- Jesus Henry christ. Stop trying to get there and just be there. At some point you're going to have to stop seeking comfort in those books and practices and mentors and just be. Just rest as awareness. You won't find it out there, it's right on the tip of your nose.
- Science of meditation
- Whoops
- Thoughts and feelings are just auditioning for my attention.
- Can anyone help me understand the purpose of meditation?
- We over-think and intellectualise meditation, emotions/feelings/sensations is part of the balance.
- Flashes
- Searching for a guide
- Hello meditation experts! I'm really excited to share that my friend and I have recently started a podcast to spread the messages of mindfulness, kindness, and happiness. It has changed our lives in so many ways and we hope you can enjoy it with us!
- The fish trap exists because of the fish. Once you’ve gotten the fish you can forget the trap
- Reaching no thoughts
- What did meditation teach you about yourself?
- Chalk on Driveway lawsuit.
- Staying with the breath in a mask!
- How long do the effects of meditation last?
- Seeking Westernised Paradoxes and Parables for Meditation
- mindfulness vs concentration
- ELI5: Meditation and its purpose
- Need help finding a guided meditation from about 10 years ago
- I need a free mediation app
- Meditation Challenge September 2020
- I feel a weight or presence of something between my shoulder blades
- Regarding the WRONG way, Hallucinations, Visions, Judgements and other distractions of the ego...
- Anyone take depakote for anxiety?
Posted: 30 Aug 2020 12:16 PM PDT |
Posted: 30 Aug 2020 06:45 AM PDT There's been a huge influx of pseudoscience, hallucination, and other nonsense recently on this sub, and I just thought I'd throw this question out there. Are there any unique, interesting, valuable, or influential scientific studies on meditation that you would like to share a link to? I did a preliminary search on google scholar and it looks like there's a huge amount of scientific literature on the subject, going back at least 50 years. That's a huge amount of content and it can be hard to sift through. From a scientific perspective, there are a lot of different meditation techniques, with a lot of (sometimes subtle) differences. Are there any studies that correspond with the techniques that you like to use yourself? Are there any studies that indicate one set of techniques is better or worse than another? What other perspectives are there with respect to science and meditation or mindfulness? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 30 Aug 2020 10:56 PM PDT In my meditation practice, sometimes I come to and realise a minute has slipped by. Oh well, start again. In my meditation practice, sometimes I come to and realise thirty minutes has slipped by. Oh well, start again. In my meditation practice, sometimes I come to and realise ten years has slipped by. Oh well, start again. [link] [comments] |
Thoughts and feelings are just auditioning for my attention. Posted: 30 Aug 2020 09:13 PM PDT |
Can anyone help me understand the purpose of meditation? Posted: 30 Aug 2020 08:41 PM PDT My therapist has had me meditating for the past several months, and we always start and end our sessions with meditation. Its been about 4 months, and I can honestly say I dont think it does anything for me at all. Its coming to the point where I just now feel irritated doing it because it seems so pointless, just a waste of 20 minutes. My therapist seems to think that it will help me to be a happier person overall, and help with anxiety. I dont really feel any different than I did 4 months ago. Is it possible that meditation just doesn't have an effect on certain people? [link] [comments] |
We over-think and intellectualise meditation, emotions/feelings/sensations is part of the balance. Posted: 30 Aug 2020 07:51 PM PDT On this sub, in real life and in different modalities I see so many beginner questions (is it ok to cry) get asked that could be solved by simply allowing sensations and emotions to unfold and then allowing space for the mind/body to process it. Because that's where the answers are. It's like asking a question during a movie when the answer is literally in the next scene or at the end of the film (except Inception the trippy bastard) Most of the time I'm answering with "yes that's normal" "What are you FEELING" and "The answer is underneath that emotion" People get so caught up technique or controlling it too much with thought. Half of the problem with people's pain is that they haven't allowed an emotion to FULLY play out. They're still stuck halfway through grieving for their parents death or something. The biggest problem I've seen in the western world is that we are taught to lead with our minds, our intellect. The balance of feeling/sensing is lost. It's lead to a lot of people simply not being able to feel what's going in them. I'm doing a niche therapy course and there are people in the course who've been doing the work longer than I have but are still stuck in their progress because they won't allow their feelings to play out. Aka ungrounded. I have worked with ex-soldiers/PTSD sufferers/sex abuse survivors and so for some people it is literally too much to go into those areas by themselves even on the surface. So literally the best thing is to have human contact. Humans caused your pain thus humans can help you with your pain. Of course my big picture hope is that us as a world could rebalance the mind/body (aka emotions/feelings/sensations) but assisting and guiding people around me is what I can do for now. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 30 Aug 2020 09:09 PM PDT I was listening to a guided mediation a few days ago, and roughly 15 minutes into a 20 minute session I started getting flashes of a white light in my right eye only. When I say flashes I mean the movement was in a plum motion, like if you squirt ink into water and it makes those interesting waves. They started faint, then got brighter, then faint again and finally dissipated before the session ended. So I guess my questions are, is this common? And if so is there something specific that triggers it? Because i feel like I've been chasing that experience instead of just focusing on the meditation itself. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 30 Aug 2020 08:42 PM PDT Hello I'm interesting in Meditation; however, I know nothing at all about how to start or what should I do, so I'm kindly asking if there are any guides or pieces of advise thanks [link] [comments] |
Posted: 30 Aug 2020 06:52 PM PDT Hi everyone =) My friend and I are so proud to share that we started doing a podcast that talks about social and personal issues impacting modern-day society. We speak of the importance of cultivating mindfulness, kindness, and happiness during times where anxiety, stress, and depression are at its very peaks. Please check out our project and let us know what you think. We sincerely hope to bring some positive energy to this space through our messages. A little about ourselves: Byron - An Australian ex-Buddhist Monk who is now working as an English teacher in Thailand. I recently opened a school where we teach young children the power of education, happiness, and respect. Leigh - A Canadian aspiring science teacher who has many experiences traveling the world and learning different cultures. Leigh enjoys exercise, cycling, meditation, and is especially passionate about making others happy. We post a new episode every Sunday morning and all the main platforms such as YouTube and Facebook, as well as Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and Google Podcasts. We already have 4 episodes out including. Episode 1 - Why be Kind? Episode 2 - The Monk Mind Episode 3 - World of Energy Episode 4 - Embracing Adversity Episode 5 - The Power of Visualization Episode 6 - Ingredients for a Happy life Episode 7 - The Beauty of Inspiration Episode 8 - Inner Happiness Episode 9 - Creating Good Habits Episode 10 - Doing Good Deeds | Part 1/3 If you're interested, please check it out and let us know what you think. We'd love any feedback you may have, as well as any questions or topics you'd like us to bring up the next episode. We want to make this as engaging and interesting as possible. Please support, subscribe, or share! YouTube Playlist - Link Facebook Playlist - Link Spotify Playlist - Link Apple Podcast - Link Google Podcast - Link [link] [comments] |
The fish trap exists because of the fish. Once you’ve gotten the fish you can forget the trap Posted: 30 Aug 2020 08:05 PM PDT The fish trap exists because of the fish. Once you've gotten the fish you can forget the trap. The rabbit snare exists because of the rabbit. Once you've gotten the rabbit, you can forget the snare. Words exist because of meaning. Once you've gotten the meaning, you can forget the words. Where can I find a man who has forgotten words so I can talk with him? -Zhuangzhi- [link] [comments] |
Posted: 30 Aug 2020 06:38 AM PDT Hello. I am posting here to see if other people can relate. But when i meditate i can reach a state where i tire my thoughts out, and they stop. Its like i run my thoughts for so long they lose power and eventually just dwindle down and stop. When this happens it feels like a helmet comes off my head.. its very freeing. Ive also seen some visuals from it. Its like a very peaceful state of mind. Is there a word for this? Anybody else familiar with this? [link] [comments] |
What did meditation teach you about yourself? Posted: 30 Aug 2020 08:36 PM PDT |
Posted: 30 Aug 2020 11:45 PM PDT |
Staying with the breath in a mask! Posted: 30 Aug 2020 07:43 PM PDT I decided to meditate outdoors today. We have a shared rooftop deck and it's required to wear a mask in shared areas in our apartment building. I decided to meditate up there this morning, to get a little sunshine on my face, but was slightly concerned about being distracted meditating in a mask. Interestingly, I found that the mask containing my breath a bit made it much easier to stay with each breath and really notice the quality of each one than I normally find it. I really appreciated the chance to experience my daily practice from a slightly different physical perspective. I think I'll take this new perspective with me the next time I meditate, mask or no. Just an interesting experience that I thought I'd share with the group. [link] [comments] |
How long do the effects of meditation last? Posted: 30 Aug 2020 05:12 PM PDT I'm a beginner... so please fill me in...
Thanks in advance. [link] [comments] |
Seeking Westernised Paradoxes and Parables for Meditation Posted: 30 Aug 2020 07:21 PM PDT I often use paradoxes or parables from Buddhist practice and texts in order to try and understand more about myself and my perceptions of the world around me, however, I often worry I may be missing a deeper implication due to translation issues or a lack of Eastern cultural understanding. Does anyone have any good westernized parables or paradoxes that they've meditated that you've found useful? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 30 Aug 2020 01:40 PM PDT im fairly new to meditation as ive just recently become interested in buddhism, and im confused on the difference between mindfullness meditation and concentration meditation. From what ive heard/read, in mindfullness meditation you focus on a certain object, lets say your breath for example and when distracted by another thought you observe the thought, then bring your attention back to your breath. How is this different than concentration? During concentration meditation do you just bring your focus immediately back to your breath without observing the thought as soon as youre aware of it? [link] [comments] |
ELI5: Meditation and its purpose Posted: 30 Aug 2020 03:06 PM PDT Thought on posting this in r/explainlikeimfive but you guys would have more knowledge on this than the people there. Hope you can help me! [link] [comments] |
Need help finding a guided meditation from about 10 years ago Posted: 30 Aug 2020 05:04 PM PDT I used to do a great guided meditation maybe 10 or so years ago. Possibly YouTube but maybe just a MP3 on a website. It's around 25-30min and the key points from memory are
Hopefully that's not super vague. Any ideas anyone? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 30 Aug 2020 01:16 PM PDT Been looking for good mediation apps but all of them are paid-versions. Does anybody have any idea for a free app or a mod version ? [link] [comments] |
Meditation Challenge September 2020 Posted: 30 Aug 2020 10:06 AM PDT Hi all! We all know that it can be hard to start and maintain a regular sitting practice. So I wondered if anyone would care to join me in a daily meditation challenge for September? u/WCBH86 set up a monthly meditation challenge for the last 2 years or so, and it's really seemed to strike a chord here and received lots of engagement and positive feedback over that time. u/WCBH86 stuck to daily meditation throughout much of that time (struggled a little some months, but he did have a two year old son at the moment!), and many others including me who took part have managed consistent practice throughout that time. It provided a lovely sense of community and lots of encouragement. I'd like to continue his efforts. Here's the deal: You choose how much time you want to spend meditating each day, and what sort of meditation you're going to practice. But you commit to practicing every day for the month of August, and maybe check in on here with others who are doing the same. The idea is to have some group support/accountability, to help you stick to daily practice all month long. If it goes well, then we rinse and repeat for the month of September. I'll make a new post for that when the time comes. Post a comment below if you'd like to take part. And if you'd like an accountability partner to really help see you through your daily practice, post a comment below that says "accountability partner needed". Then wait for someone else to reply to your comment, and say "I'll be your partner". You can help keep each other in check throughout the month. For those who use Insight Timer, there is a group for this called Meditation Month. Feel free to join up and find some extra accountability there. For those who use it, there is also a discord server for this : https://discord.gg/xcQAGNa Good luck folks. Hope this helps some of you start a meditation habit and others get back into one. TLDR: Encouragement and support for people trying to make daily meditation stick! NOTE: Since starting these monthly challenges, the Insight Timer group has grown to 900+ members, and the Discord even more than that! So join in and help make meditation a regular part of your life! [link] [comments] |
I feel a weight or presence of something between my shoulder blades Posted: 30 Aug 2020 07:08 AM PDT I work in a creative industry that allows me to bring a lot of my personal/spiritual journey into my professional life. As such I spend a lot of time focusing on getting into and maintaining flow states. Sometimes these states persist for days or evens weeks as a sense of connectedness where I feel literally plugged into to something immensely powerful. When I have that feeling it seems to come from a presence between my shoulder blades, on my back. Other times it's almost like I'm looking down at myself in third person from a position just above my back. I've read a lot of accounts of improper kundalini awakenings or spirit possessions that give the feeling of a presence within or along the body but this doesn't feel inappropriate. Guess I'm just wondering if anyone else has experienced anything similar through their practices. [link] [comments] |
Regarding the WRONG way, Hallucinations, Visions, Judgements and other distractions of the ego... Posted: 30 Aug 2020 01:03 PM PDT A note about dealing with negative/judgemental comments.. In other words, their "version" of visions, hallucination, etc. is self-righteous externalizations.. by insulting or your experience they give their minds a route of escape from presence as well. This doesn't make them bad, it just makes them human. I HIGHLY recommend the 4 agreements as a way to short-circuit any negativity loops that might arise.
As a new meditator, this will help you avoid getting trapped in other people's stories and projections as they journey through their own ego-traps. For those who seem to consider themselves enlightened this can help prevent the type of projections and ego-driven comments that could hurt or drive away new/sensitive meditators. [link] [comments] |
Anyone take depakote for anxiety? Posted: 30 Aug 2020 07:16 PM PDT |
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