Meditation: My mind reminded me of how much of a giant d*ck I was �� |
- My mind reminded me of how much of a giant d*ck I was ��
- A Brutally Honest Review of My 10-Day Silent Vipassana Meditation Retreat
- Don't let 5-20 minutes of negative thoughts create a bad vibe that ruins your whole day.
- I finally found the emotion that was keeping me these 6 years, I need your guidance
- Fairly new to meditation. Is it possible to use meditation to help with feeling ugly and not good enough?
- manifestation as a garden
- Is it possible to meditate 2 hours .. 3 times a day .. if you have the time .. but your a beginner but wants results as soon as possible?
- Peaceful
- A life void of craving is fundamentally unsatisfying - my opinion
- Solipsism
- Mindfulness app any good?
- What is your favorite mantra?
- Who do you want to be?
- Best morning and night meditation?
- Meditation music - Kanho Yakushiji
- I finally found the emotion that was keeping me these 6 years, I need your guidance
- Which kind of meditation are you practicing?
- Help needed with a structure that will help me focus on studies :) Thank you
- New into meditation
- A note I wrote myself after a meditation session.
- A Break from Meditation
- I’m a puzzle piece. When I sit, I go into place. I lose my edges, I expand, into the whole, beautiful, image.
- Nightmares & Meditation
- How to not fall asleep during meditation?
My mind reminded me of how much of a giant d*ck I was �� Posted: 07 Aug 2021 02:49 PM PDT After reading u/st11es post where an old memory about fear appeared during mediation, I was reminded of a meditative session I had a year or so ago. I used to own a house where I would rent out a couple rooms to my friends. After about a year one my housemates informed me that his parents were moving out of the state and they couldn't take their cat to their new home. My housemate asked if he could take the cat which, of course, meant it would be at my house. I did not want a cat and I even remembered coolly thinking, if his own parents don't want the cat, it must not be THAT important. I said sorry, but I don't want a cat in the house. He understood and everything was fine. Well guess what happened during my meditation: "Hey remember that time you were a giant dick to your friend? " And I replayed that moment of how I thought it went. I felt AWFUL. I couldn't believe I did that to him. This was my friend, and this was his childhood cat. I immediately opened my eyes and texted my friend. I was so nervous about his response but I had to tell him how sorry I was. And his response: huh, I don't remember that. No worries. How's it going? I was relieved that I hadn't hurt my friend but I also learned this: Your mind wants your attention. The more you ignore or drop the mind the harder it hits. But keep remembering these are thoughts… and most aren't even the way you THINK they are. Forgive yourself and let them go. [link] [comments] | ||
A Brutally Honest Review of My 10-Day Silent Vipassana Meditation Retreat Posted: 07 Aug 2021 09:34 PM PDT
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Don't let 5-20 minutes of negative thoughts create a bad vibe that ruins your whole day. Posted: 08 Aug 2021 01:19 AM PDT Don't let 5-20 minutes of negative thoughts create a bad vibe that ruins your whole day. Just observe your own mind and your own thoughts, the only reason a bad day can happen is if you let 5-20minutes of negative thoughts create a bad vibe that ruins your whole day (unless of course something actually really bad happened). So if you notice some negative thoughts, then let them come and go. Just observe it. And after a while positive thoughts will come up again. So, observe, and make way for the positive day. [link] [comments] | ||
I finally found the emotion that was keeping me these 6 years, I need your guidance Posted: 07 Aug 2021 07:37 AM PDT It was today during Joe Dispenza's space-time time-space meditation. I am meditating for 3 months already, and finally I hit that moment of complete void, not thinking about any of the automatic emotions, the complete blackbess. It was just for a few seconds, but once I got there, I started crying really hard, because I understood what have I conditioned my body into. And at that moment I found the experience that was subconsciously sitting inside me for over 6 years, when I did really something bad, and lied about it (I was around 15 at that moment). The state of being that I want to work on from now is being afraid to tell the truth, in other words, choosing lie over the fear. Usually this state comes when I am unconscious throughout the day (i.e don't think when I am taking actions). I would like to know what may help me to find the connection to this fear of telling truth. Sincerely, [link] [comments] | ||
Posted: 07 Aug 2021 08:30 PM PDT | ||
Posted: 08 Aug 2021 01:54 AM PDT today on lions gate i meditated on the tub and had a vision. i was on a hill on top of a horse and a man came up to me riding his own horse and told me to follow him. we rode through a valley until he stepped down and touch the earth. he told me "this is fertile ground and you can plant whatever you want in here" i understood immediately. a lot of fruits appeared on glass boxes and so i decided to plant intuitively what i felt i wanted. from what i can remember: i planted a papaya for healing myself and my friends, even if it hurt. i planted a banana for fun and interesting experiences, so i would be joyful in life. i planted a watermelon for my career and each seed was an specific thing i would accomplish. i planted a strawberry for the love i have for myself, my friends and family. it felt authentically methaphorical. manifestation (and life) really is just being in front of the fertile garden and you decide what you plant in it ♥️ 🥝🍓🍌🥭 [link] [comments] | ||
Posted: 07 Aug 2021 03:51 AM PDT 6 hours in total .. also what if I quit smoking .. while doing this .. I have two months .. free of responsibilities .. And I need to change .. [link] [comments] | ||
Posted: 07 Aug 2021 05:32 PM PDT Hi! I'm new-ish here. What is it like here? I was stoked to come across this sub, but then I'm not sure what is the scoop out is here. I'm not sure what the vibe is. Are there more peaceful, informational, educational, and kind post here or is it normal to come across confrontational posts? I understand this is Reddit and there are all kinds out here. I suppose just in life, in general there is always bad with the good. Just curious what this sub is all about. Are the mods involved or is it sort of a free for all? Thanks! [link] [comments] | ||
A life void of craving is fundamentally unsatisfying - my opinion Posted: 07 Aug 2021 09:59 PM PDT i've been contemplating various teachings that intertwine with meditation and spirituality and this is a personal realization i've come to that contradicts a lot of these teachings. i'm interested if this resonates with anyone else. for me - a complete cessation of craving or desire is utterly unsatisfying and even depressing. it is a thirst for knowledge, contemplation, and new experiences which is awe-inspiring and fulfilling. in my case, a craving/desire for fining my craft/hobby, gaining knowledge of intellectual passions (philosophy, psychology) and a craving for moral action and compassion. i wholly appreciate the infiniteness of life and its implications. being completely complacent or content with the "now" is what is suffering, for me. [link] [comments] | ||
Posted: 07 Aug 2021 10:40 AM PDT I was going to tell you about solipsism, but…… you're not even real. [link] [comments] | ||
Posted: 07 Aug 2021 11:07 PM PDT I have been struggling with anxiety lately which has spiked my OCD. After reading online. I heard that meditation can help. I'm not looking for anything hardcore or anything, just something to help me soothe out the edges when needed. I know the app has some guided content. Anybody use it and is it worth the money? [link] [comments] | ||
Posted: 07 Aug 2021 05:20 AM PDT | ||
Posted: 07 Aug 2021 10:17 PM PDT Be who you want to be. who you want to be is you. edit: I think meditation made me see this. [link] [comments] | ||
Best morning and night meditation? Posted: 08 Aug 2021 01:56 AM PDT I want to start meditate again. Whats the best 5-10 min program for morning and night? Guided or not guided [link] [comments] | ||
Meditation music - Kanho Yakushiji Posted: 07 Aug 2021 07:44 PM PDT
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I finally found the emotion that was keeping me these 6 years, I need your guidance Posted: 07 Aug 2021 07:37 AM PDT It was today during Joe Dispenza's space-time time-space meditation. I am meditating for 3 months already, and finally I hit that moment of complete void, not thinking about any of the automatic emotions, the complete blackbess. It was just for a few seconds, but once I got there, I started crying really hard, because I understood what have I conditioned my body into. And at that moment I found the experience that was subconsciously sitting inside me for over 6 years, when I did really something bad, and lied about it (I was around 15 at that moment). The state of being that I want to work on from now is being afraid to tell the truth, in other words, choosing lie over the fear. Usually this state comes when I am unconscious throughout the day (i.e don't think when I am taking actions). I would like to know what may help me to find the connection to this fear of telling truth. Sincerely, [link] [comments] | ||
Which kind of meditation are you practicing? Posted: 07 Aug 2021 12:59 PM PDT Ive read that's it 9 kinds of meditation. I've always just focused on my breath, and tried to observe my thought, like clouds on the blue sky. Until just now I wasn't aware of other methods. Which kind do you use? And why? Thx [link] [comments] | ||
Help needed with a structure that will help me focus on studies :) Thank you Posted: 07 Aug 2021 09:26 PM PDT Hello Guys, I'm a struggling student who has to give his best for the next year. I've always been a sharp student but has lacked focus and discipline. My only experience with meditation is watching guided meditation for de cluttering before my exam. I'm sorry for my lack of information on this topic but i want to learn now. Please suggest me any apps, videos or books that will help me start this journey. [link] [comments] | ||
Posted: 07 Aug 2021 03:28 PM PDT I have lack of focus especially during my classes at college and I even think I have ADHD as I read lot of articles about it and reddit posts as well.I've been hearing that meditation improves focus and know I am wondering is it true and should I start doing it.I messed up my first year in college so I need help as soon as possible.It would improve my grades 100% and other things in my life.Can you tell me some examples where it improved your focus and what else does meditation gives to me?I am new so I know nothing about it so if you could suggest some youtube videos which shows how to meditate or some articles, I would highly appreciate it. [link] [comments] | ||
A note I wrote myself after a meditation session. Posted: 07 Aug 2021 01:34 PM PDT watch everything. watch breath. watch how thought flows from single thought origin and proliferates. the more watching, the less identifying. identifying is problem. solution is watching. the mind constantly brings up more to identify with, none of it is the real me. all stress comes from identifying with the mind and it's constant proliferation. just keep watching [link] [comments] | ||
Posted: 07 Aug 2021 12:50 PM PDT In your practice - do you find it prudent to take a day off if your mind is not in the optimal condition for meditation? For the last two evenings, I have not got adequate sleep and during my meditation today I simply don't feel I have the mental faculties to have a productive session. I could simply do it, I know the only bad meditation is the meditation that you don't do, but I can feel a serious decline in both my ability to concentrate and in my overall sense of mental acuity. [link] [comments] | ||
Posted: 07 Aug 2021 08:42 AM PDT It's been years of note taking. Years of using tools, meditation, books, therapies etc. to combat anxiety. I wanted to capture how I felt, good or bad, and reference it in the future for reasons. It never ended. So I wanted to condense it, so I wouldn't have to read so much when I was in a good or bad mood to be reminded. Or write so much when I felt good or bad. I wanted to understand myself. Control myself. (HA!) If you're at a place like this, it's a wonderful place in its own right. I will not say it's good or bad, because it leads to something. An oak is not better than an acorn, an acorn is an implied oak. So, early stages of struggling are an implied peace later. Recently. Things have changed. I thought of myself as a puzzle piece to this world. I connected my anxiety to meditation as a tool or cure. One always came with the other somehow, linked. But when I sit. It's like putting the last piece of the puzzle. It loses its unique shape, it's edges, it's defined nature. And you step back and see this wonderful image. Full of little implied pieces , some plain, some tricky, some sharp, some odd shaped. So many descriptors that it becomes meaningless to describe them. Since without them, there wouldn't be the ONE image. So I sat. Instead of trying to feel the space around me. I wanted to become the space that I am in. Like a puzzle piece in place, not resting on top of the image. What's a room? What's a hole? It's space. It's not the walls, the floors, what's inside the hole/room. It's the empty space that things get to go into. I don't really have a point or conclusion to this. But I've taken out my notebook, and decided that I'm not the words, but the blank pages ahead. I'm not a man in a room sitting looking for peace, I'm an empty vessel for whatever wants to come and PASS through. Peace is just another passing. I just want to be empty, the potential for things when you are empty are endless. That endless empty feeling, isn't suppose to sound depressing. Because it's the possibility for EVERYTHING. And damn, bring it on. No matter what you put in the "room" the "room" will always be the air inside the walls and floor etc. not the furniture or people. Just be empty. A lens for life to pass through. It's endless. Full of sadness, anxiety, pain, then letting it go. Filling up with happiness. Letting it go. But that moment of emptiness before something fills it, that's me. I sit now to sit. To complete the puzzle. To lose my edges defined by me or my creator. To make a beautiful image. Before tossing the puzzle back in the box, into chaos, until next time. The box of chaotic mess and pieces is an implied beautiful image. And the beautiful image is made up of chaos and pieces. But both are perfect and imply the other. If you read this far thank you. I have no point or conclusion. My notebook pages will remain blank, as they imply everything possible. [link] [comments] | ||
Posted: 07 Aug 2021 03:55 PM PDT So this is something I've been struggling with for a long time and haven't really been able to find an answer, so I thought maybe someone in the spiritual community could help! I've had incredibly gruesome and troubling nightmares since I can remember, and they've gotten worse the older I get (21 now). When I was about 10-12 I decided I would try lucid dreaming and see if I could attempt to control or change them because they are so distressing. I was young so I didn't have much luck and the close moments I had to being able to control my dreams were often normal dreams and once I noticed I was dreaming THEN it would turn into a nightmare and I would just spiral out of the dream and wake up. So I left it be for a few years. Around 15-16 I started Chakra cleansing and doing guided meditations for cleansing, and then lucid dreaming again. However this time as I would fall asleep with guided meditations I would simply just have nightmares that were 10x worse. I've had reoccurring themes of a dark female energy that looms around me and always have the feels that she wants to harm me. Even in my waking hours when I'm alone I feel watched or as if I'm being prayed on. Which causes intense paranoia, as a child I couldn't even be in a dark room let alone sleep in one. I've also heard a jarring male voice in my ear periodically throughout my life just say my name very abruptly with nothing that follows. Any time I've tried talking about this people think im being funny or making it up, but does anyone here have any insight for me?? [link] [comments] | ||
How to not fall asleep during meditation? Posted: 07 Aug 2021 08:13 AM PDT I just got done with a 2 hour long meditation. I sit on a couch with my feet propped up. Would other sitting positions make it less likely to take a snooze? [link] [comments] |
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