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    Saturday, July 24, 2021

    Meditation: A small shift in consciousness

    Meditation: A small shift in consciousness

    A small shift in consciousness

    Posted: 23 Jul 2021 01:19 PM PDT

    I've been meditating for 30-90 minutes per day for a month. My reality is kinda starting to shape a little bit differenty. I don't take things so seriously anymore. Like we happen to be the pinnacle organism on planet earth and we are even lucky to be able to observe reality with our senses. We're not stones. We are a part of an enormous universe, with the galaxies slowly collapsing on themselves, that is very likely to have a higher intelligence than we do. And we are worried because we missed the bus or our best friend is mad at us? We worry about so much all the time every day but in actuality it is all so absurd in the more objective view of our being. We are just a bunch of atoms.

    Not trying to sound overly philosophical but these thoughts have been whirling around in my head for a few days now. I see that so much of my anxiety is so dumb.

    submitted by /u/karvapippeli
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    Awareness does not get drunk

    Posted: 24 Jul 2021 01:59 AM PDT

    I came home from a staff party the other night, and had had too much to drink. I was physically stumbling around, mentally too. I hadn't done my evening sitting practice, and found the will to do it, even in my drunkenness.

    I sat for twenty minutes and it was difficult. My thoughts were erratic and the emotional sensations behind them were strong.

    But I did my practice anyway, and several times had the insight that a part of me was not drunk. How can a sound be drunk, or a sight be drunk? There is a part of our nature behind everything that is still, and unaffected by the volatility of our feelings, our verbal mind, our imagination, even our bodies.

    I'm not surprised that experienced practitioners (far more experienced than me) are unaffected by drugs and alcohol, and can still hold themselves against mind altering chemicals.

    Anyway, I recommend holding your daily practice no matter what is happening. Even in drunkenness there are opportunities for practice.

    submitted by /u/Jamalwherewithall
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    Meditation is so powerful that the thought of meditation has meditative effects.

    Posted: 23 Jul 2021 07:28 PM PDT

    Meditation has truly changed me (or made me aware of who I am?) - Even planning my meditation, even if it doesn't end up happening, helps remind me to stay grounded. I feel my emotions rise more clearly. Can't say I control them better - but listening to your body has to be the first step. Good luck on your journeys.

    submitted by /u/artsy_fartsy_lawyer
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    Is it normal to shed a few tears during meditation?

    Posted: 23 Jul 2021 02:29 AM PDT

    Hi, I been meditating 15 minutes every morning with guided meditation for a bout 2 weeks now, most of times I can't help it, a tear or two run down my face, I'm not sure if they're are tears of joy, or tears of grief... has anyone else experienced this before?

    submitted by /u/Mekayv
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    Attached to the idea of being great at something

    Posted: 23 Jul 2021 09:58 PM PDT

    Hello. I came here for help on something I have been struggling for years. I am 18 and always wanted to be great at something. I think I want to be really good at something so I can be validated, can have a 'purpose', and be famous/rich. I have worked on many things like attempting software entrepreneurship, music, and writing.

    I sort of realized through meditation that these things are all empty and all I want to be now is happy and mindful. The issue is, before I used to have something to work for and things to do and be hardworking, but now I have become the opposite: incredibly lazy and doing basically nothing all day. I always feel tired and am stimulated mainly by the internet.

    I still play music and code but it isn't the same as before. Now most of the day I am spent watching YouTube videos or some tv show. I am basically between two extremes where I work all the time towards something or I do basically nothing, and in both scenarios I am unhappy. Any advice?

    submitted by /u/sonyheadphones999
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    Do you every so often get slivers of profound awareness?

    Posted: 23 Jul 2021 04:48 PM PDT

    I'll save the many details I want to add for an epitaph one day; for now let's just start with the barest details needed: I was not always aware, in the meta sense, until I experienced a rude awakening about 2 years ago.

    I look back at the years of my life like it was a dream, where I was a passive part to a story unraveling around me.

    Now, it is a constant battle (of letting go, of course) to stay in the moment.

    Through meditation, breathwork, mind altering substances, art, etc, I have been able to genuinely increase the time I spend enjoying a life of choice, direction, deliberation, and intentionality. However, even when I can see I've "woken up" so to speak, and everyday view myself and my thoughts as a practice, and way of being, there are very special, transcendent? moments that blow every idea I have about awareness away.

    Yesterday, I experienced one of these moments, and although it was truly not "transcendent" in any powerful or intensely satisfying way- it overtook my previously accepted understanding of awareness- you'll see why I struggle to explain it.

    I walked past my girl's mom, and saw her face in passing, like in the movies when the character passes some special person and they make eye contact, the background goes blurry, and everything slows for a second, and I purely "felt" her presence like I was feeling her presence for the first time even though she'd been at our house for 4 days.

    I looked at her as she was saying something to me, and I understood her soul (is what it felt like) and for the first time (she is not a native english speaker, and nor am I a native Lithuanian speaker) saw her personality as clear as the feeling on your cheeks of the icy air in winter.

    Then the "feeling" evaporated, and it hasn't happened again. (In the two days since)

    Anyone experienced this or have any thoughts on it? I can converse more in the comments, so I'll leave it at this-

    submitted by /u/synchonicity
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    Supressing emotions

    Posted: 23 Jul 2021 07:14 AM PDT

    I think I just stumbled upon something personally huge, I think ive supressed myself since I was a child ( now 28y ). I never reflected on this, in school I would be "happy" ( pleasing, always smiling) but as soon I came home after school/when I was more in a very private setting, I would have anger bursts and be all ripped apart emotionally. Same now as I work, I think I cronically let people cross all my limits and boundries I believe this comes from a root of fear, and for me it explains somuch of almost all my struggles today, supression and all it grows into.

    Has anyone had a similar realization? Its so wierd to me that ive gone all my life with this deficiency, it also explains why I always and still LOVE aggressive music where there is an brutal emotional output haha. Also explains why ive been used alot throughout my entire life, the anger I can access now doesent seam to end, feels like a lifetime of darkness is leaving me finally

    So grateful for mindfulness and meditation to allow me to access and fix this.

    Writing this because maybe someone can relate

    submitted by /u/ConsequenceLanky6078
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    To my fellow meditators

    Posted: 23 Jul 2021 12:59 PM PDT

    My meditation journey started in this sub 10 years ago,, not sure what I am going to say,, but I think I just wanna celebrate how cool practice is,, Im sure everybody is doing something slightly different,, or largely idk,, but I think we can all agree that we face life's suffering head on,,

    Ä°n an age where people are addicted to phones, etc,,,. I think we have a right to be a little snobby,,

    Whatever it is you are after,, I am sure it is much better then the materialism craze the forld seem to be on rn

    Thank you for Your practice,,,

    submitted by /u/Dede_Efendi
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    Meditation habit/discipline

    Posted: 23 Jul 2021 06:09 PM PDT

    Just a quick post, how can i get the habit to meditate everyday (in my case, every night before sleep). After few days i just stop doing it, and then start again, few days on few days off. It is hard to stay on track. I'm a person who overthinks a lot and is constantly living inside of the head, so i think meditation can help me. Any tips are appreciated.

    submitted by /u/yasune69
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    Does your head hurt when you meditate?

    Posted: 24 Jul 2021 12:10 AM PDT

    So when I'm trying to relax, I feel this sensation along the surface of my head. It's like a bubbly feeling that hurts. The more I relax, the more bubbly it gets. It does seem to go away after a while, though not completely?

    Does anyone else experience this and what's actually happening to our brains?

    submitted by /u/PurelyCandid
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    Dark night of the soul. I'm going through so much darkness and passing a lot of time in the dark doing shadow work that i've told myself why not sharing some of my personal practices? If anyone is interested in, here's one, i called it "Make the energies dance"

    Posted: 23 Jul 2021 11:41 AM PDT

    Unfortunately, this practice can only be done at sea and at night (if under the moon it's even better, its energy is perfect for shadow work!). The only requirement is not to be afraid of wanting to dive into the water in the dark, if your sea is not dangerous of course.

    A great way to start this technique is when you are feeling a lot of emotional pain, i.e. heavy energies. It doesn't matter if it's inner darkness or energy that you absorbed from some other person during that day, my advice is to feel them deeply without judging or feeling guilty about doing so.

    Walking on the shore and pondering about it can be a great way to get them to surface.

    Once you are more or less immersed in these energies, perceiving their heaviness and gravity, you can begin to move them, to unblock them, to make them become fun and playful... by transcending them with physical gestures... throwing yourself into the dark water, dark as their own darkness. Do it by moving, running, or dancing! Any gesture that makes them move inside you. Personally, what I like doing lot is to take a not too short run-up, throwing myself into the water; the moment I dive in I can feel their heavy energy transforming into playful energy, really reminding me of the playfulness of my soul, making me feel reborn.

    For me, diving only once during days that I am feeling a lot of darkness is not enough: once I have dived, running and moving those energies feeling fun and playfulness, the heaviness of those energies returns after a while when I am relaxed in the water, this happens because they begin to densify again, so I get out of the water and dive again taking the run. Transcending them once again feeling reborn again, light and free.

    Repeating this cycle for a few times, immersing yourself in their heaviness and then making it move, awaken them and connect them more with your soul self.

    submitted by /u/ThatMiraculousMeme
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    You thoughts aren't even yours...

    Posted: 24 Jul 2021 03:01 AM PDT

    It has been months and the only time I am 'Aware' is while meditating

    Posted: 23 Jul 2021 12:21 PM PDT

    Although I try not to think about it much but I am realizing that when I started with the practice the effects were very visible, the 15 mins used to calm me down and ground me.

    Nowadays, the practice is no different from brushing my teeth. I do it almost everyday but all to no result. Ineffective might be the right word.

    While practicing I have rarely had a moment of pure thoughtlessness, it is constant thought and returning to breath cycle for 20minutes and everyday. My mind is wild.

    I feel like nothing is changing. Not looking for life changing results but something tangible, which leads me to thinking maybe i am missing something?

    submitted by /u/rakeanomandar
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    I've been doing meditation for around a month and still I don't get the urge to do it effortlessly, what's wrong?

    Posted: 23 Jul 2021 10:56 AM PDT

    I hate to say but I've been lazy all my life and I'm trying to change it. So I decided to meditate everyday for sometimes. I started with 5 minutes and now doing 16 minutes daily.

    However, instead of feeling good or something, I still feel like it's a work to do. I feel sleepy afterwards. I also wait for the timer to ring and have thoughts like these in my head :"Uhh...how long will this last?"...."Oh, the time seems not to move..."....."when will the timer go?" ....

    Thoughts like this make me really confused as to what's wrong with me. I'm trying to focus on my breaths as I listen to nature sounds while meditating.

    Even then, I get thoughts inside my head...I seem to visualise myself doing various things just like I'm in a movie (but the actor is me myself). Sometimes it's like a third person view like in a movie. Some other time, it is like from a first person's POV.

    I still get anger issues and I'm looking for calming down and feeling better. Am I doing ok? I'm confused why can't these thoughts go. I'm just annoyed I've to wait for so long.

    Please give me advice. I want to know more things.

    submitted by /u/jersos122
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    Hi fellow meditators!

    Posted: 23 Jul 2021 03:05 PM PDT

    I recently attended a 10 day silent meditation retreat, and it was hands down the best decision I have ever made in my life!

    The insight gained from such a wonderful experience is priceless.

    Thought I'd share 10 points I learned from the experience...

    1. The habit pattern of the mind
    2. Breathing is truth
    3. The most important moment of your life is now
    4. Awareness of oneself will make you dangerous
    5. Pain is real, suffering is optional
    6. Equanimity is achieved through suffering
    7. You are the source of your anger
    8. Compassion is powerful
    9. Your physical sensations condition your mind
    10. Patience will allow you to move fast

    I wrote a short blog that goes into detail of each one of the above insights, feel free to read here:


    Happy Meditating :)

    submitted by /u/mannyjrod7
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    Accidental sleep paralysis??

    Posted: 23 Jul 2021 08:54 PM PDT

    Normally I have my best meditation session just before I go to bed. I have a calmer, clearer mind before bed; after I write down the thoughts that keep coming up. Meditating allows me to fall asleep faster, sleep more deeply, and feel more rested with less disruptions.

    A few nights ago, I was doing my normal session. I was about 30 minutes in when I suddenly felt my body being caressed like a chrysalis closing around me. It was this warm pressure enclosing me. I stayed calm. My eyes felt as though they had a pressure behind them, making it difficult to keep them closed. I ended the session there, stood out of bed, stretched, then went to sleep.

    Was my body falling asleep? Was it sleep paralysis?

    submitted by /u/baencakes
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    Free Meditation Series: Yoga Sutras

    Posted: 23 Jul 2021 02:52 PM PDT

    Hello friends - I'm planning to teach a new series on meditation, starting around the end of August/beginning September, based on the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali. It's intended to be a deep dive into the text, focusing on Yogic psychology, techniques, traditional commentaries, and discussion/Q&A. It's open to folks from all backgrounds, and will be taught entirely in English with reference to the original Sanskrit.

    If you're interested, here's the form: https://forms.gle/u4UGt7yLqdoC3xyz6

    DM me for details if you'd like!

    submitted by /u/official_jogi
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    Adyashanti - true meditation (audiobook) is the most enlightening resource on the spiritual practice/meditation i have even encountered.

    Posted: 23 Jul 2021 02:50 PM PDT

    The core value of it is explaining what meditation is and how one should meditate besides the technique and focusing on the breath - which often is treated like the most important ingredient or even the definition of meditation.


    submitted by /u/piranha_studio
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    The Journey of a Seeker

    Posted: 23 Jul 2021 12:09 PM PDT

    Tips on being present

    Posted: 23 Jul 2021 04:33 AM PDT

    Every time I'm present and a thought comes up, I never intentionally block it out. But I keep being present and the thoughts disappears and it feels like I'm blocking it out, which leads to a feeling. Take in, this does always happen, for some odd reason I'm inconsistent when it comes to being present (this isn't in meditation, the outside world). When this feeling comes up I say feeling. Is there any tips you guys can give me?

    submitted by /u/Electrical-Object-82
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    Pressure or the focus we feel in head during meditation

    Posted: 23 Jul 2021 08:44 AM PDT

    When ever I meditate I used to feel a pressure or focus between the eyes brows. I used to make the focus point travel from that third eye position to every other body part to relax where ever the focus shift.

    Now after practicing for several months, the pressure feeling is reduced and I feel calm without any pressure lingering in the face/head and gradually go into a trance after 30 mins or so.

    Is the pressure feeling in the forehead a necessary feeling to continue meditation without falling into sleep?

    submitted by /u/criska202
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    found a super soothing playlist i've been meditating with, wanted to share :)

    Posted: 23 Jul 2021 01:41 PM PDT

    Hello! I've been looking for truly centering music to play in the background while i meditate, i know a lot of people don't like music as part of their practice, but i've been wanting music to help me tune into myself, and found this playlist that has really been doing it for me. it helps soothe my anxiety, just wanted to share in case others have the same reaction! I listen to it on spotify but its also on pandora if any of yall use that!

    submitted by /u/young__hug
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    I wish i can meditate myself to sleep as I used to

    Posted: 23 Jul 2021 01:33 PM PDT

    Its been 7 years ago. So many drafts of this story I tried writing about but always end up unposted, unfinished as i cry.

    I met him through a meditation group. Then we were instantly together when we met. I took our relationship even more than marriage but a soul bond.

    He is married already and have kids. He did only right when I told him to leave me alone even i the astral.

    I have had several relationships after him. Nevertheless, I am still so restless and sleepless without him. We used to meditate together and sleep together.

    I havent really told anyone our story and so maybe that is why its been hard to process alone and understand myself. It would help maybe if i have at least one friend I can talk about it and wont find the story so weirdly spiritual.

    I have made little progress in 7 years. I could just say that at least I cry much less about it. Some mediation techique helped me face the pain and release those tears. But still i often find myself having to bury and numb it through gaming all day.

    I just want to live again. So many dreams laid waste after that relationship. I wanna live again. I wanna love again. I wanna do so many things to help others. I feel so mad how its been 7 years and my mind still looping around a story I havent found yet anyone I can tell

    And still the story just loops in my head untold.

    submitted by /u/awesomebuddyloveme
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