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    Thursday, June 18, 2020

    Flexibility: Drills for 1st half of back walkover :

    Flexibility: Drills for 1st half of back walkover :

    Drills for 1st half of back walkover :

    Posted: 17 Jun 2020 10:38 AM PDT

    I will answer your questions on how I got middle split and flexibility the untraditional way and not through some bullshit YouTube "optimized routine". Shoot and I will try to answer to my best ability and help you stop following YouTube videos that you don't feel are giving you better flexibility

    Posted: 17 Jun 2020 08:33 AM PDT

    Skin the cat, Ringmovement for Shoulder Flexibility ✌��

    Posted: 18 Jun 2020 02:51 AM PDT

    Warming up

    Posted: 17 Jun 2020 10:21 AM PDT

    Strain near the attachements on the tibia when training middle split

    Posted: 18 Jun 2020 02:07 AM PDT

    I've been working on my pancake and middle split lately. It's going somewhat well but I get to a point where most of the strain I feel s around the attaches on the tibia of the adductor/inner hamstrings. I am not quite comfortable with this sensation, compared to the one higher in the thigh that's more in the meaty part of the muscles. I'm wondering if I should adapt something to avoid strain on this area or that's normal in the process of working these muscles. I'm worried that It might get into the tendons rather than the muscles and get a weird over extended range of motion in my knee.

    submitted by /u/chohw
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    Knee hurts when holding middle splits

    Posted: 18 Jun 2020 01:44 AM PDT

    I just started working towards my goal two weeks ago and my middle splits is like 120 degree. I do stretching every day and a couple days ago I started feeling strong knee pains during and after holding the middle splits. I realized that position applies too much pressure on knees but it is really helpful. On the contrary I can't open that much in pancake which seems to be less effective.

    Should I stick to holding it or switch to pancake?

    submitted by /u/MilkJujube
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    Are there muscles that assist flexibility? That hinder it?

    Posted: 17 Jun 2020 02:05 PM PDT

    I've been doing regular calisthenics workouts for a few years now and wanted to start also focusing on flexibility.
    For some reason I've been getting targetted ads on social media of bodybuilders, and it's clear to me from watching them (and ensuring their permanence in my feed) that the over-development of certain muscles come at the cost of flexibility.
    Are there certain muscle groups whose development hinders one's flexibility? Are there muscles that when strengthened improved flexibility?

    submitted by /u/buttbutt1312
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    Any recommendations for good flexibility bands & yoga blocks?

    Posted: 17 Jun 2020 03:34 PM PDT

    I don't think "flexibility bands" is the proper term but I hope y'all know what i'm referring to. Anyway lol, I currently have a resistance band which does suffice for now, but I have been meaning to try out a band that'll help improve my flexibility (obviously) and I was wondering which ones y'all are impartial to! I also wanna get some yoga blocks too! Thanks in advance :)

    submitted by /u/sophii99
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    Simple 5 Minute Yoga Stretch In Bed.

    Posted: 17 Jun 2020 11:44 AM PDT

    My shoulder exercises are not working to increase scapular flexibility

    Posted: 17 Jun 2020 09:50 AM PDT

    I have read and tried a bunch of things. I noticed I lack scapular flexibility when a couple months ago I tried to do a bridge. I couldn't. But I can do reverse table top, even one arm. I can do floor angels and get a little stretch there (I need to have my legs up off the ground for this to work). But when I try to do wall extension or wall angels I can only move a little bit! I have been at it for weeks and not noticed progress.

    I do various stretches. I noticed my traps were weak so I do body weight Superman and Superman rows. Those are getting easier. I do barbell trap shrugs. I also do ITYW stretches. The I is the hardest. I often get a tight rhomboid (I think it is rhomboid)-- probably how I sleep.

    I do various shoulder strength exercise. I can progress in those. Like a clean and press, military press, dumbell row, overhead extension.

    In functioning I noticed a while ago my shoulders tend towards weakness so I work on them more. It helps.

    But I can't make progress on wall extensions! Let alone get in bridge position.

    Any suggestions?

    submitted by /u/Byehusbandguy
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    Overstretching, is it good?

    Posted: 17 Jun 2020 03:39 AM PDT

    This is quite long, but it's necesary for me.

    I'm an almost 14yo gymnast. When I got the splits i was very happy, but soon I realized I was really enjoying the discomfort of stretching especially when I became more flexible. I started stretching very deeply at home and i love it (the feeling of stretching my body to its current limit). I read, that overstretching is not too good for the joints, but I just love the "pain" of stretching the muscles and joints. After a good warmup I can do the splits almost comfortably, but when I stretch deeply for a long time I can get to chair oversplits (210° is my limit, but I think I could go further with an assistent). It is not comfortable, but after a minute or more the "pain" in the hamstring dusapears and it feels kinda fizzy, I like that. I feel a very deep stretch in the hips and it is hard, but I stay as long as possible in the stretch and try to go even deeper. Sometimes I...(don't juge me) play with my vagina and orgasm. In that moment I feel no pain at all and I'm in heaven (I feel like with good assistence I could go 10° deeper or more and it wouldn't hurt me). After that I feel weird and I don't want to stretch more (I even feel a bit dumb for stretching that much), but after a few minutes I can repeat and get into it again :) I admit, that once I overstretched my hamstring, but after a week or so of gentle exercises I could get back to good stretching. I just love to hang, bounce(sometimes quite aggresively) in oversplits and push past my limits. That is why I would like to have a strong, handsome:) partner to push me with all of his force, but that is just my fantasy. Also I watch and admire videos of girls being stretched deeply, they are so beautiful. (some of my favourites) https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=cehO1d5LtW8 https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=k7CMnQlG59I https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=rWmYPZZY1cw&list=PLcF9TARivjBcGlD9Luppydc_2oan8h07e&index=1 https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=914iu2l1EN8 They are so hardworking. I never got to the point of tearing from my stretches, but hopefully I will be strong and get there :) If there is someone like me, I would like to talk about this, and if you think I'm crazy, try to help me or something, I don't want to potentially get hurt. I'm not masochyst or something like that I just love a good stretch. What do you think about me?

    submitted by /u/gadopita
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