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    Thursday, April 30, 2020

    Meditation: During an argument we can focus too much on being "right" and lose sight of being kind. By considering their view, not reacting immediately and considering our words carefully we can practice building stronger relationships and create a kinder world for ourselves and others

    Meditation: During an argument we can focus too much on being "right" and lose sight of being kind. By considering their view, not reacting immediately and considering our words carefully we can practice building stronger relationships and create a kinder world for ourselves and others

    During an argument we can focus too much on being "right" and lose sight of being kind. By considering their view, not reacting immediately and considering our words carefully we can practice building stronger relationships and create a kinder world for ourselves and others

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 03:40 PM PDT

    Its easy when you're in a heated discussion to get carried away - we can say unkind things in the course of trying to win an argument. But giving someone a piece of our mind (even when we think we're right) can escalate a situation and put us in a worse situation than before we opened our mouths. Instead we can try and understand where the other person is coming from and consider our words carefully, as well as taking a step back and becoming more aware of the thoughts that lead to unkind speech.

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    submitted by /u/peaceiseverystepp
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    Insight Timer is a FANTASTIC app to use for all stages of meditation.

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 07:21 PM PDT

    I've gone through so many apps and tried to find what I was looking for. Insight Timer is the first free app I found that has over 40,000 meditation choices. That's not an overstatement either. There is an option to pay for some extra stuff like downloads etc, but this app is great and has helped calm me in this crazy time we are living in. Be well and give it a shot.

    submitted by /u/doghouse52521
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    I’ve long considered my radical sense of empathy my most defining trait and something I am most proud of. But I realized that it can also be a burden. As long as there is someone in the world that is suffering more than me, I subconsciously considered this grounds to deprive myself of happiness.

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 04:56 PM PDT

    But if I deprive myself of happiness, it would truly be more difficult to mitigate the suffering of those around me. I cannot help if I am drained all of the time. I am realizing that it is okay to be happy. This does not mean that I am out of touch from those who struggle, but I am more equipped to try and show them new ways of thinking, respond mindfully to what they express, and connect them to resources when I feel that some issues are outside of my ability and scope.

    submitted by /u/Kitanoe
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    I snapped myself out of feeling crazy.

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 01:26 PM PDT

    So I've been having a challenging today - generally fine but kind of feeling like I'm losing it and I sat down to have a tea before I decided I would go out for a walk. I sat down and felt the sensation of feeling paralyzed and bound up, squeezed into a tight space, but at the same time knowing that nothing of any negative consequence is currently happening and I don't even know what I would do if I had total freedom right now anyways. So I'm sitting there and this emotion/thought arises and says "I feel crazy." I took a pause, saw the tiny sliver of opportunity to enquire: "What is feeling crazy?" and it was like a total wipe of my consciousness. I couldn't answer the question. Total show stopper. It snapped me right back into equanimity really quickly. I am soooo grateful I could do that. I wanted to write this out in case anyone else can benefit from this. Be well!

    submitted by /u/DaleNanton
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    Does anyone else find the apps like Headspace and Calm are just distracting?

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 02:29 AM PDT

    By the time I get to the point where I'm focused on my breath the voice starts back up and throws me off.

    submitted by /u/Ryanjl1985
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    Suffering As a Result of Non-Acceptance

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 10:10 PM PDT

    Suffering is caused by not living in the present. By present, I mean accepting thoughts and feelings as they arise and not clinging to them.

    It's okay to acknowledge the future and the past. It is not okay to cling to images of the future and the past.

    Clinging is bound to a sense of self, which will be orientated to your perception of the future and the past, reinforcing the self-image.

    Without acceptance, all of this persists. With acceptance, none of this persists.

    Therefore, no suffering.

    submitted by /u/bigcalmwave
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    Beginner guide

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 12:56 AM PDT

    I've written a quick theory guide for beginners in my profile, so please refer to it.

    submitted by /u/ddorang
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    Euphoric feelings during mediation

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 10:03 PM PDT

    I was doing this chakra meditation last night, I recently got a reiki attunement and wanted to meditate on some things my teacher had told me about my chakras.

    I began and had difficulty concentrating on the first 10 mins (root chakra) but when sacral began, I entered that meditative trance. I started having these strange rushes of euphoria throughout my body, and saw strangr colorful lights in my minds eye that moved like some sort of jellyfish. I kept getting higher and higher and higher, and had a strange jerk reaction in my back, like I twitched or something. It's hard to explain... like I was pulled back and forward super fast all at once.

    It kept getting more and more intense, and it freaked me out a little. It started getting uncomfortably intense so I shut off the meditation, blew out my candles and went to bed.

    Has anyone else had an experience like this? What does it mean? It felt like my body was racing with excitement. Honestly felt like a psychedelic experience

    submitted by /u/macaronimadi
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    I’m feeling as if I am purging myself during meditation recently

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 11:26 PM PDT

    I will attempt to elaborate as best as I can. Here recently, I have noticed that about 10 minutes into each session, I feel very nauseated and a tingle sensation of numbness in various parts of the body.

    A short disclaimer, I believe I have Nervis system damage in certain parts of my body in terms of circulation, which led me to doing yoga and meditation in the first place.

    With that said however, once I come back to, and the feeling subsides, I am at extreme peace and I feel very present. Thoughts?

    submitted by /u/Staydaft
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    Are these normal feelings and do they have meanings?

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 11:03 PM PDT

    So I'm fairly new to everything but I am diving in to everything at a fast pace and truly enjoying it. I'm currently working through childhood traumas during meditation by figuring out what happened, understanding why people could have been the way they were to me, understanding what they have been through to make them the way they were/are, accepting it, how it affected me then, how it is still affecting me now in my current moment and forgiving realizing it was for the better to get me to the point I am at now. I feel like I'm really having breakthroughs with it as well and it feels great. Hopefully that made some sense haha.

    These are the things I've been feeling once I've gotten into a few state of meditation -some tears falling -extreme heaviness feeling like a million pounds -feeling as if my body was extremely large -feeling as if my body is rock solid.

    Hopefully how I have worded this isn't too confusing.

    submitted by /u/supersuccx
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    I think I achieved enlightenment during meditation due to psychedelics

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 02:24 AM PDT

    I took 2gs of magic mushrooms and towards the end of the trip started meditating. A few minutes in, I realised that my mind had gone completely silent and perceived every image that entered my head completely without judgement from an outside perspective. Everything felt light and I didn't have a single worry, however it only lasted ~5-20 minutes and then I just couldn't get back to that point.

    submitted by /u/MunchMunch_
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    The Time I Transcended during Meditation

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 02:04 AM PDT

    Recently I have started meditating. I would say that I am a more spiritually inclined person. Since childhood I always had a hunch of this. Anyways, it was on my 5th session that things got a little bit different. I was meditating for about 30 minutes, in total, and right when I hit the 29 minute mark, it was like a switch flicked on: I started to feel like I was levitating a bit, just above my body. Then, this very intense sensation kicked in: my body started to feel numb, and I could feel electric currents running up and down. The lighting shifted under my eyelids from a black, to a bright white. It was so peaceful and detoxing. It was unlike anything I have ever experienced in my life. I felt like I touched this potent positive energy, or maybe it was the energy that touched me. It seems like this was something similar to an astral projection, but I'm not quite sure if this was the case. It was almost like a peak in my meditation, or transcendence. The following night, I tried meditating again, and the same thing happened. Although it wasn't as intense as the first time, it was just as peaceful and detoxing. Do let me know if any of you guys have had a similar experience. I hope you enjoyed reading mine!

    submitted by /u/c4l3b18
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    Is Mental Noting equivalent to diary writing ?

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 02:01 AM PDT

    So I've started using Headspace app to practice meditation, and I'm at the very beginner phase right now. However, I've been practising diary writing since a long time, and I am just curious to know whether mental noting and diary writing are same ? We pen down what we generally can't share, or thoughts that we can't escape into our diary.

    submitted by /u/maanu278
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    Just started meditating and noticed a few things. Advice is appreciated as well!

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 10:07 PM PDT

    Hi everyone!

    I just started meditating to combat my porn addiction. I realized it's what killed my libido in my mid 20s. It has helped me so far because it allows me to instead concentrate on saving my sexual energy for a woman that into me as I am into her. I am also meditating so I can have better energy and a better positive attitude. I am currently trying to focus on my sacral chakra

    So the first time I started meditating, I was told I can lay down. I did so with my palms facing up and I would concentrate on my affirmations. I felt vibrations in the palms of my hands. What does that mean? The second time I meditated was right before I tried to slept (I learned the hard way do not do that) and I felt lite vibrations on the bottom of my feet, bigger vibrations on the palms of my hands and quad area of my legs while saying my affirmations. What does that mean as well?

    Currently, I use The Meditative Mind on Youtube to aid me in my meditations. Do any of you have any advice to pass along to a beginner trying to fix his sacral chakra? Thank you in advance!

    submitted by /u/5ft11flip
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    Some tips on the chattering monkey?

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 01:47 AM PDT

    Intrusive thoughts. I heard the chattering monkey is a way to describe them. Seems like a meditation topic, as clearing ones mind seems to click with how to deal with intrusive thoughts. Always willing to learn!

    submitted by /u/EmptyBluSkies
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    I feel highly uncomfortable when I see videos of my younger self, or when I see people who act in the same way as my younger self. How can I meditate on this in order to reach inner peace and be less judgmental of these types of people?

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 12:53 AM PDT

    I used to lack any awareness of my sense of self, and I would act in extremely cringey and attention-seeking ways. It's to the point where I am in awe of how shameless I used to be. Because I see that older self in me, when I see others with those traits, it makes me feel a certain type of way. I wonder how I can work on this?

    submitted by /u/Weeeyerd
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    Deep Breathing

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 12:38 AM PDT


    I have been doing box breathing for about a month and a half now and I have seen my stress and anxiety reduce a lot. However, I have heard bad things on the internet by using too much CO2 so I am wondering if it could be bad for me?

    submitted by /u/sam_alsford12
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    Do cats meditate?

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 11:11 AM PDT

    I have two cats and one of them loves to meditate with me. I meditate laying down so he snuggles alongside me and naps while I am meditating.

    But seriously, cats spend a lot of time fully awake staring at nothing and purring. I can't imagine they are worrying about their life or planning what they need to get done the next week, so does that qualify as meditation? Makes me wish I could purr.

    submitted by /u/TeePanic
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    Meditating with a harsh inner critic

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 08:01 PM PDT

    Like many people, I have a very harsh inner critic. It's hateful, cruel and brutal, not just to myself but to others. My IFS therapist believes that this is some kind of "protector" part, which I'm not sure I believe.

    Anyway, when I meditate, sometimes this little bastard runs wild, spewing it's awful judgments about me and those I love in a way I can't control. So I don't try to control these thoughts and instead just notice them. The problem is they generate intense anxiety for me, and I hate this part of me so much that it's very hard to not engage with it and defend myself and others against it's cruelty and assholery.

    Obviously noticing hateful thoughts are hard to look at with some kind of non-judgmental objectivity, but that's what I should be working towards, correct? If anyone has any advice on meditating while contenting with a kind of OCD inner critic, I would love to hear about it

    With gratitude

    submitted by /u/veloowl
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    Balance Meditation App

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 11:11 PM PDT

    Meditation is very hard to make a habit for me. But Balance has worked the best for me. I got free premium for a year (forgot how but it was an option)

    I like this app cause you do a session a day plus any other meditation by category. If you're panicking or have anxiety there's an SOS option. If you want to wake up, be alert, be motivated, stop bad habits, etc. i love the variety!

    submitted by /u/dynamicswing
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    Should i do multiple 7 day programs simultaneously

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 11:03 PM PDT

    I've started using the calm app and i was wondering if I should start off the 7 days of calm and 7 days of focus today itself . Even though i didn't , i stuck to the 7 days of calm only , i still thought i should ask .

    submitted by /u/azaroth18
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    Knowing is peace

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 11:02 PM PDT

    Focus on the knowing, not on the known. If you shift your attention towards that which knows, you fill find peace. Do it in a simple way, in an open way, not trying to achieve something, not blocking the experience that comes up, not trying to 'kill the ego'. Just rest in this open, calm, present, luminous quality of awareness, which is free.

    submitted by /u/Tom2792
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    I saw this while meditating

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 10:46 PM PDT

    I'm in a 30 day meditation challenge and I started noticing a few things.

    On day 20, in the middle of the session I started visualizing a blue light..

    Is this normal?

    submitted by /u/guillegar07
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    Family apreciation

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 05:12 PM PDT

    I'm not sure if the result of this phenomenon is directly a result of meditation. But it definitely has had some effect on my practice. So I have about 3 years since I started meditating. And well, these years have also been the roughest times of my life.

    I picture myself when I started as someone who had absolutely no apreciation for what he had. I didn't care about my family, didn't care about myself. I was deep into drugs too, wich made things worse.

    As I kept practicing just because I found meditation really fun, my perception of my whole life started to change. I quit drugs(harcore ones at least, just weed now and then) started eating healthy and exercising more often. But one particular aspect stood out the most. It was my family. Many guided sesions I took made me realize how much I really love them.

    This noticing of the feeling made it grow stronger and more powerful than I've ever experienced. To the point where now it is really easy for me to start crying just by thinking about them. Many tears were shed on guided sesions where they talk about your loved ones. But all of them were tears of joy, helping me to get out of dark places.

    But now I'm curious. Has anybody experienced something like this? Honestly it kinda scares me how much it gets to me now. It's a feeling deep in my chest that takes over as soon as I visualize them. It has made thinking about them something I do with precaution because I know I'll get very sentimental.

    Thanks for reading the whole thing, hope you have a wonderful day:)

    submitted by /u/_k0dama_
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