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    Friday, December 4, 2020

    Yoga: Gift Thread, 2020

    Yoga: Gift Thread, 2020

    Gift Thread, 2020

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 06:01 AM PST

    Welcome to the 2020 edition of the gift ideas thread! It's been an interesting year. How are the yoga gifts you're giving - and want to receive - different this year?

    This thread is for sharing gift ideas and suggestions.

    (Side note - here's the COVID resources sticky that was removed). Ok, back to business!

    As always, here's the copypasta with a summary of previous ideas to get us started:

    What's on YOUR wish list, and what are you picking up for your nearest and dearest yogis?

    Here's a big list from last year to kick things off:

    • Books

    • DVDs

    • Subscriptions- which sites do you like?

    • Props you might not have thought to purchase for yourself but find yourself loving

    • Jewelry

    • Malas for those who do japa meditation

    • Online courses- for students

    • Online courses- for teachers

    Some specifics:

    ** For studio-going yogis:

    • Intro passes

    • Class passes/cards/packages

    • Workshops

    ** Clothing:

    • Warm hoodies

    • Pants

    ** Gear/props:

    • Mat bags

    • DIY mat spray (lots of recipes - link to search)

    • Yoga Wheel

    • Blocks

    • Straps

    • Eye pillow

    • Sandbags (probably easiest to buy the bag online and the sand @ a Home Depot, etc)

    • Zafu / zabuton

    • Massage balls

    • Gel toe stretcher

    • Mexican blanket

    • Singing bowls

    • Yoga jellies (knee/elbow pad-type items)

    • Yoga trapeze

    • Yoga cards (Workout Labs, PlayPauseBe

    ** Subscriptions/Downloads

    ** Random things for home practitioners

    • Spotify / Pandora gift subscriptions

    ** Just for fun

    • Yoga Joes

    • You Are Beautiful items (I've seen their stickers handed out all ninja-like by students and they are always well-received)

    • Subscription box

    ** Books

    • What are your book suggestions for new yogis, experienced yogis, yoga and/or anatomy nerds?

    • Yoga philosophy

    • Yoga spirituality

    • Yoga humor

    • FAQ section for books

    • Light on Yoga, Iyengar

    • Bhagavad Gita

    • Hatha Yoga Pradipika

    • Autobiography of a Yogi

    • The Yoga Sutras

    ** Other ideas

    • Essential oil diffuser

    • Tea, matcha

    Other resources:

    2019 thread

    2018 thread

    2017 thread

    2016 thread

    Mat megathread

    Search, 'gift'

    Please put all the giftygoodness here - other posts will be removed.

    Obligatory 'plz to not spam' statement:

    If you're here to post your store and your post history does not fall within reddit's 10:1 rule, it will be removed. Spam is STILL crazy. If it's blatant, Bad Santa(yogi?) has a bag of coal.

    As always, no referral or shortened links. Amazon links must be just to the item - please nuke anything after the base product info.

    submitted by /u/kalayna
    [link] [comments]

    Happy holidays to all. Namaste.

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 07:52 AM PST

    “Waiting for diner”, drawing by me, inspired by yoga. I hope it will inspire you too ☘️

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 02:42 PM PST

    [COMP] Early morning crane-crow flow

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 02:49 AM PST

    Minor victory.... Crow Pose

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 04:42 PM PST

    Celebrating a small victory. 55 years old, 250 pounds, held Crow Pose unsupported for 20 seconds. I'll take it.

    submitted by /u/RegattaJoe
    [link] [comments]

    [COMP] Update: I corrected my form and reached this point!

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 06:33 AM PST

    [comp] it’s been years and still haven’t mastered a wall free handstand lol

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 03:48 PM PST

    Babba Nam Kevalam (acoustic guitar and voice, desert inspirationals) by Gregory Ormson

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 02:32 PM PST

    Post spinal fusion yoga?

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 12:41 PM PST

    Hi, I'm new here so apologies if I've broken any rules by posting this, but I've been recommended yoga by my chiropractor to help me with persistent back pain caused by my scoliosis. I had corrective surgery for a pretty major curve (83°) 7 years ago so I'm as healed as I'm ever going to be from that now. I've read the scoliosis section of the FAQ, and I can't find anything there that includes post surgery yoga. Can anyone recommend me some videos or styles/poses to try? I've honestly no idea to start, and there are hardly any classes in my area (not that I could attend at the minute anyway bc covid)

    Much appreciated!

    submitted by /u/abcdefgharry
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    How did you start to create your own flows

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 12:21 AM PST

    Hi!! I've been practicing yoga for a while now and really want to start making my own flows!! I don't want to drop major bands and become an instructor. Any tips, tricks, or resources for getting started or learning how to create your own flows?

    submitted by /u/lacandelaaa
    [link] [comments]

    Softest Leggings?

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 11:23 AM PST

    Hi everyone

    I am looking for the best (Black) yoga leggings that feel like more natural softer fabric.

    I currently own 3 pairs of Athleta Salutation I stash pockets, they are the perfect fabric. However their Salutation II stash pockets are a new fabric, not soft.

    I tried ALO soft, the blue was very soft, the black was a diff fabric and not soft.

    I have a very soft colorful Koala legging but they are extremely cheap slippery fabric.

    Please share what you wear. Here are requirements

    -high quality legging

    -fabric feels more natural

    -has good control/fit

    -is not LULU Lemon

    submitted by /u/KenaNoelHeck
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    single kundalini yoga sessions make me feel like zombie, depressed and drained away all my life force.

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 07:31 AM PST

    Hi everyone!

    me and my bf are on our paths to explore the spirituality, we in particular like doing kundalini yoga with Jai Dev - he is teaching lessons online, we also love he's lectures because he talks about phenomenal things so we try to do kundalini yoga.

    however... the aftershock is kinda not what I was looking for. I noticed that sometimes I get annoyed, irritated during the session or I get very depressed right after, I usually tried to shake that feeling off by blaming on other things. However this time I started noticing episodes of my mental illness are kinda coming back, I feel no physical or mental energy, no motivation, I can't stay focused and I just sleep all the time, I remember before kundalini yoga I was doing a few days ago I was feeling just great and full of love. I also injured myself real bad ... my bf reports he started feeling his anxiety are back after we did kundalini yoga a few days ago.

    My question is.. should we stop doing it? do we need to power through? do we need better preparation? are we doing it wrong? do we need to do it more often?I feel like the energy we unlocked are not good for us.

    submitted by /u/purpleyelloweyes
    [link] [comments]

    Osteoporosis and Yoga

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 07:07 AM PST

    Hey new here, does anyone know if there are poses that are not recommended for people with osteoporosis? Have done yoga for many years but now got diagnosed scared I might break something... thanks

    submitted by /u/Pigletruth
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    Help?! Too much bending over from gardening

    Posted: 03 Dec 2020 11:19 PM PST

    Hey guys can anyone help with recommending some yoga poses? Here is my dilemma..

    I work outside as a landscape gardener and my job involves bending over alot. Whether it be bending over to dig holes in order to plant plants or bending over to lay grass in peoples back gardens or digging up Christmas trees and planting anything from small to big trees.

    Although the job does keep me fit and strong theres a fine line because it is starting to give me problems.

    I am in pain now when I'm bending over and I think I've developed sciatica, however, it started on my left side and has now moved to my right side and I would say its mild and at the beginning and nothing alot of rest could not solve. I'd be willing to quit my job for the winter and focus on getting right and up-ing my yoga game.

    So... anyone know any yoga poses that can help me correct myself from all the years of bending over?

    Thanks Namaste 🙏

    submitted by /u/soupdrink3r
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    Yoga videos for men (youtube channel)

    Posted: 03 Dec 2020 11:16 PM PST

    Before this gets criticism, these videos can be followed by women or others as well. Just from my experience, I hadn't found the popular youtube yoga videos to be engaging as they weren't breaking me into sweat. I found this channel Breath and Flow about a month ago https://www.youtube.com/c/BreatheandFlow They have some easy going and hard core videos as well. I used to do P90x yoga but I would find the 1:30hr too long. The tutorials by Flo will make you work and they are short (havent watched Bre much) I just felt they deserved a bit more attention in the yoga community!

    submitted by /u/efey8
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    Do you prefer doing yoga in the morning or at night?

    Posted: 03 Dec 2020 10:41 PM PST

    One foot is always turned out and if I straighten it out the knee go inward

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 03:11 AM PST

    Its ugly thing causing my leg to not feel at as aligned when I walk , It start after I injured my shin from skipping rope, I took a rest for two days and then when I start walk the left foot get automatically to the outward position. I went some ortho drs and PTs. they were cluless. Im gonna find out new ones.

    submitted by /u/ghosttttttttttttt
    [link] [comments]

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