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    Meditation: Meditation Advice

    Meditation: Meditation Advice

    Meditation Advice

    Posted: 23 Mar 2021 04:30 PM PDT

    I was attending a Buddhist University called Naropa for my Masters in Divinity and was given one on one instruction on meditation, here's what i learned...

    I now always begin by developing the mindfulness of the body in the body, the first of the four foundations of mindfulness, here's what i do...

    a) feel the solidity of the earth element beneath your feet and buttocks

    b) surrender all your muscles to the feeling of gravity

    c) be aware of every tactile sensation of the body

    I repeat these again from time to time throughout my session, it makes you feel very grounded and gets you out of your head

    As far as the nature of the mind is concerned, i like to think of the mind as an impermanent whirling mess of citta, the entire mind is impermanent, constantly changing from one moment to the next. Nothing to attach to or even pay much attention to.

    Thoughts are like clouds, coming and going, but the pure awareness of the mind in its pristine state is like the spaciousness of the sky, unobstructed by thoughts that are "insubstantial and wander so aimlessly" as the Buddha says.

    When the impermanent nature of the mind is fully realized, the monkey mind starts to still and it can be as if your head is made of air.

    For my sessions, i just try to be without trying to attain anything. If a thought pops up, i notice its impermanence and move on, back to the breath, back to just being

    I hope this might help someone! It works for me

    submitted by /u/Jbstout7
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    “Your goal is not to battle with the mind, but to witness the mind.”

    Posted: 23 Mar 2021 07:41 AM PDT

    I'm learning so much - I've been 'over efforting'

    Posted: 23 Mar 2021 10:55 AM PDT

    2 months into meditation and I'm learning that I have been applying too much effort in life.

    Whether that be over exertion in exercise or less strenuous activities like hiking. Or work. Or conversation. Basically putting too much effort into trying to either win, be better than someone or to control things so that they suit me.

    And this just less to physical and mental tension. Which isn't nice.

    Time to relax, let it come, let it be, let it go.

    submitted by /u/Ok_Cellist_2410
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    I had a bad experience and I am not sure why or what to do about it.

    Posted: 23 Mar 2021 03:44 PM PDT

    Because of some personal info required for all the context, if someone that can help has any more questions they can DM me.

    I just got into meditation a week ago when at a super low point in a mental health decline. It was surprisingly relaxing and I felt "relief" from the constant anxiety for the first time in one of those episodes ever that wasn't because of drugs or alcohol. Because of that, I am dedicating quite a lot of energy into reaching a state of mind where I don't need medications and can control myself.

    Last night, It was my 6th session and the 2nd time I really felt in tune with what I can only imagine is what others call spiritual energy. I have never been spirtual or believed in the stuff before so I have no idea what it was. After a few minutes of really falling into almost a sleep I got extremely paranoid. Having bad emotions and dealing with them is why I do it, I need that to help me become "normal" again. This time felt like something unnatural was staring at me. I have never been scared of the dark or anything but I had to turn the lights on in my room and didn't want to go into my kitchen with the lights off. It felt like someone or something with an evil intent was watching me. I have never in my fucking life felt something like that other than maybe suffering from sleep paralysis as a child. It was so intense that I think I will have issues focusing correctly for a long while.

    Has anyone else experienced anything like this? What can I do? Thank you in advance.

    submitted by /u/Gayfrogscientist
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    Beginner meditation techniques

    Posted: 23 Mar 2021 10:49 PM PDT

    So as the title states I want some beginner meditation techniques. According to liveanddare, mindfulness, mantra meditation and yoga nidra are the easiest. What the your experiences.

    Also, if I want to do more buddhist techniques like zazen or vipassana would these work for a beginner cause I know that zazen is not suited for beginners but just wondering, could a beginner do zazen? Last thing, is it possible for a beginner to do unguided meditation or is guided meditation always the way to go.

    submitted by /u/THe_Knightmare
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    I have been meditating for awhile now. And want to share my experience with others and see if anyone else has seen or gone through this? I see a tunnel and then stars like I’m in space...

    Posted: 23 Mar 2021 08:29 PM PDT

    I ended up using meditation as an 'excuse' for avoidance

    Posted: 23 Mar 2021 12:12 PM PDT

    Practicing, while in the back of my mind, thinking tomorrow or the next moment will be better from the practice. Maybe I will be calmer or more focused

    Waiting to get the benefits of daily practice.

    Waiting for stress to go down.

    Waiting to get somewhere, mentally, before directly going for an external goal

    Ironically, the waiting and seeking is a problem itself, since I'm not in the present, but living in the future.

    And the qualities may or may not come...especially whenever and however you want.

    It may be days, months, years.

    Sometimes you just have to deal with a problem or task directly.

    submitted by /u/sml930711
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    How do you incorporate meditation into your daily lives? Do you do it in the AM, before or after eating? In the PM? Wondering what has worked for y’all!!

    Posted: 23 Mar 2021 09:26 PM PDT

    The Fear of love

    Posted: 23 Mar 2021 04:56 PM PDT

    When enlightened, I hear you gain the ability to love everyone individually and loose the attachment of trivial relationships where partners or friends just stroke one another's ego and ultimately loose attachment with every asset of your life (ie relationships) until everything becomes meaningful. That's my interpretation if the general teaching of letting go

    Well as someone who has only begun his journey into truly bettering myself, I find myself unable to accept the teachings of loving everyone and to not exclusively being attached to particular individuals because I truly feel the significance of love itself is highlighted by the honor felt being in each others presence, in the monogamous sense it feels like I'm betraying everyone if I love everyone frivolously

    I'm sure that makes no sense but I'd be interested if anyone had any insight into this conflicting thought.

    Background: 22, male, only child, hard core mommas boy. If that matters. I'm going though a break up currently but no hard feelings whatsoever. We truly both love each other deeply but after three years together, sadly we know we had to separate due to growing in different directions. I'm struggling with the fact that I will have to love someone els but want to stop loving her. it feels like betrayal

    submitted by /u/Mescmanic
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    I´ve been getting a recurring visualization of an expansive vision of stars in the sky. Anybody else?

    Posted: 24 Mar 2021 02:13 AM PDT

    When the room is darker and I focus, I am able to see what it would be like to float around an entire night sky. The closest thing I could liken it to would be that Microsoft screen saver back in the 2000´s of the stars coming out of the screen. I usually lose the vision after maybe 5 seconds but I can go back to it whenever I want (during meditation, and when the room is dark).

    Has anybody experienced something similar? Any thoughts?

    I am not well versed in quantum physics but it makes me think about how we operate this 2D physical world around us - that every moment of everyday there are much deeper more magical things that we are experiencing without being aware of it.

    submitted by /u/unapasada
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    The Importance of Self Care

    Posted: 23 Mar 2021 07:52 PM PDT

    The Oxford Dictionary defines self-care as "the practice of taking action to preserve or improve one's own health." or "The practice of taking an active role in protecting one's own well-being and happiness, in particular during periods of stress."

    Self care takes many forms, from actively doing exercise or meditation to work on improving your own health, to just doing something that you think is fun. Recognizing when you are in need of self-care is a vital skill to ensure a happy, successful and calm life.

    All people need a proper work-life balance no matter where you are from or how you were raised. We just cannot continue to work non-stop. With work fatigue comes emotional instability and increased risk of mental disorders. Anger issues, anxiety, depression, strained relationships, isolation, and even psychosis can stem from or be made worse by work fatigue. It is essential, if you are not mindful of any other aspects of your life, to at least be aware of when you need to take a break, go home, close the laptop, shut off your work email and take a break.

    Each form of self-care helps you in different ways so it is helpful to pick the forms of self-care most important to you and make sure you inject them into your weekly schedule to avoid any work-life discomfort.

    Exercise for example not only keeps your body healthy and releases sweet sweet endorphins to make you feel better about it, but there is also the lasting feeling of knowing that your cardiovascular system is healthier, you are more protected against heart disease, and also if someone were to chase you, there is a chance you could get away. Also if you can find a dance or martial arts course or a sport that makes the exercise more fun then this will check two of your self-care boxes.

    Meditation is obviously great, so many studies have shown healthy brain scans and and reliable relaxation electroencephalographs (EEGs). Having a handle on your own perception of your environment and training gratitude and mindfulness is a direct route to feeling healthy, happy, and at ease, but to many, meditation still feels like work so sometimes you may want to just light a candle and listen to music, a podcast, or an audiobook in the dark. Maybe you can enhance this experience by drawing a bath or even having a glass of wine or some weed to really have a deep listening session with your favorite music. Having time when you don't need to think about anything at all is a great reset and the relaxation that comes from pampering yourself actually releases the same brain chemistries as you feel when you feel loved by someone such as oxytocin and dopamine.

    Finally, just do something you like that is not at all related to your work so the pressure is completely off. Video games, crafting hobbies, reading, hiking, movies, or TV may seem like a waste of time and may even make you feel guilty for doing these instead of something more immediately productive, but these types of simple entertainment are important to establish "me time" and to have another storyline going on in your subconscious other than the stressful work storyline. You need both to keep your life in balance. You probably already have the inner monologue, "Ok, tomorrow I need to finish that presentation and present it in the meeting, and then meet with my manager to see how to pivot if it doesn't work" but make sure your also occasionally think something like this: "Cool so last time I played I got past that really hard boss-battle and next time I play I'll get to explore that cool looking new level." If you do not have some fun and exciting second storyline then you will have no alternative to the stresses of everyday life.

    I hope this reminds you to chill when you need to. Go easy on yourself, you work hard.

    Take it sleazy, I love you,


    submitted by /u/Sandycastles
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    Posted: 23 Mar 2021 10:46 PM PDT

    Hi, anyone know any good beginner meditations they could share with me, specifically with mindfulness? If so anything would be nice :)

    submitted by /u/AdviceMundane
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    Meditation lead to psychosis and derealization?

    Posted: 24 Mar 2021 02:28 AM PDT

    I'm struggling lately with derealization and anxiety after panic attack I got when I was in a bank, yesterday I tried meditation and I felt great after so I googled it for all the benefits of meditation I from all the articles I watched one Was horrible it shows how meditation can increase anxiety and cause mania/psychosis then my anxiety raised up until now I don't feel good at all

    submitted by /u/CruelSin666
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    I can't Meditate Please Help

    Posted: 24 Mar 2021 02:05 AM PDT

    I am 14 years old and I am in tenth standard i want to start meditation but i am not able to follow it regularly my schedule is very tight but I want ro start mediation for 20 mins a day , Please Give me some tips and advice . Thank You

    submitted by /u/TheRedGuy2006
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    I can't meditate Regularly Please Help

    Posted: 24 Mar 2021 02:03 AM PDT

    LSD / Mushroom like experience

    Posted: 24 Mar 2021 01:57 AM PDT

    In my practice I shut my eyes and focus on the blank, and allow images and sounds to pass my mind. This works good for me generally, but this time it wasn't thoughts that I watched. If anyone here has shut their eyes on psychedelics, you know the blank you see transforms into the fractals and crazy patterns/shapes warping in and out of each other.

    I knew from the start this meditation was going to be deep, but I wasn't even really thinking thoughts, just observing these patterns unfold and warp. What exactly happened to me here? I felt very relaxed and conscious afterwards, but I can't make sense of it.

    submitted by /u/throwie600
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    What the hell happened to me and was it related to meditation?

    Posted: 23 Mar 2021 02:30 PM PDT

    I don't even know if this is anything to do with actually meditating but here goes.

    I was sitting here on my bed in silence, meditating with my eyes shut and I was just kind of focusing on the various colours that you see when your eyes are closed to keep my mind from wandering when I saw a white light. If you imagine the movement of a shooting star it was like that except it was coming towards my eyes if that makes any sense. It was getting bigger as it got closer but when it got right up to the forefront of my eye, it shot forward and at that exact moment I felt like I'd been poked in the eye. It was a physical feeling like this light from behind my eyelids had shot into my actual eye.

    What the hell happened? Has anyone else ever experienced this and was it related to the meditation? It was weird and I've never experienced anything like it before. I don't know if this post fits the sub so if not then just let me know and I'll take it down.

    submitted by /u/JodieRebecca92
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    Posted: 24 Mar 2021 01:18 AM PDT

    During meditation i managed to open my minds eye which allowed me to view the room through my 3rd eye in the centre of my forehead, it was like looking through a watery eye, so could this be taught to blind people and if so reddit users spread the word and change the word and change the world !!!!!

    submitted by /u/Shot_Bus_9596
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    Analytical meditations

    Posted: 24 Mar 2021 01:01 AM PDT

    Do you know good guided analytical meditations? I'd like to find some good ones on meditating on the self, emptiness, equanimity and so forth.

    Thank you and loving kindness 🙏

    submitted by /u/buddhist_therapist
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    a question that seeks it's answer...

    Posted: 23 Mar 2021 08:52 PM PDT

    Hello everyone, been doing some meditation practice for 2 weeks now especially mindful breathing, I have a question regarding an issue

    Why is there certain person blockage my mindfulness practice ? suddenly thoughts came after a week

    This guy an old friend, junior high friend so its been 4-5 years, turn toxic and I have many evidences that he is not a real friend anymore since so many times he doesn't want me to be great and he envious, so envious to many people and myself included and it seems its better to not hanging out with him anymore

    But when I try to be productive especially in my mindful meditation, the portray of this guy is always comes and it deters me to be aligned with myself.

    How I can get rid of him subconsciously ? it worries me sometimes what the actual fck this guy does outside of my surroundings I don't care but the subconscious mind keep thinking the thoughts.

    How can I get rid of this? because it is so hard to be peaceful now like a week before.

    Any tips and answers would be appreciated.

    Peace and Cheers.

    submitted by /u/MZV_Serenity_432-528
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    Do I follow the rhetoric, or is there a way to ignore it?

    Posted: 24 Mar 2021 12:11 AM PDT

    I've seen all kinds of posts about "experiencing" a thought as opposed to attempting to own, control, or ignore it. I'm searching for the correct course of action.

    Backstory: I was diagnosed with ADHD possibly 13~15 years ago. I took medication, which truly helped, but eventually stopped because it made it much too difficult for me to eat. For years now I've dealt with this, and a little over a year ago I accidenrally achieved what I called a "day of clarity" caused by accidental meditation while attempting to lucid dream so my body could rest anyways.

    Now that I've got that out of the way, I'll get to the point: My usual night's rest begins with some ficticious/rhetorical scenario that in no way will ever happen, and I try to ignore it but my mind refuses to. I eventually play it out so my mind can relax, and either fall asleep at some underemined point after half an hour to an hour of this pointless behavior or lay there for two hours going through these till I get irritated and give up on sleep entirely.

    I once attempted using melatonin to help me sleep, but everything happened exactly the same till I eventually woke up. I would get no assistance falling asleep, but waking up with anything less than 12 hours of sleep becomes impossible.

    I want to learn, to put these practices in to action and improve my life. And this is where we reach the title.

    submitted by /u/DahWhang
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    A thought generates an emotion, or an emotion generates a thought?

    Posted: 23 Mar 2021 11:50 PM PDT

    How do you feel about accepting your low moods?

    Posted: 23 Mar 2021 05:02 AM PDT

    So, as the title suggests, I'm not in the best place this morning. Other than perhaps the physical consequence of having given blood yesterday, I'm not too sure why!

    Time to figure it out! Ear plugs in, silence, clear my thoughts. Except, I can't. It's not like the other times where I've meditated and exercised myself into a more positive and loving outlook. I just feel horrible. At first I thought it was loneliness. I woke up to 3 people leaving me on read, and an empty, quiet house.

    Maybe we're just meant to feel this way sometimes. Low mood, physically laggy, uncollected thoughts. I can't clear my mind because it's not just my mind, it feels like my entire aura is a dark colour today. Could the problem really be that I'm acting as if that's not okay? Should we have days where we gloomily mope around?

    How do you feel about days where you feel like shit and there's nothing you can do about it?

    submitted by /u/Fufflewaffle
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    Relaxing Music, Cello And Violin with Rain Sounds, Background Music for Stress Relief, Relax, Sleep

    Posted: 23 Mar 2021 05:35 PM PDT

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