Meditation: I'm drunk but... |
- I'm drunk but...
- Meditate while laughing, while being moved, while talking to someone... you'll be amazed by all the things going on in your body and mind.
- Why do I wake up every day tired?
- I tried the past life regression session on YouTube and this is what happened
- How do I learn to let myself do nothing all day and still be content?
- 90 days of meditation and therapy changed my life.
- Progress... Sort of.
- Trying meditation to heal me
- What has been the most effective form of meditation for you?
- Itching while meditating
- How can I get into theta state during meditation ?
- Breathing practice without controlling breaths?
- Meditation saved my life
- Meditation Fear (help plz)
- "Rature" during meditation
- Dr Joe Dispenza expalins Secret Breath Technique - Activate Pineal Gland
- Not sure how to meditate
- Once you let go of the concept of "free-will", meditation becomes a breeze.
- The older we get the more we ignore the little things in life that can brings us a true sense of happiness.
- Do we need to do Meditation Regularly?
- Movement while meditating
- New to Meditation
- Results of Meditation
Posted: 26 Sep 2020 01:15 PM PDT I'm aware that i'm durnk af, but i feel diffrerent as if this state i\m im right now is jyst temporary state that it willl pass overtime and i can observe this experience without being overwhelmed by it, which is weird because it's not how it would be/was without practicing meditation for last 6 months. Also, in a way i feel in control of myself completely while being not in control in myself in current state, which makes probaly no sense, so i'm goung to go to sleep, and delete this embarasing post tomorrow. GOOD night! [link] [comments] |
Posted: 26 Sep 2020 12:00 PM PDT Try this: Watch something that you know will give you goosebumps. Your favourite movie scene, a symphonic orchestra, an X factor audition (did i just write this? lol), whatever. Make sure you haven't seen it in a long time. When you're having goosebumps and whatnot, pay attention. To all the things going on. To the feeling in the middle of your brain, in your belly. Enjoy it :) Next time you're having a good laugh, try it too. Even when you're in motion, while talking to someone for instance. Pay attention :) you'll learn many things about yourself. Much love [link] [comments] |
Why do I wake up every day tired? Posted: 26 Sep 2020 07:46 AM PDT Doesn't matter whether it's 6,7,8 hours of sleep.. I'm always tired when I wake up. Feels like I never get enough sleep, or haven't slept at all and it bothers me. Like I never woke up and felt "wow I feel refreshed" in a long time. I don't think it's sleep apena. I'm a fairly healthy weight and I never had a problem with it in the past. [link] [comments] |
I tried the past life regression session on YouTube and this is what happened Posted: 26 Sep 2020 11:46 AM PDT I've always had memories of a flower field near a white house, I always dismissed them. During the session I went back to that place and got inside the house. In the beginning the house was full. At that point I felt empty, I was emotionless. I was just there, no feelings, I didn't say a word to anyone. The house became empty and I was alone in it. I stood by the dining room looking at a particular chair and I remember not feeling anything. I went to the bedroom I slept in, I remember it being a safe haven for me. I later died in that room, alone. At the point of my death I felt free, there was no pain. A woman then come close to me and I immediately recognised them. She tolded me she loved me. The memories I had with her came back. I shared that house with her, I remember her being my everything. The house was full because it was her funeral. We lived a secret life (we were both women) , but we were happy together. She was a bit older than me. After she died I didn't allow myself to feel or remember anything. I died shortly after her. At the time of my death I told myself that I wanted to be free, wherever I went next, I didn't want to hide, I wanted to love freely and live boldly. I wanted to have a raw unfiltered experience of life. Wherever I went next I just wanted to be. I didn't want to live anything like the life I just left. I was crying by the time the session ended because I never mourned her death. But so many things about the deja vu moments I've had and the life I currently live made sense. I am the same person, just wiser and more free. [link] [comments] |
How do I learn to let myself do nothing all day and still be content? Posted: 26 Sep 2020 08:27 AM PDT A.K.A Unconditional self acceptance Why do I assign my self esteem to the fact whether I do something for myself and for my future or do not? How to break this bond? Running, meditation helps big time, had my 6k in the morning but as the day goes by, by the time its 1-2pm I start to get depressive thoughts and start to get self thats the time when I do my next meditation ( 1hr ) and I helps again, I feel whole again Then it comes back by the night then I need to do another meditation, so overall I gotta run 6k and meditate 3hrs a day to feel normal How do those who do not get close to these thoughts do it? What should I do? (havent found a therapist, its pretty hard these days) [link] [comments] |
90 days of meditation and therapy changed my life. Posted: 26 Sep 2020 10:07 AM PDT After 90 days of meditation and therapy, I'm in a much better place in my life. I learned to finally let go of having to feel in control of everything all the time. I feel more at peace in my every day life and have noticed the things that used to bother/irritate me don't anymore. I'm more in tune with my feelings and am no longer dependent on others for my happiness. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 26 Sep 2020 09:57 PM PDT I've been meditating every night for two weeks now. Not very long I know, and while I'm not sure I've gained anything out of the meditation itself - I've learned a thing or two. Pretty much every night is harder than the last. I have a harder time getting myself to meditate, and struggle to go for more than three or five minutes. The most I've done is 10. I think that I'm able to clear my mind fairly well, but as I sit there it feels like more of a superficial clearing of my thoughts rather than a deeper sense of the presence. If that makes sense. I'll keep pushing myself though. Last night I only did 3 minutes, It was kind of similar to the feeling of that one morning we've have had at one point - the one where we thought it was a good idea to go on a run at 5:00 a.m. and just sort of felt miserable the whole time. Going back over what I've written I realize this whole experience has been kind of negative, I figure I'll push to a month and go from there. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 26 Sep 2020 05:58 PM PDT Well from childhood I'm diagnosed with anxiety and some amount of depression, I fought with it life long, tons of medications and these medicines comes with side effects.At last I attempted suicide, was in ICU but survived. So I knew meditation is making me calm but that calmness was not continuous. So when medicine doesn't work doctors increase its dosage like this I increased my meditation session from half an hour to 5 hours a day. And here comes the sudden change, within one month my rumination went down, my depression vanished, my anxiety was way too lighter. Now after 2 months my anxiety is almost gone, I feel alive all the time , I feel like a new born baby. Now doctors no longer prescribe me heavy dosage of psychiatry medicines. So now my goal is to heal me completely, I have lasting side effects form all kind of medicines, i will heal my self from inside out. 😇 [link] [comments] |
What has been the most effective form of meditation for you? Posted: 26 Sep 2020 04:45 PM PDT |
Posted: 26 Sep 2020 09:21 PM PDT Is it "okay" to itch while meditating? I.e. If I get an itch on my shoulder that I want to scratch. I try my best not to in order to simply notice the itch without impulsively acting on it, or judging it as a negative feeling, but not sure if this is taking the practice a little too literally. Curious to hear others' thoughts. [link] [comments] |
How can I get into theta state during meditation ? Posted: 26 Sep 2020 11:12 PM PDT I can easily go down alpha state but I can't go deeper than that. Do you have any tips how can I make it happen ? [link] [comments] |
Breathing practice without controlling breaths? Posted: 26 Sep 2020 07:15 PM PDT I recently read that when using breathing as a focus of your meditation, it's better to focus on your breaths without controlling them. Well, some of us can't breathe naturally when we are thinking about breathing. For me, if I am not intentionally taking in breaths whenever I'm thinking about breathing, my brain will not automatically breathe for me at all, and I'll end up gasping for breath after a few moments. I've been consciously breathing with my meditations for several years now, and I think it's slowing my progress. What are alternatives for someone who has learned meditation with a focus on breathing? Is there a way I can unlearn this practice? Thanks! [link] [comments] |
Posted: 27 Sep 2020 01:25 AM PDT I feel really home when i meditate, i can be anywhere i want to mentallly, its such a cool experience, i feel totally free when meditating, when i open my eyes that feeling is still there, its true ecstasy and bliss i feel. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 27 Sep 2020 12:53 AM PDT I have tried meditation a couple times in my past. I learned of it when I first started experiencing my panic attacks and anxiety problems back in 1994.... However, I do great .... sometimes to good and scare myself 🤷🏻♂️.... They say the goal of meditation is to "kick out," anything and everything in your mind.... when a thought 💭 enters, you need to let it go, clear your mind of any thoughts or thinking all together 🤷🏻♂️...... some us a manyra to repeat, hoping to just focus on a single word and kick everything else out of your mind..... well sometimes I can get so deep I get fearful that.... I'll detach so much, that I CAN'T FIND MY WAY BACK 🤷🏻♂️🤷🏻♂️..... a fear of ..... forgetting who I am, or even what I am..... and I HAVE TO BREAK at that point and open my eyes...... I CAN'T GO ANY FURTHER cause I freak out 🤷🏻♂️...... WTF? Lol HELP! I so want to know more..... I have often thought of using cannabis with meditation 🧘♂️ to try to achieve an "out of body," experience..... (I'm 48 years old.... not doing this as a party favour 🤷🏻♂️ trying to work some serious shit out FYI)..... I am really interested in the new direction for mental illness with my depression/anxiety panic attacks and substances like psilocybin, DMT, etc. etc. etc. Because the SSRI's (I'm still on one, can't get off it, due to side effects I can't function with..... I get head zaps ⚡️ every 30-60 seconds after not taking my dose for more than 48 hours.... so I've been eating Paxil since 1994 🤷🏻♂️..... because I CAN'T OUTLAST THE HEAD ZAPS ⚡️ in withdrawal and since its NOT A CLASS 1 NARCOTIC..... they think the best way to handle it is to make me eat the shit for the rest of my life 🤷🏻♂️ so I don't get head zaps ⚡️....... how about pay me back for lieing to me in the first place! SSRI's they won't hurt you.... no LOL 🤦🏻♂️ trust me, take these and you'll be fine 🤷🏻♂️..... that was 1994 🤷🏻♂️ it's 2020 and I haven't seen a dime from the pharmaceutical company that made millions off of my poor brain 🧠 the true victim dont get shit 🤷🏻♂️ but to keep suffering while the class action lawyers make themselves money 💰 and play it off as these companies have paid their dues 🤷🏻♂️..... they ALL SHOULD BE IN JAIL FOR LIFE LIKE MY F+%^g mind is 🤷🏻♂️....... that's fair 🤷🏻♂️ keep your money and make your mind messed up like mine and see how you like it 🤷🏻♂️ is how I've come to feel about it all. Sorry 😐 got caught up in the moment.... anyway [link] [comments] |
Posted: 26 Sep 2020 06:54 PM PDT Ever since I experienced the "rapture"2 days ago/ (what I think is one of the stages in enlightenment at least that's what google has been saying) I have had absolutely and I mean ABSOLUTELY ZERO lust or sexual desires for any form of lust, and note I've been performing self pleasure for years I'm 19, so it's kinda common but it's odd that ever since I've felt the rapture feeling, it's like a chemical change in my mind I've had no desire for sex, lust, romance or anything like that it's incredible!! [link] [comments] |
Dr Joe Dispenza expalins Secret Breath Technique - Activate Pineal Gland Posted: 27 Sep 2020 12:38 AM PDT |
Posted: 26 Sep 2020 08:35 PM PDT Meditation is something I've wanted to do for a while now but every time I try, I feel like I'm doing something wrong. I've listened to guided meditations but I can't stop thinking about how I shouldn't think. I'm supposed to be aware of those thoughts and just let them come and go or something but then I think about how I have to be aware of it. I get really bored and I wish it could be more enjoyable for me. I'm not able to make it relaxing and it's like I'm just thinking how I am for the rest of the day. What am I supposed to do? [link] [comments] |
Once you let go of the concept of "free-will", meditation becomes a breeze. Posted: 26 Sep 2020 03:08 PM PDT Perhaps one of the greatest mistakes of mankind is the idea that we consciously will upon ourselves what we think at any given time. Thankfully, as we progress though time we recognize our mistakes, and perhaps in the future determinism will be a generally accepted idea. We aren't waiting for the future, though. When I first attempted meditation, I wasn't aware of how much I didn't know about the brain. For example, the idea that the conscious mind only accounts for about 5% of mental activity, or the heavily deterministic character of the unconscious mind. Once I recognized that these thoughts and actions had already been pre-determined by the state of the unconscious mind, I was able to meditate with much more pronounced results in a shorter amount of time. It's almost like being able to stare the devil in the face and laugh, as opposed to looking away out of fear. Perhaps if you have difficulties similar to what I had (where meditation quickly devolved into "personal reflection time" and not much was accomplished) then perhaps just being able to recognize that thoughts/emotions/desires are randomly generated (from something that is not consciously reachable) can help. I'd love to chat with people on here about this, or if you'd like to chat over twitch I've been streaming related content at [link] [comments] |
Posted: 26 Sep 2020 07:58 PM PDT Remember when you saw the sun for the first time? Imagine waking up every day looking at it like it was the first time youve ever seen it! You would definitely notice the pure love in it, it's comfortable heat energy and how it's truly an amazing creation by God. Through this way to think, I found so many beautiful thing about the Sun. I made a YouTube video about my favorite discovery. Check it out and let me know your opinion! [link] [comments] |
Do we need to do Meditation Regularly? Posted: 26 Sep 2020 11:06 PM PDT This is a very common question for the beginners that is it require to do meditation on daily basis? This question is a very common query as the benefits of meditation can't be seen from outside. One can see the benefits of having medicines for a health problem but the benefits of meditation can only be felt but that can't be watched by anyone else and this is the reason the sometimes people don't get enough motivation to do meditation regularly. Here is a short story that will help you to understand why regular meditation is really very necessary in everyone's life. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 26 Sep 2020 02:08 PM PDT I've been meditating for a while now and it's been great. A few months back when I was practicing meditation while at uni, I would go into deep states of meditation where I would feel peace within myself and everything around me. I recently moved back home after my last year of uni and with everything going on (lack of jobs for young people, protests, covid-19 etc) I thought this was the perfect time to actually dedicate sometime to my spritual journey. I began Hatha Yoga alongside meditation every morning and this has has such an overwhelming positive impact on my emotional and spiritual self. However, a couple of months ago, while meditating, something strange happened. My eyes were closed, I was trying to maintain my awareness. While all of this was going on, my body began vibrating. This was normal because I had experienced this in deep levels of meditation so it didn't surprise me. But, what did shock me was when my hands began moving by itself. Then my back moved from left to right, up and down and then moved around. I had absolutely no control of these movements. To be honest I was a little freaked out by this, but at the same time I found it really hilarious. I wanted to ask if anyone else has encountered similar experiences? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 26 Sep 2020 06:47 PM PDT Okay so I'm new to meditation I've been wanting to get into it my mind and life has been a mess and i think this we'll do me good I need some advice on how to properly meditate. Do you just sit comfortably breathe in and out and try not to think of anything or am i suppose to be thinking positive thought to myself ? Or just let whatever pops in mind flow in and flow out [link] [comments] |
Posted: 26 Sep 2020 05:29 PM PDT Most places where I have read about how to meditate say that meditation is a relaxation, calming, and removing the self from the center of the universe sort of experience. They make it seem like meditation is only useful for reducing anxiety and stress. However, when I hear people on podcasts talk about the effects of meditation on their life, they say it is inspiring, energizing, and brings up deep issues they need to deal with that help them make better choices for their lives. I am not an anxious or stressed out person. I want the inspired and motivated side effect of meditation but I do not seem to get this side effect from it. I am unsure if this is due to my not meditating correctly, if I need to experiment with some different types of meditation, or if I am missing the point of meditation. Is the difference between these side effects of meditation due to different types/more skilled of meditation or are they just differences in personality of the meditators? [link] [comments] |
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