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    Ashtanga yoga: [HOMP] Monthly Help Out My Pose Discussion - May 19, 2020

    Ashtanga yoga: [HOMP] Monthly Help Out My Pose Discussion - May 19, 2020

    [HOMP] Monthly Help Out My Pose Discussion - May 19, 2020

    Posted: 19 May 2020 06:09 AM PDT

    Welcome to the monthly HOMP thread. This thread is a safe place for you to post pictures of your practice FOR ASSISTANCE ONLY. This is not to showcase a new pose you can do, show off your Insta or facebook. We are here to help only. This thread will be heavily moderated. Any questions, feel free to pm TTY.

    Mod Team

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Upper back muscles seem to be working really hard in sukhasana

    Posted: 19 May 2020 11:55 AM PDT

    I do meditation and pranayama in sukhasana because I can't do lotus yet. My upper back muscles having to work so hard to the point of basically being on fire when I sit in Sukhasana. I am very slightly overweight right in my lower belly/2nd chakra area and have no body fat anywhere else. I think because of this it requires a little bit of effort to use mula and uddiyana bhanda.. I'm just wondering if it something that will go away as I continue, and it's a normal thing to work through, or if there's some sort of exercises to strengthen my back muscles and further correct my posture that I can go ahead and do. thanks

    submitted by /u/Tha_Gnar_Car
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    Nose strips during practice?

    Posted: 19 May 2020 01:40 PM PDT

    This may seem like a silly question, but I recently started wearing nose strips when I go to sleep at night and I really like them! Is there anyone that wears them during practice? Or is it better to learn to not use them? I haven't been using them during my practice yet, but it's been on my mind lately as a way to further open my sinus cavity up a bit. Thanks.

    submitted by /u/BlackBeltBallerina
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