some help and advice if possible regarding this issue of winged scapulae and rounded shoulders. And well my case is the following: I have both winged scapulae, the left winged but let's say that in a better position than the right, which is winged with the lower and middle part more outwards and with the right shoulder on this side fallen towards forward and with an impingement that began at the time months ago as tendinitis from overstressing myself doing a stretch, it should be noted that said right scapula is also fallen. I also have moderate scoliosis in C, and finally I have an imbalance in the middle of the body, that is, I have my whole right side much larger and more worked than the left, and how does it do? I was resting for months because by then I had pain in my shoulder and scapula, and I had to stop doing anything training, I am currently doing a routine based on different things that I have collected there, to stretch my entire upper and middle back, shoulders, pecs and general posture improvement, and doing impromptu face pulls with a blanket full of books, one or two basic exercises for Ahtlean X winged scapulae, and trying to improve the shoulder with a rubber band, working external rotators.But I have noticed that I have a small consistent pain in my right scapula, in the rhomboid area, and it is sometimes difficult for me to stretch there, every day the scapula thunders loudly, and when I am stretching the pectorals major or minor , on my right side I cannot stretch well because the shoulder intervenes a lot and I get tired from the impingement I suppose, when I do some exercise or something and I place myself in good posture, while my left scapula is better placed, the right one is rounded forward and I have to make more effort backwards to reposition it, which I cannot do correctly, the same when doing some exercise or something, it should be noted that when I stretch the area feels relaxed but it still thunders, and within a day or less time returns the small pain between the middle area of ​​the right scapula. What do you recommend me to do? I have faith that I am going to heal, it is a fact that I have gotten into my head as they have no idea. But I also have to do my part and in addition to trusting in the process, work for it and achieve it, so ... What do they tell me? Or what advice do you give me? I wait a bit to treat the imbalance and I continue with the stretching and such? Or what? I await your answer, greetings !!!! PS: Do not recommend me to go to a specialist please, I am in Venezuela and currently it is not very easy, since it is too EXPENSIVE, and too complicated with this government and situation to get a good doctor specialized correctly in these areas as in any other country, And there are no chiropractors, so xD, and I have already gone to a few, and they have not been of much help, if you need a photo to see more exactly what I have, please do not hesitate to ask for it, thanks in advance, greetings! ! (Sorry for so much text).

    submitted by /u/Accomplished-Pin-614
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    Stretch iliopsoas when you have low back pain

    Posted: 24 Jul 2021 11:33 PM PDT

    Stretch iliopsoas when you have low back pain

    Hi all,

    I found out with the Thomas test that my iliopsoas muscle is tight (see: https://www.reddit.com/r/flexibility/comments/oheqdg/my_result_of_thomas_test_good_or_bad/)

    I want to stretch this muscle, but the problem is I have low back problems.

    I tried the stretch Stuart McGill adviced in his book (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bcbuhePZZj0 time: 4:40) for a few weeks but it gave a lot of back pain so I stopped.

    I think the problem with this stretch is that I arch my back (extension) - which in my opinion is necessary for a good execution of the exercise.

    In the Travell, Simons & Simons' Myofascial Pain and Dysfunction The Trigger Point Manual 3rd Edition book they say this:

    To stretch the iliopsoas muscle passively, the thighs and pelvis should be pressed against the table (or floor) because they hyperextend the lumbar spine and hips in a press-up position (Figure 51-5). The muscle can also be stretched in the position utilized for assessment (Figure 51-3A). To increase the stretch further, a post-isometric relaxation technique, which was described and illustrated for this muscle by Lewit,53 can be effective. The lower extremity on the side of the iliopsoas muscle to be stretched is allowed to hang freely with the knee bent. If the thigh needs more support, the patient may move up on the supporting surface. The pull is increased by pulling the other knee to the chest. This position also loads a sufficiently shortened rectus femoris muscle.

    53) Lewit K. Manipulative Therapy in Rehabilitation of the Motor System. London, England: Butterworths; 1985:138, 276, 315 (153, Fig. 4.42).



    1. The first stretch (figure 51-5) that is mentioned also arch the low back, so I want to avoid that.
    2. The stretch in figure 51-3 could be a good alternative but I need a person here who helps me. That's not always possible.
    3. To increase the stretch further, a post-isometric relaxation technique, which was described and illustrated for this muscle by Lewit,53 can be effective. 53) Lewit K. Manipulative Therapy in Rehabilitation of the Motor System. London, England: Butterworths; 1985:138, 276, 315 (153, Fig. 4.42).

    Is there someone who has this book??

    4) The lower extremity on the side of the iliopsoas muscle to be stretched is allowed to hang freely with the knee bent. If the thigh needs more support, the patient may move up on the supporting surface. The pull is increased by pulling the other knee to the chest. This position also loads a sufficiently shortened rectus femoris muscle.

    I don't really know what they mean with this? There is no picture. Can someone tell me?

    And, can somebody give me good exercises for stretching the iliopsoas WITHOUT arching my lower back backwards?


    submitted by /u/JW8211
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    i tried again ( my angle are perfect!! lol)

    Posted: 24 Jul 2021 07:02 PM PDT

    everytime i upload video to this app, it takes forever and never uploads.... its only a minute long and just makes me never wanna upload anything lol....

    Posted: 24 Jul 2021 06:56 PM PDT

    are there any stretches that help asthma?

    Posted: 24 Jul 2021 01:29 PM PDT

    Ive been really into a regular stretch routine for 4 months now and I was wondering if there are any stretches that ease asthma/make asthma attacks not as bad?

    submitted by /u/Appius246
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    Correcting Head Forward Posture. Thoracic Mobility Part2| Life Rx Los An...

    Posted: 24 Jul 2021 11:26 AM PDT

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