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    Friday, July 3, 2020

    Meditation: Meditation is bringing me into higher levels of awareness I didn't know were possible.

    Meditation: Meditation is bringing me into higher levels of awareness I didn't know were possible.

    Meditation is bringing me into higher levels of awareness I didn't know were possible.

    Posted: 02 Jul 2020 02:20 PM PDT

    So hello all, fellow meditator here. Of around 3 months for 30 minutes to an hour a day. Missed a couple days here and there. But it has completely changed my situation.

    My situation was bad. I feel kind of guilty for saying this because I was raised in a good family but I was afraid 24/7. I had constant panic attacks due to my OCD.

    Life was hard as a kid. Almost all the time I spent was in mental pain. I tortured myself. All because I was so afraid. And now look at me.

    My anxiety has been at its lowest in all my life. I can do things with passion now. I can be at peace. I was thinking "we are all one" but I dont know how true this is.

    I never felt truly alive until I started meditating. Now I have almost completely lost my identity. I donf know if that is good or bad.

    If you have experienced something like this please let me know because I am kind of freaking out that Im alive.

    submitted by /u/TurtleBork
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    You are a garden. When ego is overgrown, it can seem to be all that there is. When it is tamed, the beautiful flowerbed of You is revealed.

    Posted: 02 Jul 2020 06:12 AM PDT

    Jeez, all this talk about ego's... don't worry about it

    Posted: 02 Jul 2020 08:53 PM PDT

    Just notice what you notice. If sounds become apparent, notice that. If physical sensations become apparent, notice that. If some thought or part of your "ego" becomes apparent, just notice that... that's it.

    Stop worrying about this and that... "must get rid of ego"... " must find meaning"... "must blah blah blah".. Just notice what you notice and that's it, nothing else to do.

    Don't strive or reach out towards experience, experience will come to you, like sound, you don't need to try and experience sound, it comes and then it goes, the sound of cars passing in the road, they come and then they go, nothing for you to do but just be aware of it... that's it.

    In conclusion, stop worrying about your ego or getting rid of it or doing anything... just sit and be aware, that's it.

    submitted by /u/conn_r2112
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    People who take pictures of themselves meditating and doing yoga have entirely missed the point.

    Posted: 02 Jul 2020 08:31 AM PDT

    The misunderstanding of ego

    Posted: 02 Jul 2020 10:40 AM PDT

    I wanna make a comment. It is in vogue to talk about the ego and how people must rid themselves of it, but this is a misunderstood way of thinking about what the ego is. Psychology and philosophy define the ego as the personality. The I of our existence. It is what makes us all individual and unique. It isn't something that is even possible or desirable to get rid of. The ego sets the narrative for your life and pits a me vs them mentality. Which in many ways is necessary.

    When "gurus" or other spiritual leaders speak of ridding one of the ego, they mean to not identify with it. To not think that is everything you are. The ego lives in the past and ruminates about the future. In reality you are only the present, which in a paradoxical way also makes you the future and past as well. The main idea is to recognize the ego and be able to be able to watch it so that rational decisions can be made.

    This is a subtle difference, but I mention it because I feel that being cognizant of this distinction may help people clarify their spiritual goals.

    submitted by /u/quietkarma1111
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    Has anyone used Meditation in helping them with an Avoidant Attachment disorder

    Posted: 02 Jul 2020 06:32 PM PDT

    Hey, I've got a pretty severe avoidant attachment style from childhood, that now manifests in all kinds of ways. Looking for any meditations that could help with it and try and get me into a more secure type

    Thanks for any help

    submitted by /u/Triggerthrowaway87
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    "Meditation is simply a process of isolating awareness from everything else."

    Posted: 02 Jul 2020 10:43 PM PDT

    Don't forget to bring the quality of meditation into your waking life.

    Posted: 02 Jul 2020 09:53 PM PDT

    "Meditation is not really separate from the rest of your life. It really is just paying attention. It's just noticing what you're noticing anyway. The more you can do that outside of these formal sessions, the more the best parts of meditation will begin to bleed into everything else you do and into your relationships." -Sam Harris

    submitted by /u/LiveBullfrog
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    I just balled my eyes out like a baby

    Posted: 02 Jul 2020 08:39 AM PDT

    I can't begin to explain the amazing breakthrough I just had . I meditated on my lunch break today while working from home. Im usually very insistent on allowing my thoughts to pass during meditation however today was different.

    I began to think about my relatives who have passed away and a few of my close high school friends who were taken way too early in a car accident... I felt amazing energy flow through me and felt as if they were right beside me . I remembered things about their character, smile and demeanour more vividly than ever before. I visualized them without effort with a sense of interaction . I began to ball my eyes out and walked myself through it and it truly felt amazing . Thanks for listening and I love you all.

    submitted by /u/budshedz55
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    Breathwork For Healing & Happiness - (Benedict Beaumont Interview)

    Posted: 03 Jul 2020 01:38 AM PDT

    Breathwork For Healing & Happiness - (Benedict Beaumont Interview)


    Benedict is a Breathwork Facilitator and Yoga Teacher. He runs workshops and retreats in the South of England, France and Canada. He qualified with Alchemy of Breath in 2018 and now runs his own Breathwork School called Breathing Space.

    "I passionately believe in the healing and transformative power of Breathwork. I have had personal experience of this and seen it in the hundreds of people that I have had the honour of facilitating through Breathwork journeys. It is powerful and profound, but it is also simple and accessible to everyone".

    #breathwork #benedictbeaumont #makesomebreathingspace

    submitted by /u/HappinessNowChannel
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    Meditation & sleep

    Posted: 03 Jul 2020 01:36 AM PDT

    Through my experience I highly recommend to get enough sleep, or rest. Because when you feel tired, it is way harder to focus on your breathing.*

    Besides that I experienced that mediation can help you feel more refreshed, and that therefore less sleep is needed. I don't say that no sleep is needed. But mediation can really help you reduce sleep time.

    *Feeling tired when meditating, and along with that a harder times focusing on your breath is not good or bad. Like nothing from a big perspective is good or bad. Maybe you will become a more experienced meditater while being tired which will result in deeper meditation while being tired.

    If you need any help with meditation, feel free to pm me.

    Yours sincerely, Quinten van Ommen

    submitted by /u/enjoytodayenjoynow
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    Any tips on breathing?

    Posted: 02 Jul 2020 02:51 PM PDT

    Hey! I've been meditating for around 6 monthes for 15 minutes a day, it's been great, but the only problem is I have trouble breathing properly. I grew up a chest breather and have been trying to correct that, so when I meditate and I am focusing on my breathing, I tend to struggle. I pull some air into my stomach then up into the chest and it doesn't feel like a full breath.

    Any tips or resources I could use to make my breathing technique better?

    submitted by /u/I-Ponder
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    My life has improved

    Posted: 02 Jul 2020 03:59 PM PDT

    I've only been meditating 5-10 minutes a day since I started a new job two weeks ago, but I've noticed how much more confident I've gotten. I'm the beginning I was stressed out and stumbling over my words, but by taking time out of my day to meditate when I can, I've noticed myself becoming more confident in my words and it's boosted my mood so much. Thank you for everyone here who gave me advice when I first started out

    submitted by /u/_reashii
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    Do you feel like meditation helps you find your path in life?

    Posted: 02 Jul 2020 08:12 PM PDT

    I've always felt really aimless in my life in terms about making big decisions about my path or purpose.

    I've recently started meditating daily and I find that I'm able to process my emotions better and am getting to know myself. I feel clearer and more aware but I still feel really stuck in terms of what to do with my life.

    Do you find that meditation helps you with that feeling of aimlessness over time?

    submitted by /u/charpiff
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    Seeing Colors During and After Meditating

    Posted: 02 Jul 2020 05:59 PM PDT

    Hi everyone, I recently started doing guided meditations at the recommendation of my therapist to help with my difficulties in affirming and loving myself. My experiences so far have been wonderful but every time I meditate, I see colors while I am meditating as well as when I first emerge from meditating. Does this have any meaning? The colors I primarily see are green and yellow. Thank you!

    submitted by /u/ellzhee
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    30 day silent retreat experienes?

    Posted: 02 Jul 2020 05:57 PM PDT

    I've done a 10 day silent retreat and I liked it a lot and this year or next I want to do a 30 day one cuz I think after this year I might not get another chance for a long time has anyone had any experiences doing this? Like what programs and cost I did the 10 day with the vispassana center thing but they don't 30 days as far as I could find

    submitted by /u/bigaus25
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    Where is the root of joy?

    Posted: 02 Jul 2020 11:34 PM PDT

    As I am doing guided meditations, some themes got me thinking:
    If the self is the root of suffering, isn't the self also the root of joy?
    Or similar: Hate depends on (mutual) history, but so does love

    Is this kind of meditation about becoming aware of virtuality and being able to choose what you feel or want to feel?
    What are your thoughts on this?
    Are you choosing different kinds of meditation for achieving different things?

    submitted by /u/Hopeful_Ship
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    Are we all one?

    Posted: 02 Jul 2020 02:09 PM PDT

    I've been meditating and I have this question. Are we all one? What does it really mean? And can science prove that?

    submitted by /u/TurtleBork
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    Better not to start. If you start, better not to stop.

    Posted: 02 Jul 2020 04:39 PM PDT

    This is supposedly an old Zen saying. It is quoted without a source in a couple of places:

    "Better not to begin. Once begin, better to finish!" Daniel Ingram, Mastering the Core Teachings of the Buddha, "The Arising and Passing Away."

    "Better never begin; once begun, better finish." Dan Millan, The Way of the Peaceful Warrior, "The Final Search."

    Does anyone know the actual source?

    submitted by /u/essesubsistens
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    How to meditate?

    Posted: 02 Jul 2020 10:24 PM PDT

    I wanna try it out for me to better myself and I heard that it has many benefits..Please guys tell me how to do it.I wanna better myself

    submitted by /u/Homie122
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    Flashes during meditation

    Posted: 02 Jul 2020 10:14 PM PDT

    Hi folks, I have noticed that during meditation I have thoughts arising, but also more often than thoughts just flashes of images - people I know or places I have been. It is really weird, because it can be just for example a place I have been looong time ago - or a person from very distant past - even a character I read about in a book. It's a mixture of new and old, and it's just an image often associated with a feeling. Just comes of of nowhere. I do notice this and it is a one two second flash, I return to my breath and its gone. It is different than a full thought - like when i try to think of my plan for a day or something I said etc. Just an image in my head. Anyone experience similar and does it mean anything? 🧐

    submitted by /u/Vasilisa-premudra
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    Meditation Music [No Copyright Music] Beats FREE [yes Free]

    Posted: 02 Jul 2020 10:10 PM PDT

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