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    Ashtanga yoga: Varying rates of breath

    Ashtanga yoga: Varying rates of breath

    Varying rates of breath

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 12:02 AM PDT

    There are way too many threads with little bits about breathing and practice so forgive me for making one just to open this discussion.

    I know this is all open to personal exploration, but I was wondering what the general consensus is on maintaining a consistent flow of breathing vs flowing with how the breath presents itself throughout the practice.

    I can't correctly reference it but I've read many times that the breath should be consistent, steady of course, but the emphasis was on a consistent maintenance of the quality (length, depth, speed etc.) of the breath.

    I've seen teachers, KPJ himself as well, lead with breaths that are faster in certain postures (eg. Utthita Hasta Pādānguṣṭhāsana) and slower in others (eg. Paścimottānāsana). Then there's the whole change in speed from Sūrya Namaskār A vs B, and then the whole Primary vs Closing Sequence. I understand that different sections, and the postures themselves, have different purposes and effects. I make great use of this in my own practice. But are we advised to control the breath, similarly to a formal prāṇāyāma practice, so as to maintain a consistent flow? Or do we match our movement to whatever breath presents itself?

    Thanks for your input guys!

    submitted by /u/leeium
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    Bellybutton drishti in down dog

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 10:59 AM PDT

    Does anyone else find the bellybutton drishti in down dog to be particularily difficult? My eyes naturally want to look between my feet and it feels very unnatural to hold my gaze at the bellybutton. Maybe that is a sign I need to tuck my tailbone more and use the throat lock (can't remember the name for the bhanda). Does anyone else struggle with this?

    submitted by /u/sjalava
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