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    Tuesday, May 19, 2020

    Ashtanga yoga: Injury: modify practice or rest?

    Ashtanga yoga: Injury: modify practice or rest?

    Injury: modify practice or rest?

    Posted: 18 May 2020 01:51 PM PDT

    I am new at Ashtanga (since January). I practice half primary at this point. My hips are tight and I do not have the external rotation to access half lotus, yet I tried to while ignoring warnings of discomfort (dumb). I am left, predictably, with knee pain. Even while walking or standing. I was able to modify my practice and continue with just standing postures for now.

    I've been working with a chiropractor and he has me doing some exercises including many reps of cobra pose. This somehow led to my elbow hurting, then my shoulder. I've modified my exercises, but with my elbow and shoulder hurting I can't do vinyasas, so I've had to stop practicing, which is disheartening, and the last thing I wanted to do. I am telling myself it is only temporary and I will heal and return to my practice. My knee is already starting to slowly feel better, but for some frustrating reason the rest of my body is having a hard time.

    Am I wise to take a break or should I go back and do what I can, slowly, and just breathe? I'm thinking a modified vinyasa down to my forearms then belly, then forearm cobra? At what point do the modifications become too onerous and I just have to honor my body's request to heal?

    submitted by /u/radonesque
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    Returning to practice after illness

    Posted: 18 May 2020 09:26 AM PDT

    Hi ashtangis

    I'm a beginner, been practicing ashtanga for just a few months so not even through the full primary series yet but have a consistent 6 day a week strong practice.

    I just had 4 days off where I didn't leave my bed and had to take heavy opiate painkillers. I returned to practice today and felt so weak and my stamina has reduced so significantly that I couldn't get past the standing poses before I stopped. I understand I must be patient with myself and just get on my mat without expectation but I guess I'm just anxious that 4 days off being so sedentary has regressed my ashtanga practice.

    Any tips and advice on returning to practice after a period off very welcomed 😊 today's practice has left me feeling quite deflated.

    submitted by /u/ashtangilu
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    Torticolis after practice

    Posted: 18 May 2020 09:33 AM PDT

    Hello ! So I'm a newbie in ashtanga. I've had a few classes a couple years ago and since then never really practiced. With the quarantine going I got back to it. Long story short I think I did some poses wrong and now I have a really painful torticolis. I was wondering what was the best strategy to go from there ? Should I continue to practice on my own and maybe limit myself to a few less-demanding poses ? Or should I wait for yoga studios to reopen and have a professional helping me

    submitted by /u/TheNotoriousBIIIG
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