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    Meditation: Weekly Discussion August 09, 2021

    Meditation: Weekly Discussion August 09, 2021

    Weekly Discussion August 09, 2021

    Posted: 09 Aug 2021 04:00 AM PDT

    This is a reoccurring thread for questions relating to your practice and discussion around your experiences.


    Ask questions relating to your practice, the theory of meditation, various traditions and lineages of thought, or practical tips. If you're new, please read our [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/Meditation/wiki/faq) before posting, as it contains a wealth of information that all of us should come back to occasionally.


    Also use this thread for a more free-form discussion of your experiences and other tidbits that might not warrant their own full post. Use this space to connect with the /r/meditation community, it won't be heavily moderated.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Square Breathing (4-4-4-4)

    Posted: 09 Aug 2021 02:52 PM PDT

    Is it possible to just go and train as monk in a monastery?

    Posted: 09 Aug 2021 05:24 AM PDT

    At times like now where I feel most desparate I find some hope in the idea that I could and live in a monastery as a monk and train. It's kind of a "fantasy" of mine

    It is something I have lot of interest in since I have started meditating in the last few months, but I have no background in Buddhism whatsoever

    But I don't know if it's even something that you can just go and do, especially in a foreign country which would be my preference (I live in the UK).

    Sometimes I think that I am just not cut out for this kind of world/society. I have lived my whole life in fear and I want to know there is a way out if it becomes too much - part of what keeps me hanging on in day to day life is that I could do something like that when my fear gets so bad

    The idea of cutting all my ties and "running away" is scary and I don't know if I'd ever go through with it, but a big part of me wants to so I can try and find some more meaning (and peace) in this life.

    Maybe my motivations for doing it are wrong in the first place so it's a bad idea? If I'm driven by anxiety spiralling and fear of existing in my current life rather than a desire to do more good or better myself for others? It just helps me to feel that no matter how bad things got there would always be another option to try and live my life in another way (rather than to end it for example if I ever felt so desparate)

    So does such a thing exist for an average person? Would I ever be accepted? Where do you even go about finding it?


    submitted by /u/notevenstarcrossed
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    I am quite addicted to stoned meditation. I am not ashamed of it to stop either [UPDATE]

    Posted: 09 Aug 2021 09:15 PM PDT

    Original post here

    In the last post, I talked about how I smoke a joint and meditate while stoned and absolutely love it. A day after I posted that, I've taken a tolerance break. This was due to the fact that I have exams going on at the moment and I cannot possibly study or spend time stoned. But I think some of the comments on the last post had an impact on me as well.

    I've been doing the same routine, two times a day meditation and sometimes only once in the evening if it's a busy day at work. This time, sober. I am a lot more grounded and present and I'm finding it much easier to study and work. I am also able to read books much better. I will be breaking this tolerance break this weekend but going forward, I will meditate sober more often.

    There isn't a high, there isn't the spectacular art show in my head and it's a lot more underwhelming. But at the same time, I can't deny there have been benefits and it has been easier to deal with my feelings, worries, joys, ups and downs. I will be reserving high meditation for "special rituals".

    Thanks for reading. Love and peace to you all!! 💕✌

    submitted by /u/YourDailyGinAndTonic
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    Meditation changed how I feel about myself and therefore alcohol abuse

    Posted: 09 Aug 2021 12:58 PM PDT

    This isn't something I'd want to put in my journal so thought I'd share it here. I've been on a downward spiral for some time now and always knew I was drinking too much but hadn't realised until I did a self-love meditation a few weeks ago that it was affecting how I felt about myself (along with some other things). I didn't like myself at all and felt like a bad person, depression was becoming more regular and I didn't see the point in life. Skip forward a few weeks and I've been able to willingly not drink a bottle of wine of an evening and just have 1 or 2 smaller drinks as a treat. I'm still working on not needing to drink at all but I'm happy to say that I'm feeling better about myself and not drinking over the recommended weekly unit allowance ☺️ It's so easy to fall into the trap of using alcohol as a vice even if we don't know why. I just wanted to share in case this helps somebody, as I really hadn't realised that over drinking was linked to how I felt about myself.

    submitted by /u/Franana1
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    Can someone please explain what the f*ck just happened to me

    Posted: 09 Aug 2021 10:33 PM PDT

    Hey I'll keep this short and sweet, Im 20 and I had a spontaneous spiritual experience about 2 months ago that changed my life and made me start meditating, tonight I decided to use my chakra crystals for the first time in a while while meditating and listening to a "chakra clearing frequency", and… well I noticed at first that, if I focused on it, with every breath that my entire body literally vibrated with pleasure, it made me a quite light headed but I decided to continue, when I pushed through it, my body started feeling super weird until I literally couldn't tell what position I was in and it felt like my body and spine was all contorted and bent when I was actually just lying straight? I honestly thought I was gonna pass out or throw up bc I felt so lightheaded and a bit nauseous and I felt intense sensations and vibrations shooting up through me, also my forehead area felt like it was being like tickled from the inside with each breath lmao. my heart started racing faster and faster, my eyes were so relaxed they were just like opened but I wasn't focusing them, and my vision started to become all fuzzy and change colors slowly, i saw all sorts of little colorful lights everwhere, I also saw a purple orb of light constantly getting smaller over and over again. This all was with my eyes open btw, I just knew I was going very deep into something and I eventually stopped and sat up because my heart was beating insanely fast which worried me, and I also feared I was going to pass out bc of the lightheaded ness (because my vision looked a lot like it does before you pass out) or literally die lol. Even while writing this I feel extremely discombobulated/ intoxicated(?) and everything looks weird so I apologize if this is a crazy ramble, but what did I just do to myself lmao does anyone know LOL just went to reread this before posting and I definitely did not keep it short and sweet haha

    submitted by /u/Leading_Comedian
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    Experiencing heightened sensitivity to brightness and emotion

    Posted: 10 Aug 2021 01:33 AM PDT

    So I have been meditating for about 3 years (not as consistently) and I noticed a pattern. I keep getting these phases where I get intense emotional reactions to little things, mostly in the form of extreme worry. that's when I usually stop meditating for a week or sometimes a month. Then I get back to it. The reason I get back to it is that it helps me stay focused at school, though temporarily. Yesterday I had one of those phases of increased emotional sensitivity but I somehow overcame it. I monitored it and saw it slowly fading away. Right after it faded away it felt super weird. the lights feel brighter than usual and the sounds feel louder. my room feels like an entirely new place. It really freaked me out. Does anyone else have similar experiences?

    submitted by /u/sskk4477
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    What...just happened?

    Posted: 09 Aug 2021 07:41 PM PDT

    I just finished what I planned to have been a 30min session slightly extending to 4 hours (So far my longest was 15 minutes) all assisted by Tschaikovsky's 1812 Overture looped, which SOMEHOW got my dumbfuk brain into relaxing.

    Didnt move a muscle beyond breathing and got to the point where my eyes almost defaulted halfopen again. It was both the weirdest and best meditation session so far. At some point I didnt even bother steering my monkey chatter back and yet didnt think about ANYTHING either.

    Can anyone explain what exactly just happened? I am both completely awestruck and at the same time confused as fuck yet also for some reason faintly, unconditionally happy.

    Honestly I feel like I could start right over contrary to the usual "well that was something lets move on"

    Opinions? I dont really know what to make of it since I am rather new to this.

    submitted by /u/Gathoblaster
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    Can a terminally ill person get into a monastery?

    Posted: 10 Aug 2021 01:28 AM PDT

    I've been recently diagnosed with a decently severe illness, with estimates being 7-8 years left maximum.

    I was previously perusing a medical degree, but the fruition of such plans doesn't seem reasonable anymore. I won't have the time to enjoy the hard work I put in now.

    I want immediate purpose. I want to keep myself constantly busy, with tasks to help a community. I want a mind at peace. Joining a monastery was always a inconvenient dream of mine, but the calling is stronger than ever now.

    I know the ordaining process is long, it's just I don't know if my medical issue will conflict with it. I need treatment, and regular checkups - and I don't know if that'll prevent me from pursuing this route.

    Thanks, Joel

    submitted by /u/OkQuiet2357
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    How to ground myself again?

    Posted: 09 Aug 2021 08:01 PM PDT

    About this time last year i had graduated high school and was taking psychedelics pretty regularly, i feel like i was in the best mental state of my life. I had no worries, i felt connected with everything, my emotions were under control, and i was so grateful for everything. The only difference is now life is so hectic. Im in trade school to be an electrician as well as taking online courses for personal training, im working a job while in school one that i have to wake up at 6 in the am for, im working out 6 days a week and doing all that while trying to balance a social life. Its hard. And being so busy whilst trying to set the foundation for my future, i found that my brain is just clouded with a lot of stress amd always thinking into the future rather than living in, and appreciating the moment. Its hard to concentrate and be grateful for how good things are when im always thinking and thinking and thinking. Im trying to figure out how to ground myself again, be grateful and keep my ego in check. Any tips?

    submitted by /u/acidbutterman
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    Meditation by Naval Ravikant

    Posted: 10 Aug 2021 12:42 AM PDT

    Meditation is not just sitting in straight posture with close eyes. Rather, it can be done anywhere with concentration with eyes open. We dream in day is also a Meditation.

    Do you think Meditation done with eyes open is powerful than done with sitting in right posture with eyes closed?

    submitted by /u/jenishmodi
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    Posted: 10 Aug 2021 12:22 AM PDT

    I'm struggling with insomnia tonight. All day, I had found myself consumed by bad news – from the dire UN report on climate change to an ever-worsening pandemic. As I tried my best to fall asleep, I became overwhelmed by intrusive, anxious thoughts and had to take a walk outside to clear my head. After about an hour of meandering through an empty parking lot – sobbing over the state of the world and my own personal problems – I felt better than I have in a long time. And after months of struggling to get back into meditation, I decided to renew my practice as simply as possible. I sat and began counting my inhales and exhales, and after about 10 minutes of this, I noticed I had been thanking my thoughts as politely as possible. Something "clicked" that had not in 3+ years of meditation: all thoughts are worthy of thanks. They just want to be noticed and appreciated. The quicker we acknowledge them, the more easily we can return to the breath and find peace.

    I hope this is useful to someone.

    submitted by /u/aticogetti
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    Cultivating presence off the mat

    Posted: 10 Aug 2021 12:19 AM PDT

    I'm really happy that I'm slowly starting to carry more and more presence from my sitting sessions over to my every day life. But of course I still constantly get "carried away" by circumstances. I'm currently trying different things to work on this. Here is what seems have an impact so far:

    1. A strong intention seems to be the most important thing. My intention seems to be "fueled" my various factors: The increasingly profound joy I experience on the mat, continuously exposing myself to meditation/spiritual material and positive feedback from my surroundings.

    2. Using the right concepts internally. I recently changed the way I conceptualize getting carried away by thoughts as "falling asleep" (oops, I fell asleep, oops, I dozed off and so on). This seems to make a difference.

    3. Consciously trying focus on the present moment. My entire journey started with Eckhart Tolle's "The Power of Now" and to this day I find the present moment to be an extremely potent "meditation object" for all off-the-mat-situations. It is oddly abstract, yet concrete. Its contents are never the same, yet it is itself unchanging.

    4. Buddhist Virtues: Recently I started to read a bit about Buddhism. Trying to remember and priotize the Paramitas (Loving Kindness, Compassion and so on) seems to be very useful too. Simply because it is something that is done consciously as opposed to: grounded in some unconscious mishmash somehow bubbling up from my mind.

    What do you do to cultivate presence off the mat? What works for you, what doesn't?

    submitted by /u/bowmhoust
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    Dissociated/disconnected from the self/life

    Posted: 09 Aug 2021 05:27 PM PDT

    5 years ago I went hard on meditating daily for a few months. I done hour long meditations where I don't allow myself to cave in to checking my phone or scratching an itch, I done guided meditations, I realised my ego was controlling that way I act, I done a bunch if stuff daily.

    But since then, I suddenly because depersonalised/disconnected from life shortly after and can't bring myself back to how I used to be. This is literally 24/7 since 5 years ago and I haven't really meditated properly since. Has this happened to anyone else? How can I stop feeling so foggy and get rid of this kind've constant disconnected/drunk feeling?

    Side notes: just for context, I'm pretty naturally introspective, introverted, and always go deep with chats.

    submitted by /u/clapbrap
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    Is it better to *only* focus on the breath or experience the entire body (and the space around you)? Can you do both at the same time?

    Posted: 09 Aug 2021 11:20 PM PDT

    Doing the latter feels like a different sort of meditation. The first is more focused, this is diffused. Is there a name for it? Are there different results?

    I hope I'm clear haha :)

    submitted by /u/Syadvad
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    What is the best time to meditate ??

    Posted: 09 Aug 2021 08:03 AM PDT

    Also what are the do's and dont's before meditation ??

    submitted by /u/Schoompy20
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    That's too much, man?

    Posted: 09 Aug 2021 02:19 PM PDT

    I'm on a 76 day streak on the Insight Timer meditation app and was pretty consistent with it before. It has done a world of good for me, but I'm starting to wonder if I'm too in my head now. If I'm starting to drown in my skull. My outer world is suffering from ruminating thoughts, and I was hoping that meditation would help calm that. While I appreciate the peace that comes from it all....I'm really struggling right now. I'm a classical musician, and I think it's kind of like when I work on a piece of music too much it becomes a chore and I stagnate and get no joy out of it anymore. Has anybody else had a similar experience?

    submitted by /u/SknnyWhteBtch
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    Phisical body shrinking/getting further away!

    Posted: 10 Aug 2021 12:13 AM PDT

    I sat down listening to hemi sync gateway audio, told myself in my head "I am shifting" as I felt my body ahead it seemed like it was ahead of me and it kept getting further and further away from what I was feeling, my phisical body went numb as eventually I no longer noticed my body it was so far gone!

    (Extra) I was observing this happening but it makes me question if my body is going further and further away then what is the feeling I felt then, what was I feeling it pull away from, what was that body? The observer? Total meditated time: 25 minutes After 10 minutes my breathing got slower and I started taking smaller breaths.

    YouTube video: https://youtu.be/SKV14tYklNo

    I will remove the YouTube link if it is against the rules! I do apologize in advanced but I wanted to share my perspective and process I took!

    Any and all advice on the 1st part and extra would be greatly appreciated!!!

    submitted by /u/SnooHobbies6599
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    Do "extreme" overthinkers need more time to get into meditation without feeling frustrated?

    Posted: 09 Aug 2021 10:45 AM PDT

    Or do they feel the positive effects just as soon as others?

    submitted by /u/Max_02
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    Is there is a meditation to be happy instantly ?

    Posted: 09 Aug 2021 04:13 PM PDT

    Can you guys recommend me a meditation to feel happy and to get a good vibes ?

    submitted by /u/Brief_Handle1575
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    Meditating before sleeping

    Posted: 09 Aug 2021 02:01 PM PDT

    I've found that when I meditate before bed, when I laydown my thoughts are racing even more than they were pre-meditation. The only meditation that I have done is mindfullness, where I focus on my breathing and keep doing that every time my mind wanders. I ended up changing my daily meditation to the mornings because I would stay up late with my mind going a million miles a minute. Any tips? Does this happen to anyone else?

    Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/scruff-13
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    Advice about being alone/ meditating in nature

    Posted: 09 Aug 2021 04:00 PM PDT

    I want to meditate in nature, but I cannot relax because I'm worried about people seeing me/ being in danger while other people are around (sketchy people can be wandering around in nature lol). How do I overcome this?

    submitted by /u/StrangeInvite
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    what even is meditation? im so confused.

    Posted: 09 Aug 2021 11:41 AM PDT

    like the closest thing i can think of would be me walking in the park talking to myself or daydreaming about topics related to nihlism, meaning, quantum immortality, as well as trying to reframe the struggles or worries i may have from that day or past regrets through a more optimistic lense by negating that negative energy with nihlism or something like taoism...

    Would above qualify as meditation. I mean i dont like sitting still unless im at the beach or outside, and i will not clear a mind cause i am usually always thinking about something.

    what do you folks do as meditiation... it seems like meditation is very vague and not well defined what people do during that. thx

    submitted by /u/delsystem32exe
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    Meditating to rhythm of heart

    Posted: 09 Aug 2021 09:23 PM PDT

    I just had a random thought while looking at a post about the quietest room on Earth, that is it possible while meditating to focus on rhythm of your heart. And is there a possibility if a person focuses on heart that it may affect his/her rate of heart beat?

    submitted by /u/Phunsuk-Wangdu
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    Dream like state?

    Posted: 09 Aug 2021 01:43 PM PDT

    Lately I feel the most energized and rested from meditation when I fall into this state of almost sleep - but I'm actually awake. 29 minutes feels like 2 minutes and I'm in a dream like state but I'm awake.

    Has anyone else experienced this and is it normal?

    submitted by /u/YankeesTrader1991
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    Hi, completely new to meditation! Would love some advice!

    Posted: 09 Aug 2021 05:20 PM PDT

    Hey people, hope your all doing well. I've known about meditation for a really long time but I've never thought that sitting still and clearing your mind could have such a vast amount of benefits. But I have a "few" questions, feel free to answer one, feel free to answer them all!

    1) Is there any sort of meditation that can bring good feelings? One time when I meditated I had a surge of pleasurable feelings, I want to know if that's common and how to do it!

    2) Can you meditated while walking?

    3) Are there any good guide, books or articles that cover meditation that has personally helped you?

    4) How has meditation impacted your life? (This is a question to the people of this sub!)

    5) Are there any really powerful forms of meditation that impact the way you percieve reality or change your emotional state? I'm looking for something that can relax me and bring up my mood!

    Thanks for reading!

    submitted by /u/SR71Takeoff
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