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    Tuesday, February 23, 2021

    Ashtanga yoga: Motivators

    Ashtanga yoga: Motivators


    Posted: 22 Feb 2021 04:48 PM PST

    Hi Everyone, I've been practicing ashtanga for about 3 years and I wanted as much input and advice as possible. I go through phases where I'm totally in love with it, and have a week here and there that I take a break bc I feel a burnout.

    Lately, it feels like this feeling has gotten worse and prolonged. What I want to know is that — is this totally normal to have spells like this for an extended period of time (ie a month), and when you do experience it, what helps you get through these periods?

    I feel like the major difference between this "slump" and previous slumps is bc I haven't practiced with a community in a long time. My studio permanently closed their storefront last May so perhaps the in-person accountability and the community setting was what would help me during any slump I had. Either way, I'm sure COVID has affected people here the same way. What helps you get through this in the absence of community?

    submitted by /u/TiaFan_
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    Knee Feeling Funny ... Advice?

    Posted: 22 Feb 2021 06:20 AM PST

    So I was doing a half primary series yesterday and when I was in urdva padmasana, I felt something weird in my left knee, but it wasn't painful and I finished the practice. Anyway, after practice, something deep in my knee has been aching and gets painful twinges.

    During practice, I always follow the rule to stop if something is painful, but I push through if there's just moderate discomfort. Now, I will state the following because I have heard it a ton: knee injuries are serious and respecting your body means not pushing yourself to injury. I know! I've never had a feeling like this before though. I practiced the full primary series on Friday and my knees were fine. But this issue from Sunday has carried over into this morning and my knee still feels weird.

    My question is, how long should I wait to practice full lotus again? Should I take a break from practicing altogether or modify the poses (foot on thigh and crossed legs)? Should I stop jumping back and step back instead? If I should modify, how long should I wait until going back to the non-mod versions? (Asking for a general time window because I'm not the best judge. I have hurt my wrist before and started practicing after I thought it felt fine but made it worse instead ...).

    Any help would be appreciated!

    submitted by /u/Few-Sun7031
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    Vipassana Meditation 1 Hour | S.N. Goenka - Vipassana Meditation

    Posted: 22 Feb 2021 12:00 PM PST

    Pass put level fatigue throughout day

    Posted: 22 Feb 2021 08:01 AM PST

    Hi everybody. Ive been doing ashtanga for about three years now on and off. When i get back into it after a while of mild debauchery i start off slow and take it easy because the same thing happens all the time:

    Today, for example, i only did easy sun salutations and back bends. But i become extremely tired later in the day. Is this because i did yoga in fasted state? I ate a healthy meal after? Or is this im just unfit? Was it something i ate afterwards (eggs, salad, milk, bread)?

    Just woke up now from an exhaustion nap. Is this normal? It gets better after a few days, but until then, its pretty tense.

    Thank you kindly for any advice or answering.

    submitted by /u/indianboy1196
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