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    Sunday, August 8, 2021

    Ashtanga yoga: Thoughts on returning to practice after a 4 year break

    Ashtanga yoga: Thoughts on returning to practice after a 4 year break

    Thoughts on returning to practice after a 4 year break

    Posted: 07 Aug 2021 03:17 PM PDT

    Hey everyone! I'm getting back into a regular practice after a 4 year break. Had 2 babies and lost most of the strength that I had built up over a period of about 5 years. Before babies I would go to the studio whenever I could, was practicing 6 days a week, was doing some 2nd series postures and drop backs. I could get into kapotasana and was working on getting a leg behind my head.

    Now that I'm coming back to practicing regularly, I know I will never, ever get my leg behind my head and I am completely ok with that. I also have no desire to get into kapo anymore, or to even do a drop back(although I loved how strong my back felt when I was able to do those things).

    I am so creaky though! I sounds like an old staircase when I'm doing the standing postures now. And my upward dogs are SO stiff. I try and relax my lower back and press into the tops of my feet when coming into it but I feel stiff as a board as I come up. I also am giving my left shoulder a break and leaving my thighs on the ground during chaturanga. Anyone else have to modify their practice as you get a bit older?

    I know my practice wont the be same as before and I'm ok with that. It is so good to be back practicing at the studio with our local ashtanga community. I am so very grateful for the people I practice with! Love this practice and the community at the shala.

    Thanks for reading!

    submitted by /u/jimboandkerny
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