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    Sunday, May 23, 2021

    Meditation: I'm done. There's nothing.

    Meditation: I'm done. There's nothing.

    I'm done. There's nothing.

    Posted: 22 May 2021 08:26 PM PDT

    There's nothing to be had. Anything sought after in meditation is just a belief, a projected idea. If it comes from the mind it cannot be guaranteed.

    For years I've tried to achieve something beyond myself. It's time to be brutally honest.

    The reason I seek is because I feel empty and worthless as myself. I have created this emptiness by continually seeking.

    I'm angry, I'm frustrated, I feel let down. God, the gurus, the methods, the chakras, the yoga, it all means nothing except the meaning I give it.

    I want something beyond myself so badly. I want it to be true.

    I want the mind to be still, I want inner peace, but the very desire for that creates more chaos, confusion and suffering.

    My mind cannot outrun itself. I've been to every corner, I've tried every trick.

    It's time to make peace.

    submitted by /u/happywombat33
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    ...and I laughed

    Posted: 22 May 2021 03:15 PM PDT

    Today I sat in the park and meditated for awhile. I just started meditating recently but it was my first time meditating in public/nature. Once I finished, I opened my eyes and gazed around me. I saw the deep blue sky, the colorful leaves and flowers. I felt the cool, gentle breeze, and the warmth of the sun on my skin. I was alive, I was happy, and I laughed. For no particular reason other than I was fully there in the present moment.

    submitted by /u/turtwigpo
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    “Although we walk all the time our walking is usually like running. When we walk like that we print anxiety and sorrow on the earth. We have to walk in a way that only prints peace and serenity on the earth”. - Thich Nhan Hanh

    Posted: 22 May 2021 10:38 AM PDT

    Recharge Yourself Within Minutes. Take Mindful Micro-Breaks. Escape from your daily hassles.

    Posted: 22 May 2021 07:48 PM PDT

    A YouTube channel all about a positive approach, inner silence, and wellness. Reenergize, relax, inspire and feel the positivity around you. These short videos with great music will calm your senses to relax and forget all your stress.


    submitted by /u/9limit
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    4 EASY Mindfulness Exercises for you to Try RIGHT NOW!

    Posted: 22 May 2021 11:35 PM PDT

    Hey Mindful friends,

    Mindfulness can be a challenging practice which many people dive into without a grasp of how and why we practice varying exercises.

    Don't be discouraged if Mindfulness hasn't been a successful endeavor for you in the past. In this video we explore In-depth 4 easy exercises along with instructions and the benefits of each.

    Even if your are an experienced practitioner of mindfulness these exercises will be of great value to your wellness.

    Listed below are the specific practices, feel free to check out the vid to learn about each in depth.

    1. Journaling
    2. Going For a walk
    3. Meditation and breathwork
    4. 5 senses exercise

    The Detail


    submitted by /u/Truepurpl3
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    quotes of the day

    Posted: 22 May 2021 10:54 PM PDT


    submitted by /u/sowmi245
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    How does meditation help? Does it simply allow you to be more calm, relax your mind, or can it actually be used to eliminate phobias, bad memories, regrets, guilt, problems in your life you are trying to fix, and if so how?

    Posted: 23 May 2021 01:26 AM PDT

    I would appreciate your answer and thanks in advance

    submitted by /u/charismatic4999
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    I saw blue after meditating it was peaceful.

    Posted: 22 May 2021 11:25 AM PDT

    I meditated in an open field eyes closed for 25 minutes just doing guided breathwork. When I opened my eyes, my vision had a slight blue/turquoise tint over everything for a solid few seconds and was a bit wavy. It almost felt psychedelic. Last maybe 4 seconds and switched back to green and I could noticeably see the shift. Anyone ever experienced anything similar ?

    submitted by /u/saltyveteran_
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    How do mindfulness and focus work in tandem in our day to day lives? What problems will each of it solve in my daily life? Does one have a role to play when the other is in motion?

    Posted: 22 May 2021 11:26 PM PDT

    If i am playing chess, i understand focus is at the front. What role does mindfulness have here? If i am watching nature just the way it is, mindfulness is at work, what role does focus have here?

    submitted by /u/nk127
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    Posted: 22 May 2021 03:35 PM PDT

    So shaking after meditation? This is normal right...

    submitted by /u/Altruistic-Fox-2742
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    meditation for an overactive mind?

    Posted: 22 May 2021 10:29 PM PDT

    at what point can meditation help calm my mind? my mind is very overactive, so naturally i'm prone to overthinking. there have been times i've cried because my thoughts became too overwhelming, to the point where they've caused me terrible headaches.

    i've meditated on & off over the years, but haven't stuck with it super consistently. i've been meaning to try to incorporate it into my life more often but i've been lacking. my question is: at what point could meditation help with this issue? i know meditating just once or twice, or maybe even for a week, won't cause any significant changes. i'm also aware that i shouldnt expect to not think about anything whilst meditating. however, i feel like people who meditate consistently reacg a point where they are truly unaffected by their thoughts during meditation; could this happen for me? whenever i try meditating my mind is always running all over the place. i know that this will happen at first, but it just seems impossible to me that i could get to a point where i'm truly able to not think or worry while meditating. thanks

    submitted by /u/melversch
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    Adhd and meditation

    Posted: 22 May 2021 09:57 PM PDT

    I've been trying hard to meditate, but after a few minutes it gets boring and I move on, how can I have a deep meditation?

    submitted by /u/Decaf_Heroin
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    What is the definition of mindfulness?

    Posted: 22 May 2021 09:07 PM PDT

    I understand there's some confusion with the translation from asain to english languages?

    submitted by /u/Devoted_One
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    Whats your favourite teaching tip for mindfulness?

    Posted: 22 May 2021 09:07 PM PDT

    Where can I start?

    Posted: 22 May 2021 10:29 AM PDT

    I've read a lot of stuff by Eckhart Tolle, but mostly it has served to make me more miserable. I was wondering if anyone had anything else to recommend. I also was using Waking Up by Sam Harris, but when he started talking about having no head it really triggered me.

    submitted by /u/FlyingFringo
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    Back pain during meditation

    Posted: 22 May 2021 01:52 PM PDT

    I recently started meditating again after about 5 years, but a couple of minutes into my meditation I start to feel a shooting pain along the left of my spine where my shoulders meet my neck. I feel relaxed and comfortably seated, except for the pain. I have tried using a meditation cushion, a zabuton, the cushion on the zabuton and just a yoga mat only but the pain persists in all of those scenarios. I have adjusted my position to sit with my back held straight and then not as straight, but that did not help. Today I did yoga first to stretch the muscles in my back and I put my cushion/mat against something for a little back support, but it did not help. I can't figure out what I am doing wrong. I have even meditated to the pain, but I don't like that . I am getting frustrated and the pain lingers even when I am done meditating.

    Has anyone else experienced this? and if so, I would love to hear your suggestions and tips

    submitted by /u/her_suziness
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    Trouble meditating (OCD)

    Posted: 22 May 2021 12:43 PM PDT

    When I meditate I automatically enter thought loops that I can't escape. If I concentrate on my breathing, i start to feel irregularities in my breathing. Instead of breathing smoothly, I always feel two bumps in the beginning and end of my breathing pattern, and I can't take my mind off them.

    Also sometimes my thoughts are accompanied by weird stomach sensations, like a feeling of warmth or pressure. I know it's all in my head but at the same time I have no control over them. If I let them be they just take more and more of my attention, and trying to take my attention somewhere else also gives me these sensations.

    Do you guys have any insight about this? I have OCD and anxiety and I took antidepressants before. Nowadays my mental health is a better but I have the same troubles meditating. I know these things are probably related to my condition, but at the same time I feel I'm doing something wrong when meditating.

    submitted by /u/VastGap6446
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    New to meditation and don’t have any idea where to start or how long I should meditate. Not really a spiritual person but wanted to give it a try. Do you just sit around and close your eyes? Not trying to sound close minded just have no idea where to even begin. Thanks in advance.

    Posted: 22 May 2021 08:11 AM PDT

    Chopin VS Beethoven 2 Hours | Increase Brain Power | Focus | Productivi...

    Posted: 22 May 2021 09:27 PM PDT

    more information please

    Posted: 22 May 2021 02:39 PM PDT

    why do i see a bright green circle during my meditation?

    submitted by /u/sadsaggytitty6
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    I don't whether I am meditating or sleeping

    Posted: 22 May 2021 02:38 PM PDT

    How do u tell the difference. I sometimes my mind disconnect outer world , lie I cannot here noise and sound around me and sometimes it disconnects my body, my start to drop or shrug during the process and I feel like I am sleeping.my body aslo goes to sleep mode and becomes soft. Need help to meditate

    submitted by /u/sundeepsam
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    Feeling more okay with death

    Posted: 22 May 2021 03:44 AM PDT

    Hey guys. I've been meditating to deal with some extended health issues that were pretty severe and have lasted a long time. It's a laundry list that's been growing throughout this life.

    I noticed the more I meditate, to try and be more just okay with my situation and the world, and clear my mind after meditarion I find myself thinking about a next life and dreaming about things I may achieve in that life and I noticed a growing disinterest in continuing this one. Like feelings of no desire or care to try things to improve my situation anymore. And sometimes zero feelings of sadness about death. No fear.

    I'm glad I'm losing fear of dying because I used to worry about death a lot as a kid after losing parents.

    But at the same time it feels weird that I have zero ambitions for this life. I had a lot of adversity and I powered through and overcame obstacles. And I would want things so badly it hurt to think about. But not so much anymore. Effort seems pointless and I mean I care for my dog and just want to be here to help him through the rest of his time here and I have an elderly housemate I'll stick around for but after that Idk.

    I dont feel suicidal really but it has popped in my mind that I don't need to stick around here because there doesn't seem to be anything else in this lifetime for me.

    It doesn't feel like depression, just like a matter of fact.

    Anyone else get feelings they don't need to be here after meditating?

    (I apologize if my words don't come across well. Some of my health problem makes it difficult to organize my thoughts)

    submitted by /u/Luminous01
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