Meditation: Something I realised while meditating |
- Something I realised while meditating
- Watching Avatar has made me more motivated to meditate. Anyone else?
- I've been reaching states where I cant help but KNOW time isnt real but a mere limitation of our 5 senses trying to make sense of an infinitely complex expanding beautiful universe.
- Death meditation/contemplation
- I just did a 10 minute meditation and felt so peaceful afterwards.
- The mind is not an enemy. Treat it like it's your friend.
- Poetry Mantras: Does Anyone Else Do This?
- Ego death during meditation?
- Let's forgive together and find INNER PEACE. Have the greatest day ever, love and peace
- Meditating to clock ticks- I held a watch to my ear.
- What Could I Benefit From Meditation
- Is noting different than thinking? If so, how?
- Direct path
- United we are one!Make this viral!Share it worldwide! Here invite sincerely!
- Tingling sensation on the top of the head
- Know thyself.The answer to the question of "Who am i?" from the western philosophical perspective.
- How do I actually let go of desires?
- (new to meditation) Need some of your guidance
- How to meditate guys?
- Visions while meditating
- When you’re content the spirit cannot be bent
- Try this to relax
- question for people with calm app: how does it stay useful?
- Meditation YT channel
Something I realised while meditating Posted: 26 Jun 2020 10:10 AM PDT There was this thought that I started getting while meditating that "What I really am". When I thought about it, what I realised was at this point in time all I am is my consciousness and a breath that is sustaining this consciousness. After this I felt detached from the physical aspect like owning anything or being anything. It was liberating and was a wonderful experience. After opening the eyes, I started feeling that root for most problems is the attachment to different things in life. [link] [comments] |
Watching Avatar has made me more motivated to meditate. Anyone else? Posted: 26 Jun 2020 11:08 AM PDT I love this show for many reasons, one of which is that it teaches kids the power of meditation. I just wanted to see if any other fans of the show were also more motivated to meditate because of it. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 26 Jun 2020 05:35 PM PDT |
Death meditation/contemplation Posted: 27 Jun 2020 02:38 AM PDT I wanted to get some of your opinions on death meditation or focused contemplation. (Not sure how else to put it). I have been meditating for about 6 months, more for psychological than spiritual reasons. I recently tried death meditation for the first time and it ended up snapping me out of a rut that I didn't even realise I was in. It brought awareness to a fact that seems to fly under my conscious radar far too often. I am going to die one day and it could be in 80 years or in 1 hour. And after that there is nothing. (At least that is what I believe). It put all of my daily choices into perspective, such as the fact that I have been passing the time excessively gaming. It made me realise that I should spend my limited time on this earth more constructively, helping other people and enriching their lives, not mindlessly playing video games. Again, just wanted to get your opinions on it. [link] [comments] |
I just did a 10 minute meditation and felt so peaceful afterwards. Posted: 26 Jun 2020 07:13 PM PDT I have meditated for a year now but sometimes i take breaks and stuff. I will make this my daily habit. [link] [comments] |
The mind is not an enemy. Treat it like it's your friend. Posted: 26 Jun 2020 01:59 PM PDT |
Poetry Mantras: Does Anyone Else Do This? Posted: 26 Jun 2020 07:58 PM PDT So I started off counting breaths, but that was too abstract and it didn't work for me. I wanted to try a mantra - repeated prayers were something I remembered fondly from childhood. But I couldn't get back into that tradition because of various other, negative associations I have with it. And I also found it difficult to use Hindu, Buddhist, or sufi mantras without feeling like I was putting on someone else's costume. So what I found was this: I chose one or two lines of classic English poetry and subvocalized them in my mind between the in and outbreath, like this:
I don't say them out loud - that would take too long, I'd get thirsty fast, and anyway I have nosy family living with me. Also, I'm not posting the line or lines I actually use, that's a secret! But the nice thing, as with all mantra meditation, is you can start subvocalizing the mantra in any situation and quickly get into a submeditative state. I think it's nice anyway. Has anyone else tried something like this? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 27 Jun 2020 12:52 AM PDT I simply could not fathom not existing anymore it's just too weird to think about. I realized all my life I've avoided thoughts like "I am dead" or "I am dying". But when I thought these thoughts over and over like a mantra... I realized something. It was the scariest thing I have ever experienced. When I first learned as a child that I could get painfully hurt and die, there was a separation. And that separation drove my fears. I am so afraid right now. Probably the most afraid I have ever been in my life. I remember learning about dying and I died in my thoughts and I was just... never the same. I am not even certain I am me or I am real. I am not certain reality is real. I am not certain any of you are real. I am not certain, so I am afraid. [link] [comments] |
Let's forgive together and find INNER PEACE. Have the greatest day ever, love and peace Posted: 26 Jun 2020 08:58 PM PDT Listen to the most recent episode of my podcast: I forgive my eyes, [link] [comments] |
Meditating to clock ticks- I held a watch to my ear. Posted: 26 Jun 2020 07:16 PM PDT For the first time I consistently concentrated for an entire meditation session. By counting the ticks I would count 60 seconds then start the count over. One thing I realized is that when I lose focus I would end up counting further than 60 but rather than losing focus and then getting wrapped up in my thoughts, I would continue counting until 120 then start over. I see that time is effective because once count over you quickly realize it. [link] [comments] |
What Could I Benefit From Meditation Posted: 26 Jun 2020 06:06 PM PDT I'm sorry if this was asked already and if need be you can take it down. I'm currently living at a sober living home after getting treatment for my addiction. At rehab we briefly did some meditations and i've also been familiar with guided mediation in the past at previous IOP's. My question is, if you had to sell meditation (?) to somebody who is open minded to the idea of it. What would it be whether its your expirence or benefits you've found along your journey. I've read a post that was recently here about detaching from your body and it giving a new meaning to the root of their problems. Again, sorry for asking this rather than looking through the subreddit which I will do shortly after posting this. Thank you 105 days sober [link] [comments] |
Is noting different than thinking? If so, how? Posted: 26 Jun 2020 10:28 PM PDT |
Posted: 27 Jun 2020 03:20 AM PDT What's is this awareness that you are? and what can be done to it? can it be altered or changed? Does it age? does it get hurt? Can it get angry or upset?is it peaceful and joyful? Now what we're you looking for again... [link] [comments] |
United we are one!Make this viral!Share it worldwide! Here invite sincerely! Posted: 27 Jun 2020 03:05 AM PDT We sincerely invite you to paticipate in the meditation of Age of Aquarius activation part 2 meditation. FB event page: Details: Promotional video: Meditation guided audio: Unite,and we are stronger!It's time to end the dark force.We can't let them continue raping the Gaia and human beings! Come on!United we are ONE! [link] [comments] |
Tingling sensation on the top of the head Posted: 26 Jun 2020 10:25 PM PDT I had a recent experience where suddenly I was able to bring my thought in my mind under control by just closing my eye and focusing on my breath. Then when I was attempting it I did something different and felt a tingling sensation on the top of my head like ASMR but slightly different. I tried recreating it again, someday it is possible someday it feel like I running on empty. After these experiences I suddenly feel at peace and happy. I was suicidal before this but now I laugh at that though. Can anyone please explain what is happening to me. I didn't do any kind of meditation specifically for this. I use to take a heavy dosage of Sativa edible and ponder about existence before sleeping. After these experiences, I don't feel like taking anything that has an effect on my brain. Another day, I was traveling on the flight and I saw a guy faint and doctors were trying to help them. I looked at that guy and tears started flowing uncontrollably. After that, I had to close the eyes to stop them. I also see my breathing visualized when I close my eye and look for it. Also, my dreams are so vivid and real. When I wake I actually feel the emotion of the dream and I have to close my eye to come to a peaceful state. Forgive any mistake this is my first time posting on Reddit and not a native English speaker. [link] [comments] |
Know thyself.The answer to the question of "Who am i?" from the western philosophical perspective. Posted: 26 Jun 2020 10:01 PM PDT I was wondering if i could find something interesting about that phrase.Know thyself.The ancient Greek and western philosophical perspective is equally beautiful and interesting as the eastern one if you ask me. I got everything that will follow up, from the ancient Greek philosophy.What you re gonna read below is this specific point of view in the form of a visualization game, as i think it is supposed to be.Forgive me for any grammar mistakes please. There are 2 selves.Thyself and myself.Thyself is who we are.Myself is who we THINK we are. The ancient Greek word is αυτος.The toning is what differs these 2 words.`,~,΄ are all toning symbols. Unfortunately, my keyboard won't let me type the word with the 2 different toning versions. Visualize as vividly as you can, a chariot with 2 horses.1 black and 1 white.Wild horses.And yourself (thyself) being the charioteer.Almost blacked out. You re weak. You can't breathe very well. You can't control the horses. You re not HEALTHY!Keep this word in your mind.HEALTHY! Now imagine the black horse being every negative thing about you.Negative emotions,feelings,desires,thoughts.Visualize the white horse being the exact opposite of those. You,thyself, as a weak unhealthy man, think that you control these wild horses.That it's you who chooses where the chariot will go. You re wrong. You re not healthy.It's a hallucination.The horses are dragging the chariot around.And since they re the exact opposite (black-white),the one horse tries to turn left, and the other one tries to turn right. Hence the chariot stays in the same place.But you can't realize it. You re not healthy.You re weak. The horses are too wild and powerful.No man can match a horse.Imagine how powerless you are when there are 2 of them and you are unhealthy and weak. What you need to do, is to weaken the horses and empower yourself.Achieving only the 1 part, will not get you the full control of the chariot. You need weak horses,AND stronger thyself. You need to accept the horses as they are.You need to understand that you re not the horses.You are the charioteer.You need to align them.You need to see that the horses are actually one horse.Not two.It's your unhealthiness that makes you see 2 horses. There is only one horse in front of you.And it's color is gray.Visualize it for a moment.Only one horse.It's easier to control one horse than two.You see the truth now and you start healing yourself.You re getting stronger.The unhealthiness goes away. You can feel that Prometheus pyre in you getting stronger.Burning brighter. Now visualize the chariot fading away gradually.And every time that it fades more and more,you move towards the horse.Closer and closer towards the horse.It's aura feels familiar.Like it's a part of you.But not the whole you.The gray horse is yourself.But you are thyself. There is a magical surgery happening.Which will bind you to the horse.There is no pain.Only euphoria.It feels good to be whole again.You were missing that gray horse.And that gray horse was missing you.You were missing yourself.And yourself was missing thyself.You were missing balance. Did you become a centaur already?Is the chariot completely gone?Are you perfectly bound on that horse?Can you control it? Do you krates/hold/control the horse? Are you healing yourself like Hippo(horse)-krates did?The father of medicine?Is his name somehow connected with health? You are completely healthy.When you learn to krates/hold/control the horse, the true health kicks in. You are a centaur now.But you have a bow in your hands as well. You re a centaur after all.Let's say that you are Chiron.A wise centaur who's also a healer. ||| Cephalon (head) + aura = centaur Now aim with that bow.Aim to the place where you want your arrow to land.Don't worry.Your aim is perfect. It's always a bullseye since you are perfectly healthy.Perfectly strong.Perfect in every sense. Now aim.When the arrow will be released, you will become the arrow.And you will reach the place that you know is the right one.Shoot the arrow.Reach your destination. You know thyself now.And you know the place that you have to go as well. [link] [comments] |
How do I actually let go of desires? Posted: 27 Jun 2020 01:45 AM PDT I hear all suffering is because of attachments to things. How do I detach? How do I let go? For instance, my desire to live. How do I let that go? Not to want to die but to let go. How do I do it? Is it a mental thing? Is it achieved through meditation? How do I let go of trauma? [link] [comments] |
(new to meditation) Need some of your guidance Posted: 27 Jun 2020 01:45 AM PDT Hello Fellas, I am new to meditation and mindfulness methods. My main aim and purpose of starting this journey are to develop concentration, productivity, and focus. I would be thankful to you if you'll guide me and share with me some information on how to meditate to develop concentration, productivity, and focus. Peace!🕊✌🦚 [link] [comments] |
Posted: 27 Jun 2020 01:27 AM PDT |
Posted: 26 Jun 2020 09:08 PM PDT I usually meditate before sleep and I know someone posted about this before. But I got to a point where I would see visions of faces, eyes, and random scenarios, it was almost like dreaming. One was pretty scary where I was in class and a girl in front of me turned around with a hideous face. Thought I'd share to see if anyone body else could relate. [link] [comments] |
When you’re content the spirit cannot be bent Posted: 26 Jun 2020 06:50 PM PDT Because one believes in oneself, one doesn't try to convince others. Because one is content with oneself, one doesn't need others' approval. Because one accepts oneself, the whole world accepts him or her. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 27 Jun 2020 12:46 AM PDT |
question for people with calm app: how does it stay useful? Posted: 27 Jun 2020 12:39 AM PDT i just signed up for calm. it's been really good so far, but distinctly in a way which seems like it would have diminishing returns. for example, the three meditations i did so far were lovingkindness, non-judgment, and deep concentration. all of these seem like i would use them for a short time. granted, i took a metta meditation course and only needed a brief refresher and tips, but even if i didn't it seems like i'd only need it a few times. deep concentration seems like it would quickly become distracting as i used it more. non-judgment seems like the one i'd play the most because it was the most challenging, but i don't know how long the value would last. on the other hand, on previous attempts to meditate, it would be a struggle to last twenty minutes, and the past two days i did two half hour sessions in a row per day with only minimal to moderate focus difficulty (the moderate due to problems with crappy airpods pro ear tips) i'm curious what long term calm user experience is like. is there reason to use it for more than a little while? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 26 Jun 2020 08:49 PM PDT As this channel has a low number of subscribers I thought that many of you did not know about it, so I wanted to share it with you because it has been helping me a lot with live sessions, may help others as well. Greetings [link] [comments] |
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