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    Sunday, July 25, 2021

    Yoga: Stained glass Muladhara chakra i made 🙏

    Yoga: Stained glass Muladhara chakra i made ��

    Stained glass Muladhara chakra i made ��

    Posted: 25 Jul 2021 11:29 AM PDT

    After two months of practice (almost every day) I got into grasshopper

    Posted: 25 Jul 2021 01:17 PM PDT

    affordable pants that don't fall apart when washed?

    Posted: 25 Jul 2021 01:01 PM PDT

    I prefer form fitting over baggy pants when I go to class, which this summer has particularly been very hot and humid. My koral pants are now shredding apart when I wash them, even in the sink, and I don't know what to do. Does anyone have a breathable brand they can recommend? I'd be so grateful! I am almost contemplating washing every other workout and dealing with the stink eye from my stinky clothes only because it is hard to get the brands I like in the country I live in, and I am down to one pair that I love and I noticed they are just wearing thin when I hold them up to the light.

    submitted by /u/iwantadivorcenowgreg
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    Back pain from yoga

    Posted: 25 Jul 2021 02:16 AM PDT

    I have been doing yoga for a month and now I often get back pain. I then tried exercises against back pain, but they sometimes worked and sometimes even caused more pain. I got the same problem last year from workouts so that I quit them. But I don't want to quit yoga as well.

    Had anybody the same problem and found a solution? Or can you recommend what I can do about it?

    submitted by /u/Seefeder
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    Foot alignment in Ardha Chandrasana?

    Posted: 25 Jul 2021 05:33 PM PDT

    Question about foot alignment when in half moon/ardha chandrasana; my foot wants to point slightly inward, towards 11 o'clock instead of straight up 12 (as where my spine, hand, etc point at 12). If I align the foot with 12 I find it much harder to balance. Should my foot also point towards 12 o'clock?

    submitted by /u/the_is_this
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    Poses I am really getting focused on are wheel, forward folds, crow pose, and the most stable and correct downdog. I feel if an individual can do these poses plus throw in a star pose they are fit in my opinion. Look I eat McDonalds and have side fat and I do all these in Mexico they call me wheels

    Posted: 25 Jul 2021 07:31 AM PDT

    I mean because of my side fat they call me wheels. In Spanish it is llantitas or llantas . I only worry about downdog because sometimes I get angry and I force my shoulder blades down and I say to gravity push me further down as I myself exert a force. I hear the most wonderful pops at times oh how it feels like a high sort of. I end with wise words: A body is kin to a river when in peace it ripples eloquent waves matching one another in perfect symphony; vast and boastful in its essence of calmatity. Rising storms abrupt and destructive in nature shatter the calmatity and with sweeping glory of rain and wind blow away any remaining sin. I know I right stupid here in this sub at times, so forgive thy for such preposterous posts.

    submitted by /u/mysticcannabinoid
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    Has anyone tried the membership to the Conscious Movement Community? (Yoga with Tim)

    Posted: 25 Jul 2021 05:36 AM PDT

    I really love his videos, and kinda want to take it to the next level, but I'd like some feedback if someone has to offer some. In the past I've payed for a membership to a fitness instructor from YT, and was disappointed - not that it was bad, but not far different from her free content on YouTube. In a way I feel like I should do it anyway because even the free sessions with Tim are really great and paying that subscription would be a way for me to say thank you, but if you add that to the sessions I already pay to my local studio, it's starting to make quite a lot of money, just spent on yoga.

    Thanks for your input :)

    submitted by /u/blue7libra
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    My Alo moves membership is ending soon and I am thinking to try yoga glo. Does yoga glo run membership promotion? If so, when does it normally happen? TIA

    Posted: 25 Jul 2021 05:50 PM PDT

    Hand to Big Toe extension difficulty

    Posted: 25 Jul 2021 03:20 PM PDT

    Hi there ! Just a quick one- i've been practising most days for the last year (31M) here in London (mostly ashtanga primary series with some secondary)- i've nailed some relatively challenging asanas such as flying crow etc. but the one asana that I can't seem to make any progress on is hand to big toe. My teachers reckon it's tight psoas and or quads, but they're not sure as I find full baddha konasana very easy and janu sirsasana relatively straight forward. Any suggestions on what I can work on? I have a strap that helps- it's that lift and extension I find hard. Almost like I need longer arms to be able to extend. Chris

    submitted by /u/Live-Gas1906
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    COVID vaccination.

    Posted: 25 Jul 2021 03:12 PM PDT

    Sam Harris mentioned on a recent podcast that "the yoga community" is one of the pockets of society that are against Covid vaccination. Is that accurate? What do you guys think or hear?

    submitted by /u/Qxc4
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    Yoga Trade _ anyone have experience?

    Posted: 25 Jul 2021 11:39 AM PDT

    Yoga teacher looking for work

    submitted by /u/Typeofnut
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    Posted: 24 Jul 2021 10:22 PM PDT

    I was using a guided manifestation meditation before bed and I felt something I never felt before, at the start I closed my eyes and seen a flash of light almost like lightning and then I proceeded and near the end I felt like I was completely submerged into something or nothing idk how to describe it and I felt as if I was shaking but like in my head and then a surge of energy just came into me and my whole body almost spasmed and I unwillingly opened my eyes I never felt a sensation or feeling like this before I've only been meditating for a few weeks deism anyone have any ideas what this could of been it was pretty amazing but so sudden and powerful it almost scares me a little thanks 🙏❤️

    submitted by /u/Imjustgonebro
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