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    Tuesday, March 23, 2021

    Meditation: Who gave us this crazy idea that we should know how to live?

    Meditation: Who gave us this crazy idea that we should know how to live?

    Who gave us this crazy idea that we should know how to live?

    Posted: 22 Mar 2021 09:35 AM PDT

    Does a tree know how to grow?

    Does a cloud know how to rain?

    Does the wind know how to blow?

    Does a road know that it is going somewhere?

    Please, don't know how to live,

    let life be its own spontaneous unfolding

    and let joy flood your being.

    submitted by /u/singham
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    The mind is an extremely destructive force if you don't learn to master it.

    Posted: 23 Mar 2021 12:55 AM PDT

    Never miss an opportunity to be grateful

    Posted: 22 Mar 2021 12:41 PM PDT

    If someone brakes to you let you through, or goes out of their way for you, smile and express your gratitude. Never take this sort of behaviour for granted, because it isn't.

    And if you do the same for a stranger, never expect gratitude, because your otherwise positive gesture may become a negative incidence for your ego to draw on. But if you do receive it, smile and enjoy it.

    Let this be your practice for the days to come.

    submitted by /u/Prinz-Midas
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    Fear creates underlying emotions of anger and resentment which can seep out into your relationships.

    Posted: 23 Mar 2021 01:59 AM PDT

    Please help! is it possible to accept the past through meditation?

    Posted: 22 Mar 2021 08:43 PM PDT

    I have a lot of regrets that destroy me every single day, I am 24 and I feel so old and feel too late to achieve what I want. Lockdown hasn't helped either(we are still in lockdown here). I just want to wake up everyday and be happy, without hating myself because of all the time I have wasted. Is it my fault that mental health has done this to me?

    submitted by /u/LifeChangesNow44
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    Keep falling asleep while meditating

    Posted: 23 Mar 2021 03:28 AM PDT

    I usually find I can't get comfortable enough sitting, so I lay down, and even with guided meditations I fall asleep. I try to meditate when I am not tired but I end up having a nap anyway. Any tips?

    submitted by /u/bananaaaboat
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    I’m lost. What is meditation?

    Posted: 23 Mar 2021 02:58 AM PDT

    I've been meditating by myself for almost a year. Recently I hit a wall. I can meditate in two ways:

    -I meditate focusing on sounds around me with my eyes closed and I start to think how everything is connected but looks like simulation at the same time. Those thoughts come and go. I start feeling like my hands are binding together into one warm thing, I start seeing white flashes. After that it gets more intense: I see a lot of colors, quite often they stop on deep blue but at the same time the color is bright. Sometimes I see faces or eyes. My eyelids twitch a lot and my heart pounds. Usually after this climax everything is going slowly down. The problem is that I THINK. As far as I understand meditation, you should just let go thoughts but I keep them in my head - they change constantly but they're there.

    I also meditate in another way:

    -I just sit down. I take a few deep breaths and I focus on surroundings. I push away any thoughts. I see only darkness and I feel like I just sat down and did nothing. Sometimes it's boring.

    Can you tell me which way of meditating is truly meditating? I feel amazing after both of those experiences but what is the meditation? I'm lost. I need somebody's help.

    submitted by /u/Careless_Conflict
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    Need recommendations on meditation practices and online material I can refer

    Posted: 23 Mar 2021 02:22 AM PDT

    Currently, I am using headspace which is a great tool for meditation, but can you give some suggestions regarding Apps and meditations practices.

    submitted by /u/Hot-Honeydew2135
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    The Psychological Risks of Meditation

    Posted: 23 Mar 2021 01:45 AM PDT

    Am i missing something

    Posted: 22 Mar 2021 07:46 PM PDT

    Am i missing something

    I need this in the simplest terms please. Do i just pay attention to my breathe and focus on that? Do i really have to set aside time to sit and do that (meditate) or can i just do that constantly throughout the day (watching tv, making food, showering, etc). Is there a difference in quality between focusing on breathe sitting still meditating vs going about your day trying to focus on your breathe? Long story short ive developed panic disorder and agoraphobia thanks to this pandemic and im trying to inch my way back to how i was. Thanks!!!

    submitted by /u/GoRGoNiTe_SCuMM
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    Fear while meditating

    Posted: 22 Mar 2021 07:14 PM PDT

    I've recently started experiencing a strange phenomenon a few minutes into meditation. I'm noticing waves going up and down on my palms where they are rested on my thighs during meditation. Also experiencing very fast poking throughout the body. It almost feels like something is about to happen and it's so overwhelming and scary that I have to stop. I've been meditating consistently for the last 7 months and previously have experienced involuntary swaying back and forth and pain up and down the spine. However, they weren't accompanied by fear and they weren't so intense or fast. I'm unable to get 10 minutes past the meditation which is very unsatisfying but how do I get over this fear? The only thing that I did differently is sitting with an intention of letting go of fear, judgment, anger etc.

    submitted by /u/chalbasanti
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    Teachers that you'd like people to know about

    Posted: 22 Mar 2021 10:18 AM PDT

    I'd like to hear from you about specific people whom you found particularly helpful on your mediative journey.
    Please, try making it high-effort comments: when suggesting a teacher, please write how this particular separates from other guides or gurus, what are his particular insights, what are the texts or recordings of him that exemplify that.

    From me: Shinzen - he is a Shingon monk (Japanese Buddist tradition, part of Zen), who also connects that to Native American shamanism and European mysticism, but neuroscience as well. His descriptions are very concrete and involve complex imagery of the process of enlightenment - such as contraction and expansion happening at the same time, realizing that things pass as soon as they arise. He is very enlightenment driven as opposed to focusing on simply making life a bit easier. He also often desribe the very intense states experienced by experienced meditators (such as Fields of Power or internal convulsing)

    As for practice he is strong proponent of strong determination meditations (such as sitting still for an hour or longer) as a quickest way toward enlightement and challenge sequence - slowly building the ability to perform simple (and then more complex) tasks while in the deepest meditative state.

    Some videos I found especially interesting:
    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gYSSf71Vo7w (about the quickest path to enlightement)
    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=64BBTV3FOc4 (how late night sittings can change your life)
    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PoZABGqiLrc (clever distincion between the temperature vs total energy of consciousness)
    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OM-2w-0EMDU (how injecting micromeditations in your routine can make your progress faster)
    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=33u14OjeHpE (ties of shamanism with buddist traditions)

    submitted by /u/JRzymkowski
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    Has anyone...

    Posted: 22 Mar 2021 08:01 PM PDT

    Has anyone done Astral Projection from meditation? Specially from a sitting pose?

    submitted by /u/erikhm_
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    The idea of meditating vs meditating itself - Seeking advice

    Posted: 22 Mar 2021 01:58 PM PDT

    Its strange and im sure im not alone. But I really like the idea of being able to sit down and meditate to take care of my mental health and clarity for 20 minutes a day. But when it actually comes to waking up at 6:30am for work or coming home from working a 10 hour day, i just don't feel like doing it AT ALL. Its always either the "just don't feel like it/can't be bothered/too tired" excuses. And its strange because ive used meditation to help me through some really bad phases of clinical anxiety in the past so i know its power, but still just don't feel like it/can't be bothered/too tired. A part of me feels like meditating tired it just too damn difficult.

    Just wondering if there is anyone out there who's broken through the barrier and could offer any advice. Any advice would be massively appreciated, because my stress levels are beginning to cause me some physical health issues and i really need some help (re)learning how to relax!

    submitted by /u/ebn_tp
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    Isn’t noticing a thought, just another thought?

    Posted: 22 Mar 2021 10:34 PM PDT

    When meditate we are supposed to observe our thoughts as they pass, but isn't the observer, the one who noticed the thought, just another thought?

    submitted by /u/Wet_Walrus
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    Psychological risk of meditation

    Posted: 22 Mar 2021 09:49 AM PDT


    I was astonished to find this article after finding a lot of personal benefits in meditating for the past 10 years. I have never heard of any adverse effects. It is only written as a panacea for the ills of the modern age. I guess there are no silver bullets.

    I found it fascinating that there is a history of case studies of meditators becoming psychotic via meditation. There is some interesting speculation by experts on why this happens, and it is well documented.

    The author, Kortava, talks about a researcher following this thread, who after visiting retreats gathers lots of anecdotal evidence of this being a common occurrence at meditation centers. Kortava delves some into the history of meditation and how the practice has been secularized and decontextualized. "Generally meditation is presented as something monastics aspiring to full awakening do, ... an activity that is part of a way of being in the world that is ultimately aimed at exiting the world, rather than a means to a happier, more fulfilling life within it."

    I have been meaning to go on a retreat for years know, but this definitely gives me pause. Maybe I'm at the right level. Maybe I shouldn't try and go deeper? Have any of you had experiences like this?

    submitted by /u/tumultwithtea
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    Waking up vs Headspace

    Posted: 22 Mar 2021 09:09 AM PDT

    Is anyone here gone through the whole introductory courses of both waking up and headspace? If yes, could you tell me about the main differences?

    submitted by /u/anna_xa0
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    New to meditation, any tips?

    Posted: 22 Mar 2021 12:40 PM PDT

    Hey everyone :) I tend to struggle with anxiety and negative emotions, so I thought I would give mediation a try. Being completely new to meditation, I was wondering what some useful tips for beginners might entail. I appreciate the help!

    submitted by /u/sleepymoonpie
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    Meditation for beginners and advanced

    Posted: 22 Mar 2021 10:07 AM PDT

    Hey y'all just wanted to share my experience about meditation with you all, I started it about 1 year ago and for real it really had change my whole life, I just feel way more peaceful and way less stressed in my every day life, so I really recommend it to anyone which is asking themselves if they should, I also started a YouTube channel where I'll post daily short relaxing videos.

    Tell me what is your relation with meditation and if it had change your life so far !

    Relaxing YouTube channel

    submitted by /u/DifficultHall8230
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    Meditation losing its effect on me

    Posted: 22 Mar 2021 07:41 PM PDT

    I got to the point for some time when I began both work and college where I was quite stressed. Before college, I was already meditating for 15-30 minutes at a time, and when college began, I could meditate for up to two hours and feel that I gained something from it. Recently, however, I've not felt the same degree of satisfaction. It no longer feels as necessary anymore, yet I'm still stressed, irritable, angry, etc. That sort of "otherworldly" moment when I opened my eyes after a long session just isn't there anymore. I don't feel light as a feather when practicing. I just feel like I'm accomplishing nothing with it anymore.

    submitted by /u/Spideyfan1602
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    Insight Timer Courses like Davidji’s

    Posted: 22 Mar 2021 01:18 PM PDT


    I'm looking for courses similar to Davidji's 40 days of transformation. His style tends to start off with a bit of insight and themes for the day and then progress into silent mantra meditations for an extended period of time.

    I found this particular course to be amazing and would love to find others like it. Does anyone have any recommendations? I'm looking for courses specifically. Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/CallMePaulB
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    Penetrated bright circle light portal in meditation

    Posted: 22 Mar 2021 01:10 PM PDT

    So today I was trying to take a nap as I rarely sleep well at night. I lay down for very long periods of time with my eyes closed, nothing I'd call meditation. Today while trying to sleep I felt extremely relaxed and after about 30-40 minutes of trying to sleep I see a bright little white circle which was some type of portal. I began to focus on it. I zoomed into it relatively fast and my brain had somewhat of a deafening earthquake feel, like you would get if u try to strain your neck really hard. I actually went through the light and did what physically felt like opening my eyes but I was not in my room, but a different childhood bedroom from back in the day. I myself was in this place. Like it was me and I could see, definitely not a dream state. I was physically there. The world was spinning, felt like I had extreme, and I mean extreme vertigo. This place was dark and gloomy, almost how someone would imagine the spirit world to be, kind of like that movie insidious. I tried to get up and walk around but the pressure from the vertigo feeling was so extreme I had to crawl to the doorway. I ended up getting pulled out. When I woke up, I managed to close my eyes again and pull myself back into the circle 2 more times into this strange dimension. Each occurrence was similar as I couldn't get out of the room. The last time I tried I was unable to go back in. Is this a common experience for anyone and if so, what does it mean for me? What did I do? Where was I? What was the other side of the portal like for you? I don't have much knowledge on all the meditation and chakra stuff.

    submitted by /u/jackrussell231
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