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    Tuesday, June 29, 2021

    Flexibility: Kit Laughlin stretching frequency

    Flexibility: Kit Laughlin stretching frequency

    Kit Laughlin stretching frequency

    Posted: 29 Jun 2021 02:04 AM PDT

    Hi all,

    In "Stretching and Flexibility" by Kit Laughlin he suggests following the lessons outlined just once or twice per week, however, this leaves me a little uncertain.

    Has anyone followed the book through fully? If so how did you use it?

    I am unsure whether he means:

    • Do just one lesson twice in a week, then move onto the next lesson the next week


    • Do the lessons cumulatively (so week three you do lessons one, two and three

    Thanks in advance :)

    submitted by /u/Thornax11
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    Back Pain Getting Out of Backbends

    Posted: 29 Jun 2021 07:16 AM PDT

    Hi guys

    To preface this post, I've been seeing a Physiotherapist 1x/week since March, but I'm still having back issues so wondered if anyone could help out.

    I've been doing backbending classes since October last year. I've been working with a calisthenics school so its mostly focused on active stretches. I was really enjoying my sessions because I felt my back opening up for the first time I really felt good and strong holding and moving deeper into my backbends.

    But out of the blue one day I woke up with like really intense low back pain that's been on and off. I've tried resting but it hasn't gotten better. I don't know how to describe it coz the pain moves around a lot, but I would say its at the base of my spine, and its a sharp pain whenever I try to curl my spine or rotate. Spinal extension seems ok -- i.e entering a bb is ok, but once I come out of it I feel really bad. It also hurts lots when I do a too much of a forward pelvic tilt (cow part of cat-cow) or rotate my upper body sharply.

    My PT believes its just muscle spasms or tightness. I sprained my back twisting out of a dropback bridge once last year and it did heal completely and I could do backbends without any pain for a while, but now the pain is suddenly back.

    I know it's probably not anything serious since the pain keeps shifting around but its really annoying and debilitating. Some days I'm totally fine and some days even picking something up from the floor hurts so much. Has anyone else had this kind of weird back pain before? What is it? And what kind of exercises could help?

    To be honest my PT seems stumped, she told me to try moving my spine around more (cat cow, some bird dog), because I was keeping it really straight to avoid it getting more hurt. But I wonder if that will really cure the root of the problem. Sorry, I'm frustrated as some days I'm fine and some days even walking around/turning to grab something really hurts.

    submitted by /u/sunshinegirl909
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    Feel incredibly relaxed after stretching

    Posted: 28 Jun 2021 07:16 AM PDT

    I'm pretty new to stretching, about 3 months in. I normally rush to complete any given task - even if I have no reason to. When I'm on the way to the park I'm in my normal alert, anxiety-driven productive mindset. I leave other pedestrians in my wake. I feel like everyone is in my way. I'll break into a light jog to cross the street before the green-man turns red.

    I do a 45 minute workout, followed by an hour of deep stretching. I seem to enter into an almost zen-like state. Afterwards I'll just sit there for 30 minutes, completely peaceful. Normally I'll only leave because I need to pee. On the way home, there's no rush. Other pedestrians overtake me. Sometimes I'll just break into a smile for no reason - I must look like I'm high.

    I've been doing weights, sports, general exercise for a number of years but never deep stretching. I'm not spiritual by nature and I've never got into meditation but I imagine the sensation is similar. Wondered if anyone else experiences the same.

    submitted by /u/scottandcoke
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    Question about isometric stretching

    Posted: 29 Jun 2021 12:10 AM PDT

    Does one set consist of multiple contractions and stretches, or is it one set = one contraction and relaxation/ stretch?

    I plan on doing 3-5 sets per stretch and I'm confused on how each set should be structured.

    submitted by /u/riizen24
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    Are there any mechanical factors affecting the hip that can limit opening it up in frog pose?

    Posted: 28 Jun 2021 01:06 PM PDT

    What I mean is some people seem to be able to get into frog pose, with their feet wider than their hips, and be able to bring their hips all the way down to touching the floor and the inside thighs making contact with the ground. Is this simply a function of muscle flexibility or are there factors in the joint itself that limit this?

    On the same topic, when opening my hip up in this manner, whether through frog pose or lying down wall squat, my groin feels like it's going to tear, but sometimes if I do a few side leg swings or even leg circles before, I hear one or two pops in the hip, without any pain or anything, and then it feels almost like a relief getting into the stretch. The range of motion is still the same, but instead of a tear-like feeling it's more of a pressure feel when stretching. Anyone else get this?

    submitted by /u/TheConsultantIsBack
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    Deep hip stretches are my favorite way to calm the mind and increase flexibility. Hip flexibility is important to prevent hip and back pain and to counteract time spent sitting. Take 10-mins today and try these deep hip stretches. I hope you enjoy them!

    Posted: 29 Jun 2021 07:38 AM PDT

    EVENING YOGA SERIES -Give it a go

    Posted: 29 Jun 2021 03:00 AM PDT

    Full Body Yoga Workout/15-Minute At Home Yoga Workout

    Posted: 28 Jun 2021 08:05 AM PDT

    Hi everyone! I’m sorry for such narrow angle. I’m working towards squaring hips in front splits but now sure how to get there. Did some research on this subreddit, someone suggested to try lay down the back leg first, then working my way to straighten the front leg with flexing toes. Any advice?

    Posted: 28 Jun 2021 07:41 AM PDT

    Kit Laughlin’s Starter Course

    Posted: 28 Jun 2021 01:42 PM PDT

    Hi Reddit!

    After having spent some time on this subreddit I decided Kit Laughlin is the person I would like to listen to. The first two months of stretching I have been following some random stuff I found on Youtube but I feel like it's time for some more guidance.

    I bought his starter course and am surprised by the little amount of stretching that is recommended. Part of me is concerned that I won't make any progress or will get even less flexible.

    I have done three sessions so far and will probably finish the course anyway, but I was wondering if anyone here has purchased the course as well and completed it. If so, how has your experience been?

    submitted by /u/markobo
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    Is it better to do 6 'reps' of 30 seconds (with 10 second breaks in between), or 3 'reps' of 60 seconds?

    Posted: 28 Jun 2021 10:20 AM PDT

    Sitting Indian Style

    Posted: 28 Jun 2021 03:00 PM PDT

    New to the sub. I've always had a hard time sitting cross legged on the floor. I barely can get into a position and my knees aren't even down all the way and flared up with tons of pain in my hips and on my ankles. Everyone else I know has zero problems sitting cross legged and I look foolish when I try and even then it's with pain. Any tips or exercises to help this?

    submitted by /u/SpicyMcSpicy
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    Pain/discomfort in hip flexors when doing butterfly/frogger stretch

    Posted: 28 Jun 2021 07:09 AM PDT

    Hi all, I've been trying to work my way towards a middle split (albeit inconsistently) and I've found that whenever I train my hip flexors more than two days in a row I get a very noticeable pain in my hip flexors with all stretches, with the butterfly and frogger being the worst. Am I simply doing too much volume? I tend to only do middle splits stuff between Fri-Mon because its too taxing on my CNS during the week, where I do strength training. I've never had an issue with any other movement/stretch.

    submitted by /u/Last-hold-is-good
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    Pilates for leg flexibility

    Posted: 28 Jun 2021 02:31 PM PDT

    pistol squats

    Posted: 28 Jun 2021 02:30 PM PDT

    how long did it take you to be able to get yourself down and lift yourself up out of a pistol squat? i think lowering myself into the squat seems achievable but lifting myself up seems absolutely impossible 😭

    submitted by /u/uptownxthot
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