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    Wednesday, June 24, 2020

    Ashtanga yoga: Ashtanga Yoga and Well-being Survey - Open Until 15th of July - Includes Prize Draw

    Ashtanga yoga: Ashtanga Yoga and Well-being Survey - Open Until 15th of July - Includes Prize Draw

    Ashtanga Yoga and Well-being Survey - Open Until 15th of July - Includes Prize Draw

    Posted: 23 Jun 2020 11:41 PM PDT


    Dear Ashtangi,

    I hope you're doing well! About a month ago I posted a link to a survey which is part of a research project exploring the connections between yoga and well-being in people who are practising Ashtanga Yoga.

    If you haven't seen it or completed it, I'd like to invite you to take part! It doesn't matter how long you've been practising or how frequently you currently practise, your experience can provide us with valuable information.

    It will take around 15-30 minutes to complete the survey. You can do it in more than one sitting by using the same link from the same device. The survey will be open until July 15th. You can find out more about the study and decide whether to participate in the links below:

    Yoga Survey un English:


    Yoga Survey in Spanish:


    Upon completion, you will have the option to enter a prize draw with a chance to win an online Meditation Teacher Training course offered by The School of Positive Transformation, valued at $690AUD and one of five $50AUD Amazon.com gift cards. Make sure you reach the final 'Thank You' message to confirm your responses have been recorded.

    Sharing your experiences and perspective will help us develop a broader and deeper understanding of the benefits of yoga. This knowledge has the potential of contributing to the scientific and yoga communities, as well as the wider community.

    Thank you so much for taking the time to read this post and considering being a part of this research project!

    Warmest wishes,


    submitted by /u/DaniRamirezD
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    How to Lengthen Inhale Breaths

    Posted: 23 Jun 2020 04:20 PM PDT

    Hi everyone! I've always struggled with my inhales being too short. I can make my exhale as long and slow as needed, but when I try to lengthen my inhales, I get to a point where I physically can't take in any more air. If I try too hard, it causes me to become a little anxious from feeling like I'm going to suffocate, so I typically don't stress it too much and just take extra breaths as needed to make the flow work. While I have some experience in vinyasa, I'm new to ashtanga and am starting by focusing on moving with my breaths in sun salutations. The inhale to step forward to warrior 1 in surya namaskar B is particularly challenging since it has to be a pretty long inhale, even if I try to step forward faster. Are there any pranayama exercises I can try to improve this? Thanks in advance for any advice =)

    submitted by /u/LilPibb
    [link] [comments]

    Does anyone else has skin peeling from their toes from jumping back?

    Posted: 23 Jun 2020 06:57 AM PDT

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