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    Friday, July 3, 2020

    Ashtanga yoga: Creating a sangha in my shala

    Ashtanga yoga: Creating a sangha in my shala

    Creating a sangha in my shala

    Posted: 02 Jul 2020 03:19 AM PDT

    Hi everyone,

    I am a Ashtanga practionner for 3 years now, and after moving back to my country, it has been one year that I am going to my current shala.

    I really like the place, the professors, the timetable, but I don't manage to feel a connection with the other students. Especially now, in the context of the crisis, I would love to bond more and have this supportive group of yogi/nis friends, and I am convinced it will be a great support to my practice.

    I have to admit I am also responsible for this situation as during the last year, I have really faded in the mood of my shala which is arriving 5 minutes before the beginning of the session and leaving as soon as it finishes. However as I was trying to change my habits l did not see other yogi.ni open to start a conversation or share a time together.

    How did you manage in your own shala to have this sens of belonging in a sangha ?

    Thanks 😊

    submitted by /u/salutcestlaeti
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