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    Saturday, May 22, 2021

    Meditation: How to overcome seeing meditation as a chore or routine

    Meditation: How to overcome seeing meditation as a chore or routine

    How to overcome seeing meditation as a chore or routine

    Posted: 21 May 2021 11:53 AM PDT

    I have been meditating everyday (two times a day to be exact) for about 10 months now but in the last two months it has become a chore-like activity for me. I know meditating makes me feel good overall but I don't actively enjoy looking forward to it and I'm not excited before meditation anymore. It has become something I just have to do like taking a shower in the morning. Have you had similar experiences? Would appreciate pointers on how to deal with it

    submitted by /u/dambalidbedam
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    If you struggle to meditate because of thoughts popping up try active meditation

    Posted: 21 May 2021 12:29 PM PDT

    Here is an example of an active meditation:

    1. Pick one word from the list below that describes an emotion you would like to feel more of: Joy, Love, Happy, Peace, Calm, Hope.
    2. Close your eyes and visualize the word in your head.
    3. Pick a color that goes with the word and visualize the word in that color.
    4. Fill the background with another color.
    5. Now, with your eyes closed and writing in your head, write the word one letter at a time.
    6. As you are writing the word, say the letters quietly to yourself in your head.
    7. Write the colored word on the colored background over and over in your head while you say the letters quietly to yourself.
    8. Set a timer for 10 minutes and keep doing the exercise until the timer goes
    submitted by /u/lastralco
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    Had a slip up, but recovered fast

    Posted: 21 May 2021 04:11 PM PDT

    Got hit by a bike today. Totally my fault. Stepped into the bike lane and didn't see him. In retrospect a stupid move on my part, but totally an accident. I apologized, then he started calling me an idiot, an asshole, and a fucking dick, among other things. So I honestly lashed out back, called him similar names, told him to watch where he was going. He rode off. Then a passerby stopped and told me that I was the one in the bike lane and I was the one who fucked up. That made me even more mad so I yelled and said well he shouldn't have called me those names, and I got pissed. He kept walking and I didn't yell after him, but it made me mad that he was defending the guy who had been so rude. Or at least, that was what I felt at the time.

    So I always try to make sure I'm kind and thoughtful, but I have come to recognize through mindfulness, counseling and meditation that my trigger is embarrassment. The fact that I still have vivid memories of breaking chairs (albeit rickety ones) as a kid when I would sit down and being called fat by others, and that I still feel a hint of anger when those memories occur, is just one of the many realizations I've had that makes me realize that ridicule and embarrassment are my sensitive spots. I can be having a great time but if I feel Ive become the butt of a joke I tend to wall up and get hot inside, and all those feelings come back.

    So I was embarrassed when the guy hit me. Totally my fault. I regret lashing back out, and I want to work on being more mindful of my reactions in the future. But here's the thing, those feelings faded faster than ever before. I got angry, I spoke out, but instead of feeling sorry for myself I immediately regretted it and I immediately self reflected on what I was feeling, why I said what I did and reacted the way I did. I immediately wanted to chase that bike rider down, and the passerby, and apologize, express my regret, and express peace towards them. That regret passed to and I just remained thankful that no one got hurt and no one said or did anything that couldn't be undone. This is huge. Even my wife pointed it out. I used to sulk and feel slighted and get angry for hours when I felt embarrassed. I used to dwell in self pity then live in regret for days about something I said or did. This time I simply accepted by mistake and moved on within 15 minutes. I can't change what happened, but I can learn from it going forward and improve my reaction and my mindfulness. This meditation stuff really works and I just wanted to share my story. Peace everyone.

    submitted by /u/betterbitterbiter
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    Your mind is like this glass of water. During the day, there’s mud in it and it’s being shaken up, so it’s all cloudy. But once you sit still, all the mud goes to the bottom. That’s the purpose of meditation: for the mud to go to the bottom, so you can see clearly through the water.

    Posted: 22 May 2021 01:33 AM PDT

    Paraphrase from quote by novelist Alice Pung

    submitted by /u/Exmuzzo
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    The eleven benefits of praticing loving-kindness meditation according to the Buddha

    Posted: 21 May 2021 09:18 AM PDT

    A man sleeps in comfort;

    he wakes in comfort;

    he dreams no evil dreams;

    he is dear to human beings;

    he is dear to non-human beings;

    the gods guard him;

    no fire or poison or weapon harms him;

    his mind can be quickly concentrated;

    the expression of his face is serene;

    he dies without falling into confusion;

    and, even if he fails to penetrate any further, he will pass on to the world of High Divinity, to the Brahma world.

    Anguttara Nikaya, 11:16

    submitted by /u/georgesclemenceau
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    Does meditation really helps with anxiety or depression?

    Posted: 21 May 2021 01:48 PM PDT

    Hand position/gesture?

    Posted: 21 May 2021 11:01 PM PDT

    Hiii, I was wondering if anybody here had a guide for hand position or gesture while meditating, something I can rely on. Like healing, power, dimension, creativity etc? Cuz I see many stuff on Google photo but they all somehow different. Thxxxx xoxoxoxo have a lovely mindfull day :)))

    submitted by /u/Kfeerar
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    Eyes open or closed?

    Posted: 21 May 2021 11:54 PM PDT

    Just wondering how many keep eyes open or close em during your meditation sessions…..I have moved to open and find the visualizations easier. I do on average 1 hour ten minute each morning

    submitted by /u/Backdooreddy
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    Loch Harris meditations made me realize I need to quit drugs even though I'm suffering from chronic pain conditions and made me learn 100% more about meditation

    Posted: 21 May 2021 08:25 PM PDT

    Illicit drugs to help pain. But their slowly ruining my life. Didn't realize this for 6 months doing Sam Harris meditation mindfulness style everyday. Than I looked at a post on reddit on r/chronicpain saying Loch Harris helped my pain. Went to his channel, well first watched a podcast. And with his gaze meditation I was able to get to a fully aware state much faster. Am doing it right now and I feel amazing. I HIGHLY recommend trying his meditations. I am euphoric now at things that used to make me angry even though I was practicing mindfulness meditation Sam Harris style in the moment. Hope everyone's day/night is going well❤️

    submitted by /u/throwway420000
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    Cannabis and Meditation

    Posted: 21 May 2021 12:33 PM PDT

    I have tryed to connect to meditation for a long time, and simply never got the point. I just felt like I was waisting time I tried all the self guided videos I could find on youtube, in one ear out the other just laying there millions of thoughts going throu my brain, from all the other things I could be doimg to the should bes. All the things I had been putting off seem urgent suddenly. Well recently I started using cannibis concentrates and edibles as I had been emotionally pushed beyond my limits. I find that when I use cannibis prio to my medition, I really connect I see the colors I picture myself walking in the woods from my childhood I can embrace the difficult memories that pop into my head. It like a night a day difference. Actually Im having a horrible day, and I think thats why I am here typing this up, as I think I am due for a good guided meditation session. Does anyone have any reccomedations on good guided meditions?

    submitted by /u/gogroottree
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    Meditation Themed Merchandise

    Posted: 22 May 2021 01:25 AM PDT


    If you're looking for Meditation themed clothes, leggins, apparels and more, kindly visit


    Thank You!

    submitted by /u/JoyMiswealthy
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    28 Minutes Guided Meditation to Relax & Calm Your Mind | Bodsphere

    Posted: 22 May 2021 12:13 AM PDT

    The air becoming thicker

    Posted: 21 May 2021 11:44 PM PDT

    Hi everyone! My last 3 meditation sessions when I was deeply relaxed I started to feel the air thicker, almost like viscose, making breathing slower, heavier, well more difficult. I've tried to stay focused and calmed, but at the end my mind was wandering in the fact that it was hard to maintain that state of mind with that constant feeling.

    Somebody has experience that?

    submitted by /u/Academic-Cap-1064
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    Weird, strong hallucination while meditating

    Posted: 21 May 2021 04:01 PM PDT

    The other day I was meditating for a long time, between 1 and 2 hours, and I started to go into what felt like a pre-sleep stage where your mind drifts and you can't quite remember what you were thinking when you snap out of it (does that make sense?) Anyway, I snapped out of it one time and thought nothing more of it, but the second time I think I maintained some level of awareness as I entered this state of mind as I watched my whole field of view start to warp and wobble wildly. It was like something from a strong acid trip only less colours and more warping. It only lasted a second or two before I snapped out of it. Has anyone experienced something like this before? I don't think I was entering a dream - I was heavy into lucid dreaming as a child/teenager and this didn't feel like that.

    For the record I do usually do chakra meditation.

    submitted by /u/siggub
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    Spa Relax Sound | Spa Ambience Sounds ������

    Posted: 21 May 2021 09:32 PM PDT

    Hemi sync paranoia

    Posted: 21 May 2021 09:01 PM PDT

    I was trying the gateway tapes guided meditation and I couldn't let go. It felt demonic or something trying to do it.

    submitted by /u/swolebodyyy
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    Struggling to breathe while sitting.

    Posted: 21 May 2021 08:47 PM PDT

    This is an issue I've had for years now. For a time I just meditated lying down because that gets around the issue. Recently I bought a zafu and while that helps get rid of other pain it still isn't the cure for my problem. Oddly enough if I slouch forward I can breathe again. Sometimes it also feels like the breath isn't really exiting my lungs and I have to force it out. So it's like I'm trying to breathe with full lungs. It makes my breath very shallow and eventually it becomes painful. I desperately want to overcome this because I can't make any progress while I have this distracting problem.

    submitted by /u/MettaDhamma
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    Is deep meditation supposed to feel like that space in-between sleep and wakefulness?

    Posted: 21 May 2021 11:00 AM PDT

    I do have some prior experience with guided meditations but I just recently got into a a series of guided meditations released by the CIA called The Gateway Experience.

    I just completed the 4th wave of Discovery Orientation and I felt like my body was completely asleep, but my mind was in a state of wakefulness but also deep relaxation where thoughts were able to just go freely through my head without me analyzing them or getting attached to them, much like in those rare moments when I enter a state between sleep and wakefulness, usually when I'm drifting off to sleep. But of course this time it lasted many minutes instead of just a few seconds and was a destination rather than a road.

    Is this the goal (or at least a goal) of mediation? I have occasionally done other guided meditations and have never felt anything like this or even close to like this. I came awake rather suddenly mid mediation in the middle of being in this state and I actually feel a bit groggy now.

    submitted by /u/HerbRat
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    Is there such a thing as needing a break from mindfulness?

    Posted: 21 May 2021 04:50 PM PDT

    Time of Day

    Posted: 21 May 2021 04:39 PM PDT

    I'm a single mom with 2 highly active boys. I'm often tired and always busy. I really want to include mediation into my daily routine. What time of the day would be best to meditate- first thing in the morning or last thing in the evening or at least after my kids are in bed? I'm going to set aside 5-10 minutes daily for this but often when I sit I end up feeling distracted with everything I need to do. Are there any differences in benefits of the time of day we meditate?

    submitted by /u/InsightfulEyes
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    Happy Meditation Day

    Posted: 21 May 2021 01:50 PM PDT

    Please take a brief moment and celebrate the world meditation day end enjoy this video


    submitted by /u/AskYourPainDoc
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    I developed a mental health related app to be mindful of your actions!

    Posted: 21 May 2021 07:39 PM PDT

    So basically last year I was feeling a bit low. I really didn't know how to become better since I had never faced this before. I used to not get proper sleep and woke up after having dreams due to my anxiety. So I just started noting what activities I did and whom I did it with in a google doc. Slowly I also started rating how I felt about the interaction. Soon I started to notice a pattern that I felt better when I hung out with some people and when I did certain activities. This way I was able to feel much better than before and I gained confidence that I can control my own mental health. I stopped dreaming as frequently since then. I even built an app for this so that other people can do the same .

    The app is called Happyer which was made based on the above experience and provides insights into impact of a given activity or friend.

    https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.happyer4life for android https://apps.apple.com/ca/app/happyer/id1537711110 for iOS.

    I have created a subreddit https://www.reddit.com/r/Happyer/ to help easily address issues/bugs & to allow users to share their happy experiences :)

    Also here is our website https://happyer4life.com if you would like to provide feedback, donate(to handle maintenance costs) or just know more about the app!

    submitted by /u/Dragonair_fruit1371
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    Can someone provide me with full resource for meditation?

    Posted: 21 May 2021 10:39 AM PDT

    It could be paid or free? Video or book or even App?

    Would appreciate if you could share the pointers as well.

    Thanks for your effort

    submitted by /u/intexAqua
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    Would someone be able to elaborate on this quote from the Waking Up app?

    Posted: 21 May 2021 01:04 PM PDT

    The Waking Up app on my phone sends me little insights every day or two. I just received this one which really got me thinking.

    "Mindfulness improves your life in two ways. It can give you the space to reflect on whether something is worth doing. And it can make even unpleasant experience a source of psychological freedom."

    I enjoy tidbits that explain how meditation can be directly applicable to daily life. However, I was wondering if someone could explain the second part of the quote a bit more, I didn't fully understand what was meant.

    Thanks and best wishes.

    submitted by /u/tomlit
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