• Breaking News

    Saturday, May 29, 2021

    Flexibility: 5 min Hamstring Stretches for Tight hamstrings - great to do after a workout

    Flexibility: 5 min Hamstring Stretches for Tight hamstrings - great to do after a workout

    5 min Hamstring Stretches for Tight hamstrings - great to do after a workout

    Posted: 28 May 2021 12:27 PM PDT

    How to increase hip external rotation when it's flexed?

    Posted: 29 May 2021 02:25 AM PDT

    Anyone got any tips, tricks, or routines regarding to increasing hip external rotation when it's flexed let's say 90°? Any help is appreciated.

    submitted by /u/skyland2001
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    1 Minute Mobility - Segmental Cat Cow

    Posted: 28 May 2021 12:02 PM PDT

    LIVE Yoga Class June 6th - 30 Minute Gentle Morning Yoga Full Body Stretch

    Posted: 28 May 2021 08:08 PM PDT

    Thoughts on resistance bands?

    Posted: 28 May 2021 12:22 PM PDT

    Does anyone have experience with looped resistance bands for improving skills like splits? I was thinking of this band, or something similar: Gaiam Restore resistance band I'm mostly curious about the level of resistance, as I've seen some comments that bands like these are too stretchy and don't provide enough resistance to really be helpful.


    submitted by /u/justadorkygirl
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    Motivational video martial arts bruce lee

    Posted: 28 May 2021 03:52 PM PDT

    Padahastasana-Flexibility for hands wrists - Stretch for computer work

    Posted: 28 May 2021 01:29 PM PDT

    Loaded progressive recovery

    Posted: 28 May 2021 06:55 AM PDT

    Should you stretch at all the day or two following an intense loaded session, even a limbering stretch? I'm always pretty sore, have no range, and feel like I'm just damaging my legs while they're trying to heal and therefore they tighten up to protect themselves. Buttt I also feel like I've lost ROM, not gained it when I stretch again after two days rest.

    submitted by /u/veganskychild
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    I want to be able to run and jump and actually extend my legs

    Posted: 28 May 2021 04:55 AM PDT

    When I run and jump over something, my legs stay bent at the knee pretty excessively and it feels like my hamstrings are restricting me. Which limits my jumping and running ability. What are some good daily stretches I can do for legs?

    submitted by /u/PartTimeTulsa
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