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    Tuesday, February 2, 2021

    Meditation: Haters and naysayers... they absolutely exist but I'm 99% of the problem

    Meditation: Haters and naysayers... they absolutely exist but I'm 99% of the problem

    Haters and naysayers... they absolutely exist but I'm 99% of the problem

    Posted: 01 Feb 2021 05:42 PM PST

    If you wanna lose weight or get a new job then you will inevitably run into haters. But I realized today that I blow it way out of proportion with my own repetitive and neurotic thoughts.

    Person A makes a snide comment -- "oh there's no way you can do that." Then Person A moves on with their own life 5 seconds later. But I'm stuck here replaying that in my head for days. Even if Person A died I would still be replaying what they said.

    Arnold Schwarzenegger says "ignore the naysayers" and... I realize now that the naysayer is mainly me. Naysayers are real but I'm the biggest naysayer by replaying the same thoughts over and over.

    submitted by /u/followingaurelius
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    Just reached 8000 minutes meditated on headspace over the course or 2 years . Have done all the courses from basic to pro , have learn various techniques and insights for meditating ,I spend most of my time in resting awareness (out of my head) (living presently)

    Posted: 01 Feb 2021 02:18 PM PST

    Been meditating everyday for the past 2 years for about 10-30 minutes , I'm not posting this to show off or flont,

    If you have any questions or need advice regarding meditation and need someone to talk to comment below. I'm no guru I'm no shaman , or priest I'm simply me a nobody.

    submitted by /u/Cricky92
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    I recently felt a strange mental sensation while meditation. Anyone has any idea about it or has felt like this?

    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 12:11 AM PST

    I have been practicing mindfulness meditation for a month now. And i have seen good results of my mind staying calm and centered.

    Very recently i had a strange sensation. I was focused on my breathing and my mind felt as if everything in front of me was going far away. Everything felt far and small. And it was like the more i continued my meditation, the more everything seemed to go far and appear smaller. It was fast initially but slowed down as the mind space became farther and farther.

    Anyone else has experienced this ever?

    submitted by /u/vikng01
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    Newbie newbster looking for peeps :)

    Posted: 01 Feb 2021 08:26 PM PST

    Greetings y'alls,

    I'm new to meditation as I've only just begun in November of 2020 (one of very few good things to come out of 2020 lol). I'm also new to Florida.. (Kissimmee/Orlando area). I'm looking for someone my age (29 y.o. (male, fyi) but.. honestly, idgaf how old or young ya are... well, maybe 25+ lol but seriously..idc) to meditate with. I'm hoping to gain insight in regards to Mediation from whomever may reply but would settle for good company. DM if ya wants...


    submitted by /u/dylan21502
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    Thoughts after 5 weeks of practising meditation

    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 01:14 AM PST

    As the title says, i'm a beginner in this marvelous 'hobby' or 'way of life' or whatever it may be to anyone. I got off to a good start right at the beginning. I read a book about meditation by Barry Long which i found was simple enough text for me.

    At first i did it sitting on a chair, on a bit more loosely positioned on a couch and even lying down in the bed and it all worked fine. I experienced some headaches in the first couple of weeks i think. Then came a slight slow down when it felt like it's not doing anything all of a sudden. Luckily the book had warned me about both of these so i kept on going despite.

    Lately now i've been having some trouble getting sleep at night. I tried to meditate when lying on the bed but all of a sudden just when i feel like my body is starting to get in to that relaxed state where it doesn't wanna move and just stay put, i start to feel this hideous discomfort in the body. It's not even pain, just such a major discomfort that i need to stop the meditation. This went on for 3 or 4 nights now and i couldn't get proper meditation done. I started to get a little worried. Last night it happened once again so i decided i'm gonna get up and go sit on a chair to give it another shot since i'm gonna be awake anyways.

    And there it was, it started happening just like it should again. I found myself in a very deep feel of relaxation. And as my feet were on the floor, soles facing each other with a gap between them, my dog came and cuddled himself up between them. After at least half an hour of meditation i finally came back to my senses and felt super happy, calm and grateful. My dog wanted to sit on my lap so we sat there still for another 10min or so.

    And then i realised that i actually just did this to myself, it was no mumbo jumbo hocus pocus, it was real as can be. I have the ability to take myself in this state of being. And that made me feel even more grateful and happy. I still had a hard time falling asleep but i didn't even mind since i felt so good lying around in the bed. And i definitely felt way more energetic yet calm when i woke up in the morning even tho i didn't get much sleep.

    I hope other beginners who might be having struggles in the beginning of their meditating journey can find some inspiration out of my experiences. It might be easier on one day and harder on the next, but it's ok and we just need to accept it. Peace!

    submitted by /u/mulletheart
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    Celestial white noise - Excellent sound for meditation

    Posted: 01 Feb 2021 08:14 PM PST

    Hi everyone, great celestial white noise sound for meditation, hopefully, some find this useful.


    submitted by /u/Quantumrush
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    Do I need to follow a specific technique for meditation or just go with my gut feeling?

    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 12:24 AM PST

    I got motivated to meditate after reading this book which inspired me to journey the path to Spiritualism. I have meditated time and again long before reading the book and often found it boring. Post reading the book, I wanted to meditate but any app that would guide me through the practice kind of annoyed me. I didn't want to hear someone chatter and instruct me, it kind of felt contradictory to what I was wanting to achieve. So i started this thing where I closed my eyes and sat for a while in my backyard concentrating on my breathing and noticing random thoughts flow which automatically led to its dissolution and my mind was blank focusing on the now. A couple of times after doing this I realized I need not even close my eyes for this. I could just be alone and do this. Just exist without thoughts occasionally thinking about how I am not thinking and occasionally thinking of noticing my breathing. To be honest I have done this for a couple of times now and I feel like its working in keeping me calm and giving a clarity to my thoughts. But is this what I am practicing even meditation? I don't even know where to go from here. Somehow the idea of using apps or a youtube video for meditation is unwelcoming for me. I feel like it defeats the whole point of the sanctity of meditation.

    submitted by /u/Incurableklutz
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    Ujjayi breathing heping me in Meditation

    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 12:22 AM PST

    These days I am doing 15-20 mins of Ujjayi. And then 21 rounds of OM. Feel blissful afterward. If mind wonders I just remind no issues. That's normal. Come back to ujjayi now.

    Ujjayi helps me focus better than simple deep breathing used to do. Though it took me some time to get accustomed to Ujjayi breathing.
    Sharing if it can help someone else too.

    submitted by /u/vishaliitr2003
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    Why does meditation impact every part of your life in a good sense? (Explain by using analogy)

    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 12:10 AM PST

    Hello, my friend! Hope you have a great day! :)

    I've been meditating for 9 months. In total, I sat for 720 hours during this period. Many of my friends ask me about meditation and how it impacts my life. And I usually answer that it has changed everything in my life. And they became suspicious about my reply. I couldn't find the right words or examples to clarify it.

    But now I've found a good one (probably). The difference between meditators and non-meditators is like between non-meditators and a drunk person. When you are drunk, you cannot make good decisions, you act out compulsively, and so on. Imagine that you were drunk all the time, it would be a big problem! All parts of your life would became messy.

    What do you think about this analogy? :)

    submitted by /u/melniqoff
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    Benefits Of Calm Mind and Relaxing

    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 02:51 AM PST

    Meditation can benefit anyone who makes it a priority and Practises Regularly. Over the past few years of teaching people from all backgrounds, I haven't met a single person who hasn't ended up benefiting from adopting a meditation routine.

    Stepping back from the rigmarole of daily duties, taking a break from overthinking about the rights and wrongs of life, and scheduling in regular time-outs to close your eyes to enjoy stillness is a marvellous gift you can give yourself.

    Time after time, meditators experience less stress, better health, inner calm, clarity and creativity, more loving relationships and even increased productivity.

    submitted by /u/Pure_Entertainment89
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    Sadhguru - Explains the TRUE Nature of the MIND and Spirituality

    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 02:47 AM PST

    "Do not emphasize the abscense of objects, only emphasize the prescense of awareness." - Jean Klein

    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 02:28 AM PST

    Intense Meditation Which Left Me In Tears...

    Posted: 01 Feb 2021 01:14 PM PST

    Hi! This is my first time posting so excuse my ignorance haha. I was wondering if anyone has experienced anything similar. A few months ago I followed a past life guided meditation on YouTube. In my last life I met this young woman called Lucy, she was like a mother to me, and I felt an overwhelming amount of unconditional love. Half way through the meditation me and Lucy were aggressively separated and I have never experienced this intense feeling of loss in my life. I've never lost a family member, nor have I ever been separated from my mother in an abrupt way as a child either. So I truly have never felt this feeling before.

    I stopped meditating for a couple of months after this due to how painful it felt, but recently I wanted to visit my spirit guides through another guided meditation on YouTube. I was greeted by a man with blue skin, but very quickly felt Lucy's energy again. I immediately had a pain in my chest and just felt so sad, I missed her so deeply and loved her so much I started crying. I don't usually miss people, I'm quite an independent person, so this was once again an emotion I've never felt so deeply before.

    Is she my angel? Is she a soul connection? a spirit guide? I'm scared to meditate again because it's just so intense. She never says anything to me, just looks at me or holds my hand.

    Has anyone else had a similar experience?

    submitted by /u/emjmaaa
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    Ambient background music - for study - focus - relaxation - CHILL

    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 02:10 AM PST

    Shower Thought: You know you have reached enlightenment when delayed gratification becomes gratifying.

    Posted: 01 Feb 2021 08:00 PM PST

    Head pains when meditating

    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 01:57 AM PST

    I've been meditating for 20mins every morning with the Headspace app. I'm currently going through a breakup so have done the course on acceptance and a bit of grief and regret. But also some on creativity and sleep.

    I've been quite emotional and I get pressure headaches when I cry alot anyway. However a few times towards the end of meditation I'll sometimes feel twinges of pain in my brain. It's not for long but it feels like a wire sparking or frying in a computer or something and I can feel very specifically where in my brain I feel it. - It's happened in different places in separate meditation sessions..

    I'm a bit concerned incase I'm doing something wrong, I don't want to do any damage! Has anyone else experienced a similar thing? I've been feeling a lot better since I started meditating and I find my days less focused and flatter if I miss a day so I'd quite like to keep going with it! Any advice is very much appreciated!! Thank you (:

    submitted by /u/Tangermaureen
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    Meditation question

    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 01:46 AM PST

    Three days ago, during my meditation, I stopped my breathing for for a few seconds, then I feel really scared. So I immediately opened my eyes, and then, as I regained awareness of my body, I felt my body shaking and my heart pounded so fast. Since then, every night when I go to sleep, I have the same scary feeling and feel like I am dying. Does anyone have similar experience? Should I be worried and seek medical help? Thanks.

    submitted by /u/LiSAM062420
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    Temporary spiritual awakening?

    Posted: 01 Feb 2021 09:23 PM PST

    After going through a terrible event last year, it appears that I experienced something called a temporary spiritual awakening. At the time, I didn't quite comprehend what was going on but it seemed as though the body and mind had decided that my suffering had to finally end after a decade of going through many lows in my life. The experience can be best described as being given new eyes to look at the world from a different perspective. I hadn't experienced so much joy and happiness in my life before. I was grateful for my existence for the first time in my life and I appreciated everything that I had long overlooked. Just everyday life seemed better. I was appreciating the beauty of nature, feeling love for strangers. My relationship with my parents significantly improved and I was enjoying my work life a lot more. I was more emphatic, more forgiving, less anxious, less angry, less judgmental and I could finally see how badly I had been conditioned to be this way. To add, I didn't do anything special to get here.It just happened. I was only trying to survive yet another setback. Looking back, it felt like I was engulfed by some very powerful forces to protect me from crashing after years of trauma. About two months into this experience, those feelings started to fade however. Although, I still knew the truth that I'm not the end result of my conditioning, i felt like I was no longer in that awakened state. Meditation, journaling, walk in nature, are able to maybe put me in that happy place maybe for a day or two but it's nothing like what I experienced before. I also feel like I'm constantly yo-yo ing between emotions. Now that I have experienced what it's like to be in that amazing state of mind, I've become extra sensitive to negative energy or negative situations and it's a very unpleasant experience anytime I'm in a bad mood or having a low day. My question is where do I go from here? I feel like I can't go back to how life used to be prior to this experience bc it's too unpleasant but at the same time, it's such a struggle being in the current place where I'm constantly wanting to be happy and trying to replicate those feelings but finding that it's not as easy. I don't know why this happened to me but it was a blessing that opened my eyes but I'm struggling how to move forward with this. I have been meditating consistently for a few months and it def helps but I don't know if there's something else I can do. I don't know if it's possible to get back in that state again or what I should be seeking from this experience.

    submitted by /u/chalbasanti
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    What other meditation is there other than mindfulness meditation?

    Posted: 01 Feb 2021 08:33 PM PST

    I want to expand my practice. I do mostly mindfulness meditation and I also try to do astral projection meditation (which never fails to fail), what other forms of meditation are there? Or any that you guys have "made up"? I'm really curious and want to try new things. Lmk.

    submitted by /u/kenyam123
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    Newbie newbster looking for peeps :)

    Posted: 01 Feb 2021 08:26 PM PST

    Greetings y'alls,

    I'm new to meditation as I've only just begun in November of 2020 (one of very few good things to come out of 2020 lol). I'm also new to Florida.. (Kissimmee/Orlando area). I'm looking for someone my age (29 y.o. (male, fyi) but.. honestly, idgaf how old or young ya are... well, maybe 25+ lol but seriously..idc) to meditate with. I'm hoping to gain insight in regards to Mediation from whomever may reply but would settle for good company. DM if ya wants...


    submitted by /u/dylan21502
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    Hi, has chronic insomnia and looking into starting this method of healing (?)

    Posted: 01 Feb 2021 11:59 PM PST

    Any tips especially to a person like me who is able to sleep at 10 but would always wake up around 2-4am and struggles for an hour or two to be able to go back to sleep but then it's too late because the alarm is by 6am.

    I feel depressed with so much built up fatigue, struggling after a year of moving on a different country alone. I tried meditation before, 10min, 15 min. But I can't tell if it worked so I dropped it after 3 or 4 tries and resorted to lots of tablet stuff. I feel so unhealthy now. But I tell it's mind over matter all this time. Still no improvements though, I want to try meditation one more time after stumbling it as a solution again... does anyone have success stories they can share from battling insomnia?

    submitted by /u/icegrale
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    How should i approach the feeling of fear in meditation practice?

    Posted: 01 Feb 2021 11:47 PM PST

    Recently i started seeing a therapist to work on my heaing journey. We often meditate before a session to ground myself. It was helpful so i started a practice on my own for about 2-3 weeks now. About 10-20 minutes a day.

    Recently, in my session, i had a surge of energy run through a blockage on the left side of my body that has been stuck for years and it felt great! However, with this same experience i find myself developing a sense of fear and terror shortly after. I'm not sure where the source is coming from. Also, it brought to surface my fear of the dark that I haven't had in years. I honestly was so afraid to sleep this same night. My left ear was so sensitive i felt like i could hear things a mile away. I was so afraid i'll hear things or see things I wasn't "suppose to." You know that feeling you get from watching a horror film you weren't suppose to when you were 5? That was the feeling.

    On the second night, when i was feeling panicky and afraid, i was able to pause and ask myself why i was feeling afraid and i found that i was afraid of the unknown and myself? I was able to calm down and looked down the dark hallway with no fear. I have gotten better since, but have not been able to go as deep into my meditation practices. I feel that anytime i get close to going deep, i get scared and pull out.

    I think it may have to do with some of the healing i am going through but i'm not sure because i think it's buried deep in there.

    How should I proceed with my practice now and how should i approach this fear? Is there a formal way to start meditation? Am i doing this right?

    submitted by /u/Justbreathexo52
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    meditation is giving me anxiety

    Posted: 01 Feb 2021 11:21 PM PST


    i just started meditation and could last for a minute without opening my eyes/being in the meditative state) at max. it was because during the last 20 seconds,all the thoughts rushed in my brain and started giving me sort of like an anxiety attack. I could like feel the adrenaline rushing in my blood at that time. It was like I wanted to jump around to cure that adrenaline attack. I thought okay whatever and started doing it again and then my brain kind of started going numb (like i couldnt feel it) and it felt plesant until there was another rush of thoughts and I snapped back to reality. Is this normal? sorry Im a newbie.

    submitted by /u/adremine
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