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    Wednesday, June 17, 2020

    Meditation: Beautiful poem by Kaveri Patel

    Meditation: Beautiful poem by Kaveri Patel

    Beautiful poem by Kaveri Patel

    Posted: 16 Jun 2020 02:23 PM PDT


    There's a monkey in my mind
    swinging on a trapeze,
    reaching back to the past
    or leaning into the future,
    never standing still.

    Sometimes I want to kill
    that monkey, shoot it square
    between the eyes so I won't
    have to think anymore
    or feel the pain of worry.

    But today I thanked her
    and she jumped down
    straight into my lap,
    trapeze still swinging
    as we sat still.

    ~Kaveri Patel

    submitted by /u/FTPickle
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    "We give up everything unconsciously every day for many hours and we know what it does to us - we wake up fresh, energetic and ready for the day. Now, learn to do the same thing consciously for at least a quarter of an hour every day and see what happens!!!"

    Posted: 16 Jun 2020 10:12 PM PDT

    Spend some time alone with just your thoughts, no devices or sound

    Posted: 16 Jun 2020 10:37 PM PDT

    This will help with your mind wandering while meditating

    submitted by /u/munnigh
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    Would you be willing to wait 10-15 minutes for a much better version of yourself to show up to work?

    Posted: 16 Jun 2020 07:54 AM PDT

    This morning, I forgot to meditate and didn't think of it until my workday started (working from home). I felt like using the first 10-15 minutes of my workday to meditate would be a misuse of my time since I had a long morning and didn't do it, but then I thought to myself, "I work much more effectively after I meditate. Would I be willing to wait 15 minutes for a much better version of myself to show up and start working?". The answer is obviously yes. I'll blow those 15 minutes elsewhere and get less work done throughout the day if i don't sit, so let's just do it. Get yourself in the right state of mind, and don't feel bad about it.

    submitted by /u/fiercebrosnan
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    A year of daily meditation and...

    Posted: 16 Jun 2020 11:03 PM PDT

    I am God, you are God, we are God and everything is God. I have experienced such a profound connection with the Universe such that I am simultaneously the leaf, the branch, the trunk and the roots. There is a ineffable oneness that has been bestowed upon me through the simple act of breathing and expanding my energy....

    Haha just kidding - I couldn't focus on my breath for shit tonight. Mostly I couldn't stop thinking about how clever this post was going to be. I've been averaging about 25 minutes daily for a year and I've tried all kinds of stuff, controlled breathing, eyes closed/open, mantra, guided, music, bells, with/without incense, standing on one foot on a Thursday afternoon after a good hard rain, on and on... I've settled for now on just some random quiet drone music through Insight Timer and trying to focus on the air passing in and out of my nostrils. I am still largely unsuccessful most of the time. However I have noticed a couple things that I'd like to share:

    • The peace is available and in fact waiting for us, the trick is to stop thinking about it.
    • 99% of my thoughts are rubbish, complete whimsical nonsense, either planning for the future or reliving a past event. I very rarely experience a mindful present moment, even during meditation. To expand a little: the content of my thoughts are largely irrelevant, however the fact that I have thoughts and I am aware of this is becoming increasingly fascinating. The implications are astounding.

    That's it for now - hope you have a good day or night or whatever it is for you.

    submitted by /u/ripeart
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    Instead of trying to find peace within, instead imagine yourself as within peace.

    Posted: 16 Jun 2020 02:58 AM PDT

    This is something I was thinking last night before bed. To picture yourself/body/mind as a thing that has peace within in may seem like that peace is small, or difficult to find, or amongst a vast array of other things.

    Instead I switched my thoughts to picturing myself as surrounded, or immersed in a peace that is far larger than me, with all of those other things, including myself, residing within it.

    If this helps any of you, then I am glad.


    submitted by /u/tomkaa
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    thoughts on chacras and onion and banana juice?

    Posted: 16 Jun 2020 03:01 PM PDT

    The nature of consciousness

    Posted: 16 Jun 2020 02:06 PM PDT

    Let me start this off by disclosing I have been practicing meditation for about two years. 2 hours a day for the last year. I've sat a 10 day Vipassana course and a 3 day one too. I have done psychedelics in the past and they are the reason I got into all this.

    My childhood is filled with trauma. I don't want to give labels to that whole surreal experience because it ticks every box of every mental disorder. From chronic depression to complex PTSD. So my natural mode of living is suppressing emotions. I always had an idea of the moment of awakening, enlightenment or whatever you want to call it. I always thought in a moment everything will shift and suddenly I'll stop suppressing my emotions and I'll feel all of them together in one complete orgasm of the mind. But I'm starting to think that's not how it works.

    I'm going through something I can only describe as an acid trip but I'm SOBER. I have the same effects of an acid trip. I can't eat, I can't sleep, I'm questioning the very essence of reality. I'm questioning every aspect of how I see reality. And I just need to know that I'm not insane.

    I'm coming to a deeper understanding that in order to cease suffering we must cease desire and aversion. I'm also coming to an understanding that the more we seek understanding, the more it eludes us. Almost as if reality changes as soon as we begin understanding it? Nothing is permanent. Not even reality. One interesting theory I thought of is about our understanding of the physical universe. The world used to be flat because we believed it was. But it wasn't enough for us so we kept seeking. We kept looking for understanding and the universe adjusted to that and as our understanding of space and time developed, the universe morphed. As our understanding of the Big Bang develops, the universe (or multiverse) will continue to morph into something more gigantic not because it is limitless but because our imagination is limitless. We shape the universe. We don't just live in it. WE ARE IT.

    Please tell me other people have experienced it.

    submitted by /u/WrenKamikaze
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    International Day of Yoga 2020

    Posted: 16 Jun 2020 07:42 PM PDT

    I just realized we have the International Day of Yoga this week. There should be online meditation sessions everywhere! I'm attending a global one promoted by some Indian organizations. It's called #YogaForCompassion


    Look up your local or online events. This day is always a good chance to connect with other meditators around the world or give your first steps in meditation.

    Peace, Jay

    submitted by /u/MissionEsphera
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    Side effect of meditation? I no longer enjoy music and movies the way I used to

    Posted: 16 Jun 2020 03:54 PM PDT

    I'm passionate about art and fiction. I love listenting to music, watching movies and tv shows is, it's something I do for fun, never felt like I did it to "escape". My dream is even to work in the film industry. However, after some experience in meditation, things changed. Personally though, I still don't have anything against violence in fiction and I think it's pretty fun and alright to enjoy that, because it's not even real. However I found this harder now to enjoy. Not just the physically violent aspects, but also emotional moments in movies or music. I guess because I understand the nature of our emotions more so it's less relateable. I find this change in me kinda sad to be honest. Just not sure if I want to continue meditating even. Because living a happy life I think you can simply achieve just by being dead centered and focused on your passion and dreams. I thought meditation would simply just give me a constant joy, but it also had some unfortunate side effects in my opinion. I still love media but can't enjoy most of what's created in media the same way because I understand the nature of suffering better, so I can't immerse myself in it.

    So is this a normal consequence? I wouldn't say I'm a very experienced meditator, but I've done it for a bit now and I've also learned quite a lot of wisdom from spiritual gurus which might also have contributed.

    submitted by /u/awawax3
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    Trying to let go of a crush/desires! Or should I?

    Posted: 16 Jun 2020 05:24 PM PDT

    TL;DR meditation taught me how to let go of anything, which is freezing. But how do I know when NOT to let go and fight for something I'm passionate about: job, goal, girl, etc.

    Hi all, mindfulness is really changing my life. It's allowed me a new level of control/awareness of my existence. Of course with new knowledge only comes more questions.

    Late last year I developed a crush on an acquaintance. An attractive talented lady with a quick wit. I kinda embarassed myself on more than one occasion, but most notably was when we were at a group outing and I was drunkenly hitting on her.

    She was fine with it, nearly laughing it off but in a later conversation said she just wasn't interested in dating in this period of her life (also likely not into me in a romantic way).

    Here's the issue: she keeps coming to mind. Mindfulness is really helping me to see that I tend to get obsessed with my "failures" so I'm doing a lot to let go of harmful self critique, sitting with it and not letting it take me over like I need to "redeem" myself.

    But here's where I struggle on my journey: what if I do want to, gradually and politely, try to change her mind? Say I similarly get rejected from a job I really want, or a part in a play etc.

    How does tenacity, persistence and other personal desire play into mindfulness? Is it wrong to have "worldly" success and preference (I want this partner, this accolade, this house, etc.)?

    To me mindfulness is closely related to study of eastern philosophies which preach detachment, non-duality etc.

    I guess my main question is then, when do I know to follow my desires? When do I know to sit with them and let them pass?

    Looking forward to all your thoughts and help! Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/indodancer
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    I had a realization during meditation and I can’t remember it now

    Posted: 16 Jun 2020 02:14 PM PDT

    I remember having a realization but not exactly what it was, I can remember some things I explored in my mental during meditation but not this specific thing.

    submitted by /u/JuJuBRZ
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    Favorite meditations for ego death/dissolution?

    Posted: 16 Jun 2020 06:35 PM PDT

    Looking for some direction here. Thank you!

    submitted by /u/jukeboxjourney
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    Zen meditation

    Posted: 17 Jun 2020 12:24 AM PDT

    Main subject. A monk asked Joshu. " does a newborn baby have the six senses?" Joshu said " it is like throwing a ball into the rapids." The monk later asked Tosu " what is the meaning of throwing the ball into the rapids?" Tosu said " nen after nen, without ceasing."

    Setchos verse. The question. The six senses. Purposeless. Well acquainted with it, the masters. A ball is thrown into the rapids. Do you know where it is carried?

    My notes.

    We all started out like this, thrown into the rapids of life, being thrown here and there by circumstances. We have, over time, accumulated much moss and debris, we have turned to stone, and sank to the bottom of the river, unmoved by the rapids.

    Zen will clean off this moss, allowing us to resurface, clean and purified, able to feel once again the every movement of the river, yet we are not thrown around.

    The movement of the rapids, flows through us, we have become the movement itself.

    For more teachings like this, chat and discussions, visit r/zen_for_modern_times

    submitted by /u/transmission_of_mind
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    I'm having trouble meditating

    Posted: 16 Jun 2020 02:43 PM PDT

    As the title says, I'm having trouble meditating. I find the sole thought of sitting down for ten minutes before going to bed distressing, as if it was the most exhausting thing ever. I feel tired and think - I'll go to bed early tonight and try again tomorrow.

    I've tried changing schedule, doing it in the morning or in the afternoon, but I still feel like postponing it everytime.

    I felt so motivated just a month ago! I have kept a rather strict schedule without skipping any sitting, but during the last week it has become so hard and I don't understand why!

    Would anyone have any advice?

    submitted by /u/Mikipedio
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    Where to go with my meditation?

    Posted: 16 Jun 2020 02:41 PM PDT

    Hey all

    I have a question which I'm hoping gain some insight over regarding my practice of meditation.

    A few seconds after closing my eyes I feel the boundaries between myself and the outside work vanish. I jsut feel a state of just 'being'. Not that I feel detached to reality with my eyes open, as I feel I am able to see myself from within but also fully around me (if that makes sense?)

    I don't have any thoughts really come up, it's just nothing. I kind of sink into this big oneness feeling. I can see certain colours if I bring awareness through my body but I'm unsure if that's just imagination or actually happening.

    I tend to just focus on breath and I can on demand kind of surge these waves of euphoria through me which make me tremble/shiver.

    Not really sure what I should be doing and really need some guidance! Thanks in advance

    submitted by /u/yogradu
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    Seiza position - Discomfort

    Posted: 16 Jun 2020 03:42 PM PDT

    Hey there, thank you for stopping bye :)

    I really love this position. It makes me feel grounded and at peace when I meditate. That is, when I don't feel the constant discomfort/pain in the front of my feet. I've seen no one complaining about that, so I would be happy to hear from you. Maybe it is something you get used to?


    submitted by /u/jariisawesome
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    Where should my tongue be during meditation?

    Posted: 16 Jun 2020 06:33 PM PDT

    I know it seems like an odd question haha but after years of meditation, I've recently started putting my tongue on the roof of my mouth and I'm wondering if it's a problem. I vaguely recall there being some advice about tongue placement in meditation, perhaps to not put it on the roof of the mouth. I figure people will say to relax it, but sometimes it feels pretty relaxed on the roof of the mouth.

    submitted by /u/knowledgelover94
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    Meditation with Kids.

    Posted: 16 Jun 2020 01:38 PM PDT

    So I have been consistently meditating everyday and wanted to get my younger sister to do it with me.

    Right now with quarantine and everything, she has certainly become more tense and aggressive than ever before. I know meditation would help her greatly as I have certainly become a calmer individual. But the thing is I don't know how to "instruct" her. She is nonverbal so I would have to lead by example, but I would have no way of knowing if she's meditating, or just sitting there.

    If anyone has any tips on how I could be a better teacher, or specific beginner exercises that really work with kids, I would really appreciate the input.

    submitted by /u/fake-google
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    Whenever I do deep breathing techniques I get the overwhelming feeling to cry. What are your thoughts on why this is happening.

    Posted: 17 Jun 2020 01:33 AM PDT

    10 years of meditation- what i've learned?

    Posted: 16 Jun 2020 09:53 AM PDT

    10 years ago, I made the decision to become the most consistent I've ever been with meditation when my guru walked into my life. It has now been 10 years of 1 hour meditation sessions daily and it's safe to say, I've learned a lot from it.

    It has been the single biggest factor in transforming my mind and spirit and there's nothing I could recommend more. Recently, my daughter convinced me to document my journey, learning and experiences and here I am sharing it and hoping this helps you 🕊 happy meditating, love and sunshine!

    my 10 year meditation journey

    submitted by /u/glassshalffull
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    I tend to picture the breaths going through my nose in my mind, is this bad?

    Posted: 16 Jun 2020 03:53 PM PDT

    While I am meditating, I understand I'm supposed to stay in the present, however when I close my eyes my mind tends to picture the breaths rushing in and out of my nose. Is this ok? Or does it take away from being in the present?

    submitted by /u/liltmouton
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    Numbness in legs/feet while meditating

    Posted: 16 Jun 2020 08:47 PM PDT

    Hi, so after about 20ish minutes on the cushion, my foot and leg starts to go numb. It is uncomfortable, distracting, and sometimes painful. Is there anything I should do to deal with this? Just sit with the discomfort? Will this stop happening after some time?

    submitted by /u/lysergic_feels
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    Tried meditating for the first time and it gave me worse anxiety

    Posted: 16 Jun 2020 01:58 PM PDT

    I am having anxious feelings about something that happened at work, its really eating me up and I have been toying with meditating for the past few weeks. So i decided to give it a go to see if it could help me. This morning I got up extra early for work and decided to do it for 5 minutes.

    First off I found it really hard to switch off but eventually I just focused on breathing in and out. Then I got this awful feeling of butterflies in my belly and it wouldn't go away and I feel even more anxious now than I did to begin with ???

    Does anyone have any tips or reasons for why this is ????

    submitted by /u/creditunion123
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