Meditation: He who knows, doesn't speak. He who speaks doesn't know. |
- He who knows, doesn't speak. He who speaks doesn't know.
- Human beings are 3-layered.
- Horny after meditation
- Meditation while not bing able (yet) to sit straight
- Thoughts as narration to life
- The central pivot behind awakening seems to be the difficult task of grappling with the paradoxes of acceptance and letting go.
- Wierd Feelings and Pressure Forehead
- Global Mass Meditation February 27, 6 pm-7 pm EST
- What are chakras? Are they real? How can we open them?no ba please
- Is it possible for someone to speak through you?
- Is there any meditation recs to release emotions of anger directed at you?
- meditation through a breakup/pain
- Can meditation help with not being affected by cold temperatures as much?
- Profound Meditative experience
- Music/ sounds while meditating
- Is there any scientific benefit to certain postures whilst meditating?
- Sam harris meditation
- Extreme movement during sits
- Shower meditation
- What Type of Meditation Practice Do You Do?
- meditation as a must
- meditation experience
- 6th and 7th Chakras opening, and the symptoms are insane! Is this normal?
He who knows, doesn't speak. He who speaks doesn't know. Posted: 26 Feb 2021 06:56 PM PST Just a friendly reminder to the Reddit Monks that the nature of knowing Truth and Reality is becoming it. Not learning, reading or knowing 'about' it. You can ask the greatest spiritual teacher on the planet 100 questions, and still learn more from watching the breath for 30 mins a day for a week. If you're scrolling reddit lost in thought, put the phone down and watch the breath. :) Cheers [link] [comments] |
Posted: 26 Feb 2021 03:46 AM PST The first layer is the side we show to the world. The friendly and social persona (which actually means a mask) we often use when we interact with people, especially those we don't have a deep relationship with. It's the side we show at work, at school, at parties and so on. It's the side that has manners and that wants to be liked by others. The first layer is basically an act, maybe that's why its called a persona (which is a word derived from latin that literally means "mask"). The second layer is the side we try to cover up with the first layer, with the mask. It's the side that has prejudices , the superficial side that judges people based on their race, money, looks or whatever. It's essentially our shadow side that Carl Jung talks about, except in this theory we are aware of it, so we try to hide it. Parts of it come out in our close relationships and it's often the reason relationships end, because it's the controlling, jealous and attaching side of us. It wants to dominate and to have power, no matter how subtle it is about it. The second layer is why its not uncommon for people to date for a while and like each other but then when they get in a relationship or get married, they find out that the person they are dealing with isn't the same person they met and dated a few weeks or months ago. I've seen this happen alot of times. This layer is basically of the ego, and so is the first one. But the first layer is the polished ego. The third layer is awareness or consciousness and its what we really are. This layer is where all goodness comes from. Compassion, love, and peace are all the qualities of this layer. How spiritually conscious somebody is determines the amount of light (awareness) that is filtered through the first 2 layers. So the more conscious (awake) someone is, the more the light shines through the layers, the less of a mask they wear and the less of the shadow side there is. The "goal" of life then (for lack of a better word) is to become so awake that the third layer shines clearly without being filtered through the other layers. In other words, its to reach a point where you don't wear a mask and you don't have a shadow side. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 26 Feb 2021 04:18 PM PST Sometimes when I meditate I get horny and feel a desperate need to masturbate,idk if its just me but does anyone else expiriance the same thing?? [link] [comments] |
Meditation while not bing able (yet) to sit straight Posted: 26 Feb 2021 10:32 PM PST I have read many articles saying that sitting straight is one of the major necessities when meditating. However my posture is very bad and i can't sit straight more than 1 minute. I am thinking about taking up some workout routine in order to correct my posture , but I think this will take several months ( especially taking into account my current state) . My question is : is meditation without sitting straight worth ? ( until i will be able to sit straight after several months) [link] [comments] |
Posted: 26 Feb 2021 11:32 PM PST A lot of the time thoughts are given a pretty bad rap and that makes us wanna resist then. Since the more you resist something, the more it stays they're always there annoying us. What I've been doing lately, is whenever a thought arises, I treat it as a background narration to my life. Not something I'm thinking, but just the narrator saying whatever he wants to accompany the imagery and sensorial effects of the movie. When I've been taking this approach, ive found there to be far less thoughts that I identify with and im just doing things without overthinking them or even thinking them and it's been refreshing. Just thought I'd share :) [link] [comments] |
Posted: 26 Feb 2021 10:20 PM PST The more work I do and the more I sit with myself the more I see that some of the most difficult but powerful truths to be found from a meditation practice lie in the subtle paradoxes of awareness. In order to let go of something you must become fully aware of it and indeed to move farther away from it and gain distance from it one must in some ways move closer to it and become fully aware of it. There is an aspect of awareness that is like an optical illusion that easily slips perspective. Like one of those cubes that looked at one way is protruding toward you, from another is moving away from you. When we observe something we slowly become aware that we are not the thing, simply because WE must be the THING that observes the OTHER THING. But in doing so we must focus all of our attention on said thing. It is like a feather weight boxer trying to outmaneuver a super heavyweight opponent. One must duck and weave in-between their blows dance around the subject. I realize these are all analogy heavy and some are sick of such hand wavy metaphors but it's extremely difficult to grasp the mechanisms at work in any other way. It is funny that the solution to overcoming many of my longest standing demons has been to love them. To love my insecurity and own it. To gain confidence by fully accepting I have none and to feel the fear of having none and wearing said fear AS my confidence in the moment. Often to gain what you want you must let go of the want first. These are among the most difficult of things to do. I can't say by ANY means that I can do this every day... but slowly day by day I grow in strength. [link] [comments] |
Wierd Feelings and Pressure Forehead Posted: 26 Feb 2021 05:17 PM PST Hello guys, I have tried finding articles about this. I realize it is different for everyone. I recently got into meditation. I am 17 years old. I did it from time to time. These last two months however I have been meditating everyday. In these past two weeks I tried getting into kundalini myself. I have had about 4 sessions from a spotify podcast and Russel Brand. My most recent one, four days ago made me realize I should slow my journey down. I wanted immediate results, I was selfish. I didn't feel the feeling people claim. It didn't feel like I have read. So I stopped, realizing I should wait along time before awakening the kundalini. And that I should respect it. But during today and yesterday, I have noticed a wierd feeling. In class yesterday, I felt this wierd sound in my ears and wierd emotion for about 30 seconds. Then around the same time today, I felt for about five minutes a bodily high feeling. Now I am noticing pressure on my forehead and vision feels different . I have noone else to ask about this so I APPRECIATE anyone who spend their time giving me their advice or time. Have a good day. [link] [comments] |
Global Mass Meditation February 27, 6 pm-7 pm EST Posted: 26 Feb 2021 11:28 PM PST Hey all. I'm making an effort to orchestrate global mass meditations. This is the 4th one I am hosting and I figured this would be one of the best places for me to share this. I put a link to the video below. The global mass meditation is on February 27 from 6 pm-7 pm EST. Thanks and feel free to share with anyone you know who is into meditation. Or type snowmanboy into youtube if you don't trust the link. [link] [comments] |
What are chakras? Are they real? How can we open them?no ba please Posted: 26 Feb 2021 10:44 AM PST So i've been told that they are real and you literally can open them , so if there are real why there aint no evidence to prove its existense ? and if they are real how would you consider opening them? i'll appreciate any answers PS: Just wanted to thank everyoe down here for their amazing comments ; i just can't beleive you guys , i thought maybe I was lost in the world but you guys are amazing , just see how you're doing your best to help each other and thats amazing , I had to say this Thanks❤️ [link] [comments] |
Is it possible for someone to speak through you? Posted: 26 Feb 2021 09:59 PM PST Look I've been asking my self this question for almost a year now and still don't really know if I'm just insane or if I'm right. Pretty much when I have conversations with people I feel like I'll say something that really isn't me saying it almost like I'm just grabbing something from midair and saying it even if I don't want to. That's what I thought at first but the more it would happen in random convos I was having the more people would get freaked out every time I did it, which left me feeling like I was saying something wrong. So I've been trying to notice when I say something that I haven't really thought about, or don't thinks it's primarily true and try to stop myself before saying it. So I save my self and the other person from feeling all weird for no reason. What makes me think I'm taking the stuff I'm saying from other people is one time I smoked weed a couple months ago ( I don't smoke anymore) and my brother had a friend over to smoke with us. We started smoking and it got weirder and weirder as we got more high. Pretty much it got to the point were I felt like I had no control of what I was saying it was just coming out. And my brothers friend was tripping dick claiming he's controlling my mind and predicting everything I say. Idk I could be paranoid or right about this whole people speaking through me thing. If this means anything to anyone or if anyone's got any input to add that might know what this is plz comment. If you read this all thank you. [link] [comments] |
Is there any meditation recs to release emotions of anger directed at you? Posted: 26 Feb 2021 01:11 PM PST My mother just yelled at me for leaving the house in shorts. Im a 25 year old female, living in western society where its acceptable. Ive listened to her religious way my whole life and now i want to live on my own terms. Ive only recently moved back in this past week due to a family situation and this pandemic. She yelled at me and just released so much anger and negativity on me. I dont like to yell back and argue. Im also tired of behaving like the adult with a woman who is 20 years older than me. Any meditation recommendations to release these emotions? I would label my emotions as disappointed, infuriated, annoyed, and hurt. I know i have to go through this process with her. I just feel like im going crazy in my head and i cant talk to her about it in a civil manner, trust me ive tried. She doesnt care about anything but how this makes her feel. I guess i also dont care. Its just hard to feel these feelings. [link] [comments] |
meditation through a breakup/pain Posted: 26 Feb 2021 07:43 PM PST I'm no stranger to breakups. I fall in love deeply - and often. I'm emotional and an easy crier. This past year, I meditated straight for 6 months: 20 minutes for every day. The last 4 months, it's been about 5 times a week as I'm not as strict. Anywhoo, I want to share my latest breakup story. This guy felt like the love of my life. We talked about being together forever. Great communication, so much safety, we shared tears, I became like family, etc etc. Sadly, we had a mutual breakup this past weekend. I cried my eyes out for one night. Stayed in bed for two days. Before meditation I would have been a mess: drinking, dating right away, feeling angry, sobbing my eyes out. This time was completely different. I went out for my meditation today and the night was beautiful: cold, crisp, windy. I sat against my favorite tree for 40 minutes. It was the most beautiful meditation I have ever had. I had a voice reassure me that this was meant to happen, that so many wonderful things were coming, and I feel deeply at peace. I felt all of the pain in my body being moved away with the strong gusts of wind. There is so much change coming in the wind. Leftover from the wound was such a deepness in my body that I never knew existed. I had previously felt really angry at my ex partner, but now I feel so grateful and joyous. I'll try to surmise with a quote from Osho about pain: It is such a valuable energy, don't throw it away. Absorb it, drink it, accept it, welcome it, and feel grateful to it. And say to yourself, "This time I'm not going to avoid it, this time I'm not going to reject it, this time I'm not going to throw it away. This time I will drink it and receive it like a guest. This time I will digest it." It may take a few days for you to be able to digest it, but the day it happens, you have stumbled upon a door which will take you really far, far away. A new journey has started in your life, because immediately, the moment you accept the pain with no rejection anywhere, its energy and its quality changes. It is no longer pain. It is transformed into ecstasy. Thanks for reading :) [link] [comments] |
Can meditation help with not being affected by cold temperatures as much? Posted: 26 Feb 2021 03:01 PM PST I've always been a wimp when it comes to the cold. Curious whether meditation can help with this. Thanks! [link] [comments] |
Profound Meditative experience Posted: 27 Feb 2021 01:16 AM PST What I'm about to say is the complete truth. it would serve me no purpose to lie about it. My point is to share my first profound spiritual experience with people who would understand it more than I As well as receive some feed back as to what exactly happened to me. I was 21, had just lost a pretty decent job. Had only smoked marijuana on occasion and drank socially never taken psychedelics or other drugs. Awoke Saturday morning and ate nothing. Sat on my couch to began scraping together some scraps of marijuana I had left. Not even enough to share let alone enjoy to oneself. One small puff and It was all gone, disappointed to say the least. I had somewhat of a head change. I had been practicing Meditation for months at this point and was doing it different ways. And this particular day I felt saddened and unsure of what to do so I just decided to get smoke, play "The Rain Song" by Led Zeppelin on my surround sound system and began Meditation. At the time I lived in a shabby old farm house where the windows and doors where always left open as it gets quite hot where I live. Because of this flies roamed freely around. I had began using these flies as methods to meditate, as swatting them constantly wasn't going to work so I decided to use them as another method to distract my thoughts. Keeping track of them on me as I breathed and focused my mind. I counted them, kept track of their placement upon me. I followed which ones left and which ones arrived all while focusing on my breathing and allowing my stray thoughts to skip past me. This went on for perhaps 5 minutes. I was feeling intense vibrations through my spine and the center of my head. Things I had felt before until, during The Rain Songs grand crescendo, a single fly suddenly landed upon my third eye. I was then cascaded into an experience I've revered as touching God. All at once my breathing was no longer mine to control. My body became rigid my fingers, formed into a mudra of wisdom, suddenly were centimeters apart as a strange magnetic force kept them apart, yet together. I was outside of my body, hovering a few feet above, a few inches behind and a few feet above my head. Where I could see my entire living room, as well as the wall and door just behind the couch, in some strange 360° orbital field of view. I could feel and see a beam of pure yellow-white light shooting straight out of the top of my head. It radiated with a humming sound together with a vibratory buzz that resonated within my entire being. It felt as if waves of pire energy of power of euphoria of something I have a hard time clearly describing, where flowing from my root chakra up my spine, swirling inside my head and almost being pulled through my ceiling. I can not tell if it was pleasent, if it was painful. I do know I was scared. I felt as though my body was being controlled by another as if I was breathing but not consciously. This, beam of light felt and looked almost hollow. As if a warm ring was pressed into my scalp and light shot upwards from the edges of the ring. The experience went on, for what felt like a few moments. Yet as I was suddenly in control and gasping for breath, opening and closing my eyes while feeling my head. I noticed the Led Zeppelin had stopped...yet I heard it throughout the entire experience. Checking my phone I found that this almost 8 minute song, had ended almost an hour ago. I had sat there, covered in flies, vibrating violently, seeing my body from above and from within, with my closed eyes. A passenger in own body, for nearly an hour. I began to meditate less and less follow this event do to difficulties in my living situation and life. My life changed for the worse and factors out of my control led me to hard drug abuse and soul destruction. I have never been able to recreate such an experience. Nearly 5 years later I find myself finally sober once more. Becoming a loving individual once more and in the company of people leading me into the life of the esoteric once more and this experience has returned to me in memory. Yet I feel it is holding me back today for it truly terrified me. Perhaps, sharing this event would help me. I simply look for the perception of those more attuned than I have become. Someone more aware of what had taken ahold of me that sad Saturday morning. I seek an answer to what it was, why I was so frightened and what should I do to not be afraid of what I believe will raise my consciousness. Thank you for your time. [link] [comments] |
Music/ sounds while meditating Posted: 27 Feb 2021 01:02 AM PST Can someone explain the effects of bowl sounds and other thing of the like while meditating? I understand that certain frequencies can raise your vibration but I am not sure exactly what to listen to. What are the reasons for different frequencies? And what do other audios people listen to while meditating do you for? Do you have any suggestions of what to listen to? I usually like guided meditations but I'd like to try to be able to meditate more independently so I'm thinking this might be helpful. Thanks for any help you can offer ✌🏼 [link] [comments] |
Is there any scientific benefit to certain postures whilst meditating? Posted: 26 Feb 2021 03:48 PM PST Meditation has been scientifically proven to have so many benefits but there seems to be no agreement on proper posture or any scientifically grounded evidence suggesting one over another. No offence to anyone but I'm somewhat of a skeptic towards anecdotal evidence and most things like that. Does anyone know of any evidence based research into posture? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 26 Feb 2021 08:33 PM PST Question for experienced meditators, what do you think about Sam Harris Guided Meditation? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 26 Feb 2021 11:43 PM PST I can not meditate without my neck (platsyma muscle) spasming, my body starting to rock back and forth, body convulsions, my head shaking like I'm saying no and my face and lips twitching. I'm looking for secular, scientific and biological answers/theories as opposed to spirtual ones. Thanks. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 26 Feb 2021 03:51 PM PST Does anyone meditate in the shower like sit in the shower with the water pouring on you while meditating?? [link] [comments] |
What Type of Meditation Practice Do You Do? Posted: 26 Feb 2021 06:43 PM PST Hola! Happy Friday Amigos 💃 Did you know that meditation is a practice, not a religion that is practiced in cultures all over the world to create a sense of calm and inner harmony? 🎾 I've been practicing meditation since I was in high school to help me find awareness and achieve a peaceful state of mind. I played tennis and softball in High School and before playing games, I would always put-on headphones and meditate to help me keep calm. ⚾ I was pretty feisty in High School and meditation helped me a ton with my aggression issues. Today, I still practice meditation to always help me stay grounded, especially during super stressful situations. Meditation is all about breath work and bringing your awareness to it in order to alter your consciousness, find awareness and achieve peace. ☮️ This blog will explore some examples and an incredible website recommendation for you to checkout to continue to learn more about meditation, practices, and awesome techniques. Let's get started! "How do meditators deal with difficult people? Equanimity, compassion, and mindful communication" ~ Giovanni D. Meditation practice works wonders especially when having hard days and dealing with a lot of drama or negative people. Today I was having a rough day for example and started looking up ways to communicate with hardheaded people then voila! I found an amazing article on dealing with difficult people. Being that I'm into meditation, this article couldn't come at a better time, perhaps it was meant for me to find it! I not only read Giovanni's article called "Mediator's Guide for Dealing with Difficult People," but I also signed up for his newsletter and downloaded his free, super informative PDFs that I finished reading through already. I was amazed at all the comprehensive information provided on meditation, especially using it when dealing with stressful people. I highly recommend for you to checkout Giovanni's article at After reading the article, it put me in a balanced state of mind, making me feel calm. What I loved most was learning about "equanimity." According to Giovanni D., Equanimity is the "meditator's armor." With equanimity you can be present and fully engaged, but detached. Equanimity means you don't need to become defensive. You are present, calm, fearless, and clear. Reading this inspired me to try this new technique immediately when dealing with challenging people. Being in the present moment is important to me and I love learning new ways on how to better communicate with others. This is why practicing meditation daily is so important. Everyday life can be like a roller coaster of emotions going up and down depending on what life brings. It's your choice however to handle the ups and downs with an equal balance in order to not let the negative vibes take you down. I've always been someone who feels a lot of emotions. For this reason, meditation for me becomes my gateway to clarity and self-awareness; almost like my check point to finding my mental balance. 👉 If you're dealing with a lot of stress or feel a lot of anxiety, I highly recommend for you to try meditation. Practicing it for at least 15 minutes a day will change your life, I guarantee it! 👈 If you have ever read or listened to, "Think Like A Monk" by Jay Shetty, he guarantees it too. He actually recommends starting with 15 minutes a day to start your meditation practice. 🐶 I go out on nature walks daily with my handsome Australian Shepherd, Bear and practice walking meditation where the movement guides me as I observe nature's beauty 😍 I do this for at least 45 minutes - 1 hour a day depending on where Bear takes me since I allow him to lead the walks, lol. EXAMPLES OF MEDITATION PRACTICES There are a lot of meditation practices. Here are some popular ones:
Now that I have shared that I love to practice walking meditation, WHAT TYPE OF MEDITATION PRACTICE DO YOU DO? Let us know in the comments 🙏 To learn more about meditation and several of its techniques, I recommend for you to checkout Giovanni's website at Even if you have never heard of meditation or have heard about it but haven't explored it further, I highly recommend for you to checkout his article at Does Meditation Have Any Health Benefits? There's a ton of benefits of meditation! To name a few, meditation can:
Since I am focusing on giving a huge shoutout to Giovanni's website, he also wrote an amazing article called "76 Benefits of Meditation and Mindfulness (Scientific Research)." I love how he gathered a ton of research on meditation benefits into this article to make it abundantly clear that meditation is amazing because it has been proven to work and brings a ton of benefits to your life! Check it out at What You Can Do Today If you are dealing with a lot of stress in your life or if you are looking for a way to find peace and purpose, please know that meditation is meant for you. You don't have to try all practices; just try the techniques you like and grow your practice from there. The key is for you to try something new and give meditation a shot if you have never tried it. The beauty about meditation is that you can keep trying different practices until you find the ones that you connect with most. All you have to do is step outside of your comfort zone, be open minded, and welcome meditation into your journey! Take it from me, I'm now 40 and I promise you, this will be one practice you will not regret to take on because you will reap in the benefits in no time! Hope you found this post informative and fun with all of my emojis :) and that you start a wonderful journey with your meditation practice. I also want to thank the author of all the articles I listed here, Giovanni D. from Your wealth of information is very much appreciated. Wish you all an amazing, safe, and healthy weekend! Much love ❤️ Yanitza or Yani for short [link] [comments] |
Posted: 26 Feb 2021 08:35 AM PST Personally, If I see meditation as a must I become more consistent and less lazy with practice. I have a very stressful job, and if I don't meditate, excessive stress accumulates and turns into anxiety. when I live with anxiety I fail in my interpersonal relationships. Instead of responding peacefully, I can be so nervous that I take things worse than they are. I distill with overflowing anxiety everyone around me. Meditation is a must. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 26 Feb 2021 08:12 PM PST So I posted last time about how my meditation on the heart chakra caused racing heart rate and all that. I also forgot to mention that I also experienced an odd sensation that I HAVE experience like, a couple times as a kid, something they call "alice in wonderland syndrome" where you have an episode of feeling big and small at the same time and your spatial perceptions of your physical size and distance of walls and items just being out of wack. It's bizarre. genuinely O.o Episodes for me are VERY rare but it happened during the same meditation and would like some elaboration on what that could signify. Is it a cognitive thing or is it spiritual like maybe i might have been feeling how "infinite" my soul is or something. Is it a chakra imbalance like maybe i need to ground myself more. Is it a past life karma? IDK. I'd love any ideas or elaborations on that. Thank you :) namaste [link] [comments] |
6th and 7th Chakras opening, and the symptoms are insane! Is this normal? Posted: 26 Feb 2021 07:59 PM PST My energy moved into my third eye chakra about 4-5 days ago, and the sensation of my third eye opening was actually pretty enjoyable—both the physiological symptoms, and spiritual experience during meditation that encouraged the opening. Before this occurrence I had a somewhat neutral view of the "third eye", chakras, and just their overall existence in general. I wasn't in denial of their existence I just had yet to experience them for myself so I was uncertain. With the opening of my third eye I no longer had this view of neutrality and became intrigued by the whole subject! Prior I had this fallacy that once the third eye opened that that was synonymous with enlightenment, but with my third eye opening I found this wasn't the case. So doing some research I came across the 'crown chakra', and thought I'd try and engage with that chakra. I found it was described as being located just outside of the body, but it's also connected with a round area on the top of the head. So I began focusing my attention on the top of my head/brain (and the space right above my head), third eye simultaneously engorged, and this portion of my brain started to become stimulated. Briefly thereafter my entire brain—it felt like—was under tension and was pulsating. That was yesterday, today I began my day with a very brief meditation and the same thing happened, and it felt as if my entire brain was under tension. So I thought I wouldn't meditate today yet a very moderate to high tension retained within my brain and it isn't subsiding. It's one of the most uncomfortable things I've ever experienced, there's high pressure behind my eyes, I'm feeling a tad nauseous, just very uncomfortable. So long story short is this normal for a crown chakra opening? And if so how long do these symptoms last? What is it exactly that's happening? Thank you! :) [link] [comments] |
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