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    Thursday, December 3, 2020

    Flexibility: Vatanayasan

    Flexibility: Vatanayasan


    Posted: 02 Dec 2020 08:12 PM PST

    Focused on my shoulders today ��

    Posted: 02 Dec 2020 05:45 AM PST

    Close yet so far. I’m pretty exhausted after my full body stretches, so I’m using support instead of my legs strength only. 8 months passed, time fly faster. I don’t really put much thought in good progress, only think about keep going��

    Posted: 02 Dec 2020 11:44 PM PST

    20 min Pilates Workout At Home | Abs & Core | No Equipment

    Posted: 03 Dec 2020 06:36 AM PST

    Can I still learn to do the front splits if I cannot do the side split challenge?

    Posted: 03 Dec 2020 02:38 AM PST

    Hello! I am a 23-year-old male, and I am 6 feet tall and weigh ~160 pounds. I do not consider myself flexible at all. I have just recently started stretching daily, and a friend of mine challenged me to see if I could learn to do the front splits, and I heard the side split test was a good way to see if I am able to learn to do them. Upon attempting it, I could not complete it, so I was wondering if this means I could not learn to do the splits at all or if it will just take extra work/time, and what type of stretches could help get me there. I appreciate any and all advice, and if you have any questions or need additional information, please feel free to ask.

    Thank you!

    submitted by /u/bobby3797
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    I can only rest on my knees if I’m on my toes, is that indication of poor knee/ankle mobility? I am currently the 1st picture and I want to achieve the 2nd picture

    Posted: 02 Dec 2020 09:43 PM PST

    Toothpaste has the ADA.....

    Posted: 03 Dec 2020 07:43 AM PST

    ....is there a reputable association or something that has a list of approved stretches?

    I always hear how this stretch or that stretch is terrible for your joints but it's never from someone official. It's always hear say.

    So is there a reputable place to find stretches?

    submitted by /u/SupermanJLogo
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    Camel pose help

    Posted: 02 Dec 2020 08:16 PM PST

    Hello there,

    I am a 35 year old male with flexible hips (all splits to the ground) and a somewhat stiff back (i can lift my hips on a bridge but it looks horrible :). I am trying to work on camel pose and can't grab my ankles (though i'm close). Can anyone please offer any kind of help or makeshift routine on how to improve this pose and backbending ability in general? Thank you so much in advance :)

    submitted by /u/DiscombobulatedMix54
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    Close yet so far. I’m pretty exhausted after my full body stretches, so I’m using support instead of my legs strength only. 8 months passed, time fly faster. I don’t really put much thought in good progress, only think about keep going��

    Posted: 02 Dec 2020 11:46 PM PST

    Oversplits (L) & (R) - Opinions and advice, please! ��✨��

    Posted: 03 Dec 2020 03:04 AM PST

    First time I see a video of this caliber on flexibility. Enjoy. Don't ruin your knees people!

    Posted: 02 Dec 2020 09:50 AM PST

    Yin Yang Yoga Flow Vinyasa Sequence

    Posted: 02 Dec 2020 06:48 PM PST

    Is it possible to achieve splits for a muscular person?

    Posted: 02 Dec 2020 05:42 AM PST

    Imagine average athlete, who is many years into his sport, but never really stretched to what is not necessary for his sport. Let's say more than 30 yo man.Muscles are decent, may be tight a bit. Very far from doing splits of any kind.

    Is it possible for him to achieve splits?

    Young people can get to splits much easier than adults, and I believe average Joe who never done sports is at better position than the athlete.

    P.S. I've read "Science of flexibility" book my Michael J. Alter, watched "Flexibility express" by Thomas Kurtz, but did not found exact answer there.

    TL;DR Has any muscular non-flexible person achieved splits in his adult age?

    submitted by /u/AverageDoonst
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    Does stretching slim your muscles?

    Posted: 02 Dec 2020 01:28 PM PST

    Notice I didn't say "lengthen" your muscles. I heard that stretching sort of spreads out your muscle, making it seem like you look slimmer. Is that true? And if it isn't true, then how come sports that involve stretching like gymnastics and dance people tend to look slim and long?


    submitted by /u/pollywarner
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    20 min King Pigeon Flow | Yoga Practice To Prepare For Eka Pada Rajakapotasana

    Posted: 02 Dec 2020 08:29 AM PST

    Handstand challenge?

    Posted: 02 Dec 2020 08:01 AM PST

    Handstand challenge?

    Hi everyone! Has anyone participated in a handstand challenge before? I never did acrobatics as a kid but took a fantastic handstand series this year that helped me to progress as a beginner to finally getting my handstand! I want to continue to improve and, to start I'm going to participate in this handstand challenge by cirqulation next month, but I need some buddies! If you want to join me follow @ cirqulation on Instagram

    What are your handstand goals for 2021?


    submitted by /u/DrAlyssaB
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    Am I using my psorite correctly?

    Posted: 02 Dec 2020 06:55 AM PST

    Purchased a psorite but dont seem to be able to use it correctly in regards to my psoas muscle. Every tutorial and even the psorite website itself suggests putting it in a region where I'm not feeling the effects/sensations suggested. The peaks of my psorite are lower than advice suggests. Could I still be working my psoas as obviously not everyone has tightness etc in the same spots?

    submitted by /u/cxm404
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    Are my hands and shoulders meant to hurt while doing the downward facing dog(Adho mukha svanasana) or am I doing something wrong

    Posted: 02 Dec 2020 06:52 AM PST

    Seeing that most yoga videos I see online they most of the time put the down facing dog in their videos or like in apps I have downloaded and since it's common I figured it is common for a reason but anytime I try to do it my hands and shoulders hurt, don't know if I'm doing it the wrong way, I have very stiff shoulders, could it be because of that, I also can't hold it longer than 15 seconds sometimes not even up to which sounds pathetic but I need to know if I'm doing something wrong or if it's because of my shoulders

    submitted by /u/No_Competition7157
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