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    Monday, July 26, 2021

    Meditation: Meditating made me realize I don’t like my career

    Meditation: Meditating made me realize I don’t like my career

    Meditating made me realize I don’t like my career

    Posted: 25 Jul 2021 09:54 AM PDT

    I am a senior in college for computer science and have always wanted to do it since I was a kid. My parents were always very hard on me and always said money = happiness. So I was attracted to software engineering as it seemed it was a good way to make a lot of money and live happily

    Ever since I started meditating I realized I don't care much about having the nicest of things or the most prestigious items or job. In turn it has made me despise software engineering. I don't know what to do at this point I feel like I just want to create something to help people. Creating software kind of seems superficial to me.. any thoughts are appreciated (:

    Edit: thanks everyone for the amazing responses I didn't expect to hear such good advice! I guess I couldn't have gotten all of this advice if it weren't for software like Reddit haha. I think I am going to stick with it and try to create some type of software that people can benefit from rather than distract and take away from life.

    submitted by /u/iDooger
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    Involuntary ejaculation during meditation retreat

    Posted: 25 Jul 2021 07:24 PM PDT

    Has anyone ever heard of this happening during a meditation??

    I'm at a small meditation retreat and this happened to 2 different people on different days (in front of the whole group, though we didn't realize till the end of the session) .... lol obviously pretty embarrassing but was curious if it's a common thing

    submitted by /u/MakeLemonaid-
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    How to meditate to reduce anger, depressed and sadness?

    Posted: 26 Jul 2021 12:15 AM PDT

    At first, I like to tell why I started meditate. I'm 18year old college student. In Myanmar, where I live, has been under military coup for about 6 months. And I feel like I don't have future anymore feel like everything is dark. And also my friend has been killed by military just for protesting. I feel upset, depressed, sad. So I try meditation, but I find peace only when I meditating. Except that time I still depressed, sad and also angry at others for no reason. I really appreciate if someone guided me how to meditate to reduce that kind of depressed feeling.

    p.s - sorry for my bad English

    submitted by /u/VegetableChicken4779
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    What is the best piece of advice you can give to a first-time meditator?

    Posted: 25 Jul 2021 07:27 PM PDT

    What is the key of building meditation in out life?

    submitted by /u/BTheFurnace
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    Tip for staying in awareness throughout the day

    Posted: 26 Jul 2021 12:09 AM PDT

    Perhaps this is not a new idea, but I came up with this tip for myself and felt like it might help others.

    I have a joint disorder that affects the muscles around them and tends to make them full of tension and knots. My neck/upper back and shoulders are the worst area for this. Truly relaxing these muscles takes a bit of conscious effort for me. However, during meditation, I've come to have better awareness of these muscles, and have also come to associate relaxing them with acceptance of the present moment. It's more of a psych thing, but I just always felt like any muscle tension was a sign that I was still resisting in some way, or trying to hold on to control. I do inner body awareness meditation mainly so this is probably more of a me thing lol.

    Regardless, this has led me to a very nice little technique that I can use throughout the day, outside of practice. Due to the tension in my neck area, my shoulders are often at least somewhat "shrugged" throughout the day. Thus, I treat the entire day like a meditation session and use my shoulders as my focus. Comparing it to breath meditation, just as you would return to the breath every time you realize your awareness has wandered, in this technique, I return my awareness back to the muscles in my shoulders and ensuring that they are relaxed and unshrugged. Sometimes it's only a couple times a day that you return, but other times, you find that you can hold on to that awareness for long periods of time while you go about other tasks.

    While you could also use this trigger as a mental reminder to accept the present moment, I find that simply keeping the awareness there is more than enough. True presence/awareness implies acceptance, so there's really no need to attach any thoughts to the technique. All that's needed is relaxing, noticing the state of your muscles/tension, keeping that feeling in sight, and returning to it anytime you find you've left.

    Yes, this is basically the process of meditation in general but I think a lot of people don't realize how easily the process can be applied outside of a practice session. I have autism & ADHD so getting myself to actually sit down for a session is hard — I find more success with tips that help me integrate meditation and mindfulness into my daily life.

    submitted by /u/blueberrykirby
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    Tried the 30 Day Meditation Challenge

    Posted: 25 Jul 2021 10:55 PM PDT

    Since I was an atheist and an over-sceptical person, I was always reluctant to try the meditation. I thought it was just another spirituality scam.

    I started the challenge on the 15th of May 2021 and decided to scribble my thoughts every day in a journal. These 30 days were amazing for me and opened up new perspectives. I could see changes in my everyday life due to this 10 – 20 min spent every day. I'm happy with the decisions I took and the journey.

    Read more about my journey: https://rishikeshs.com/lessons-30-day-meditation-challenge/

    submitted by /u/rishikeshshari
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    Meditated for 15 minutes without feeling like a lifetime.

    Posted: 25 Jul 2021 01:10 PM PDT

    I'm really excited because I have been on and off meditating for years now and I always struggle with feeling antsy and waiting for the time to be over. Anything over 5 minutes feels like a lifetime to me sometimes. Today I did a guided meditation for 15 minutes and I didn't feel that way. I feel myself making progress as I build my practice. I am becoming more present in my daily life and I feel like I have more self control. I also am realizing how egocentric my thinking is a lot of the time, and just noticing it helps me try to combat it and have more compassion for others. It feels like I'm starting to reap the benefits of mindfulness and meditation and that feels really nice.

    I just wanted to share as a way to motivate myself and maybe others to keep trying. Even if it's just taking a mindful breath here or there, all those moments help!

    submitted by /u/lofidoggo
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    I'm getting a weird pressure in the middle of my forhead.

    Posted: 26 Jul 2021 01:03 AM PDT

    So I'm a very inexperienced person when it comes to meditation, but as of late whenever I meditate for a long enough time say like 40 minutes I start to feel a weird pressure in the middle of my forehead, as well as a strange sensation in the middle of my back, the times feels the same as my forehead but then evolves into weird sensation going up and down my back, does anyone have any explanation for this? Again I'm very inexperienced and have no idea what I'm doing.

    submitted by /u/Orderchaosivy
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    Present moment techniques?

    Posted: 25 Jul 2021 08:22 PM PDT

    Hello. I'm just curious to know your guys is present moment techniques. Yo enter the present moment, I just imagine me stepping out of my mind and into my body, it fully absorbs me into the present, what about you guys?

    submitted by /u/Electrical-Object-82
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    I feel deep sorrow in my chest area and cry when I meditate. How do I sort through this feeling. Very new to meditating.

    Posted: 25 Jul 2021 04:43 PM PDT

    Hi everyone. I've only just started meditating in the past week. Just 10-15 min a day to start off with. Every day about 3 minutes in I try to focus on my chest as I suffer from anxiety, and try to open up that space. Everytime I do I feel a great sorrow and tears just start to roll. I haven't been upset prior to practising, but I can't help but focus on it for a few min after. Has anyone else experienced this, and is there any way to sort through that feeling? Feels like baggage in my chest. Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/BackwardsLemonSqueez
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    Anxiety attacks from trying to meditate

    Posted: 25 Jul 2021 11:19 PM PDT

    I experience pretty intense anxiety and I've been trying out meditation to work through it. I've pretty much immediately hit a brick wall though, b/c when I manage to sit with my thoughts, they overwhelm me and I get really anxious, sometimes having panic attacks. Is this just part of the process, like I'm getting that tension out of my body before I can start getting some relief? Or am I doing something wrong and causing myself unnecessary added anxiety?

    submitted by /u/wendigofriendigo
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    Some thing is pushing me

    Posted: 25 Jul 2021 09:42 PM PDT

    The last 3 or 4 times I have meditated I feel someone pushing me. It's always in my back around my sacral chakra. It will often happen a few times in one sitting. Does this kind of thing happen to others?

    submitted by /u/mommaCyn
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    How do I conquer over my desires and be content instead of aversion, how should I practice detachment without fear of doing the wrong thing

    Posted: 25 Jul 2021 07:49 PM PDT

    after reading this https://www.reddit.com/r/Meditation/comments/oqsn64/my_experience_with_daily_meditation_7_years/

    and some words of j krishna murti, philosophy of stoicism and ancient cynicsm. after trying and testing I am finally understanding the value of mastering one-self and the need of healthy detachment

    my problem - not me but a part of myself, desires 'great' wealth maybe for my family and my loved ones comfort, it wanna averese every visible failure, most of all it greatly fears wrong decisions which will result in unfair fruits of life, some people have talents, or the majority of crowds likes thier simple work, this kind of diversity allows some lucky people to life easily with everything, but its not true for most people - I wanna ditch this rat race, even tho I wanna work and help people and contribute to the society, this part of my mentality oftens reminds me that the kind of work i am doing is orginally not my passion, it gives me no acutal joy in the process, but its just threaded to the meaning that i need a job and need to feed my family - and this pisses me off. even tho everything about me and my condition is true, I need to, I must push through, I am looking work as software enginering positively and all, I just want to shut my wap off always going "you re not happy", "you could be doing better", "you are wasting your life away" "you are not wise but naive"

    I am at peace, but a piece of mind says I still could be doing something better than peace and make it more worth - which is impossible, cause is life unfair and no one gets their 100%.

    I dont know if this is ego or what, i dont even know, just need some wisdom

    submitted by /u/saaaalut
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    Are there other ways than meditation to make your ego smaller?

    Posted: 26 Jul 2021 01:57 AM PDT

    Question in title.

    submitted by /u/qwerty67843
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    Breakthroughs when Meditating?

    Posted: 26 Jul 2021 01:14 AM PDT

    I just recently started to meditate, and cannot yet sit down for more than 15 minutes. Most often what I do is try and focus on the present moment and sensations, try to slow down and still my body, and ground myself in the moment. Doing so helps a great deal with my anxiety and prevents my body from reflexively getting tensed up. However on this subreddit I have seen people talking about having breakthroughs and revelations the longer they sit and meditate. I also want to explore myself and my life deeper. My question is, what kind of meditation techniques or practices has led you guys to such breakthroughs? Is it about sitting and thinking about something very deeply, or just something thay happens when you get very still? Thanks in advance, and hope this question makes sense!

    submitted by /u/reggiespektre
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    Focusing on breathing makes me anxious

    Posted: 25 Jul 2021 03:56 PM PDT

    Hi guys, I began meditating last September and really noticed a great benefit immediately. However, in December I found I began to always be focusing on my breath whether I was meditating or not, and it would make me extremely anxious due to me trying to control it. I have looked up why this may be and most things lead to me having Somatic OCD, or the focus on a bodily function. The only times I can really not focus much on breathing is when I don't focus on my breath while meditating, but then on the flip side I feel like I am not getting benefit from meditation and feel kind of low without it. Most times when I focus on breathing during meditation it just makes me uneasy. I've tried to work through it with a bit of therapy but still find it hard to relax all the time when thinking about the breathing. Any recommendations? I've been struggling with this for a long time just need some help. Thank you and have a great day.

    submitted by /u/Feeling-Frooty
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    Help crossing over to first Jhana

    Posted: 26 Jul 2021 12:36 AM PDT

    Hi all.

    I have been attempting to reach Jhana 1 for some time.

    I am building up access concentration either via anapana or body scanning. I clearly sense the Piti, mainly in my feet, legs, lower body and heart area. At times also in my face and hands.

    I did have several occasion where I feel my mind drastically (like, really notable) change. It felt like a small explosion or like a "click" in lack of better words. It was not dullness as I still had vivid sensations of my breath and body when probing the meditation object before focusing on the Piti. What would one call this experience?

    Today I sat for a little more than an hour. After 10 minutes the Piti started in my feet. I kept body scanning until around 30 minutes where I clearly felt the Piti. I then started focusing on the Piti. In the next 30 minutes the Piti would rise and fall. At times it would stabilize, but when I kept focusing on it, it would eventually fall again. It feels like my mind it starting to change (like being sucked in) when focusing on the stable Piti, but then it fades before anything significant happens.

    I think I am on the border of accessing Jhana 1?

    Has anyone been a similar place on their path and maybe had an insight or tip on how to sustain the Piti?

    Is it solely a matter of keep practicing?

    submitted by /u/hartmanners
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    Your life = Your story

    Posted: 25 Jul 2021 11:59 AM PDT

    Type each moment carefully.

    Take in every moment's reality with utmost potential.

    Love you all.

    submitted by /u/posthocergopropthoc
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    Why do i get an erection while meditating?

    Posted: 25 Jul 2021 01:21 PM PDT

    So here's the story.. I meditate on a daily basis, and i always thought this is normal, but once i started sharing how i feel while meditating some of the people told me they can't relate.

    The process starts with deep breathing i focus deeply on my breath and at some point i realise that my breath is like getting really slow. I let my thoughts fly away until im in a state of almost non thinking. When my body starts to tingle and kind of shutting down, i feel something that i describe as energy from the top of my lower body. It gives me an erection and shortly after a crazy happiness boost without even thinking about sex or anything like that.. The Energy spreads all over my body and i feel very good after that. Is that normal and what exactly is that? Can anybody tell me what i have experienced?

    To be honest the erection part is the worst of it. Because i lose my focus.

    EDIT: Thanks for the kind answers.. I learned a lot and i still do some research about it.

    submitted by /u/Tsubby_
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    Does the act of setting goals conflict with the act of meditation?

    Posted: 25 Jul 2021 11:29 AM PDT

    My understanding is that setting goals is a future-oriented task. It also requires reflection on the present and the past. It's often inspired by a person's dissatisfaction with his life. So how do you reconcile the two? Or am I taking "existing in the present" too literally?

    submitted by /u/whiskeysplotches
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    A mediation app

    Posted: 25 Jul 2021 08:59 PM PDT

    I found a meditation app that can listen to natural music, and the price is way less than Headspace or calm,


    submitted by /u/NiceGuy-n2
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    Posted: 25 Jul 2021 08:28 PM PDT

    When meditating, I feel restless kinda. I find it difficult to go more than 10 minutes, it's like I don't want to do it, but I do. Hopefully someone understands what I'm trying to say, anyways goodnight.

    submitted by /u/Electrical-Object-82
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    Counting your Breaths to get your mind back on track

    Posted: 25 Jul 2021 08:27 AM PDT

    When you sit to meditate and try to focus on your breath, your mind will inevitably wander. One technique to get your mind back on track is to count the breaths. Once you have got your mind focussed on your breath again, you can give up counting. There are a few different techniques you could use to count your breaths.

    • The technique that works best for me is to count each inhalation and exhalation separately. Count "one" as you fill your lungs with air, breathe out completely and then count "two". Take a big, deep breath again and count "three", and when you exhale again, count "four". Count all the way up to ten, before starting back again at one.
    • You can also join inhaling and exhaling as you count. So first, take a big deep breath, pause, exhale and when the lungs are empty of fresh air, count "one". This way of counting should be done up to five and then repeated from one again.
    • The third possible method is to count up to 10 on each inhalation and exhalation. So as you breathe in, quickly count "one, two three four five six, seven, eight, nine and ten". Start again and do the same as you breathe out. Do this as many times as is necessary to get your mind focussed on the breath again.

    Source: Mindfulness in Plain English - Bhante Gunaratana

    submitted by /u/SuDa2104
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