• Breaking News

    Tuesday, June 23, 2020

    Yoga: Is yoga artwork allowed? Sculpture I made during my shutdown.

    Yoga: Is yoga artwork allowed? Sculpture I made during my shutdown.

    Is yoga artwork allowed? Sculpture I made during my shutdown.

    Posted: 23 Jun 2020 04:11 AM PDT

    [COMP] getting closer to bird of paradise- just last month i couldn’t even get up from bound ext. side angle. This video was from a 60 minute yoga class today. Small victory even though i can’t straighten my leg yet! Tips are welcome!

    Posted: 23 Jun 2020 01:41 PM PDT

    [COMP] Camel/ Ustrasana �� I love backbends! Any advice on how to improve would be greatly appreciated ☺️����

    Posted: 23 Jun 2020 06:47 PM PDT

    Amongst the world’s chaos, “find peace”, artist: Me

    Posted: 23 Jun 2020 12:55 PM PDT

    A day for celebration!

    Posted: 23 Jun 2020 01:32 PM PDT

    Today marks 100 days of consistent home yoga practice! It's hard to believe that I've shown up for myself every single day since the start of lockdown. I'm noticing new muscle definition, and challenging myself to achieve fitness milestones I never thought I'd voluntarily take on.

    So grateful to Yoga with Adriene, for showing me it's okay to show up exactly as I am, and this community, for showing me what's possible if I just continue working towards my goals.

    Peace. Love. Yoga. 💜

    submitted by /u/pandamanda421
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    What type of yoga is the downdog app "full practice"?

    Posted: 23 Jun 2020 03:54 PM PDT

    I am wondering this because I'm trying to record my workouts and calories differ for different types of yoga. I read it was vinyasa, but really I'm not sure. Does anyone know?

    submitted by /u/doggoshmove
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    Just finished putting together a free online yoga series for chronic pain and back injury!

    Posted: 23 Jun 2020 02:11 PM PDT

    Hello, my friends! I've put together a free online yoga series called Phoenix Rising and it's ready for public release now! I invite you to take a look through the lessons, and see if any of it resonates, if for no other reason than to provide some content for your own practice.

    After a paralyzing injury last year, and after an exhaustive search that found no coherent, centralized source for recovering from injury in a step-by-step manner, I decided to distill the relevant methods, perspectives, and asanas that were most effective in my own recovery, those of my clientele, and my own studies, into a consumable and scalable platform for public use.

    This series exists to help address one of the primary obstacles to well-being, empowerment, and self-realization in modern, contemporary civilization: the physical condition of the body and the conditioned state of our minds.

    Back pain is one of the leading causes of hospitalization in the west, and most of the time it's entirely preventable. Unfortunately, most treatment is limited to a few tests, and then you are let out with a box full of pills and a "see you next month."

    I have found that through understanding how to identify, isolate, and eliminate the psycho-emotional conditioning associated with physical trauma, recovery times are significantly reduced, and by developing and applying these capabilities to your unconscious bodymind, a lasting bliss and genuine sense of lasting freedom is revealed.

    So, you know, hooray yoga.

    Here's a quick trailer, and a summary:

    Phoenix Rising is a free, self-directed, online yoga course for chronic pain and injury recovery, consisting of step-by-step asana sequences, guided teachings, and supporting perspectives and theory, with a little anatomy on the side to drastically improve your recovery times and enable a quantum leap from injury to full mobility.

    The series focuses on cultivating flexibility of mind and malleability of perspective, which when applied to the body and the mind as a vehicle allows the lessons to really drop in. My intent is for you to directly understand through practice and insight what is meant whenever someone says, "I healed myself through yoga," whether from a physical ailment of some kind, or even psycho-emotional trauma that results in depression and anxiety.

    I try to avoid "woo-woo" spirituality and instead focus on directly applicable insights and some light introspective homeworks, because it's focused on back pain and injury recovery. Consider it to be "applied self-realization basics."

    While the asana sequences are tailored to someone who is suffering from severe and chronic physical limitation, and so are not advanced flows, the principles and methods presented in the sessions can be applied internally to shift your perspectives on pain, trauma, and entire belief systems.

    Deepest love goes out to you, and I wish you only heartfelt joy and gratitude. Thanks, and have a beautiful day!


    And here's an example of one of later asana sequences, as an example for how the lessons are incorporated into the asana sequence itself: https://youtu.be/DEhbnpgALik

    Edit: also, if you think anyone might find this useful, we'd really appreciate it if you share the links, maybe on your social media or something, or just let us know where we should drop a line. Supporting societal healing any way you can is only ever a drop in the bucket, but that's how the bucket gets filled!

    submitted by /u/irollnothingbut20s
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    Advice for yoga after injured wrist?

    Posted: 23 Jun 2020 07:30 PM PDT

    Last fall, I injured my right wrist while working in my garden. It hurt to move it at all, and I couldn't do basic things (driving, washing dishes, etc.) without pain for a long time. I never ended up getting it checked out due to healthcare costs, but I'm pretty sure I sprained it if not something more severe.

    Now, after about 8 months, it's almost completely unnoticeable........except when I'm doing yoga. It's very painful to do poses that require a lot of support on your hands, especially for extended periods of time. I would really like to progress in my yoga skills, but I worry about possibly re-injuring my wrist or making the previous damage worse. I'm curious if there are any sort of wrist braces or supports other people have found helpful for similar injuries. What has helped you or someone else you know? Are there good modifications for poses that usually require heavy wrist support? Thanks!

    submitted by /u/mttch
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    Yoga teachers, how do you get more students?

    Posted: 23 Jun 2020 01:21 PM PDT

    Alo Yoga Mat slipping

    Posted: 23 Jun 2020 07:17 PM PDT

    Hi- anyone having trouble with their yoga mat slipping?? I have the Alo Yoga Warrior Mat , which is polyurethane leather. I think Manduka has another very similar. I've had it for about 2 years. Maybe I'm not cleaning it enough? How often do you wipe down your mat? Thanks 🙏🏼

    submitted by /u/leeann7
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    sitting crosslegged is uncomfortable (not because of flexibility)

    Posted: 23 Jun 2020 06:03 PM PDT

    every time i see people complain about sitting crosslegged its because of their hip(?) flexibility. its not the case for me and im getting kinda discouraged at this point.

    today i tried doing a tension relief yoga from adrianne and i got angry 1/3 through because it was all sittibg crosslegged and i was uncomfortable lol

    my biggest issues seem to be: my ankles-the little bone on the outside of my ankle is super pointy and it gets squished even on a mat, my lower back- its soo hard to keep the back straight for so long, i get so tense in the lower back, almost like im exercising it (could it be that my back muscles are just that weak and it would go away with time?), and idk i heard its supposed to be a relaxing pose and i need to tense up in the legs not to fall over lol

    i will appreciate any insight!

    submitted by /u/glithch
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    Looking for quality poster

    Posted: 23 Jun 2020 05:52 PM PDT

    I am an infrequent practitioner of Ashtanga yoga and would like to have a nice poster with the sequences. I'm looking for a larger one with quality images. I have look a little and only found smaller ones or large cloth ones. The cloth ones will not likely have quality images. Suggestions are greatly appreciated.

    submitted by /u/Longjumping_Face
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    Best yoga underwear?

    Posted: 23 Jun 2020 08:33 AM PDT

    Does anyone have any underwear recommendations? I find all my Victoria's Secret thongs roll down or the hip bands get scrunched up while I practice and it's insanely distracting.

    Any suggestions or should I be going commando?

    submitted by /u/Vivaeltejon
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    How to Lengthen Inhale?

    Posted: 23 Jun 2020 09:54 AM PDT

    I've always struggled with my inhales being too short. I can make my exhale as long and slow as needed, but when I try to lengthen my inhales, I get to a point where I physically can't take in any more air. If I try too hard, it causes me to become a little anxious from feeling like I'm going to suffocate, so I typically don't stress it too much. I've been starting to practice surya namaskar B lately and the inhale to step forward to warrior 1 is challenge for me, even if I try to step forward faster. Are there any pranayama exercises I can try to improve this? Thanks in advance for any advice =)

    submitted by /u/LilPibb
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    Got the Yogabody Trapeze Pro swing, but need a rig

    Posted: 23 Jun 2020 08:08 AM PDT

    I have bad lower back pain for a 30F (although I'm in great shape and exercise regularly), so I was excited to get the yoga swing for my birthday. I am currently renting and probably moving soon, so the ceiling mounts are a no (plus I've heard they aren't super safe?). The swing frame standis $500 and I am 100% ok with an investment of that caliber when it is for safety, but I want to better understand my options first.

    I've been researching over on /r/aerials and they take extreme safety precautions (which is great). They seem to recommend a ludwig rig, which is upwards of 1500-2k. This is my first "rigging" experience (besides a slackline), so that kind of investment seems a little farfetched especially if I'm unsure how often I will be using it etc.

    Has anyone used the yoga swing with a pull-up bar or door frame mount? I am 6 ft tall so I worry that would not be enough space for me.

    How do you use your yoga swing? Do you have any mounting/rigging recommendations? Any other advice or resources for a novice? I've been watching pose tutorials from IG & youtube.

    submitted by /u/yesimaunicorn
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    A question about starting yoga

    Posted: 23 Jun 2020 07:55 AM PDT

    i want to get involved in doing yoga for my physical and mental health, but I'm concerned some of the more advanced yoga may not be healthy. I know that it is a serious exercise and should be treated as such, but since its foundation is in bodily discipline, I'm concerned that some of the more advanced forms may put stress on the joints or muscles in the long term. Is there any guidance or input anybody has on this?

    submitted by /u/TemporaryUser10
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    Are there any disadvantages of doing Akash Mudra?

    Posted: 23 Jun 2020 07:13 AM PDT

    Pelvic Floor Yoga after HIIT / Ab Workouts?

    Posted: 23 Jun 2020 06:43 AM PDT

    Hi! I'm a 22F and recently I've felt I have a tight pelvic floor because of some issues I've encountered. I think it arose from the ab workouts and HIIT I've been doing during quaratine. I've been doing yoga this week to relax it a bit more and it's definitely helped. However, I really miss working out, especially since I can't leave the house really lol.

    So my question is, is it plausible to do ab workouts (maybe less intensity, less planks) and then do pelvic floor yoga to relax after it? Or am I just aggravating the issue?

    Thank you!

    submitted by /u/pineapples998
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    Non-vinyasa online classes that incorporate advanced poses

    Posted: 23 Jun 2020 10:10 AM PDT

    I do ashtanga along with other forms of non-yoga exercise, but after experiencing repeated rotator cuff injuries, I'm starting to think that constant vinyasas are not the best things for me. However, when I look for non-vinyasa/power/flow online classes (I live in a small town and currently don't have access to live classes, Coronavirus notwithstanding), they all seem to be beginner, gentle, relaxation type classes. I can still do asanas like ardha baddha padmasana, marichyasana c (and d on a good day), etc. I don't want want easier, slower paced yoga. I just don't want the repeated rounds of surya namaskar and the constant vinyasas between asanas.

    Yes, I know I can skip the vinyasas, but then I am just standing/sitting around for a large portion of the class, or I can substitute with other asanas (like ustrasana for the backbend), but then I'm in danger of giving myself another repetitive strain injury, for example, from constantly getting up and down on my knees.

    Is there anywhere I can find online classes that meet these needs?

    submitted by /u/yogalalala
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    Stretches to comfortably sit half lotus?

    Posted: 23 Jun 2020 09:54 AM PDT

    I regularly like to sit half lotus as it's the most stable and comfortable position I've found for meditation. However, I normally feel some pain for the first few minutes, though it dissipates soon after. But it's the end of meditation that is the problem. My legs get very stiff and I feel a high amount of pain when trying to move out of the position. Takes quite a few minutes before I can walk again. Are there any yoga poses that could help make this position more comfortable?

    submitted by /u/CoolMetropolisBird
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    Advice for Focusing on the Moment?

    Posted: 23 Jun 2020 03:29 AM PDT

    TL;DR - tips to focus on 'the moment' rather than getting into the correct position/the workout aspect of yoga?

    So I've been practicing yoga for two years on and off. When I first started, I would be all about the breath and 'the moment'. I would be totally zen by the end and it would carry on throughout the day.

    After having practiced daily since 1st April, I find I'm focusing more on the workout aspect of yoga and making the positions perfect.

    I want to get back to appreciating the mindful side of yoga and feeling how I did at the beginning! Any advice? Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/GeorgieH26
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