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    Wednesday, December 2, 2020

    Meditation: There is nothing outside of yourself that can ever enable you to get better, stronger, richer, quicker, or smarter. Everything is within. Everything exists. Seek nothing outside of yourself.

    Meditation: There is nothing outside of yourself that can ever enable you to get better, stronger, richer, quicker, or smarter. Everything is within. Everything exists. Seek nothing outside of yourself.

    There is nothing outside of yourself that can ever enable you to get better, stronger, richer, quicker, or smarter. Everything is within. Everything exists. Seek nothing outside of yourself.

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 10:37 PM PST

    I feel like I’ve been moving away from mindfulness, but can’t seem to stop it

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 09:58 PM PST

    Pardon me for the self-indulgent post, I'm just at a loss and need some perspective. I (26M) used to be what I would consider to be a very mindful person. I felt very self-aware; I could always place the source of an emotion or inclination, and likewise felt that I had more control over my temptations. I practiced meditation, and had a generally clearer perspective.

    Over the past few years, that has changed. I don't feel like I have the same handle on my thoughts, like I don't have the same ability to act with intention or clarity and I'm kind of always experiencing a whirlwind of undefined emotion. Part of me knows this is self-induced, as I haven't been able to keep very healthy or consistent habits. I've been pretty sedentary and typically end up on my phone for hours a day. I've also suffered some pretty life-altering emotional traumas that I'm sure has played a role in rewiring my mind and emotional makeup. I kind of feel like I'm in a constant state of brain fog, with no ability to focus. I had ADHD when I was younger and maybe the constant stimulation I've subjected myself to through the phone has atrophied my focus muscle.

    I would like to say I'm pretty physically healthy over all, and tend to take care of myself. My wife and I and our two dogs (who are NOT zen at all, especially our puppy) have a relatively balanced life. And at least I'm still mindful enough to recognize this dissonance. But I still can't quite figure out how to effectively address the problem I'm experiencing with finding clarity. I've started to exercise more and be generally more active, which has been good. But I fear every time I think about meditating I get overwhelmed and can't commit to a consistent practice. I also am not sure which form of meditation to pursue that might best address my experience. I have most experience with mindfulness practice and I find it to work pretty well (when I can commit). I do have glimpses of lucidity from time to time, typically after exercise or while meditating. Lately though when I try to sit I can't even get myself to focus on my breath at all. My mind feels like it's bursting with thoughts.

    Anyways, I figured I'd reach out for help from folks who have much more experience than I do and might be able to lend me some wisdom. I'm all ears. Much love.

    submitted by /u/Justsmith22
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    I finally wake up with a smile on my face

    Posted: 02 Dec 2020 01:04 AM PST

    Okay so In my mornings I would wake up and feel anxious, dread the day, some sadness and lay in bed for a long as I can because I was resisting life

    Now when I wake up I feel grateful that I'm in a nice bed and that I got a good sleep, I still face the same things in my life that made my morning bad but I have learn to focus my awareness on the things that make me happy and it's becoming easier the more I do it, I've also seen most of not all of my suffering comes from how I look at things and what I think about

    I've been meditating between 30 mins-3 hours a day for the last 6 months I haven't been the most consistent I miss a day here and there but I manage to get a lot of sitting most days and I'm starting to be able to become joyous at will like I can just breath become present and almost instantly become deeply at peace and feel very grounded in what ever I face

    I can't wait for the future I've been seeing so much synchronicity to the point where it's impossible to just be chance, I feel like somthing big is coming like a transformation idk if it's me or the world that will change tho.

    I've also been seeing 444 everywhere lately and it says it means I'm on the right path and I need to double down on what ever spiritual practice I'm doing, I guess I need 6 hours of meditation a day it is then 🤣😅

    submitted by /u/Thecultavator
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    How Psychedelics/Drugs seem to work/not work for Progress on path of Meditation/Spirituality. I advocate for *clean* meditative practices for accelerated and proven growth on the path.

    Posted: 02 Dec 2020 01:33 AM PST

    I apologise for putting drugs under the umbrella of psychedelics. Thanks for making me learn. Original post here

    Much love and peace to all of you. As many of you asked similar questions, I preferred to make a separate post as a reply.

    Thank you for your kindness for going through my words and providing corrections/perspectives/insights.

    I admit to the use of substances in my past birth. This birth , I have been clean and it worked wonderfully for me.

    Let's not get into past birth for now. In case you are interested, I will make a separate post for the same.

    First things first, I mean respect and kindness for the departed soul. After all, he was one of us and same as us in many ways. It's the grace of the departed soul to help us learn and grow. May his soul rest in peace.

    There are many paths to reach. I being a past life master of tantra itself, know it to the very minute details.

    Majorly, tantra advocates use of substances and physical intimacy and non-vegetarian food for reaching.

    How it works? By completion and by dropping the duality. If you experience anything in its full completion, it drops. For example, one rarely dreams of baked potatoes, we have enjoyed them to the fullest. Now they don't encroach our dreams.

    Path of tantra requires the highest discipline. That's why tantra got infamous. People without clear inner values and right initiation, entered the path as an extension to their desires. It justified their surrender to the body. It provided a false sense of supremacy ,whilst doing all that they wanted to do.

    I have been through almost all the major and hidden scriptures in this lifetime. Except tantra, nowhere it mentions clearly that they are talking about substances.

    For example, the "soma" has been misconstrued. As a yogi myself, I enjoy the internal soma every moment. For everyone's understanding in plain terms, It's the nectar falling from your head and reaching your stomach. In the stomach it burns, and is not providing bliss. By the use of khechari/meditation/mantra/tantra/pure will, one suspends the falling down. And it takes birth as joy and bliss.

    Scientifically, it's proven that body makes its own cannabis . Citation here

    And it's own THC . Citation here

    When your body is so capable, I know out of my own experience and provided you with scientific references too, what is the need of consuming them externally?

    Just go ahead with simple meditation and you get it all directly. Organic and Free :D

    Now, why some people of so-called spiritual path took them? Because it works initially, but only if administered in strict discipline with mantras.

    Generally, Where do you find high spirituality in someone who is out of their mind ,under influence of substances, behaving in vague ways?

    For example, one had a really traumatic childhood. Now whenever, they try to follow the path. The memories haunt them. The depression creeps in. It becomes difficult for some gurus/teachers/fellow human beings, to devise techniques and words to impart calm.

    So, for the ones who are absolutely traumatised through life experiences, it was administered with discipline and supporting practices.

    Now, through words or through substances or through energy transfer, once such a person of special conditions was calmed. Then the practice and path began.

    Once on the path and getting glimpses of bliss and joy, it automatically dropped. Will you spend 1000s of dollars on a smartphone, if you already have many of the same smartphones for free? No.

    So it worked initially. But why you saw/read many people meditating for years and still resorting to substances?

    As you are rooted in your mind and body. Anything that affects the mind and body intensely, affects you. For example, you will register someone's touch faster than their heart in a 30 second public encounter.

    Because substances are addictive. The human mind has the superpower to create attachments. They got attached to them. For example, you can get attached to your yoga mat, because it made you reach.

    After you go, the other ones attached to you, will keep the yoga mat and worship it and make a shrine too :D

    But we all are wise here. And one thing we all can agree to is attachments are the root of unhappiness/bondage. You can't be free if you are in bondage. Thats the very definition of Being free .That's why, they tell you to even imagine a sword later and kill the Buddha. Because even one attachment, will keep you from experiencing total and continuous absolute truth/bliss.

    Barring a very few exceptions, substances didn't make people reach the ultimate. They were utilised for special conditions, that too in the very beginning.

    But as I always say, there is professional help. If you suffer with such conditions,Get yourself treated for depression/trauma first.

    Then arrive, then start with a clean slate.

    I bless you all great with success on the path.

    Much love and peace to you

    submitted by /u/ParamShivoham
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    Meditating feels like a chore after 10 minutes, what do I do?

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 06:42 PM PST

    Does anyone else have this same issue? I can never go past meditating for 10 minutes.

    submitted by /u/rooditor42069
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    Free course: "Future of Meditation Research" by Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS); valid for 24 hours

    Posted: 02 Dec 2020 01:19 AM PST

    Course Content

    Fourteen chapters and six interviews (for a total of 10 hours of video), each including a supplemental reading list for the topic, and an optional quiz.


    1. An Introduction to The Future of Meditation Research: Cassandra Vieten
    2. Electrocortical Activity in Meditation: Arnaud Delorme
    3. An Exploration of Sensory Processing in Meditation: Rael Cahn
    4. Exploring Human Capacities: Cassandra Vieten and Michael Murphy
    5. Ego Death and Experiences Along the Contemplative Path: Jan Chozen Bays and Katherine MacLean
    6. Qualitative Outcomes in Meditation Research: Helané Wahbeh
    7. Meditation as a Path: Promises and Tribulations: Paul Mills
    8. Presence, Awareness, and Vulnerability: Michael Sapiro
    9. Assessing Higher Stages of Human Development: Fred Travis
    10. Exploring the "Socialness" of Meditation: Mica Estrada
    11. Nonduality: What it is and Why it Should Be Researched: Zoran Josipovic
    12. Meditation and Subtle Energy: Shamini jain
    13. Exploring the Foundations of Meditation Research and Altered States: Charles Tart
    14. Exceptional Human Capacities and Advanced Meditation: Dean Radin


    1. Embarking on Meditation Research: Practical Considerations: Cassandra Vieten and David Vago
    2. Expanding the Empirical View: Considerations for Broadening Meditation Research: Cassandra Vieten and Roger Walsh
    3. Mindfulness Meditation and Pain: Cassandra Vieten and Fadel Zeidan
    4. Investigating with Intention: Mindfulness in Meditation Research: Cassandra Vieten and Shauna Shapiro
    5. Diverse Meditation: The Underrepresented Elements: Cassandra Vieten and Willoughby Britton
    6. Discussing Future Directions for Meditation Research with a Pioneering Figure in the Field: Advice for Young Researchers: Cassandra Vieten and Al Kaszniak


    submitted by /u/polygonphi
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    Why do I feel like crying every time I practice mindful breathing?

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 07:44 PM PST

    Hello beautiful community!

    Whenever I try to practice mindful breathing - in through the nose and out through the mouth - for any appreciable amount of time (5/10 minutes), I always end up feeling like crying.

    Mind you I don't get emotionally disturbed, but physiologically I feel a heaviness at the back of my throat that makes it feel raw and heavy. This is exactly the same feeling which I experience if / when I cry.

    This distracts me from meditating because naturally my mind wanders into thinking something must be wrong - even if it isn't - because I have come to associate this physiological feeling with pain or loss.

    Has anyone else experienced this? Is this normal?

    submitted by /u/ringtring
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    Meditation on DMT.

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 03:59 PM PST

    Scroll to bottom for TL:DR

    I'm not entirely sure how well this sub reacts to psychs/drugs in general, but im hoping that everyone here is more open minded than the average person when it comes to the discussion of drugs.

    To start, i only recently started meditating. I've been using Sadhguru's Isha Kriya video on youtube as a guide, and have attempted doing it without the video and it's gone fairly successful. I should also note, I have been doing Wim Hof's breathing technique occasionally (I'm not certain if this is a true meditation technique, however i feel great afterwards and during the meditation session). I usually do Isha Kriya once a day, for up to 20 minutes if possible, and had only started meditating around 2 weeks ago. Despite knowing about meditation for a while, i found it quite hard to get into.

    I usually meditate sober, but i have tried whilst high before but I prefer to do it completely sober.

    I should also state that I have a fairly decent background when it comes to drugs, mainly psychs and weed, and have stopped using benzos and other drugs for a while now

    But back to what my post was originally about, has anyone tried using meditating on psychedelics? I have heard stories of people meditating whilst microdosing on substances such as LSD and psilocybin, but not quite DMT. I'm certain that I'm going to end up trying this, however at small dosages (not your typical DMT break through dose).

    If anyone has tried meditating on DMT (or any psychedelics for that matter) I'd love to hear it, thanks :)


    Want to try meditating whilst on DMT, fairly new to meditation. plan on taking a small dose, simply wondering if anyone has tried meditating on psychs, specifically dmt as i feel it differs significantly from other psychedelics IME. would love to hear what people have to say about this :)

    submitted by /u/brodieowo
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    mindfulness is not about sitting down peacefully and watching your breathing

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 05:51 PM PST

    It seems like so many beginner instructions focus too much on the formality and many people actually thought sitting down in a unique posture and focus on breathing in/out is what mindfulness meditation is about.

    Mindfulness should be about paying attention to your present moment, and not to judge whatever thoughts come to your mind. You can do that while walking or waiting for the bus. It's not about breathing or sitting down.

    submitted by /u/mmremote
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    I need advice for releasing emotional constipation

    Posted: 02 Dec 2020 02:24 AM PST

    I have been feeling a lot of emotion lately and know that what I need is a good cry to release all the tension and energy that I'm holding in. However, I'm feeling really emotionally constipated, and it's difficult to release what I'm feeling. It's bad enough that it's interfering with how I'm feeling day to day, which affects everything else in my life. I'm immunocompromised and quarantined (I live alone), and that is a major contributor to how I feel as well. Since it's still not possible for me to be physically social/ venture out into the world, I need to find ways to cope with how I'm feeling while in isolation. Do you know of any form of meditation or other technique that can help me release all the pent-up emotion that I'm feeling? I really just want to feel more "normal" again so that I can get back to working on personal goals. I really feel that once I release everything that's pent up within me, that I'll feel a lot better.


    submitted by /u/of_the_labyrinth
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    Feeling sleepy during meditation.

    Posted: 02 Dec 2020 01:59 AM PST

    Whenever I sit for meditation I feel sleepy. But, when I lay down to sleep during the night I get very little sleep. I dream too much or sleep only for an hour or two. Don't know what is wrong with me?

    submitted by /u/JDwalker03
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    Book recommendation

    Posted: 02 Dec 2020 01:42 AM PST

    Hi there, would you recommend the book below to a beginner?

    "How to Meditate: A Practical Guide to Making Friends with Your Mind" by Pema Chödrön

    Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/dariocostanzo
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    Amazon Relax Meditation

    Posted: 02 Dec 2020 01:16 AM PST

    I traveled to The Amazon and recorded the sounds of the Jungle and composed music around it. This is relaxation/mediation music. I hope you enjoy it.


    submitted by /u/Empirestatestudios
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    It is not that we celebrate suffering, our history has taught us to anticipate dark days. When we demonize struggle online we inspire a generation of dreamers who think they can post their sorrows away. Life is a rock. Be a boulder & survive. Or be the grass & wilt.

    Posted: 02 Dec 2020 01:06 AM PST

    Why positive thinking is not working without this ONE

    Posted: 02 Dec 2020 01:00 AM PST

    Mike: I'm sad!


    Mike: Are you even talking?!


    submitted by /u/celestechoy
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    Im a newbie

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 08:39 PM PST

    Ive heard that there is many benifits in meditating. As a starter i would like to ask you guys tips based on your experience on how to start. They said that meditation is used in many aspects like making a pact, talking to the dead, contacting evil. Etc. Im wondering where do i start because the main reason i want to learn is to change my perspective in life to a law of attraction kida way. Thanks for helping me

    submitted by /u/AdministrativeAd3503
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    complete starter

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 11:16 PM PST

    I haven't started meditation for real, but im really looking forward to it. i heard that its a good way to collect inner peace. its been really hard to control my emotions since i got injured, and my teenage hormones should also be the villain. i would be really thankful if anyone could tell me where and how i could get started on my journey to attain inner peace.

    submitted by /u/Boisterousboy16
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    Question about random sounds during meditation

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 10:56 PM PST

    I've noticed something during my regular practice recently, that didn't bother me much at first but I'm finding it super uncomfortable now. When I am in meditation, sometimes there will be a faint creak or twig falling on the roof, basic random sounds that are normal and you wouldn't usually register them. But when I'm meditating, these little sounds feel like they go right through me and are seriously jarring, almost painful. I'm considering noise cancelling headphones to cut down on it. Are there other techniques to deal with this?

    submitted by /u/abriggs2
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    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 10:01 PM PST

    today i meditated a little bit and with my eyes closed i saw the thing that would move as you listen to meditation frequencies on youtube that spin around and make its way toward the center of the screen. has anyone else experienced this too while meditating? other times i've mediated and i would see colors too

    submitted by /u/TrafficIndividual969
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    Can meditation cure ADHD?

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 09:55 PM PST

    I know this might sound radical, and I figure the answer is no, but I wanted to ask anyway.

    It seems that there is one group of people who state that nothing except for medication can really treat the executive function deficits ADHD; all other treatments are comparatively ineffective.

    On the other hand, I hear people speaking about the extent to which a daily mindfulness routine has completely revamped their abilities to focus, stay on task, etc.

    I've been meditating for a couple of years now and still, medication seems to do something for me which meditation does not.

    Meditation helps me to feel at peace, and it does help me focus better for sure, but the medication seems to dramatically alter my behaviour and make me productive in a way that meditating alone does not.

    I just wanted to see what fellow ADHDers who meditate have experienced.

    Many thanks!

    submitted by /u/needa911
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    Is the collective ego "alive"?

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 08:58 PM PST

    I remember reading 'a new earth' by eckhart tolle and going over a chapter that explained the collective ego or the collective unconscious. He talked about it in such a way as to make it seem alive. Like when he helped some lady out and after wards gmhe encountered a person off his rocks getting mad at a restaurant as some form of reraliation for helping someone become aware if how emotions affect her ego and awareness.

    submitted by /u/OrphanLostAtTheFall
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    For people that struggle with how much time they meditate:

    Posted: 01 Dec 2020 05:00 PM PST

    I used to set an alarm clock to limit how much time I meditated. It made me a little anxious for the practice to end. I'd guess this is a beginner-friendly advice: with your legs crossed, meditate until your leg starts feeling painfully numb. Natural alarm clock right there :)

    submitted by /u/Serathium
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